path: root/src/spdk/test/bdev/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/spdk/test/bdev/')
1 files changed, 408 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/spdk/test/bdev/ b/src/spdk/test/bdev/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..12d9c6f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/spdk/test/bdev/
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+testdir=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))
+rootdir=$(readlink -f $testdir/../..)
+source $rootdir/test/common/
+source $testdir/
+# Make sure the configuration is clean
+: > "$conf_file"
+function cleanup() {
+ rm -f "$SPDK_TEST_STORAGE/aiofile"
+ rm -f "$SPDK_TEST_STORAGE/spdk-pmem-pool"
+ rm -f "$conf_file"
+ if [[ $test_type == rbd ]]; then
+ rbd_cleanup
+ fi
+function start_spdk_tgt() {
+ "$SPDK_BIN_DIR/spdk_tgt" &
+ spdk_tgt_pid=$!
+ trap 'killprocess "$spdk_tgt_pid"; exit 1' SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT
+ waitforlisten "$spdk_tgt_pid"
+function setup_bdev_conf() {
+ "$rpc_py" <<- RPC
+ bdev_split_create Malloc1 2
+ bdev_split_create -s 4 Malloc2 8
+ bdev_malloc_create -b Malloc0 32 512
+ bdev_malloc_create -b Malloc1 32 512
+ bdev_malloc_create -b Malloc2 32 512
+ bdev_malloc_create -b Malloc3 32 512
+ bdev_malloc_create -b Malloc4 32 512
+ bdev_malloc_create -b Malloc5 32 512
+ bdev_passthru_create -p TestPT -b Malloc3
+ bdev_raid_create -n raid0 -z 64 -r 0 -b "Malloc4 Malloc5"
+ # FIXME: QoS doesn't work properly with json_config, see issue 1146
+ #$rpc_py bdev_set_qos_limit --rw_mbytes_per_sec 100 Malloc3
+ #$rpc_py bdev_set_qos_limit --rw_ios_per_sec 20000 Malloc0
+ if [[ $(uname -s) != "FreeBSD" ]]; then
+ dd if=/dev/zero of="$SPDK_TEST_STORAGE/aiofile" bs=2048 count=5000
+ "$rpc_py" bdev_aio_create "$SPDK_TEST_STORAGE/aiofile" AIO0 2048
+ fi
+function setup_nvme_conf() {
+ "$rootdir/scripts/" --json | "$rpc_py" load_subsystem_config
+function setup_gpt_conf() {
+ if [[ $(uname -s) = Linux ]] && hash sgdisk; then
+ $rootdir/scripts/ reset
+ # FIXME: Note that we are racing with the kernel here. There's no guarantee that
+ # proper object will be already in place under sysfs nor that any udev-like
+ # helper created proper block devices for us. Replace the below sleep with proper
+ # udev settle routine.
+ sleep 1s
+ # Get nvme devices by following drivers' links towards nvme class
+ local nvme_devs=(/sys/bus/pci/drivers/nvme/*/nvme/nvme*/nvme*n*) nvme_dev
+ gpt_nvme=""
+ # Pick first device which doesn't have any valid partition table
+ for nvme_dev in "${nvme_devs[@]}"; do
+ dev=/dev/${nvme_dev##*/}
+ if ! pt=$(parted "$dev" -ms print 2>&1); then
+ [[ $pt == *"$dev: unrecognised disk label"* ]] || continue
+ gpt_nvme=$dev
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ -n $gpt_nvme ]]; then
+ # Create gpt partition table
+ parted -s "$gpt_nvme" mklabel gpt mkpart first '0%' '50%' mkpart second '50%' '100%'
+ # change the GUID to SPDK GUID value
+ # FIXME: Hardcode this in some common place, this value should not be changed much
+ IFS="()" read -r _ SPDK_GPT_GUID _ < <(grep SPDK_GPT_PART_TYPE_GUID module/bdev/gpt/gpt.h)
+ sgdisk -t "1:$SPDK_GPT_GUID" "$gpt_nvme"
+ sgdisk -t "2:$SPDK_GPT_GUID" "$gpt_nvme"
+ "$rootdir/scripts/"
+ "$rpc_py" bdev_get_bdevs
+ setup_nvme_conf
+ else
+ printf 'Did not find any nvme block devices to work with, aborting the test\n' >&2
+ "$rootdir/scripts/"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ else
+ # Not supported platform or missing tooling, nothing to be done, simply exit the test
+ # in a graceful manner.
+ killprocess "$spdk_tgt_pid"
+ cleanup
+ exit 0
+ fi
+function setup_crypto_aesni_conf() {
+ # Malloc0 and Malloc1 use AESNI
+ "$rpc_py" <<- RPC
+ bdev_malloc_create -b Malloc0 16 512
+ bdev_malloc_create -b Malloc1 16 512
+ bdev_crypto_create Malloc0 crypto_ram crypto_aesni_mb 0123456789123456
+ bdev_crypto_create Malloc1 crypto_ram2 crypto_aesni_mb 9012345678912345
+function setup_crypto_qat_conf() {
+ # Malloc0 will use QAT AES_CBC
+ # Malloc1 will use QAT AES_XTS
+ "$rpc_py" <<- RPC
+ bdev_malloc_create -b Malloc0 16 512
+ bdev_malloc_create -b Malloc1 16 512
+ bdev_crypto_create Malloc0 crypto_ram crypto_qat 0123456789123456
+ bdev_crypto_create -c AES_XTS -k2 0123456789123456 Malloc1 crypto_ram3 crypto_qat 0123456789123456
+ "$rpc_py" bdev_get_bdevs -b Malloc1
+function setup_pmem_conf() {
+ if hash pmempool; then
+ rm -f "$SPDK_TEST_STORAGE/spdk-pmem-pool"
+ pmempool create blk --size=32M 512 "$SPDK_TEST_STORAGE/spdk-pmem-pool"
+ "$rpc_py" bdev_pmem_create -n Pmem0 "$SPDK_TEST_STORAGE/spdk-pmem-pool"
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+function setup_rbd_conf() {
+ timing_enter rbd_setup
+ rbd_setup
+ timing_exit rbd_setup
+ "$rpc_py" bdev_rbd_create -b Ceph0 rbd foo 512
+function bdev_bounds() {
+ $testdir/bdevio/bdevio -w -s $PRE_RESERVED_MEM --json "$conf_file" &
+ bdevio_pid=$!
+ trap 'killprocess $bdevio_pid; exit 1' SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT
+ echo "Process bdevio pid: $bdevio_pid"
+ waitforlisten $bdevio_pid
+ $testdir/bdevio/ perform_tests
+ killprocess $bdevio_pid
+function nbd_function_test() {
+ if [ $(uname -s) = Linux ] && modprobe -n nbd; then
+ local rpc_server=/var/tmp/spdk-nbd.sock
+ local conf=$1
+ local nbd_all=($(ls /dev/nbd* | grep -v p))
+ local bdev_all=($bdevs_name)
+ local nbd_num=${#bdevs_all[@]}
+ if [ ${#nbd_all[@]} -le $nbd_num ]; then
+ nbd_num=${#nbd_all[@]}
+ fi
+ local nbd_list=(${nbd_all[@]:0:$nbd_num})
+ local bdev_list=(${bdev_all[@]:0:$nbd_num})
+ if [ ! -e $conf ]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ modprobe nbd
+ $rootdir/test/app/bdev_svc/bdev_svc -r $rpc_server -i 0 --json "$conf" &
+ nbd_pid=$!
+ trap 'killprocess $nbd_pid; exit 1' SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT
+ echo "Process nbd pid: $nbd_pid"
+ waitforlisten $nbd_pid $rpc_server
+ nbd_rpc_start_stop_verify $rpc_server "${bdev_list[*]}"
+ nbd_rpc_data_verify $rpc_server "${bdev_list[*]}" "${nbd_list[*]}"
+ killprocess $nbd_pid
+ fi
+ return 0
+function fio_test_suite() {
+ # Generate the fio config file given the list of all unclaimed bdevs
+ fio_config_gen $testdir/bdev.fio verify AIO
+ for b in $(echo $bdevs | jq -r '.name'); do
+ echo "[job_$b]" >> $testdir/bdev.fio
+ echo "filename=$b" >> $testdir/bdev.fio
+ done
+ local fio_params="--ioengine=spdk_bdev --iodepth=8 --bs=4k --runtime=10 $testdir/bdev.fio --spdk_json_conf=$conf_file"
+ run_test "bdev_fio_rw_verify" fio_bdev $fio_params --spdk_mem=$PRE_RESERVED_MEM \
+ --output=$output_dir/blockdev_fio_verify.txt
+ rm -f ./*.state
+ rm -f $testdir/bdev.fio
+ # Generate the fio config file given the list of all unclaimed bdevs that support unmap
+ fio_config_gen $testdir/bdev.fio trim
+ if [ "$(echo $bdevs | jq -r 'select(.supported_io_types.unmap == true) | .name')" != "" ]; then
+ for b in $(echo $bdevs | jq -r 'select(.supported_io_types.unmap == true) | .name'); do
+ echo "[job_$b]" >> $testdir/bdev.fio
+ echo "filename=$b" >> $testdir/bdev.fio
+ done
+ else
+ rm -f $testdir/bdev.fio
+ return 0
+ fi
+ run_test "bdev_fio_trim" fio_bdev $fio_params --output=$output_dir/blockdev_trim.txt
+ rm -f ./*.state
+ rm -f $testdir/bdev.fio
+function get_io_result() {
+ local limit_type=$1
+ local qos_dev=$2
+ local iostat_result
+ iostat_result=$($rootdir/scripts/ -d -i 1 -t $QOS_RUN_TIME | grep $qos_dev | tail -1)
+ if [ $limit_type = IOPS ]; then
+ iostat_result=$(awk '{print $2}' <<< $iostat_result)
+ elif [ $limit_type = BANDWIDTH ]; then
+ iostat_result=$(awk '{print $6}' <<< $iostat_result)
+ fi
+ echo ${iostat_result/.*/}
+function run_qos_test() {
+ local qos_limit=$1
+ local qos_result=0
+ qos_result=$(get_io_result $2 $3)
+ if [ $2 = BANDWIDTH ]; then
+ qos_limit=$((qos_limit * 1024))
+ fi
+ lower_limit=$((qos_limit * 9 / 10))
+ upper_limit=$((qos_limit * 11 / 10))
+ # QoS realization is related with bytes transfered. It currently has some variation.
+ if [ $qos_result -lt $lower_limit ] || [ $qos_result -gt $upper_limit ]; then
+ echo "Failed to limit the io read rate of NULL bdev by qos"
+ $rpc_py bdev_malloc_delete $QOS_DEV_1
+ $rpc_py bdev_null_delete $QOS_DEV_2
+ killprocess $QOS_PID
+ exit 1
+ fi
+function qos_function_test() {
+ local qos_lower_iops_limit=1000
+ local qos_lower_bw_limit=2
+ local io_result=0
+ local iops_limit=0
+ local bw_limit=0
+ io_result=$(get_io_result IOPS $QOS_DEV_1)
+ # Set the IOPS limit as one quarter of the measured performance without QoS
+ iops_limit=$(((io_result / 4) / qos_lower_iops_limit * qos_lower_iops_limit))
+ if [ $iops_limit -gt $qos_lower_iops_limit ]; then
+ # Run bdevperf with IOPS rate limit on bdev 1
+ $rpc_py bdev_set_qos_limit --rw_ios_per_sec $iops_limit $QOS_DEV_1
+ run_test "bdev_qos_iops" run_qos_test $iops_limit IOPS $QOS_DEV_1
+ # Run bdevperf with bandwidth rate limit on bdev 2
+ # Set the bandwidth limit as 1/10 of the measure performance without QoS
+ bw_limit=$(get_io_result BANDWIDTH $QOS_DEV_2)
+ bw_limit=$((bw_limit / 1024 / 10))
+ if [ $bw_limit -lt $qos_lower_bw_limit ]; then
+ bw_limit=$qos_lower_bw_limit
+ fi
+ $rpc_py bdev_set_qos_limit --rw_mbytes_per_sec $bw_limit $QOS_DEV_2
+ run_test "bdev_qos_bw" run_qos_test $bw_limit BANDWIDTH $QOS_DEV_2
+ # Run bdevperf with additional read only bandwidth rate limit on bdev 1
+ $rpc_py bdev_set_qos_limit --r_mbytes_per_sec $qos_lower_bw_limit $QOS_DEV_1
+ run_test "bdev_qos_ro_bw" run_qos_test $qos_lower_bw_limit BANDWIDTH $QOS_DEV_1
+ else
+ echo "Actual IOPS without limiting is too low - exit testing"
+ fi
+function qos_test_suite() {
+ # Run bdevperf with QoS disabled first
+ "$testdir/bdevperf/bdevperf" -z -m 0x2 -q 256 -o 4096 -w randread -t 60 &
+ QOS_PID=$!
+ echo "Process qos testing pid: $QOS_PID"
+ trap 'killprocess $QOS_PID; exit 1' SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT
+ waitforlisten $QOS_PID
+ $rpc_py bdev_malloc_create -b $QOS_DEV_1 128 512
+ waitforbdev $QOS_DEV_1
+ $rpc_py bdev_null_create $QOS_DEV_2 128 512
+ waitforbdev $QOS_DEV_2
+ $rootdir/test/bdev/bdevperf/ perform_tests &
+ qos_function_test
+ $rpc_py bdev_malloc_delete $QOS_DEV_1
+ $rpc_py bdev_null_delete $QOS_DEV_2
+ killprocess $QOS_PID
+# Inital bdev creation and configuration
+if [ $(uname -s) = Linux ]; then
+ # Test dynamic memory management. All hugepages will be reserved at runtime
+ # Dynamic memory management is not supported on BSD
+case "$test_type" in
+ bdev)
+ setup_bdev_conf
+ ;;
+ nvme)
+ setup_nvme_conf
+ ;;
+ gpt)
+ setup_gpt_conf
+ ;;
+ crypto_aesni)
+ setup_crypto_aesni_conf
+ ;;
+ crypto_qat)
+ setup_crypto_qat_conf
+ ;;
+ pmem)
+ setup_pmem_conf
+ ;;
+ rbd)
+ setup_rbd_conf
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "invalid test name"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# Generate json config and use it throughout all the tests
+cat <<- CONF > "$conf_file"
+ {"subsystems":[
+ $("$rpc_py" save_subsystem_config -n bdev)
+ ]}
+bdevs=$("$rpc_py" bdev_get_bdevs | jq -r '.[] | select(.claimed == false)')
+bdevs_name=$(echo $bdevs | jq -r '.name')
+killprocess "$spdk_tgt_pid"
+# End bdev configuration
+run_test "bdev_hello_world" $SPDK_EXAMPLE_DIR/hello_bdev --json "$conf_file" -b "$hello_world_bdev"
+run_test "bdev_bounds" bdev_bounds
+run_test "bdev_nbd" nbd_function_test $conf_file "$bdevs_name"
+if [[ $CONFIG_FIO_PLUGIN == y ]]; then
+ if [ "$test_type" = "nvme" ] || [ "$test_type" = "gpt" ]; then
+ # TODO: once we get real multi-ns drives, re-enable this test for NVMe.
+ echo "skipping fio tests on NVMe due to multi-ns failures."
+ else
+ run_test "bdev_fio" fio_test_suite
+ fi
+ echo "FIO not available"
+ exit 1
+run_test "bdev_verify" $testdir/bdevperf/bdevperf --json "$conf_file" -q 128 -o 4096 -w verify -t 5 -C -m 0x3
+run_test "bdev_write_zeroes" $testdir/bdevperf/bdevperf --json "$conf_file" -q 128 -o 4096 -w write_zeroes -t 1
+if [[ $test_type == bdev ]]; then
+ run_test "bdev_qos" qos_test_suite
+# Temporarily disabled - infinite loop
+# if [ $RUN_NIGHTLY -eq 1 ]; then
+# run_test "bdev_reset" $testdir/bdevperf/bdevperf --json "$conf_file" -q 16 -w reset -o 4096 -t 60
+# fi
+# Bdev and configuration cleanup below this line
+if [ "$test_type" = "gpt" ]; then
+ "$rootdir/scripts/" reset
+ sleep 1s
+ if [[ -b $gpt_nvme ]]; then
+ dd if=/dev/zero of="$gpt_nvme" bs=4096 count=8 oflag=direct
+ fi