path: root/src/test/libcephfs/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/libcephfs/')
1 files changed, 1684 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/libcephfs/ b/src/test/libcephfs/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2320bf58b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/libcephfs/
@@ -0,0 +1,1684 @@
+// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
+// vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
+ * Ceph - scalable distributed file system
+ *
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation. See file COPYING.
+ *
+ */
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "include/cephfs/libcephfs.h"
+#include "include/stat.h"
+#include "include/ceph_assert.h"
+#include "include/object.h"
+#include "include/stringify.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+using namespace std;
+class TestMount {
+ ceph_mount_info* cmount = nullptr;
+ char dir_path[64];
+ TestMount( const char* root_dir_name = "dir0") {
+ ceph_create(&cmount, NULL);
+ ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL);
+ ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL);
+ ceph_assert(0 == ceph_mount(cmount, NULL));
+ sprintf(dir_path, "/%s_%d", root_dir_name, getpid());
+ ceph_assert(0 == ceph_mkdir(cmount, dir_path, 0777));
+ }
+ ~TestMount()
+ {
+ if (cmount) {
+ ceph_assert(0 == purge_dir(""));
+ }
+ ceph_rmdir(cmount, dir_path);
+ ceph_shutdown(cmount);
+ }
+ int conf_get(const char *option, char *buf, size_t len) {
+ return ceph_conf_get(cmount, option, buf, len);
+ }
+ string make_file_path(const char* relpath) {
+ char path[PATH_MAX];
+ sprintf(path, "%s/%s", dir_path, relpath);
+ return path;
+ }
+ string make_snap_name(const char* name) {
+ char snap_name[64];
+ if (name && *name) {
+ sprintf(snap_name, "%s_%d", name, getpid());
+ } else {
+ // just simulate empty snapname
+ snap_name[0] = 0;
+ }
+ return snap_name;
+ }
+ string make_snap_path(const char* sname, const char* subdir = nullptr) {
+ char snap_path[PATH_MAX];
+ string snap_name = subdir ?
+ concat_path(make_snap_name(sname), subdir) :
+ make_snap_name(sname);
+ sprintf(snap_path, ".snap/%s", snap_name.c_str());
+ return snap_path;
+ }
+ int mksnap(const char* name) {
+ string snap_name = make_snap_name(name);
+ return ceph_mksnap(cmount, dir_path, snap_name.c_str(),
+ 0755, nullptr, 0);
+ }
+ int rmsnap(const char* name) {
+ string snap_name = make_snap_name(name);
+ return ceph_rmsnap(cmount, dir_path, snap_name.c_str());
+ }
+ int get_snapid(const char* name, uint64_t* res)
+ {
+ ceph_assert(res);
+ snap_info snap_info;
+ char snap_path[PATH_MAX];
+ string snap_name = make_snap_name(name);
+ sprintf(snap_path, "%s/.snap/%s", dir_path, snap_name.c_str());
+ int r = ceph_get_snap_info(cmount, snap_path, &snap_info);
+ if (r >= 0) {
+ *res =;
+ r = 0;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ int write_full(const char* relpath, const string& data)
+ {
+ auto file_path = make_file_path(relpath);
+ int fd = ceph_open(cmount, file_path.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666);
+ if (fd < 0) {
+ return -EACCES;
+ }
+ int r = ceph_write(cmount, fd, data.c_str(), data.size(), 0);
+ if (r >= 0) {
+ ceph_truncate(cmount, file_path.c_str(), data.size());
+ ceph_fsync(cmount, fd, 0);
+ }
+ ceph_close(cmount, fd);
+ return r;
+ }
+ string concat_path(string_view path, string_view name) {
+ string s(path);
+ if (s.empty() || s.back() != '/') {
+ s += '/';
+ }
+ s += name;
+ return s;
+ }
+ int unlink(const char* relpath)
+ {
+ auto file_path = make_file_path(relpath);
+ return ceph_unlink(cmount, file_path.c_str());
+ }
+ int test_open(const char* relpath)
+ {
+ auto subdir_path = make_file_path(relpath);
+ struct ceph_dir_result* ls_dir;
+ int r = ceph_opendir(cmount, subdir_path.c_str(), &ls_dir);
+ if (r != 0) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ ceph_assert(0 == ceph_closedir(cmount, ls_dir));
+ return r;
+ }
+ int for_each_readdir(const char* relpath,
+ std::function<bool(const dirent*, const struct ceph_statx*)> fn)
+ {
+ auto subdir_path = make_file_path(relpath);
+ struct ceph_dir_result* ls_dir;
+ int r = ceph_opendir(cmount, subdir_path.c_str(), &ls_dir);
+ if (r != 0) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ while (1) {
+ struct dirent result;
+ struct ceph_statx stx;
+ r = ceph_readdirplus_r(
+ cmount, ls_dir, &result, &stx, CEPH_STATX_BASIC_STATS,
+ 0,
+ NULL);
+ if (!r)
+ break;
+ if (r < 0) {
+ std::cerr << "ceph_readdirplus_r failed, error: "
+ << r << std::endl;
+ return r;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(result.d_name, ".") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(result.d_name, "..") == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!fn(&result, &stx)) {
+ r = -EINTR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ceph_assert(0 == ceph_closedir(cmount, ls_dir));
+ return r;
+ }
+ int readdir_and_compare(const char* relpath,
+ const vector<string>& expected0)
+ {
+ vector<string> expected(expected0);
+ auto end = expected.end();
+ int r = for_each_readdir(relpath,
+ [&](const dirent* dire, const struct ceph_statx* stx) {
+ std::string name(dire->d_name);
+ auto it = std::find(expected.begin(), end, name);
+ if (it == end) {
+ std::cerr << "readdir_and_compare error: unexpected name:"
+ << name << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ expected.erase(it);
+ return true;
+ });
+ if (r == 0 && !expected.empty()) {
+ std::cerr << __func__ << " error: left entries:" << std::endl;
+ for (auto& e : expected) {
+ std::cerr << e << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cerr << __func__ << " ************" << std::endl;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ int for_each_readdir_snapdiff(const char* relpath,
+ const char* snap1,
+ const char* snap2,
+ std::function<bool(const dirent*, uint64_t)> fn)
+ {
+ auto s1 = make_snap_name(snap1);
+ auto s2 = make_snap_name(snap2);
+ ceph_snapdiff_info info;
+ ceph_snapdiff_entry_t res_entry;
+ int r = ceph_open_snapdiff(cmount,
+ dir_path,
+ relpath,
+ s1.c_str(),
+ s2.c_str(),
+ &info);
+ if (r != 0) {
+ std::cerr << " Failed to open snapdiff, ret:" << r << std::endl;
+ return r;
+ }
+ while (0 < (r = ceph_readdir_snapdiff(&info,
+ &res_entry))) {
+ if (strcmp(res_entry.dir_entry.d_name, ".") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(res_entry.dir_entry.d_name, "..") == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!fn(&res_entry.dir_entry, res_entry.snapid)) {
+ r = -EINTR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ceph_assert(0 == ceph_close_snapdiff(&info));
+ if (r != 0) {
+ std::cerr << " Failed to readdir snapdiff, ret:" << r
+ << " " << relpath << ", " << snap1 << " vs. " << snap2
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ int readdir_snapdiff_and_compare(const char* relpath,
+ const char* snap1,
+ const char* snap2,
+ const vector<pair<string, uint64_t>>& expected0)
+ {
+ vector<pair<string, uint64_t>> expected(expected0);
+ auto end = expected.end();
+ int r = for_each_readdir_snapdiff(relpath, snap1, snap2,
+ [&](const dirent* dire, uint64_t snapid) {
+ pair<string, uint64_t> p = std::make_pair(dire->d_name, snapid);
+ auto it = std::find(expected.begin(), end, p);
+ if (it == end) {
+ std::cerr << "readdir_snapdiff_and_compare error: unexpected name:"
+ << dire->d_name << "/" << snapid << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ expected.erase(it);
+ return true;
+ });
+ if (r == 0 && !expected.empty()) {
+ std::cerr << __func__ << " error: left entries:" << std::endl;
+ for (auto& e : expected) {
+ std::cerr << e.first << "/" << e.second << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cerr << __func__ << " ************" << std::endl;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ int mkdir(const char* relpath)
+ {
+ auto path = make_file_path(relpath);
+ return ceph_mkdir(cmount, path.c_str(), 0777);
+ }
+ int rmdir(const char* relpath)
+ {
+ auto path = make_file_path(relpath);
+ return ceph_rmdir(cmount, path.c_str());
+ }
+ int purge_dir(const char* relpath0, bool inclusive = true)
+ {
+ int r =
+ for_each_readdir(relpath0,
+ [&](const dirent* dire, const struct ceph_statx* stx) {
+ string relpath = concat_path(relpath0, dire->d_name);
+ if (S_ISDIR(stx->stx_mode)) {
+ purge_dir(relpath.c_str());
+ rmdir(relpath.c_str());
+ } else {
+ unlink(relpath.c_str());
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ if (r != 0) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ if (*relpath0 != 0) {
+ r = rmdir(relpath0);
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ void remove_all() {
+ purge_dir("/", false);
+ }
+ ceph_mount_info* get_cmount() {
+ return cmount;
+ }
+ void verify_snap_diff(vector<pair<string, uint64_t>>& expected,
+ const char* relpath,
+ const char* snap1,
+ const char* snap2);
+ void print_snap_diff(const char* relpath,
+ const char* snap1,
+ const char* snap2);
+ void prepareSnapDiffLib1Cases();
+ void prepareSnapDiffLib2Cases();
+ void prepareSnapDiffLib3Cases();
+ void prepareHugeSnapDiff(const std::string& name_prefix_start,
+ const std::string& name_prefix_bulk,
+ const std::string& name_prefix_end,
+ size_t file_count,
+ bool bulk_diff);
+// Helper function to verify readdir_snapdiff returns expected results
+void TestMount::verify_snap_diff(vector<pair<string, uint64_t>>& expected,
+ const char* relpath,
+ const char* snap1,
+ const char* snap2)
+ std::cout << "---------" << snap1 << " vs. " << snap2
+ << " diff listing verification for /" << (relpath ? relpath : "")
+ << std::endl;
+ readdir_snapdiff_and_compare(relpath, snap1, snap2, expected));
+// Helper function to print readdir_snapdiff results
+void TestMount::print_snap_diff(const char* relpath,
+ const char* snap1,
+ const char* snap2)
+ std::cout << "---------" << snap1 << " vs. " << snap2
+ << " diff listing for /" << (relpath ? relpath : "")
+ << std::endl;
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, for_each_readdir_snapdiff(relpath, snap1, snap2,
+ [&](const dirent* dire, uint64_t snapid) {
+ std::cout << dire->d_name << " snap " << snapid << std::endl;
+ return true;
+ }));
+/* The following method creates some files/folders/snapshots layout,
+ described in the sheet below.
+ We're to test SnapDiff readdir API against that structure.
+* where:
+ - xN denotes file 'x' version N.
+ - X denotes folder name
+ - * denotes no/removed file/folder
+# snap1 snap2
+# fileA1 | fileA2 |
+# * | fileB2 |
+# fileC1 | * |
+# fileD1 | fileD1 |
+# dirA | dirA |
+# dirA/fileA1 | dirA/fileA2 |
+# * | dirB |
+# * | dirB/fileb2 |
+# dirC | * |
+# dirC/filec1 | * |
+# dirD | dirD |
+# dirD/fileD1 | dirD/fileD1 |
+void TestMount::prepareSnapDiffLib1Cases()
+ //************ snap1 *************
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("fileA", "hello world"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("fileC", "hello world to be removed"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("fileD", "hello world unmodified"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("dirA"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("dirA/fileA", "file 'A/a' v1"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("dirC"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("dirC/filec", "file 'C/c' v1"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("dirD"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("dirD/filed", "file 'D/d' v1"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mksnap("snap1"));
+ //************ snap2 *************
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("fileA", "hello world again in A"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("fileB", "hello world in B"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink("fileC"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("dirA/fileA", "file 'A/a' v2"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, purge_dir("dirC"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("dirB"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("dirB/fileb", "file 'B/b' v2"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mksnap("snap2"));
+* Basic functionality testing for the SnapDiff readdir API
+TEST(LibCephFS, SnapDiffLib)
+ TestMount test_mount;
+ // Create simple directory tree with a couple of snapshots
+ // to test against
+ test_mount.prepareSnapDiffLib1Cases();
+ uint64_t snapid1;
+ uint64_t snapid2;
+ // learn snapshot ids and do basic verification
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.get_snapid("snap1", &snapid1));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.get_snapid("snap2", &snapid2));
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid1, 0);
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid2, 0);
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid2, snapid1);
+ std::cout << snapid1 << " vs. " << snapid2 << std::endl;
+ //
+ // Make sure root listing for snapshot snap1 is as expected
+ //
+ {
+ std::cout << "---------snap1 listing verification---------" << std::endl;
+ string snap_path = test_mount.make_snap_path("snap1");
+ vector<string> expected;
+ expected.push_back("fileA");
+ expected.push_back("fileC");
+ expected.push_back("fileD");
+ expected.push_back("dirA");
+ expected.push_back("dirC");
+ expected.push_back("dirD");
+ test_mount.readdir_and_compare(snap_path.c_str(), expected));
+ }
+ //
+ // Make sure root listing for snapshot snap2 is as expected
+ //
+ {
+ std::cout << "---------snap2 listing verification---------" << std::endl;
+ string snap_path = test_mount.make_snap_path("snap2");
+ vector<string> expected;
+ expected.push_back("fileA");
+ expected.push_back("fileB");
+ expected.push_back("fileD");
+ expected.push_back("dirA");
+ expected.push_back("dirB");
+ expected.push_back("dirD");
+ test_mount.readdir_and_compare(snap_path.c_str(), expected));
+ }
+ //
+ // Print snap1 vs. snap2 delta for the root
+ //
+ test_mount.print_snap_diff("", "snap1", "snap2");
+ //
+ // Make sure snap1 vs. snap2 delta for the root is as expected
+ //
+ {
+ vector<pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("fileA", snapid2);
+ expected.emplace_back("fileB", snapid2);
+ expected.emplace_back("fileC", snapid1);
+ expected.emplace_back("dirA", snapid2);
+ expected.emplace_back("dirB", snapid2);
+ expected.emplace_back("dirC", snapid1);
+ expected.emplace_back("dirD", snapid2);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "", "snap1", "snap2");
+ }
+ //
+ // Make sure snap1 vs. snap2 delta for /dirA is as expected
+ //
+ {
+ vector<pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("fileA", snapid2);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "dirA", "snap1", "snap2");
+ }
+ //
+ // Make sure snap1 vs. snap2 delta for /dirB is as expected
+ //
+ {
+ vector<pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("fileb", snapid2);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "dirB", "snap1", "snap2");
+ }
+ //
+ // Make sure snap1 vs. snap2 delta for /dirC is as expected
+ //
+ {
+ vector<pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("filec", snapid1);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "dirC", "snap2", "snap1");
+ }
+ //
+ // Make sure snap1 vs. snap2 delta for /dirD is as expected
+ //
+ {
+ vector<pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "dirD", "snap1", "snap2");
+ }
+ // Make sure SnapDiff returns an error when provided with the same
+ // snapshot name for both parties A and B.
+ {
+ string snap_path = test_mount.make_snap_path("snap2");
+ string snap_other_path = snap_path;
+ std::cout << "---------invalid snapdiff params, the same snaps---------" << std::endl;
+ ASSERT_EQ(-EINVAL, test_mount.for_each_readdir_snapdiff(
+ "",
+ "snap2",
+ "snap2",
+ [&](const dirent* dire, uint64_t snapid) {
+ return true;
+ }));
+ }
+ // Make sure SnapDiff returns an error when provided with an empty
+ // snapshot name for one of the parties
+ {
+ std::cout << "---------invalid snapdiff params, no snap_other ---------" << std::endl;
+ string snap_path = test_mount.make_snap_path("snap2");
+ string snap_other_path;
+ ASSERT_EQ(-EINVAL, test_mount.for_each_readdir_snapdiff(
+ "",
+ "snap2",
+ "",
+ [&](const dirent* dire, uint64_t snapid) {
+ return true;
+ }));
+ }
+ std::cout << "------------- closing -------------" << std::endl;
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.purge_dir(""));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.rmsnap("snap1"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.rmsnap("snap2"));
+/* The following method creates some files/folders/snapshots layout,
+ described in the sheet below.
+ We're to test SnapDiff readdir API against that structure.
+* where:
+ - xN denotes file 'x' version N.
+ - X denotes folder name
+ - * denotes no/removed file/folder
+# snap1 snap2 snap3 head
+# fileA1 | fileA2 | fileA2
+# * | fileB2 | fileB2
+# fileC1 | * | fileC3
+# fileD1 | fileD1 | fileD3
+# * | * | fileE3
+# fileF1 | * | *
+# fileG1 | fileG2 | *
+# dirA | dirA | *
+# dirA/fileA1 | dirA/fileA2 | *
+# * | dirB | *
+# * | dirB/fileb2 | *
+# dirC | * | *
+# dirC/filec1 | * | *
+# dirD | dirD | dirD
+# dirD/filed1 | dirD/filed1 | dirD/filed1
+void TestMount::prepareSnapDiffLib2Cases()
+ //************ snap1 *************
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("fileA", "hello world"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("fileC", "hello world to be removed temporarily"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("fileD", "hello world unmodified"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("fileF", "hello world to be removed completely"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("fileG", "hello world to be overwritten at snap2"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("dirA"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("dirA/fileA", "file 'A/a' v1"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("dirC"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("dirC/filec", "file 'C/c' v1"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("dirD"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("dirD/filed", "file 'D/d' v1"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mksnap("snap1"));
+ //************ snap2 *************
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("fileA", "hello world again in A"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("fileB", "hello world in B"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("fileG", "hello world to be removed at snap3"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink("fileC"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink("fileF"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("dirA/fileA", "file 'A/a' v2"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("dirB"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("dirB/fileb", "file 'B/b' v2"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, purge_dir("dirC"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mksnap("snap2"));
+ //************ snap3 *************
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("fileC", "hello world in C recovered"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("fileD", "hello world in D now modified"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("fileE", "file 'E' created at snap3"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink("fileG"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, purge_dir("dirA"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, purge_dir("dirB"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mksnap("snap3"));
+/* The following method creates a folder with tons of file
+ updated between two snapshots
+ We're to test SnapDiff readdir API against that structure.
+* where:
+ - xN denotes file 'x' version N.
+ - X denotes folder name
+ - * denotes no/removed file/folder
+# snap1 snap2
+* aaaaA1 | aaaaA1 |
+* aaaaB1 | * |
+* * | aaaaC2 |
+* aaaaD1 | aaaaD2 |
+# file<NNN>1 | file<NNN>2|
+* fileZ1 | fileA1 |
+* zzzzA1 | zzzzA1 |
+* zzzzB1 | * |
+* * | zzzzC2 |
+* zzzzD1 | zzzzD2 |
+void TestMount::prepareHugeSnapDiff(const std::string& name_prefix_start,
+ const std::string& name_prefix_bulk,
+ const std::string& name_prefix_end,
+ size_t file_count,
+ bool bulk_diff)
+ //************ snap1 *************
+ std::string startA = name_prefix_start + "A";
+ std::string startB = name_prefix_start + "B";
+ std::string startC = name_prefix_start + "C";
+ std::string startD = name_prefix_start + "D";
+ std::string endA = name_prefix_end + "A";
+ std::string endB = name_prefix_end + "B";
+ std::string endC = name_prefix_end + "C";
+ std::string endD = name_prefix_end + "D";
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full(startA.c_str(), "hello world"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full(startB.c_str(), "hello world"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full(startD.c_str(), "hello world"));
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < file_count; i++) {
+ auto s = name_prefix_bulk + stringify(i);
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full(s.c_str(), "hello world"));
+ }
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full(endA.c_str(), "hello world"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full(endB.c_str(), "hello world"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full(endD.c_str(), "hello world"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mksnap("snap1"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, unlink(startB.c_str()));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full(startC.c_str(), "hello world2"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full(startD.c_str(), "hello world2"));
+ if (bulk_diff) {
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < file_count; i++) {
+ auto s = std::string(name_prefix_bulk) + stringify(i);
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full(s.c_str(), "hello world2"));
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT_LE(0, unlink(endB.c_str()));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full(endC.c_str(), "hello world2"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full(endD.c_str(), "hello world2"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mksnap("snap2"));
+* More versatile SnapDiff readdir API verification,
+* includes 3 different snapshots and interleaving/repetitive calls to make sure
+* the results aren't spoiled due to caching.
+TEST(LibCephFS, SnapDiffLib2)
+ TestMount test_mount;
+ test_mount.prepareSnapDiffLib2Cases();
+ // Create simple directory tree with a couple of snapshots to test against
+ uint64_t snapid1;
+ uint64_t snapid2;
+ uint64_t snapid3;
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.get_snapid("snap1", &snapid1));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.get_snapid("snap2", &snapid2));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.get_snapid("snap3", &snapid3));
+ std::cout << snapid1 << " vs. " << snapid2 << " vs. " << snapid3 << std::endl;
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid1, 0);
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid2, 0);
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid3, 0);
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid2, snapid1);
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid3, snapid2);
+ // define a labda which verifies snap1/snap2/snap3 listings
+ auto verify_snap_listing = [&]()
+ {
+ {
+ string snap_path = test_mount.make_snap_path("snap1");
+ std::cout << "---------snap1 listing verification---------" << std::endl;
+ vector<string> expected;
+ expected.push_back("fileA");
+ expected.push_back("fileC");
+ expected.push_back("fileD");
+ expected.push_back("fileF");
+ expected.push_back("fileG");
+ expected.push_back("dirA");
+ expected.push_back("dirC");
+ expected.push_back("dirD");
+ test_mount.readdir_and_compare(snap_path.c_str(), expected));
+ }
+ {
+ std::cout << "---------snap2 listing verification---------" << std::endl;
+ string snap_path = test_mount.make_snap_path("snap2");
+ vector<string> expected;
+ expected.push_back("fileA");
+ expected.push_back("fileB");
+ expected.push_back("fileD");
+ expected.push_back("fileG");
+ expected.push_back("dirA");
+ expected.push_back("dirB");
+ expected.push_back("dirD");
+ test_mount.readdir_and_compare(snap_path.c_str(), expected));
+ }
+ {
+ std::cout << "---------snap3 listing verification---------" << std::endl;
+ string snap_path = test_mount.make_snap_path("snap3");
+ vector<string> expected;
+ expected.push_back("fileA");
+ expected.push_back("fileB");
+ expected.push_back("fileC");
+ expected.push_back("fileD");
+ expected.push_back("fileE");
+ expected.push_back("dirD");
+ test_mount.readdir_and_compare(snap_path.c_str(), expected));
+ }
+ };
+ // Prepare expected delta for snap1 vs. snap2
+ vector<pair<string, uint64_t>> snap1_2_diff_expected;
+ snap1_2_diff_expected.emplace_back("fileA", snapid2);
+ snap1_2_diff_expected.emplace_back("fileB", snapid2);
+ snap1_2_diff_expected.emplace_back("fileC", snapid1);
+ snap1_2_diff_expected.emplace_back("fileF", snapid1);
+ snap1_2_diff_expected.emplace_back("fileG", snapid2);
+ snap1_2_diff_expected.emplace_back("dirA", snapid2);
+ snap1_2_diff_expected.emplace_back("dirB", snapid2);
+ snap1_2_diff_expected.emplace_back("dirC", snapid1);
+ snap1_2_diff_expected.emplace_back("dirD", snapid2);
+ // Prepare expected delta for snap1 vs. snap3
+ vector<pair<string, uint64_t>> snap1_3_diff_expected;
+ snap1_3_diff_expected.emplace_back("fileA", snapid3);
+ snap1_3_diff_expected.emplace_back("fileB", snapid3);
+ snap1_3_diff_expected.emplace_back("fileC", snapid3);
+ snap1_3_diff_expected.emplace_back("fileD", snapid3);
+ snap1_3_diff_expected.emplace_back("fileE", snapid3);
+ snap1_3_diff_expected.emplace_back("fileF", snapid1);
+ snap1_3_diff_expected.emplace_back("fileG", snapid1);
+ snap1_3_diff_expected.emplace_back("dirA", snapid1);
+ snap1_3_diff_expected.emplace_back("dirC", snapid1);
+ snap1_3_diff_expected.emplace_back("dirD", snapid3);
+ // Prepare expected delta for snap2 vs. snap3
+ vector<pair<string, uint64_t>> snap2_3_diff_expected;
+ snap2_3_diff_expected.emplace_back("fileC", snapid3);
+ snap2_3_diff_expected.emplace_back("fileD", snapid3);
+ snap2_3_diff_expected.emplace_back("fileE", snapid3);
+ snap2_3_diff_expected.emplace_back("fileG", snapid2);
+ snap2_3_diff_expected.emplace_back("dirA", snapid2);
+ snap2_3_diff_expected.emplace_back("dirB", snapid2);
+ snap2_3_diff_expected.emplace_back("dirD", snapid3);
+ // Check snapshot listings on a cold cache
+ verify_snap_listing();
+ // Check snapshot listings on a warm cache
+ verify_snap_listing(); // served from cache
+ // Print snap1 vs. snap2 delta against the root folder
+ test_mount.print_snap_diff("", "snap1", "snap2");
+ // Verify snap1 vs. snap2 delta for the root
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(snap1_2_diff_expected, "", "snap1", "snap2");
+ // Check snapshot listings on a warm cache once again
+ // to make sure it wasn't spoiled by SnapDiff
+ verify_snap_listing(); // served from cache
+ // Verify snap2 vs. snap1 delta
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(snap1_2_diff_expected, "", "snap2", "snap1");
+ // Check snapshot listings on a warm cache once again
+ // to make sure it wasn't spoiled by SnapDiff
+ verify_snap_listing(); // served from cache
+ // Verify snap1 vs. snap3 delta for the root
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(snap1_3_diff_expected, "", "snap1", "snap3");
+ // Verify snap2 vs. snap3 delta for the root
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(snap2_3_diff_expected, "", "snap2", "snap3");
+ // Check snapshot listings on a warm cache once again
+ // to make sure it wasn't spoiled by SnapDiff
+ verify_snap_listing(); // served from cache
+ // Print snap1 vs. snap2 delta against /dirA folder
+ test_mount.print_snap_diff("dirA", "snap1", "snap2");
+ // Verify snap1 vs. snap2 delta for /dirA
+ {
+ vector<pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("fileA", snapid2);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "dirA", "snap1", "snap2");
+ }
+ // Print snap1 vs. snap2 delta against /dirB folder
+ test_mount.print_snap_diff("dirB", "snap1", "snap2");
+ // Verify snap1 vs. snap2 delta for /dirB
+ {
+ vector<pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("fileb", snapid2);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "dirB", "snap1", "snap2");
+ }
+ // Print snap1 vs. snap2 delta against /dirD folder
+ test_mount.print_snap_diff("dirD", "snap1", "snap2");
+ // Verify snap1 vs. snap2 delta for /dirD
+ {
+ vector<pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "dirD", "snap1", "snap2");
+ }
+ // Check snapshot listings on a warm cache once again
+ // to make sure it wasn't spoiled by SnapDiff
+ verify_snap_listing(); // served from cache
+ // Verify snap1 vs. snap2 delta for the root once again
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(snap1_2_diff_expected, "", "snap1", "snap2");
+ // Verify snap2 vs. snap3 delta for the root once again
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(snap2_3_diff_expected, "", "snap3", "snap2");
+ // Verify snap1 vs. snap3 delta for the root once again
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(snap1_3_diff_expected, "", "snap1", "snap3");
+ std::cout << "------------- closing -------------" << std::endl;
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.purge_dir(""));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.rmsnap("snap1"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.rmsnap("snap2"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.rmsnap("snap3"));
+/* The following method creates some files/folders/snapshots layout,
+ described in the sheet below.
+ We're to test SnapDiff against that structure.
+* where:
+ - xN denotes file 'x' version N.
+ - X denotes folder name
+ - * denotes no/removed file/folder
+# snap1 snap2 snap3 head
+# a1 | a1 | a3 | a4
+# b1 | b2 | b3 | b3
+# c1 | * | * | *
+# * | d2 | d3 | d3
+# f1 | f2 | * | *
+# ff1 | ff1 | * | *
+# g1 | * | g3 | g3
+# * | * | * | h4
+# i1 | i1 | i1 | i1
+# S | S | S | S
+# S/sa1 | S/sa2 | S/sa3 | S/sa3
+# * | * | * | S/sh4
+# * | T | T | T
+# * | T/td2 | T/td3 | T/td3
+# C | * | * | *
+# C/cc1 | * | * | *
+# C/C1 | * | * | *
+# C/C1/c1| * | * | *
+# G | * | G | G
+# G/gg1 | * | G/gg3 | G/gg3
+# * | k2 | * | *
+# * | l2 | l2 | *
+# * | K | * | *
+# * | K/kk2 | * | *
+# * | * | H | H
+# * | * | H/hh3 | H/hh3
+# I | I | I | *
+# I/ii1 | I/ii2 | I/ii3 | *
+# I/iii1 | I/iii1 | I/iii3| *
+# * | * | I/iiii3| *
+# * | I/J | I/J | *
+# * | I/J/i2 | I/J/i3 | *
+# * | I/J/j2 | I/J/j2 | *
+# * | I/J/k2 | * | *
+# * | * | I/J/l3 | *
+# L | L | L | L
+# L/ll1 | L/ll1 | L/ll3 | L/ll3
+# L/LL | L/LL | L/LL | L/LL
+# * | L/LL/ll2| L/LL/ll3| L/LL/ll4
+# * | L/LM | * | *
+# * | L/LM/lm2| * | *
+# * | L/LN | L/LN | *
+void TestMount::prepareSnapDiffLib3Cases()
+ //************ snap1 *************
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("a", "file 'a' v1"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("b", "file 'b' v1"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("c", "file 'c' v1"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("e", "file 'e' v1"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("~e", "file '~e' v1"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("f", "file 'f' v1"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("ff", "file 'ff' v1"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("g", "file 'g' v1"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("i", "file 'i' v1"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("S"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("S/sa", "file 'S/sa' v1"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("C"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("C/cc", "file 'C/cc' v1"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("C/CC"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("C/CC/c", "file 'C/CC/c' v1"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("G"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("G/gg", "file 'G/gg' v1"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("I"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("I/ii", "file 'I/ii' v1"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("I/iii", "file 'I/iii' v1"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("L"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("L/ll", "file 'L/ll' v1"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("L/LL"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mksnap("snap1"));
+ //************ snap2 *************
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("b", "file 'b' v2"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink("c"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("d", "file 'd' v2"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("e", "file 'e' v2"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("~e", "file '~e' v2"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("f", "file 'f' v2"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink("g"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("S/sa", "file 'S/sa' v2"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("T"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("T/td", "file 'T/td' v2"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, purge_dir("C"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, purge_dir("G"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("k", "file 'k' v2"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("l", "file 'l' v2"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("K"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("K/kk", "file 'K/kk' v2"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("I/ii", "file 'I/ii' v2"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("I/J"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("I/J/i", "file 'I/J/i' v2"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("I/J/j", "file 'I/J/j' v2"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("I/J/k", "file 'I/J/k' v2"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("L/LL/ll", "file 'L/LL/ll' v2"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("L/LM"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("L/LM/lm", "file 'L/LM/lm' v2"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("L/LN"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mksnap("snap2"));
+ //************ snap3 *************
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("a", "file 'a' v3"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("b", "file 'b' v3"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("d", "file 'd' v3"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink("e"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink("~e"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink("f"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink("ff"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("g", "file 'g' v3"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("S/sa", "file 'S/sa' v3"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("T/td", "file 'T/td' v3"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("G"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("G/gg", "file 'G/gg' v3"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink("k"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, purge_dir("K"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mkdir("H"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("H/hh", "file 'H/hh' v3"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("I/ii", "file 'I/ii' v3"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("I/iii", "file 'I/iii' v3"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("I/iiii", "file 'I/iiii' v3"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("I/J/i", "file 'I/J/i' v3"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink("I/J/k"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("I/J/l", "file 'I/J/l' v3"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("L/ll", "file 'L/ll' v3"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("L/LL/ll", "file 'L/LL/ll' v3"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, purge_dir("L/LM"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mksnap("snap3"));
+ //************ head *************
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("a", "file 'a' head"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("h", "file 'h' head"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("S/sh", "file 'S/sh' head"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, unlink("l"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, purge_dir("I"));
+ ASSERT_LE(0, write_full("L/LL/ll", "file 'L/LL/ll' head"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, purge_dir("L/LN"));
+// This case tests SnapDiff functionality for snap1/snap2 snapshot delta
+// It operates against FS layout created by prepareSnapDiffCases() method,
+// see relevant table before that function for FS state overview.
+TEST(LibCephFS, SnapDiffCases1_2)
+ TestMount test_mount;
+ // Create directory tree evolving through a bunch of snapshots
+ test_mount.prepareSnapDiffLib3Cases();
+ uint64_t snapid1;
+ uint64_t snapid2;
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.get_snapid("snap1", &snapid1));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.get_snapid("snap2", &snapid2));
+ std::cout << snapid1 << " vs. " << snapid2 << std::endl;
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid1, 0);
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid2, 0);
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid2, snapid1);
+ // Print snapshot delta (snap1 vs. snap2) results for root in a
+ // human-readable form.
+ test_mount.print_snap_diff("", "snap1", "snap2");
+ {
+ // Make sure the root delta is as expected
+ // One should use columns snap1 and snap2 from
+ // the table preceeding prepareSnapDiffCases() function
+ // to learn which names to expect in the delta.
+ //
+ // - file 'a' is unchanged hence not present in delta
+ // - file 'ff' is unchanged hence not present in delta
+ // - file 'i' is unchanged hence not present in delta
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("b", snapid2); // file 'b' is updated in snap2
+ expected.emplace_back("c", snapid1); // file 'c' is removed in snap2
+ expected.emplace_back("d", snapid2); // file 'd' is created in snap2
+ expected.emplace_back("e", snapid2); // file 'e' is updated in snap2
+ expected.emplace_back("~e", snapid2); // file '~e' is updated in snap2
+ expected.emplace_back("f", snapid2); // file 'f' is updated in snap2
+ expected.emplace_back("g", snapid1); // file 'g' is removed in snap2
+ expected.emplace_back("S", snapid2); // folder 'S' is present in snap2 hence reported
+ expected.emplace_back("T", snapid2); // folder 'T' is created in snap2
+ expected.emplace_back("C", snapid1); // folder 'C' is removed in snap2
+ expected.emplace_back("G", snapid1); // folder 'G' is removed in snap2
+ expected.emplace_back("k", snapid2); // file 'k' is created in snap2
+ expected.emplace_back("l", snapid2); // file 'l' is created in snap2
+ expected.emplace_back("K", snapid2); // folder 'K' is created in snap2
+ expected.emplace_back("I", snapid2); // folder 'I' is created in snap2
+ expected.emplace_back("L", snapid2); // folder 'L' is present in snap2 but got more
+ // subfolders
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "", "snap1", "snap2");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /S (existed at both snap1 and snap2)
+ // is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("sa", snapid2);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "S", "snap1", "snap2");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /T (created at snap2)
+ // is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("td", snapid2);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "T", "snap1", "snap2");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /C (removed at snap2)
+ // is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("cc", snapid1);
+ expected.emplace_back("CC", snapid1);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "C", "snap2", "snap1");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /C/CC (removed at snap2)
+ // is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("c", snapid1);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "C/CC", "snap2", "snap1");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /I (created at snap2)
+ // is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("ii", snapid2);
+ expected.emplace_back("J", snapid2);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "I", "snap1", "snap2");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /I/J (created at snap2)
+ // is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("i", snapid2);
+ expected.emplace_back("j", snapid2);
+ expected.emplace_back("k", snapid2);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "I/J", "snap1", "snap2");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /L (extended at snap2)
+ // is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("LL", snapid2);
+ expected.emplace_back("LM", snapid2);
+ expected.emplace_back("LN", snapid2);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "L", "snap1", "snap2");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /L/LL (updated at snap2)
+ // is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("ll", snapid2);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "L/LL", "snap1", "snap2");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /L/LN (created empty at snap2)
+ // is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "L/LN", "snap1", "snap2");
+ }
+ {
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /L/LM (created at snap2)
+ // is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("lm", snapid2);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "L/LM", "snap1", "snap2");
+ }
+ std::cout << "-------------" << std::endl;
+ test_mount.remove_all();
+ test_mount.rmsnap("snap1");
+ test_mount.rmsnap("snap2");
+ test_mount.rmsnap("snap3");
+// This case tests SnapDiff functionality for snap2/snap3 snapshot delta
+// retrieved through .snap path-based query API.
+// It operates against FS layout created by prepareSnapDiffCases() method,
+// see relevant table before that function for FS state overview.
+TEST(LibCephFS, SnapDiffCases2_3)
+ TestMount test_mount;
+ // Create directory tree evolving through a bunch of snapshots
+ test_mount.prepareSnapDiffLib3Cases();
+ uint64_t snapid2;
+ uint64_t snapid3;
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.get_snapid("snap2", &snapid2));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.get_snapid("snap3", &snapid3));
+ std::cout << snapid2 << " vs. " << snapid3 << std::endl;
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid3, 0);
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid3, 0);
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid3, snapid2);
+ // Print snapshot delta (snap2 vs. snap3) results for root in a
+ // human-readable form.
+ test_mount.print_snap_diff("", "snap2", "snap3");
+ {
+ // Make sure the root delta is as expected
+ // One should use columns snap1 and snap2 from
+ // the table preceeding prepareSnapDiffCases() function
+ // to learn which names to expect in the delta.
+ //
+ // - file 'c' is removed since snap1 hence not present in delta
+ // - file 'l' is unchanged hence not present in delta
+ // - file 'i' is unchanged hence not present in delta
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("a", snapid3); // file 'a' is updated in snap3
+ expected.emplace_back("b", snapid3); // file 'b' is updated in snap3
+ expected.emplace_back("d", snapid3); // file 'd' is updated in snap3
+ expected.emplace_back("~e", snapid2); // file '~e' is removed in snap3
+ expected.emplace_back("e", snapid2); // file 'e' is removed in snap3
+ expected.emplace_back("f", snapid2); // file 'f' is removed in snap3
+ expected.emplace_back("ff", snapid2); // file 'ff' is removed in snap3
+ expected.emplace_back("g", snapid3); // file 'g' re-appeared in snap3
+ expected.emplace_back("S", snapid3); // folder 'S' is present in snap3 hence reported
+ expected.emplace_back("T", snapid3); // folder 'T' is present in snap3 hence reported
+ expected.emplace_back("G", snapid3); // folder 'G' re-appeared in snap3 hence reported
+ expected.emplace_back("k", snapid2); // file 'k' is removed in snap3
+ expected.emplace_back("K", snapid2); // folder 'K' is removed in snap3
+ expected.emplace_back("H", snapid3); // folder 'H' is created in snap3 hence reported
+ expected.emplace_back("I", snapid3); // folder 'I' is present in snap3 hence reported
+ expected.emplace_back("L", snapid3); // folder 'L' is present in snap3 hence reported
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "", "snap2", "snap3");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /S (children updated) is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("sa", snapid3);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "S", "snap2", "snap3");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /T (children updated) is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("td", snapid3);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "T", "snap2", "snap3");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /G (re-appeared) is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("gg", snapid3);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "G", "snap2", "snap3");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /K (removed) is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("kk", snapid2);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "K", "snap3", "snap2");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /H (created) is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("hh", snapid3);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "H", "snap2", "snap3");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /I (children updated) is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("ii", snapid3);
+ expected.emplace_back("iii", snapid3);
+ expected.emplace_back("iiii", snapid3);
+ expected.emplace_back("J", snapid3);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "I", "snap2", "snap3");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /I/J (children updated/removed) is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("i", snapid3);
+ expected.emplace_back("k", snapid2);
+ expected.emplace_back("l", snapid3);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "I/J", "snap2", "snap3");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /L (children updated/removed) is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("ll", snapid3);
+ expected.emplace_back("LL", snapid3);
+ expected.emplace_back("LM", snapid2);
+ expected.emplace_back("LN", snapid3);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "L", "snap2", "snap3");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /L/LL (children updated) is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("ll", snapid3);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "L/LL", "snap2", "snap3");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /L/LM (removed) is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("lm", snapid2);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "L/LM", "snap3", "snap2");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /L/LN (created empty) is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "L/LN", "snap2", "snap3");
+ }
+ test_mount.remove_all();
+ test_mount.rmsnap("snap1");
+ test_mount.rmsnap("snap2");
+ test_mount.rmsnap("snap3");
+// This case tests SnapDiff functionality for snap1/snap3 snapshot delta
+// retrieved through .snap path-based query API.
+// It operates against FS layout created by prepareSnapDiffCases() method,
+// see relevant table before that function for FS state overview.
+TEST(LibCephFS, SnapDiffCases1_3)
+ TestMount test_mount;
+ // Create directory tree evolving through a bunch of snapshots
+ test_mount.prepareSnapDiffLib3Cases();
+ uint64_t snapid1;
+ uint64_t snapid3;
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.get_snapid("snap1", &snapid1));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.get_snapid("snap3", &snapid3));
+ std::cout << snapid1 << " vs. " << snapid3 << std::endl;
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid3, 0);
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid3, 0);
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid3, snapid1);
+ // Print snapshot delta (snap2 vs. snap3) results for root in a
+ // human-readable form.
+ test_mount.print_snap_diff("", "snap1", "snap3");
+ {
+ // Make sure the root delta is as expected
+ // One should use columns snap1 and snap3 from
+ // the table preceeding prepareSnapDiffCases() function
+ // to learn which names to expect in the delta.
+ //
+ // - file 'i' is unchanged hence not present in delta
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("a", snapid3); // file 'a' is updated in snap3
+ expected.emplace_back("b", snapid3); // file 'b' is updated in snap3
+ expected.emplace_back("c", snapid1); // file 'c' is removed in snap2
+ expected.emplace_back("d", snapid3); // file 'd' is updated in snap3
+ expected.emplace_back("~e", snapid1); // file '~e' is removed in snap3
+ expected.emplace_back("e", snapid1); // file 'e' is removed in snap3
+ expected.emplace_back("f", snapid1); // file 'f' is removed in snap3
+ expected.emplace_back("ff", snapid1); // file 'ff' is removed in snap3
+ expected.emplace_back("g", snapid3); // file 'g' removed in snap2 and
+ // re-appeared in snap3
+ expected.emplace_back("S", snapid3); // folder 'S' is present in snap3 hence reported
+ expected.emplace_back("T", snapid3); // folder 'T' is present in snap3 hence reported
+ expected.emplace_back("C", snapid1); // folder 'C' is removed in snap2
+ // folder 'G' is removed in snap2 and re-appeared in snap3
+ // hence reporting it twice under different snapid
+ expected.emplace_back("G", snapid1);
+ expected.emplace_back("G", snapid3);
+ expected.emplace_back("l", snapid3); // file 'l' is created in snap2
+ expected.emplace_back("H", snapid3); // folder 'H' is created in snap3 hence reported
+ expected.emplace_back("I", snapid3); // folder 'I' is created in snap3 hence reported
+ expected.emplace_back("L", snapid3); // folder 'L' is created in snap3 hence reported
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "", "snap3", "snap1");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /S (children updated) is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("sa", snapid3);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "S", "snap3", "snap1");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /T (created and children updated) is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("td", snapid3);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "T", "snap3", "snap1");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /C (removed) is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("cc", snapid1);
+ expected.emplace_back("CC", snapid1);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "C", "snap3", "snap1");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /C/CC (removed) is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("c", snapid1);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "C/CC", "snap3", "snap1");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /G (removed) is as expected
+ // For this case (G@snap1 and G@snap3 are different entries)
+ // the order in which snapshot names are provided is crucial.
+ // Making G@snap1 vs. snap3 delta returns everything from G@snap1
+ // but omits any entries from G/snap3 (since it's a different entry).
+ // And making G@snap3 vs. snap1 delta returns everything from G@snap3
+ // but nothing from snap1,
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("gg", snapid1);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "G", "snap1", "snap3");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /G (re-created) is as expected
+ // The snapshot names order is important, see above.
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("gg", snapid3);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "G", "snap3", "snap1");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /H (created) is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("hh", snapid3);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "H", "snap1", "snap3");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /I (chinldren updated) is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("ii", snapid3);
+ expected.emplace_back("iii", snapid3);
+ expected.emplace_back("iiii", snapid3);
+ expected.emplace_back("J", snapid3);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "I", "snap1", "snap3");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /I/J (created at snap2) is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("i", snapid3);
+ expected.emplace_back("j", snapid3);
+ expected.emplace_back("l", snapid3);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "I/J", "snap1", "snap3");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /L is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("ll", snapid3);
+ expected.emplace_back("LL", snapid3);
+ expected.emplace_back("LN", snapid3);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "L", "snap1", "snap3");
+ }
+ {
+ //
+ // Make sure snapshot delta for /L/LL (children updated) is as expected
+ //
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back("ll", snapid3);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "L/LL", "snap1", "snap3");
+ }
+ {
+ vector<std::pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "L/LN", "snap1", "snap3");
+ }
+ std::cout << "-------------" << std::endl;
+ test_mount.remove_all();
+ test_mount.rmsnap("snap1");
+ test_mount.rmsnap("snap2");
+ test_mount.rmsnap("snap3");
+* SnapDiff readdir API testing for huge dir
+* when delta is minor.
+TEST(LibCephFS, HugeSnapDiffSmallDelta)
+ TestMount test_mount;
+ long int file_count = 10000;
+ printf("Seeding %ld files...\n", file_count);
+ // Create simple directory tree with a couple of snapshots
+ // to test against.
+ string name_prefix_start = "aaaa";
+ string name_prefix_bulk = "file";
+ string name_prefix_end = "zzzz";
+ test_mount.prepareHugeSnapDiff(name_prefix_start,
+ name_prefix_bulk,
+ name_prefix_end,
+ file_count,
+ false);
+ uint64_t snapid1;
+ uint64_t snapid2;
+ // learn snapshot ids and do basic verification
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.get_snapid("snap1", &snapid1));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.get_snapid("snap2", &snapid2));
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid1, 0);
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid2, 0);
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid2, snapid1);
+ std::cout << snapid1 << " vs. " << snapid2 << std::endl;
+ //
+ // Make sure snap1 vs. snap2 delta for the root is as expected
+ //
+ {
+ vector<pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back(name_prefix_start + "B", snapid1);
+ expected.emplace_back(name_prefix_start + "C", snapid2);
+ expected.emplace_back(name_prefix_start + "D", snapid2);
+ expected.emplace_back(name_prefix_end + "B", snapid1);
+ expected.emplace_back(name_prefix_end + "C", snapid2);
+ expected.emplace_back(name_prefix_end + "D", snapid2);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "", "snap1", "snap2");
+ }
+ std::cout << "------------- closing -------------" << std::endl;
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.purge_dir(""));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.rmsnap("snap1"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.rmsnap("snap2"));
+* SnapDiff readdir API testing for huge dir
+* when delta is large
+TEST(LibCephFS, HugeSnapDiffLargeDelta)
+ TestMount test_mount;
+ // Calculate amount of files required to have multiple directory fragments
+ // using relevant config parameters.
+ // file_count = mds_bal_spli_size * mds_bal_fragment_fast_factor + 100
+ char buf[256];
+ int r = test_mount.conf_get("mds_bal_split_size", buf, sizeof(buf));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(r >= 0);
+ long int file_count = strtol(buf, nullptr, 10);
+ r = test_mount.conf_get("mds_bal_fragment_fast_factor ", buf, sizeof(buf));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(r >= 0);
+ double factor = strtod(buf, nullptr);
+ file_count *= factor;
+ file_count += 100;
+ printf("Seeding %ld files...\n", file_count);
+ // Create simple directory tree with a couple of snapshots
+ // to test against.
+ string name_prefix_start = "aaaa";
+ string name_prefix_bulk = "file";
+ string name_prefix_end = "zzzz";
+ test_mount.prepareHugeSnapDiff(name_prefix_start,
+ name_prefix_bulk,
+ name_prefix_end,
+ file_count,
+ true);
+ uint64_t snapid1;
+ uint64_t snapid2;
+ // learn snapshot ids and do basic verification
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.get_snapid("snap1", &snapid1));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.get_snapid("snap2", &snapid2));
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid1, 0);
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid2, 0);
+ ASSERT_GT(snapid2, snapid1);
+ std::cout << snapid1 << " vs. " << snapid2 << std::endl;
+ //
+ // Make sure snap1 vs. snap2 delta for the root is as expected
+ //
+ {
+ vector<pair<string, uint64_t>> expected;
+ expected.emplace_back(name_prefix_start + "B", snapid1);
+ expected.emplace_back(name_prefix_start + "C", snapid2);
+ expected.emplace_back(name_prefix_start + "D", snapid2);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)file_count; i++) {
+ expected.emplace_back(name_prefix_bulk + stringify(i), snapid2);
+ }
+ expected.emplace_back(name_prefix_end + "B", snapid1);
+ expected.emplace_back(name_prefix_end + "C", snapid2);
+ expected.emplace_back(name_prefix_end + "D", snapid2);
+ test_mount.verify_snap_diff(expected, "", "snap1", "snap2");
+ }
+ std::cout << "------------- closing -------------" << std::endl;
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.purge_dir(""));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.rmsnap("snap1"));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, test_mount.rmsnap("snap2"));