:orphan: ================================== ceph-conf -- ceph conf file tool ================================== .. program:: ceph-conf Synopsis ======== | **ceph-conf** -c *conffile* --list-all-sections | **ceph-conf** -c *conffile* -L | **ceph-conf** -c *conffile* -l *prefix* | **ceph-conf** *key* -s *section1* ... | **ceph-conf** [-s *section* ] [-r] --lookup *key* | **ceph-conf** [-s *section* ] *key* Description =========== **ceph-conf** is a utility for getting information from a ceph configuration file. As with most Ceph programs, you can specify which Ceph configuration file to use with the ``-c`` flag. Note that unlike other ceph tools, **ceph-conf** will *only* read from config files (or return compiled-in default values)--it will *not* fetch config values from the monitor cluster. For this reason it is recommended that **ceph-conf** only be used in legacy environments that are strictly config-file based. New deployments and tools should instead rely on either querying the monitor explicitly for configuration (e.g., ``ceph config get