.. _mgr ceph api: ================ Ceph RESTful API ================ Introduction ============ The **Ceph RESTful API** (henceforth **Ceph API**) is provided by the :ref:`mgr-dashboard` module. The Ceph API service is available at the same URL as the regular Ceph Dashboard, under the ``/api`` base path (please refer to :ref:`dashboard-host-name-and-port`):: http://:/api or, if HTTPS is enabled (please refer to :ref:`dashboard-ssl-tls-support`):: https://:/api The Ceph API leverages the following standards: * `HTTP 1.1 `_ for API syntax and semantics, * `JSON `_ for content encoding, * `HTTP Content Negotiation `_ and `MIME `_ for versioning, * `OAuth 2.0 `_ and `JWT `_ for authentication and authorization. .. warning:: Some endpoints are still under active development, and should be carefully used since new Ceph releases could bring backward incompatible changes. Authentication and Authorization ================================ Requests to the Ceph API pass through two access control checkpoints: * **Authentication**: ensures that the request is performed on behalf of an existing and valid user account. * **Authorization**: ensures that the previously authenticated user can in fact perform a specific action (create, read, update or delete) on the target endpoint. So, prior to start consuming the Ceph API, a valid JSON Web Token (JWT) has to be obtained, and it may then be reused for subsequent requests. The ``/api/auth`` endpoint will provide the valid token: .. prompt:: bash $ curl -X POST "https://example.com:8443/api/auth" \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.ceph.api.v1.0+json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"username": , "password": }' :: { "token": "", ...} The token obtained must be passed together with every API request in the ``Authorization`` HTTP header:: curl -H "Authorization: Bearer " ... Authentication and authorization can be further configured from the Ceph CLI, the Ceph-Dashboard UI and the Ceph API itself (please refer to :ref:`dashboard-user-role-management`). Versioning ========== One of the main goals of the Ceph API is to keep a stable interface. For this purpose, Ceph API is built upon the following principles: * **Mandatory**: in order to avoid implicit defaults, all endpoints require an explicit default version (starting with ``1.0``). * **Per-endpoint**: as this API wraps many different Ceph components, this allows for a finer-grained change control. * **Content/MIME Type**: the version expected from a specific endpoint is stated by the ``Accept: application/vnd.ceph.api.v.+json`` HTTP header. If the current Ceph API server is not able to address that specific major version, a `415 - Unsupported Media Type `_ response will be returned. * **Semantic Versioning**: with a ``major.minor`` version: * Major changes are backward incompatible: they might result in non-additive changes to the request and/or response formats of a specific endpoint. * Minor changes are backward/forward compatible: they basically consists of additive changes to the request or response formats of a specific endpoint. An example: .. prompt:: bash $ curl -X GET "https://example.com:8443/api/osd" \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.ceph.api.v1.0+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer " Specification ============= .. openapi:: ../../../src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/openapi.yaml :group: :examples: :encoding: utf-8