path: root/src/spdk/test/lvol/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/spdk/test/lvol/')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/spdk/test/lvol/ b/src/spdk/test/lvol/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..dbb75d241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/spdk/test/lvol/
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+testdir=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))
+rootdir=$(readlink -f $testdir/../..)
+source $rootdir/test/common/
+source $rootdir/test/lvol/
+# Make sure lvol stores are automatically detected after base bdev detach and subsequent attach
+function test_tasting() {
+ # Create two aio bdevs
+ rpc_cmd bdev_aio_create $testdir/aio_bdev_0 aio_bdev0 "$AIO_BS"
+ rpc_cmd bdev_aio_create $testdir/aio_bdev_1 aio_bdev1 "$AIO_BS"
+ # Create a valid lvs
+ lvs_uuid=$(rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_create_lvstore aio_bdev0 lvs_test)
+ # Destroy lvol store
+ rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_delete_lvstore -u "$lvs_uuid"
+ # Remove the lvol stores and make sure it's not being automatically detected after base
+ # bdev re-attach.
+ rpc_cmd bdev_aio_delete aio_bdev0
+ # Create aio bdev on the same file
+ rpc_cmd bdev_aio_create $testdir/aio_bdev_0 aio_bdev0 "$AIO_BS"
+ sleep 1
+ # Check if destroyed lvol store does not exist on aio bdev
+ rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_get_lvstores -u "$lvs_uuid" && false
+ # Create a valid lvs
+ lvs1_cluster_size=$((1 * 1024 * 1024))
+ lvs2_cluster_size=$((32 * 1024 * 1024))
+ lvs_uuid1=$(rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_create_lvstore aio_bdev0 lvs_test1 -c $lvs1_cluster_size)
+ lvs_uuid2=$(rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_create_lvstore aio_bdev1 lvs_test2 -c $lvs2_cluster_size)
+ # Create 5 lvols on first lvs
+ lvol_size_mb=$(round_down $((LVS_DEFAULT_CAPACITY_MB / 10)))
+ lvol_size=$((lvol_size_mb * 1024 * 1024))
+ for i in $(seq 1 5); do
+ lvol_uuid=$(rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_create -u "$lvs_uuid1" "lvol_test${i}" "$lvol_size_mb")
+ lvol=$(rpc_cmd bdev_get_bdevs -b "$lvol_uuid")
+ [ "$(jq -r '.[0].name' <<< "$lvol")" = "$lvol_uuid" ]
+ [ "$(jq -r '.[0].uuid' <<< "$lvol")" = "$lvol_uuid" ]
+ [ "$(jq -r '.[0].aliases[0]' <<< "$lvol")" = "lvs_test1/lvol_test${i}" ]
+ [ "$(jq -r '.[0].block_size' <<< "$lvol")" = "$AIO_BS" ]
+ [ "$(jq -r '.[0].num_blocks' <<< "$lvol")" = "$((lvol_size / AIO_BS))" ]
+ done
+ # Create 5 lvols on second lvs
+ lvol2_size_mb=$(round_down $(((AIO_SIZE_MB - 16) / 5)) 32)
+ lvol2_size=$((lvol2_size_mb * 1024 * 1024))
+ for i in $(seq 1 5); do
+ lvol_uuid=$(rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_create -u "$lvs_uuid2" "lvol_test${i}" "$lvol2_size_mb")
+ lvol=$(rpc_cmd bdev_get_bdevs -b "$lvol_uuid")
+ [ "$(jq -r '.[0].name' <<< "$lvol")" = "$lvol_uuid" ]
+ [ "$(jq -r '.[0].uuid' <<< "$lvol")" = "$lvol_uuid" ]
+ [ "$(jq -r '.[0].aliases[0]' <<< "$lvol")" = "lvs_test2/lvol_test${i}" ]
+ [ "$(jq -r '.[0].block_size' <<< "$lvol")" = "$AIO_BS" ]
+ [ "$(jq -r '.[0].num_blocks' <<< "$lvol")" = "$((lvol2_size / AIO_BS))" ]
+ done
+ old_lvols=$(rpc_cmd bdev_get_bdevs | jq -r '[ .[] | select(.product_name == "Logical Volume") ]')
+ [ "$(jq length <<< "$old_lvols")" == "10" ]
+ old_lvs=$(rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_get_lvstores | jq .)
+ # Restart spdk app
+ killprocess $spdk_pid
+ $SPDK_BIN_DIR/spdk_tgt &
+ spdk_pid=$!
+ waitforlisten $spdk_pid
+ # Create aio bdevs
+ rpc_cmd bdev_aio_create $testdir/aio_bdev_0 aio_bdev0 "$AIO_BS"
+ rpc_cmd bdev_aio_create $testdir/aio_bdev_1 aio_bdev1 "$AIO_BS"
+ sleep 1
+ # Check tasting feature
+ new_lvols=$(rpc_cmd bdev_get_bdevs | jq -r '[ .[] | select(.product_name == "Logical Volume") ]')
+ [ "$(jq length <<< "$new_lvols")" == "10" ]
+ new_lvs=$(rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_get_lvstores | jq .)
+ if ! diff <(jq '. | sort' <<< "$old_lvs") <(jq '. | sort' <<< "$new_lvs"); then
+ echo "ERROR: old and loaded lvol store is not the same"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if ! diff <(jq '. | sort' <<< "$old_lvols") <(jq '. | sort' <<< "$new_lvols"); then
+ echo "ERROR: old and loaded lvols are not the same"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Check if creation and deletion lvol bdevs on lvs is possible
+ for i in $(seq 6 10); do
+ lvol_uuid=$(rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_create -u "$lvs_uuid1" "lvol_test${i}" "$lvol_size_mb")
+ lvol=$(rpc_cmd bdev_get_bdevs -b "$lvol_uuid")
+ [ "$(jq -r '.[0].name' <<< "$lvol")" = "$lvol_uuid" ]
+ [ "$(jq -r '.[0].uuid' <<< "$lvol")" = "$lvol_uuid" ]
+ [ "$(jq -r '.[0].aliases[0]' <<< "$lvol")" = "lvs_test1/lvol_test${i}" ]
+ [ "$(jq -r '.[0].block_size' <<< "$lvol")" = "$AIO_BS" ]
+ [ "$(jq -r '.[0].num_blocks' <<< "$lvol")" = "$((lvol_size / AIO_BS))" ]
+ done
+ for i in $(seq 1 10); do
+ rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_delete "lvs_test1/lvol_test${i}"
+ done
+ rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_delete_lvstore -u "$lvs_uuid1"
+ # Create an lvstore and 10 lvol on top to see if deletion of such struct works as it should.
+ lvs_uuid1=$(rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_create_lvstore aio_bdev0 lvs_test1)
+ for i in $(seq 1 10); do
+ rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_create -u "$lvs_uuid1" "lvol_test${i}" "$lvol_size_mb"
+ done
+ # Clean up
+ rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_delete_lvstore -u "$lvs_uuid1"
+ rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_get_lvstores -u "$lvs_uuid1" && false
+ rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_delete_lvstore -u "$lvs_uuid2"
+ rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_get_lvstores -u "$lvs_uuid2" && false
+ rpc_cmd bdev_aio_delete aio_bdev0
+ rpc_cmd bdev_aio_delete aio_bdev1
+ check_leftover_devices
+# Positive test for removing lvol store persistently
+function test_delete_lvol_store_persistent_positive() {
+ local aio0=$testdir/aio_bdev_0
+ local bdev_aio_name=${aio0##*/} bdev_block_size=4096
+ local lvstore_name=lvstore_test lvstore_uuid
+ rpc_cmd bdev_aio_create "$aio0" "$bdev_aio_name" "$bdev_block_size"
+ get_bdev_jq bdev_get_bdevs -b "$bdev_aio_name"
+ [[ ${jq_out["name"]} == "$bdev_aio_name" ]]
+ [[ ${jq_out["product_name"]} == "AIO disk" ]]
+ ((jq_out["block_size"] == bdev_block_size))
+ lvstore_uuid=$(rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_create_lvstore "$bdev_aio_name" "$lvstore_name")
+ get_lvs_jq bdev_lvol_get_lvstores -u "$lvstore_uuid"
+ [[ ${jq_out["uuid"]} == "$lvstore_uuid" ]]
+ [[ ${jq_out["name"]} == "$lvstore_name" ]]
+ [[ ${jq_out["base_bdev"]} == "$bdev_aio_name" ]]
+ rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_delete_lvstore -u "$lvstore_uuid"
+ rpc_cmd bdev_aio_delete "$bdev_aio_name"
+ # Create aio bdev on the same file
+ rpc_cmd bdev_aio_create "$aio0" "$bdev_aio_name" "$bdev_block_size"
+ # Wait 1 second to allow time for lvolstore tasting
+ sleep 1
+ # bdev_lvol_get_lvstores should not report any existsing lvol stores in configuration
+ # after deleting and adding NVMe bdev, thus check if destroyed lvol store does not exist
+ # on aio bdev anymore.
+ rpc_cmd bdev_lvol_get_lvstores -u "$lvstore_uuid" && false
+ # cleanup
+ rpc_cmd bdev_aio_delete "$bdev_aio_name"
+ check_leftover_devices
+$SPDK_BIN_DIR/spdk_tgt &
+trap 'killprocess "$spdk_pid"; rm -f $testdir/aio_bdev_0 $testdir/aio_bdev_1; exit 1' SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT
+waitforlisten $spdk_pid
+truncate -s "${AIO_SIZE_MB}M" $testdir/aio_bdev_0 $testdir/aio_bdev_1
+run_test "test_tasting" test_tasting
+run_test "test_delete_lvol_store_persistent_positive" test_delete_lvol_store_persistent_positive
+killprocess $spdk_pid
+rm -f $testdir/aio_bdev_0 $testdir/aio_bdev_1