path: root/src/test/crimson/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/crimson/')
1 files changed, 501 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/crimson/ b/src/test/crimson/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d7d62ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/crimson/
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <deque>
+#include <functional>
+#include <initializer_list>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <limits>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <boost/statechart/event_base.hpp>
+#include <gmock/gmock.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include "common/hobject.h"
+#include "crimson/osd/backfill_state.h"
+#include "osd/recovery_types.h"
+// The sole purpose is to convert from the string representation.
+// An alternative approach could use boost::range in FakeStore's
+// constructor.
+struct improved_hobject_t : hobject_t {
+ improved_hobject_t(const char parsable_name[]) {
+ this->parse(parsable_name);
+ }
+ improved_hobject_t(const hobject_t& obj)
+ : hobject_t(obj) {
+ }
+ bool operator==(const improved_hobject_t& rhs) const {
+ return static_cast<const hobject_t&>(*this) == \
+ static_cast<const hobject_t&>(rhs);
+ }
+struct FakeStore {
+ using objs_t = std::map<improved_hobject_t, eversion_t>;
+ objs_t objs;
+ void push(const hobject_t& obj, eversion_t version) {
+ objs[obj] = version;
+ }
+ void drop(const hobject_t& obj, const eversion_t version) {
+ auto it = objs.find(obj);
+ ceph_assert(it != std::end(objs));
+ ceph_assert(it->second == version);
+ objs.erase(it);
+ }
+ template <class Func>
+ hobject_t list(const hobject_t& start, Func&& per_entry) const {
+ auto it = objs.lower_bound(start);
+ for (auto max = std::numeric_limits<std::uint64_t>::max();
+ it != std::end(objs) && max > 0;
+ ++it, --max) {
+ per_entry(*it);
+ }
+ return it != std::end(objs) ? static_cast<const hobject_t&>(it->first)
+ : hobject_t::get_max();
+ }
+ bool operator==(const FakeStore& rhs) const {
+ return std::size(objs) == std::size(rhs.objs) && \
+ std::equal(std::begin(objs), std::end(objs), std::begin(rhs.objs));
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const FakeStore& rhs) const {
+ return !(*this == rhs);
+ }
+struct FakeReplica {
+ FakeStore store;
+ hobject_t last_backfill;
+ FakeReplica(FakeStore&& store)
+ : store(std::move(store)) {
+ }
+struct FakePrimary {
+ FakeStore store;
+ eversion_t last_update;
+ eversion_t projected_last_update;
+ eversion_t log_tail;
+ FakePrimary(FakeStore&& store)
+ : store(std::move(store)) {
+ }
+class BackfillFixture : public crimson::osd::BackfillState::BackfillListener {
+ friend class BackfillFixtureBuilder;
+ FakePrimary backfill_source;
+ std::map<pg_shard_t, FakeReplica> backfill_targets;
+ std::map<pg_shard_t,
+ std::vector<std::pair<hobject_t, eversion_t>>> enqueued_drops;
+ std::deque<
+ boost::intrusive_ptr<
+ const boost::statechart::event_base>> events_to_dispatch;
+ crimson::osd::BackfillState backfill_state;
+ BackfillFixture(FakePrimary&& backfill_source,
+ std::map<pg_shard_t, FakeReplica>&& backfill_targets);
+ template <class EventT>
+ void schedule_event(const EventT& event) {
+ events_to_dispatch.emplace_back(event.intrusive_from_this());
+ }
+ // BackfillListener {
+ void request_replica_scan(
+ const pg_shard_t& target,
+ const hobject_t& begin,
+ const hobject_t& end) override;
+ void request_primary_scan(
+ const hobject_t& begin) override;
+ void enqueue_push(
+ const hobject_t& obj,
+ const eversion_t& v) override;
+ void enqueue_drop(
+ const pg_shard_t& target,
+ const hobject_t& obj,
+ const eversion_t& v) override;
+ void maybe_flush() override;
+ void update_peers_last_backfill(
+ const hobject_t& new_last_backfill) override;
+ bool budget_available() const override;
+ MOCK_METHOD(void, backfilled, (), (override));
+ // }
+ void next_round(std::size_t how_many=1) {
+ ceph_assert(events_to_dispatch.size() >= how_many);
+ while (how_many-- > 0) {
+ backfill_state.process_event(std::move(events_to_dispatch.front()));
+ events_to_dispatch.pop_front();
+ }
+ }
+ void next_till_done() {
+ while (!events_to_dispatch.empty()) {
+ next_round();
+ }
+ }
+ bool all_stores_look_like(const FakeStore& reference) const {
+ const bool all_replica_match = std::all_of(
+ std::begin(backfill_targets), std::end(backfill_targets),
+ [&reference] (const auto kv) {
+ return == reference;
+ });
+ return == reference && all_replica_match;
+ }
+ struct PeeringFacade;
+ struct PGFacade;
+struct BackfillFixture::PeeringFacade
+ : public crimson::osd::BackfillState::PeeringFacade {
+ FakePrimary& backfill_source;
+ std::map<pg_shard_t, FakeReplica>& backfill_targets;
+ // sorry, this is duplicative but that's the interface
+ std::set<pg_shard_t> backfill_targets_as_set;
+ PeeringFacade(FakePrimary& backfill_source,
+ std::map<pg_shard_t, FakeReplica>& backfill_targets)
+ : backfill_source(backfill_source),
+ backfill_targets(backfill_targets) {
+ std::transform(
+ std::begin(backfill_targets), std::end(backfill_targets),
+ std::inserter(backfill_targets_as_set, std::end(backfill_targets_as_set)),
+ [](auto pair) {
+ return pair.first;
+ });
+ }
+ hobject_t earliest_backfill() const override {
+ hobject_t e = hobject_t::get_max();
+ for (const auto& kv : backfill_targets) {
+ e = std::min(kv.second.last_backfill, e);
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ const std::set<pg_shard_t>& get_backfill_targets() const override {
+ return backfill_targets_as_set;
+ }
+ const hobject_t& get_peer_last_backfill(pg_shard_t peer) const override {
+ return;
+ }
+ const eversion_t& get_last_update() const override {
+ return backfill_source.last_update;
+ }
+ const eversion_t& get_log_tail() const override {
+ return backfill_source.log_tail;
+ }
+ void scan_log_after(eversion_t, scan_log_func_t) const override {
+ /* NOP */
+ }
+ bool is_backfill_target(pg_shard_t peer) const override {
+ return backfill_targets.count(peer) == 1;
+ }
+ void update_complete_backfill_object_stats(const hobject_t &hoid,
+ const pg_stat_t &stats) override {
+ }
+ bool is_backfilling() const override {
+ return true;
+ }
+struct BackfillFixture::PGFacade : public crimson::osd::BackfillState::PGFacade {
+ FakePrimary& backfill_source;
+ PGFacade(FakePrimary& backfill_source)
+ : backfill_source(backfill_source) {
+ }
+ const eversion_t& get_projected_last_update() const override {
+ return backfill_source.projected_last_update;
+ }
+ FakePrimary&& backfill_source,
+ std::map<pg_shard_t, FakeReplica>&& backfill_targets)
+ : backfill_source(std::move(backfill_source)),
+ backfill_targets(std::move(backfill_targets)),
+ backfill_state(*this,
+ std::make_unique<PeeringFacade>(this->backfill_source,
+ this->backfill_targets),
+ std::make_unique<PGFacade>(this->backfill_source))
+ backfill_state.process_event(crimson::osd::BackfillState::Triggered{}.intrusive_from_this());
+void BackfillFixture::request_replica_scan(
+ const pg_shard_t& target,
+ const hobject_t& begin,
+ const hobject_t& end)
+ BackfillInterval bi;
+ bi.end =, [&bi](auto kv) {
+ bi.objects.insert(std::move(kv));
+ });
+ bi.begin = begin;
+ bi.version = backfill_source.last_update;
+ schedule_event(crimson::osd::BackfillState::ReplicaScanned{ target, std::move(bi) });
+void BackfillFixture::request_primary_scan(
+ const hobject_t& begin)
+ BackfillInterval bi;
+ bi.end =, [&bi](auto kv) {
+ bi.objects.insert(std::move(kv));
+ });
+ bi.begin = begin;
+ bi.version = backfill_source.last_update;
+ schedule_event(crimson::osd::BackfillState::PrimaryScanned{ std::move(bi) });
+void BackfillFixture::enqueue_push(
+ const hobject_t& obj,
+ const eversion_t& v)
+ for (auto& [ _, bt ] : backfill_targets) {
+, v);
+ }
+ schedule_event(crimson::osd::BackfillState::ObjectPushed{ obj });
+void BackfillFixture::enqueue_drop(
+ const pg_shard_t& target,
+ const hobject_t& obj,
+ const eversion_t& v)
+ enqueued_drops[target].emplace_back(obj, v);
+void BackfillFixture::maybe_flush()
+ for (const auto& [target, versioned_objs] : enqueued_drops) {
+ for (const auto& [obj, v] : versioned_objs) {
+, v);
+ }
+ }
+ enqueued_drops.clear();
+void BackfillFixture::update_peers_last_backfill(
+ const hobject_t& new_last_backfill)
+bool BackfillFixture::budget_available() const
+ return true;
+struct BackfillFixtureBuilder {
+ FakeStore backfill_source;
+ std::map<pg_shard_t, FakeReplica> backfill_targets;
+ static BackfillFixtureBuilder add_source(FakeStore::objs_t objs) {
+ BackfillFixtureBuilder bfb;
+ bfb.backfill_source = FakeStore{ std::move(objs) };
+ return bfb;
+ }
+ BackfillFixtureBuilder&& add_target(FakeStore::objs_t objs) && {
+ const auto new_osd_num = std::size(backfill_targets);
+ const auto [ _, inserted ] = backfill_targets.emplace(
+ new_osd_num, FakeReplica{ FakeStore{std::move(objs)} });
+ ceph_assert(inserted);
+ return std::move(*this);
+ }
+ BackfillFixture get_result() && {
+ return BackfillFixture{ std::move(backfill_source),
+ std::move(backfill_targets) };
+ }
+// The straightest case: single primary, single replica. All have the same
+// content in their object stores, so the entire backfill boils into just
+// `request_primary_scan()` and `request_replica_scan()`.
+TEST(backfill, same_primary_same_replica)
+ const auto reference_store = FakeStore{ {
+ { "1:00058bcc:::rbd_data.1018ac3e755.00000000000000d5:head", {10, 234} },
+ { "1:00ed7f8e:::rbd_data.1018ac3e755.00000000000000af:head", {10, 196} },
+ { "1:01483aea:::rbd_data.1018ac3e755.0000000000000095:head", {10, 169} },
+ }};
+ auto cluster_fixture = BackfillFixtureBuilder::add_source(
+ reference_store.objs
+ ).add_target(
+ reference_store.objs
+ ).get_result();
+ cluster_fixture.next_round();
+ EXPECT_CALL(cluster_fixture, backfilled);
+ cluster_fixture.next_round();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cluster_fixture.all_stores_look_like(reference_store));
+TEST(backfill, one_empty_replica)
+ const auto reference_store = FakeStore{ {
+ { "1:00058bcc:::rbd_data.1018ac3e755.00000000000000d5:head", {10, 234} },
+ { "1:00ed7f8e:::rbd_data.1018ac3e755.00000000000000af:head", {10, 196} },
+ { "1:01483aea:::rbd_data.1018ac3e755.0000000000000095:head", {10, 169} },
+ }};
+ auto cluster_fixture = BackfillFixtureBuilder::add_source(
+ reference_store.objs
+ ).add_target(
+ { /* nothing */ }
+ ).get_result();
+ cluster_fixture.next_round();
+ cluster_fixture.next_round();
+ cluster_fixture.next_round(2);
+ EXPECT_CALL(cluster_fixture, backfilled);
+ cluster_fixture.next_round();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cluster_fixture.all_stores_look_like(reference_store));
+TEST(backfill, two_empty_replicas)
+ const auto reference_store = FakeStore{ {
+ { "1:00058bcc:::rbd_data.1018ac3e755.00000000000000d5:head", {10, 234} },
+ { "1:00ed7f8e:::rbd_data.1018ac3e755.00000000000000af:head", {10, 196} },
+ { "1:01483aea:::rbd_data.1018ac3e755.0000000000000095:head", {10, 169} },
+ }};
+ auto cluster_fixture = BackfillFixtureBuilder::add_source(
+ reference_store.objs
+ ).add_target(
+ { /* nothing 1 */ }
+ ).add_target(
+ { /* nothing 2 */ }
+ ).get_result();
+ EXPECT_CALL(cluster_fixture, backfilled);
+ cluster_fixture.next_till_done();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cluster_fixture.all_stores_look_like(reference_store));
+namespace StoreRandomizer {
+ // FIXME: copied & pasted from test/ We need to
+ // find a way to avoid code duplication in test. A static library?
+ std::string random_string(std::size_t size) {
+ std::string name;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
+ name.push_back('a' + (std::rand() % 26));
+ }
+ return name;
+ }
+ hobject_t random_hobject() {
+ uint32_t mask{0};
+ uint32_t bits{0};
+ return hobject_t(
+ random_string(1+(std::rand() % 16)),
+ random_string(1+(std::rand() % 16)),
+ snapid_t(std::rand() % 1000),
+ (std::rand() & ((~0)<<bits)) | (mask & ~((~0)<<bits)),
+ 0, random_string(std::rand() % 16));
+ }
+ eversion_t random_eversion() {
+ return eversion_t{ std::rand() % 512U, std::rand() % 256UL };
+ }
+ FakeStore create() {
+ FakeStore store;
+ for (std::size_t i = std::rand() % 2048; i > 0; --i) {
+ store.push(random_hobject(), random_eversion());
+ }
+ return store;
+ }
+ template <class... Args>
+ void execute_random(Args&&... args) {
+ std::array<std::function<void()>, sizeof...(Args)> funcs = {
+ std::forward<Args>(args)...
+ };
+ return std::move(funcs[std::rand() % std::size(funcs)])();
+ }
+ FakeStore mutate(const FakeStore& source_store) {
+ FakeStore mutated_store;
+ source_store.list(hobject_t{}, [&] (const auto& kv) {
+ const auto &oid = kv.first;
+ const auto &version = kv.second;
+ execute_random(
+ [] { /* just drop the entry */ },
+ [&] { mutated_store.push(oid, version); },
+ [&] { mutated_store.push(oid, random_eversion()); },
+ [&] { mutated_store.push(random_hobject(), version); },
+ [&] {
+ for (auto how_many = std::rand() % 8; how_many > 0; --how_many) {
+ mutated_store.push(random_hobject(), random_eversion());
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ return mutated_store;
+ }
+// The name might suggest randomness is involved here. Well, that's true
+// but till we know the seed the test still is repeatable.
+TEST(backfill, one_pseudorandomized_replica)
+ const auto reference_store = StoreRandomizer::create();
+ auto cluster_fixture = BackfillFixtureBuilder::add_source(
+ reference_store.objs
+ ).add_target(
+ StoreRandomizer::mutate(reference_store).objs
+ ).get_result();
+ EXPECT_CALL(cluster_fixture, backfilled);
+ cluster_fixture.next_till_done();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cluster_fixture.all_stores_look_like(reference_store));
+TEST(backfill, two_pseudorandomized_replicas)
+ const auto reference_store = StoreRandomizer::create();
+ auto cluster_fixture = BackfillFixtureBuilder::add_source(
+ reference_store.objs
+ ).add_target(
+ StoreRandomizer::mutate(reference_store).objs
+ ).add_target(
+ StoreRandomizer::mutate(reference_store).objs
+ ).get_result();
+ EXPECT_CALL(cluster_fixture, backfilled);
+ cluster_fixture.next_till_done();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cluster_fixture.all_stores_look_like(reference_store));