path: root/src/rocksdb/include/rocksdb/configurable.h
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diff --git a/src/rocksdb/include/rocksdb/configurable.h b/src/rocksdb/include/rocksdb/configurable.h
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+// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
+// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
+// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
+// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
+#pragma once
+#include <atomic>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <vector>
+#include "rocksdb/rocksdb_namespace.h"
+#include "rocksdb/status.h"
+class Logger;
+class ObjectRegistry;
+class OptionTypeInfo;
+struct ColumnFamilyOptions;
+struct ConfigOptions;
+struct DBOptions;
+// Configurable is a base class used by the rocksdb that describes a
+// standard way of configuring objects. A Configurable object can:
+// -> Populate itself given:
+// - One or more "name/value" pair strings
+// - A string representing the set of name=value properties
+// - A map of name/value properties.
+// -> Convert itself into its string representation
+// -> Dump itself to a Logger
+// -> Compare itself to another Configurable object to see if the two objects
+// have equivalent options settings
+// If a derived class calls RegisterOptions to register (by name) how its
+// options objects are to be processed, this functionality can typically be
+// handled by this class without additional overrides. Otherwise, the derived
+// class will need to implement the methods for handling the corresponding
+// functionality.
+class Configurable {
+ protected:
+ friend class ConfigurableHelper;
+ struct RegisteredOptions {
+ // The name of the options being registered
+ std::string name;
+ // Pointer to the object being registered
+ void* opt_ptr;
+ // The map of options being registered
+ const std::unordered_map<std::string, OptionTypeInfo>* type_map;
+ };
+ public:
+ virtual ~Configurable() {}
+ // Returns the raw pointer of the named options that is used by this
+ // object, or nullptr if this function is not supported.
+ // Since the return value is a raw pointer, the object owns the
+ // pointer and the caller should not delete the pointer.
+ //
+ // Note that changing the underlying options while the object
+ // is currently used by any open DB is undefined behavior.
+ // Developers should use DB::SetOption() instead to dynamically change
+ // options while the DB is open.
+ template <typename T>
+ const T* GetOptions() const {
+ return GetOptions<T>(T::kName());
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ T* GetOptions() {
+ return GetOptions<T>(T::kName());
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ const T* GetOptions(const std::string& name) const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(GetOptionsPtr(name));
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ T* GetOptions(const std::string& name) {
+ return reinterpret_cast<T*>(const_cast<void*>(GetOptionsPtr(name)));
+ }
+ // Configures the options for this class based on the input parameters.
+ // On successful completion, the object is updated with the settings from
+ // the opt_map.
+ // If this method fails, an attempt is made to revert the object to original
+ // state. Note that the revert may not be the original state but may be an
+ // equivalent. For example, if the object contains an option that is a
+ // shared_ptr, the shared_ptr may not be the original one but a copy (e.g. not
+ // the Cache object that was passed in, but a Cache object of the same size).
+ //
+ // The acceptable values of the name/value pairs are documented with the
+ // specific class/instance.
+ //
+ // @param config_options Controls how the arguments are processed.
+ // @param opt_map Name/value pairs of the options to update
+ // @param unused If specified, this value will return the name/value
+ // pairs from opt_map that were NotFound for this object.
+ // @return OK If all values in the map were successfully updated
+ // If invoke_prepare_options is true, OK also implies
+ // PrepareOptions ran successfully.
+ // @return NotFound If any of the names in the opt_map were not valid
+ // for this object. If unused is specified, it will contain the
+ // collection of NotFound names.
+ // @return NotSupported If any of the names are valid but the object does
+ // not know how to convert the value. This can happen if, for example,
+ // there is some nested Configurable that cannot be created.
+ // @return InvalidArgument If any of the values cannot be successfully
+ // parsed. This can also be returned if PrepareOptions encounters an
+ // error.
+ // @see ConfigOptions for a description of the controls.
+ Status ConfigureFromMap(
+ const ConfigOptions& config_options,
+ const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& opt_map);
+ Status ConfigureFromMap(
+ const ConfigOptions& config_options,
+ const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& opt_map,
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>* unused);
+ // Updates the named option to the input value, returning OK if successful.
+ // Note that ConfigureOption does not cause PrepareOptions to be invoked.
+ // @param config_options Controls how the name/value is processed.
+ // @param name The name of the option to update
+ // @param value The value to set for the named option
+ // @return OK If the named field was successfully updated to value.
+ // @return NotFound If the name is not valid for this object.
+ // @return NotSupported If the name is valid but the object does
+ // not know how to convert the value. This can happen if, for example,
+ // there is some nested Configurable that cannot be created.
+ // @return InvalidArgument If the value cannot be successfully parsed.
+ Status ConfigureOption(const ConfigOptions& config_options,
+ const std::string& name, const std::string& value);
+#endif // ROCKSDB_LITE
+ // Configures the options for this class based on the input parameters.
+ // On successful completion, the object is updated with the settings from
+ // the opt_map. If this method fails, an attempt is made to revert the
+ // object to original state. Note that the revert may not be the original
+ // state but may be an equivalent.
+ // @see ConfigureFromMap for more details
+ // @param config_options Controls how the arguments are processed.
+ // @param opt_str string containing the values to update.
+ // @param unused If specified, this value will return the name/value
+ // pairs from opt_map that were NotFound for this object.
+ // @return OK If all specified values were successfully updated
+ // If invoke_prepare_options is true, OK also implies
+ // PrepareOptions ran successfully.
+ // @return NotFound If any of the names were not valid for this object.
+ // If unused is specified, it will contain the collection of NotFound
+ // names.
+ // @return NotSupported If any of the names are valid but the object does
+ // not know how to convert the value. This can happen if, for example,
+ // there is some nested Configurable that cannot be created.
+ // @return InvalidArgument If any of the values cannot be successfully
+ // parsed. This can also be returned if PrepareOptions encounters an
+ // error.
+ Status ConfigureFromString(const ConfigOptions& config_options,
+ const std::string& opts);
+ // Fills in result with the serialized options for this object.
+ // This is the inverse of ConfigureFromString.
+ // @param config_options Controls how serialization happens.
+ // @param result The string representation of this object.
+ // @return OK If the options for this object were successfully serialized.
+ // @return InvalidArgument If one or more of the options could not be
+ // serialized.
+ Status GetOptionString(const ConfigOptions& config_options,
+ std::string* result) const;
+ // Returns the serialized options for this object.
+ // This method is similar to GetOptionString with no errors.
+ // @param config_options Controls how serialization happens.
+ // @param prefix A string to prepend to every option.
+ // @return The serialized representation of the options for this object
+ std::string ToString(const ConfigOptions& config_options) const {
+ return ToString(config_options, "");
+ }
+ std::string ToString(const ConfigOptions& config_options,
+ const std::string& prefix) const;
+ // Returns the list of option names associated with this configurable
+ // @param config_options Controls how the names are returned
+ // @param result The set of option names for this object. Note that
+ // options that are deprecated or aliases are not returned.
+ // @return OK on success.
+ Status GetOptionNames(const ConfigOptions& config_options,
+ std::unordered_set<std::string>* result) const;
+ // Returns the value of the option associated with the input name
+ // This method is the functional inverse of ConfigureOption
+ // @param config_options Controls how the value is returned
+ // @param name The name of the option to return a value for.
+ // @param value The returned value associated with the named option.
+ // @return OK If the named field was successfully updated to value.
+ // @return NotFound If the name is not valid for this object.
+ // @param InvalidArgument If the name is valid for this object but
+ // its value cannot be serialized.
+ virtual Status GetOption(const ConfigOptions& config_options,
+ const std::string& name, std::string* value) const;
+#endif // ROCKSDB_LITE
+ // Checks to see if this Configurable is equivalent to other.
+ // This method assumes that the two objects are of the same class.
+ // @param config_options Controls how the options are compared.
+ // @param other The other object to compare to.
+ // @param mismatch If the objects do not match, this parameter contains
+ // the name of the option that triggered the match failure.
+ // @param True if the objects match, false otherwise.
+ virtual bool AreEquivalent(const ConfigOptions& config_options,
+ const Configurable* other,
+ std::string* name) const;
+ // Returns a pretty-printed, human-readable version of the options.
+ // This method is typically used to dump the options to a log file.
+ // Classes should override this method
+ virtual std::string GetPrintableOptions() const { return ""; }
+ // Validates that the settings are valid/consistent and performs any object
+ // initialization required by this object. This method may be called as part
+ // of Configure (if invoke_prepare_options is set), or may be invoked
+ // separately.
+ //
+ // Once an object has been prepared, non-mutable options can no longer be
+ // updated.
+ //
+ // Classes must override this method to provide any implementation-specific
+ // initialization, such as opening log files or setting up cache parameters.
+ // Implementations should be idempotent (e.g. don't re-open the log file or
+ // reconfigure the cache), as there is the potential this method can be called
+ // more than once.
+ //
+ // By default, this method will also prepare all nested (Inner and
+ // OptionType::kConfigurable) objects.
+ //
+ // @param config_options Controls how the object is prepared. Also contains
+ // a Logger and Env that can be used to initialize this object.
+ // @return OK If the object was successfully initialized.
+ // @return InvalidArgument If this object could not be successfully
+ // initialized.
+ virtual Status PrepareOptions(const ConfigOptions& config_options);
+ // Checks to see if the settings are valid for this object.
+ // This method checks to see if the input DBOptions and ColumnFamilyOptions
+ // are valid for the settings of this object. For example, an Env might not
+ // support certain mmap modes or a TableFactory might require certain
+ // settings.
+ //
+ // By default, this method will also validate all nested (Inner and
+ // OptionType::kConfigurable) objects.
+ //
+ // @param db_opts The DBOptions to validate
+ // @param cf_opts The ColumnFamilyOptions to validate
+ // @return OK if the options are valid
+ // @return InvalidArgument If the arguments are not valid for the options
+ // of the current object.
+ virtual Status ValidateOptions(const DBOptions& db_opts,
+ const ColumnFamilyOptions& cf_opts) const;
+ // Splits the input opt_value into the ID field and the remaining options.
+ // The input opt_value can be in the form of "name" or "name=value
+ // [;name=value]". The first form uses the "name" as an id with no options The
+ // latter form converts the input into a map of name=value pairs and sets "id"
+ // to the "id" value from the map.
+ // @param opt_value The value to split into id and options
+ // @param id The id field from the opt_value
+ // @param options The remaining name/value pairs from the opt_value
+ // @param default_id If specified and there is no id field in the map, this
+ // value is returned as the ID
+ // @return OK if the value was converted to a map successfully and an ID was
+ // found.
+ // @return InvalidArgument if the value could not be converted to a map or
+ // there was or there is no id property in the map.
+ static Status GetOptionsMap(
+ const std::string& opt_value, const std::string& default_id,
+ std::string* id, std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>* options);
+ protected:
+ // Returns the raw pointer for the associated named option.
+ // The name is typically the name of an option registered via the
+ // Classes may override this method to provide further specialization (such as
+ // returning a sub-option)
+ //
+ // The default implementation looks at the registered options. If the
+ // input name matches that of a registered option, the pointer registered
+ // with that name is returned.
+ // e.g,, RegisterOptions("X", &my_ptr, ...); GetOptionsPtr("X") returns
+ // "my_ptr"
+ virtual const void* GetOptionsPtr(const std::string& name) const;
+ // Method for allowing options to be configured outside of the normal
+ // registered options framework. Classes may override this method if they
+ // wish to support non-standard options implementations (such as configuring
+ // themselves from constant or simple ":"-separated strings.
+ //
+ // The default implementation does nothing and returns OK
+ virtual Status ParseStringOptions(const ConfigOptions& config_options,
+ const std::string& opts_str);
+ // Internal method to configure an object from a map of name-value options.
+ // This method uses the input config_options to drive the configuration of
+ // the options in opt_map. Any option name that cannot be found from the
+ // input set will be returned in "unused".
+ //
+ // Classes may override this method to extend the functionality if required.
+ // @param config_options Controls how the options are configured and errors
+ // handled.
+ // @param opts_map The set of options to configure
+ // @param unused Any options from opt_map that were not configured.
+ // @returns a Status based on the rules outlined in ConfigureFromMap
+ virtual Status ConfigureOptions(
+ const ConfigOptions& config_options,
+ const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& opts_map,
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>* unused);
+ // Method that configures a the specific opt_name from opt_value.
+ // By default, this method calls opt_info.ParseOption with the
+ // input parameters.
+ // Classes may override this method to extend the functionality, or
+ // change the returned Status.
+ virtual Status ParseOption(const ConfigOptions& config_options,
+ const OptionTypeInfo& opt_info,
+ const std::string& opt_name,
+ const std::string& opt_value, void* opt_ptr);
+ // Internal method to see if the single option name/info matches for this and
+ // that Classes may override this value to change its behavior.
+ // @param config_options Controls how the options are being matched
+ // @param opt_info The OptionTypeInfo registered for this option name
+ // that controls what field is matched (offset) and how (type).
+ // @param name The name associated with this opt_info.
+ // @param this_ptr The base pointer to compare to. This is the object
+ // registered for
+ // for this OptionTypeInfo.
+ // @param that_ptr The other pointer to compare to. This is the object
+ // registered for
+ // for this OptionTypeInfo.
+ // @param bad_name If the match fails, the name of the option that failed to
+ // match.
+ virtual bool OptionsAreEqual(const ConfigOptions& config_options,
+ const OptionTypeInfo& opt_info,
+ const std::string& name,
+ const void* const this_ptr,
+ const void* const that_ptr,
+ std::string* bad_name) const;
+ // Internal method to serialize options (ToString)
+ // Classes may override this value to change its behavior.
+ virtual std::string SerializeOptions(const ConfigOptions& config_options,
+ const std::string& header) const;
+#endif // ROCKSDB_LITE
+ // Given a name (e.g., returns the short name (opt)
+ virtual std::string GetOptionName(const std::string& long_name) const;
+ // Registers the input name with the options and associated map.
+ // When classes register their options in this manner, most of the
+ // functionality (excluding unknown options and validate/prepare) is
+ // implemented by the base class.
+ //
+ // This method should be called in the class constructor to register the
+ // option set for this object. For example, to register the options
+ // associated with the BlockBasedTableFactory, the constructor calls this
+ // method passing in:
+ // - the name of the options ("BlockBasedTableOptions");
+ // - the options object (the BlockBasedTableOptions object for this object;
+ // - the options type map for the BlockBasedTableOptions.
+ // This registration allows the Configurable class to process the option
+ // values associated with the BlockBasedTableOptions without further code in
+ // the derived class.
+ //
+ // @param name The name of this set of options (@see GetOptionsPtr)
+ // @param opt_ptr Pointer to the options to associate with this name
+ // @param opt_map Options map that controls how this option is configured.
+ template <typename T>
+ void RegisterOptions(
+ T* opt_ptr,
+ const std::unordered_map<std::string, OptionTypeInfo>* opt_map) {
+ RegisterOptions(T::kName(), opt_ptr, opt_map);
+ }
+ void RegisterOptions(
+ const std::string& name, void* opt_ptr,
+ const std::unordered_map<std::string, OptionTypeInfo>* opt_map);
+ // Returns true if there are registered options for this Configurable object
+ inline bool HasRegisteredOptions() const { return !options_.empty(); }
+ private:
+ // Contains the collection of options (name, opt_ptr, opt_map) associated with
+ // this object. This collection is typically set in the constructor of the
+ // Configurable option via
+ std::vector<RegisteredOptions> options_;
+} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE