.. _rados_config_pool_pg_crush_ref: ====================================== Pool, PG and CRUSH Config Reference ====================================== .. index:: pools; configuration Ceph uses default values to determine how many placement groups (PGs) will be assigned to each pool. We recommend overriding some of the defaults. Specifically, we recommend setting a pool's replica size and overriding the default number of placement groups. You can set these values when running `pool`_ commands. You can also override the defaults by adding new ones in the ``[global]`` section of your Ceph configuration file. .. literalinclude:: pool-pg.conf :language: ini .. confval:: mon_max_pool_pg_num .. confval:: mon_pg_stuck_threshold .. confval:: mon_pg_warn_min_per_osd .. confval:: mon_pg_warn_min_objects .. confval:: mon_pg_warn_min_pool_objects .. confval:: mon_pg_check_down_all_threshold .. confval:: mon_pg_warn_max_object_skew .. confval:: mon_delta_reset_interval .. confval:: osd_crush_chooseleaf_type .. confval:: osd_crush_initial_weight .. confval:: osd_pool_default_crush_rule .. confval:: osd_pool_erasure_code_stripe_unit .. confval:: osd_pool_default_size .. confval:: osd_pool_default_min_size .. confval:: osd_pool_default_pg_num .. confval:: osd_pool_default_pgp_num .. confval:: osd_pool_default_pg_autoscale_mode .. confval:: osd_pool_default_flags .. confval:: osd_max_pgls .. confval:: osd_min_pg_log_entries .. confval:: osd_max_pg_log_entries .. confval:: osd_default_data_pool_replay_window .. confval:: osd_max_pg_per_osd_hard_ratio .. _pool: ../../operations/pools .. _Monitoring OSDs and PGs: ../../operations/monitoring-osd-pg#peering .. _Weighting Bucket Items: ../../operations/crush-map#weightingbucketitems