=========== MDS Service =========== .. _orchestrator-cli-cephfs: Deploy CephFS ============= One or more MDS daemons is required to use the :term:`CephFS` file system. These are created automatically if the newer ``ceph fs volume`` interface is used to create a new file system. For more information, see :ref:`fs-volumes-and-subvolumes`. For example: .. prompt:: bash # ceph fs volume create --placement="" where ``fs_name`` is the name of the CephFS and ``placement`` is a :ref:`orchestrator-cli-placement-spec`. For example, to place MDS daemons for the new ``foo`` volume on hosts labeled with ``mds``: .. prompt:: bash # ceph fs volume create foo --placement="label:mds" You can also update the placement after-the-fact via: .. prompt:: bash # ceph orch apply mds foo 'mds-[012]' For manually deploying MDS daemons, use this specification: .. code-block:: yaml service_type: mds service_id: fs_name placement: count: 3 label: mds The specification can then be applied using: .. prompt:: bash # ceph orch apply -i mds.yaml See :ref:`orchestrator-cli-stateless-services` for manually deploying MDS daemons on the CLI. Further Reading =============== * :ref:`ceph-file-system`