JAEGER- DISTRIBUTED TRACING =========================== Jaeger + Opentracing provides ready to use tracing services for distributed systems and is becoming the widely used standard because of their simplicity and standardization. We use a modified `jaeger-cpp-client `_ the backend provided to the Opentracing API, which is responsible for the collection of spans, these spans are made with the use of smart pointers that carry the timestamp, TraceID and other meta info like a specific tag/log associated with the span to uniquely identify it across the distributed system. BASIC ARCHITECTURE AND TERMINOLOGY ---------------------------------- refer to the `Ceph Tracing documentation <../../../jaegertracing/#basic-architecture-and-terminology>`_ HOW TO GET STARTED USING TRACING? --------------------------------- Enabling jaegertracing with Ceph needs deployment Jaeger daemons + compiling Ceph with Jaeger, orchestrated to be used in vstart cluster for developers, this uses a jaeger `all-in-one docker `_ which isn't recommended for production, but for testing purposes. Let's look at all the steps needed: 1. Update system with Jaeger dependencies, using install-deps:: $ WITH_JAEGER=true ./install-deps.sh 2. Compile Ceph with Jaeger enabled: - for precompiled build:: $ cd build $ cmake -DWITH_JAEGER=ON .. - for fresh compilation using do_cmake.sh:: $ ./do_cmake.sh -DWITH_JAEGER=ON && ninja vstart 3. After successful compiling, start a vstart cluster with `--jaeger` which will deploy `jaeger all-in-one `_ using container deployment services(docker/podman):: $ MON=1 MGR=0 OSD=1 ../src/vstart.sh --with-jaeger if the deployment is unsuccessful, you can deploy `all-in-one `_ service manually and start vstart cluster without jaeger as well. 4. Test the traces using rados-bench write:: $ bin/rados -p test bench 5 write --no-cleanup .. seealso:: `using-jaeger-cpp-client-for-distributed-tracing-in-ceph `