#!/bin/bash -ex unset CEPH_CLI_TEST_DUP_COMMAND NUM_POOLS=$(ceph osd pool ls | wc -l) if [ "$NUM_POOLS" -gt 0 ]; then echo "test requires no preexisting pools" exit 1 fi ceph osd pool set noautoscale ceph osd pool create pool_a echo 'pool_a autoscale_mode:' $(ceph osd pool autoscale-status | grep pool_a | grep -o -m 1 'on\|off') NUM_POOLS=$[NUM_POOLS+1] sleep 2 # Count the number of Pools with AUTOSCALE `off` RESULT1=$(ceph osd pool autoscale-status | grep -oe 'off' | wc -l) # number of Pools with AUTOSCALE `off` should equal to $NUM_POOLS test "$RESULT1" -eq "$NUM_POOLS" ceph osd pool unset noautoscale echo $(ceph osd pool get noautoscale) ceph osd pool create pool_b echo 'pool_a autoscale_mode:' $(ceph osd pool autoscale-status | grep pool_a | grep -o -m 1 'on\|off') echo 'pool_b autoscale_mode:' $(ceph osd pool autoscale-status | grep pool_b | grep -o -m 1 'on\|off') NUM_POOLS=$[NUM_POOLS+1] sleep 2 # Count the number of Pools with AUTOSCALE `on` RESULT2=$(ceph osd pool autoscale-status | grep -oe 'on' | wc -l) # number of Pools with AUTOSCALE `on` should equal to 3 test "$RESULT2" -eq "$[NUM_POOLS-1]" ceph osd pool set noautoscale ceph osd pool create pool_c echo 'pool_a autoscale_mode:' $(ceph osd pool autoscale-status | grep pool_a | grep -o -m 1 'on\|off') echo 'pool_b autoscale_mode:' $(ceph osd pool autoscale-status | grep pool_b | grep -o -m 1 'on\|off') echo 'pool_c autoscale_mode:' $(ceph osd pool autoscale-status | grep pool_c | grep -o -m 1 'on\|off') NUM_POOLS=$[NUM_POOLS+1] sleep 2 # Count the number of Pools with AUTOSCALE `off` RESULT3=$(ceph osd pool autoscale-status | grep -oe 'off' | wc -l) # number of Pools with AUTOSCALE `off` should equal to 4 test "$RESULT3" -eq "$NUM_POOLS" # Now we test if we retain individual pool state of autoscale mode # when we set and unset the noautoscale flag. ceph osd pool unset noautoscale ceph osd pool set pool_a pg_autoscale_mode on ceph osd pool set pool_b pg_autoscale_mode warn ceph osd pool set noautoscale ceph osd pool unset noautoscale RESULT4=$(ceph osd pool autoscale-status | grep pool_a | grep -o -m 1 'on\|off\|warn') RESULT5=$(ceph osd pool autoscale-status | grep pool_b | grep -o -m 1 'on\|off\|warn') RESULT6=$(ceph osd pool autoscale-status | grep pool_c | grep -o -m 1 'on\|off\|warn') test "$RESULT4" == 'on' test "$RESULT5" == 'warn' test "$RESULT6" == 'off' ceph osd pool rm pool_a pool_a --yes-i-really-really-mean-it ceph osd pool rm pool_b pool_b --yes-i-really-really-mean-it ceph osd pool rm pool_c pool_c --yes-i-really-really-mean-it echo OK