# This module defines thrift_LIBRARIES, libraries to link thrift_INCLUDE_DIR, # where to find thrift headers thrift_COMPILER, thrift compiler executable # thrift_FOUND, If false, do not try to use it. # prefer the thrift version supplied in thrift_HOME (cmake -Dthrift_HOME then # environment) find_path( thrift_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES thrift/Thrift.h HINTS ${thrift_HOME} ENV thrift_HOME /usr/local /opt/local PATH_SUFFIXES include) # prefer the thrift version supplied in thrift_HOME find_library( thrift_LIBRARIES NAMES thrift libthrift HINTS ${thrift_HOME} ENV thrift_HOME /usr/local /opt/local PATH_SUFFIXES lib lib64) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(thrift DEFAULT_MSG thrift_LIBRARIES thrift_INCLUDE_DIR) mark_as_advanced(thrift_LIBRARIES thrift_INCLUDE_DIR) if(thrift_FOUND AND NOT (TARGET thrift::libthrift)) add_library(thrift::libthrift UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_target_properties( thrift::libthrift PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${thrift_LIBRARIES} INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ${thrift_INCLUDE_DIR}) endif()