#!/usr/bin/env bash set -ex . $(dirname $0)/../../standalone/ceph-helpers.sh POOL=rbd ANOTHER_POOL=new_default_pool$$ NS=ns IMAGE=testrbdnbd$$ SIZE=64 DATA= DEV= _sudo() { local cmd if [ `id -u` -eq 0 ] then "$@" return $? fi # Look for the command in the user path. If it fails run it as is, # supposing it is in sudo path. cmd=`which $1 2>/dev/null` || cmd=$1 shift sudo -nE "${cmd}" "$@" } setup() { local ns x if [ -e CMakeCache.txt ]; then # running under cmake build dir CEPH_SRC=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0)/../../../src) CEPH_ROOT=${PWD} CEPH_BIN=${CEPH_ROOT}/bin export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${CEPH_ROOT}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:${CEPH_SRC}/pybind:${CEPH_ROOT}/lib/cython_modules/lib.3 PATH=${CEPH_BIN}:${PATH} fi _sudo echo test sudo trap cleanup INT TERM EXIT TEMPDIR=`mktemp -d` DATA=${TEMPDIR}/data dd if=/dev/urandom of=${DATA} bs=1M count=${SIZE} rbd namespace create ${POOL}/${NS} for ns in '' ${NS}; do rbd --dest-pool ${POOL} --dest-namespace "${ns}" --no-progress import \ ${DATA} ${IMAGE} done # create another pool ceph osd pool create ${ANOTHER_POOL} 8 rbd pool init ${ANOTHER_POOL} } function cleanup() { local ns s set +e mount | fgrep ${TEMPDIR}/mnt && _sudo umount -f ${TEMPDIR}/mnt rm -Rf ${TEMPDIR} if [ -n "${DEV}" ] then _sudo rbd device --device-type nbd unmap ${DEV} fi for ns in '' ${NS}; do if rbd -p ${POOL} --namespace "${ns}" status ${IMAGE} 2>/dev/null; then for s in 0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32; do sleep $s rbd -p ${POOL} --namespace "${ns}" status ${IMAGE} | grep 'Watchers: none' && break done rbd -p ${POOL} --namespace "${ns}" snap purge ${IMAGE} rbd -p ${POOL} --namespace "${ns}" remove ${IMAGE} fi done rbd namespace remove ${POOL}/${NS} # cleanup/reset default pool rbd config global rm global rbd_default_pool ceph osd pool delete ${ANOTHER_POOL} ${ANOTHER_POOL} --yes-i-really-really-mean-it } function expect_false() { if "$@"; then return 1; else return 0; fi } function get_pid() { local pool=$1 local ns=$2 PID=$(rbd device --device-type nbd --format xml list | $XMLSTARLET sel -t -v \ "//devices/device[pool='${pool}'][namespace='${ns}'][image='${IMAGE}'][device='${DEV}']/id") test -n "${PID}" || return 1 ps -p ${PID} -C rbd-nbd } unmap_device() { local args=$1 local pid=$2 _sudo rbd device --device-type nbd unmap ${args} rbd device --device-type nbd list | expect_false grep "^${pid}\\b" || return 1 ps -C rbd-nbd | expect_false grep "^ *${pid}\\b" || return 1 # workaround possible race between unmap and following map sleep 0.5 } # # main # setup # exit status test expect_false rbd-nbd expect_false rbd-nbd INVALIDCMD if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ] then expect_false rbd device --device-type nbd map ${IMAGE} fi expect_false _sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map INVALIDIMAGE expect_false _sudo rbd-nbd --device INVALIDDEV map ${IMAGE} # list format test expect_false rbd device --device-type nbd --format INVALID list rbd device --device-type nbd --format json --pretty-format list rbd device --device-type nbd --format xml list # map test using the first unused device DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map ${POOL}/${IMAGE}` get_pid ${POOL} # map test specifying the device expect_false _sudo rbd-nbd --device ${DEV} map ${POOL}/${IMAGE} dev1=${DEV} unmap_device ${DEV} ${PID} DEV= # XXX: race possible when the device is reused by other process DEV=`_sudo rbd-nbd --device ${dev1} map ${POOL}/${IMAGE}` [ "${DEV}" = "${dev1}" ] rbd device --device-type nbd list | grep "${IMAGE}" get_pid ${POOL} # read test [ "`dd if=${DATA} bs=1M | md5sum`" = "`_sudo dd if=${DEV} bs=1M | md5sum`" ] # write test dd if=/dev/urandom of=${DATA} bs=1M count=${SIZE} _sudo dd if=${DATA} of=${DEV} bs=1M oflag=direct [ "`dd if=${DATA} bs=1M | md5sum`" = "`rbd -p ${POOL} --no-progress export ${IMAGE} - | md5sum`" ] unmap_device ${DEV} ${PID} # notrim test DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd --options notrim map ${POOL}/${IMAGE}` get_pid ${POOL} provisioned=`rbd -p ${POOL} --format xml du ${IMAGE} | $XMLSTARLET sel -t -m "//stats/images/image/provisioned_size" -v .` used=`rbd -p ${POOL} --format xml du ${IMAGE} | $XMLSTARLET sel -t -m "//stats/images/image/used_size" -v .` [ "${used}" -eq "${provisioned}" ] # should fail discard as at time of mapping notrim was used expect_false _sudo blkdiscard ${DEV} sync provisioned=`rbd -p ${POOL} --format xml du ${IMAGE} | $XMLSTARLET sel -t -m "//stats/images/image/provisioned_size" -v .` used=`rbd -p ${POOL} --format xml du ${IMAGE} | $XMLSTARLET sel -t -m "//stats/images/image/used_size" -v .` [ "${used}" -eq "${provisioned}" ] unmap_device ${DEV} ${PID} # trim test DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map ${POOL}/${IMAGE}` get_pid ${POOL} provisioned=`rbd -p ${POOL} --format xml du ${IMAGE} | $XMLSTARLET sel -t -m "//stats/images/image/provisioned_size" -v .` used=`rbd -p ${POOL} --format xml du ${IMAGE} | $XMLSTARLET sel -t -m "//stats/images/image/used_size" -v .` [ "${used}" -eq "${provisioned}" ] # should honor discard as at time of mapping trim was considered by default _sudo blkdiscard ${DEV} sync provisioned=`rbd -p ${POOL} --format xml du ${IMAGE} | $XMLSTARLET sel -t -m "//stats/images/image/provisioned_size" -v .` used=`rbd -p ${POOL} --format xml du ${IMAGE} | $XMLSTARLET sel -t -m "//stats/images/image/used_size" -v .` [ "${used}" -lt "${provisioned}" ] unmap_device ${DEV} ${PID} # resize test DEV=`_sudo rbd device -t nbd -o try-netlink map ${POOL}/${IMAGE}` get_pid ${POOL} devname=$(basename ${DEV}) blocks=$(awk -v dev=${devname} '$4 == dev {print $3}' /proc/partitions) test -n "${blocks}" rbd resize ${POOL}/${IMAGE} --size $((SIZE * 2))M rbd info ${POOL}/${IMAGE} blocks2=$(awk -v dev=${devname} '$4 == dev {print $3}' /proc/partitions) test -n "${blocks2}" test ${blocks2} -eq $((blocks * 2)) rbd resize ${POOL}/${IMAGE} --allow-shrink --size ${SIZE}M blocks2=$(awk -v dev=${devname} '$4 == dev {print $3}' /proc/partitions) test -n "${blocks2}" test ${blocks2} -eq ${blocks} unmap_device ${DEV} ${PID} # read-only option test DEV=`_sudo rbd --device-type nbd map --read-only ${POOL}/${IMAGE}` PID=$(rbd device --device-type nbd list | awk -v pool=${POOL} -v img=${IMAGE} -v dev=${DEV} \ '$2 == pool && $3 == img && $5 == dev {print $1}') test -n "${PID}" ps -p ${PID} -C rbd-nbd _sudo dd if=${DEV} of=/dev/null bs=1M expect_false _sudo dd if=${DATA} of=${DEV} bs=1M oflag=direct unmap_device ${DEV} ${PID} # exclusive option test DEV=`_sudo rbd --device-type nbd map --exclusive ${POOL}/${IMAGE}` get_pid ${POOL} _sudo dd if=${DATA} of=${DEV} bs=1M oflag=direct expect_false timeout 10 \ rbd bench ${IMAGE} --io-type write --io-size=1024 --io-total=1024 unmap_device ${DEV} ${PID} DEV= rbd bench ${IMAGE} --io-type write --io-size=1024 --io-total=1024 # unmap by image name test DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map ${POOL}/${IMAGE}` get_pid ${POOL} unmap_device ${IMAGE} ${PID} DEV= # map/unmap snap test rbd snap create ${POOL}/${IMAGE}@snap DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map ${POOL}/${IMAGE}@snap` get_pid ${POOL} unmap_device "${IMAGE}@snap" ${PID} DEV= # map/unmap snap test with --snap-id SNAPID=`rbd snap ls ${POOL}/${IMAGE} | awk '$2 == "snap" {print $1}'` DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map --snap-id ${SNAPID} ${POOL}/${IMAGE}` get_pid ${POOL} unmap_device "--snap-id ${SNAPID} ${IMAGE}" ${PID} DEV= # map/unmap namespace test rbd snap create ${POOL}/${NS}/${IMAGE}@snap DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map ${POOL}/${NS}/${IMAGE}@snap` get_pid ${POOL} ${NS} unmap_device "${POOL}/${NS}/${IMAGE}@snap" ${PID} DEV= # map/unmap namespace test with --snap-id SNAPID=`rbd snap ls ${POOL}/${NS}/${IMAGE} | awk '$2 == "snap" {print $1}'` DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map --snap-id ${SNAPID} ${POOL}/${NS}/${IMAGE}` get_pid ${POOL} ${NS} unmap_device "--snap-id ${SNAPID} ${POOL}/${NS}/${IMAGE}" ${PID} DEV= # map/unmap namespace using options test DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map --pool ${POOL} --namespace ${NS} --image ${IMAGE}` get_pid ${POOL} ${NS} unmap_device "--pool ${POOL} --namespace ${NS} --image ${IMAGE}" ${PID} DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map --pool ${POOL} --namespace ${NS} --image ${IMAGE} --snap snap` get_pid ${POOL} ${NS} unmap_device "--pool ${POOL} --namespace ${NS} --image ${IMAGE} --snap snap" ${PID} DEV= # unmap by image name test 2 DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map ${POOL}/${IMAGE}` get_pid ${POOL} pid=$PID DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map ${POOL}/${NS}/${IMAGE}` get_pid ${POOL} ${NS} unmap_device ${POOL}/${NS}/${IMAGE} ${PID} DEV= unmap_device ${POOL}/${IMAGE} ${pid} # map/unmap test with just image name and expect image to come from default pool if [ "${POOL}" = "rbd" ];then DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map ${IMAGE}` get_pid ${POOL} unmap_device ${IMAGE} ${PID} DEV= fi # map/unmap test with just image name after changing default pool rbd config global set global rbd_default_pool ${ANOTHER_POOL} rbd create --size 10M ${IMAGE} DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map ${IMAGE}` get_pid ${ANOTHER_POOL} unmap_device ${IMAGE} ${PID} DEV= # reset rbd config global rm global rbd_default_pool # auto unmap test DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map ${POOL}/${IMAGE}` get_pid ${POOL} _sudo kill ${PID} for i in `seq 10`; do rbd device --device-type nbd list | expect_false grep "^${PID} *${POOL} *${IMAGE}" && break sleep 1 done rbd device --device-type nbd list | expect_false grep "^${PID} *${POOL} *${IMAGE}" # quiesce test QUIESCE_HOOK=${TEMPDIR}/quiesce.sh DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map --quiesce --quiesce-hook ${QUIESCE_HOOK} ${POOL}/${IMAGE}` get_pid ${POOL} # test it fails if the hook does not exists test ! -e ${QUIESCE_HOOK} expect_false rbd snap create ${POOL}/${IMAGE}@quiesce1 _sudo dd if=${DATA} of=${DEV} bs=1M count=1 oflag=direct # test the hook is executed touch ${QUIESCE_HOOK} chmod +x ${QUIESCE_HOOK} cat > ${QUIESCE_HOOK} <&2 echo \$1 > ${TEMPDIR}/\$2 EOF rbd snap create ${POOL}/${IMAGE}@quiesce1 _sudo dd if=${DATA} of=${DEV} bs=1M count=1 oflag=direct test "$(cat ${TEMPDIR}/quiesce)" = ${DEV} test "$(cat ${TEMPDIR}/unquiesce)" = ${DEV} # test snap create fails if the hook fails touch ${QUIESCE_HOOK} chmod +x ${QUIESCE_HOOK} cat > ${QUIESCE_HOOK} <&2 exit 22 EOF expect_false rbd snap create ${POOL}/${IMAGE}@quiesce2 _sudo dd if=${DATA} of=${DEV} bs=1M count=1 oflag=direct # test the hook is slow cat > ${QUIESCE_HOOK} <&2 sleep 7 EOF rbd snap create ${POOL}/${IMAGE}@quiesce2 _sudo dd if=${DATA} of=${DEV} bs=1M count=1 oflag=direct # test rbd-nbd_quiesce hook that comes with distribution unmap_device ${DEV} ${PID} LOG_FILE=${TEMPDIR}/rbd-nbd.log if [ -n "${CEPH_SRC}" ]; then QUIESCE_HOOK=${CEPH_SRC}/tools/rbd_nbd/rbd-nbd_quiesce DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map --quiesce --quiesce-hook ${QUIESCE_HOOK} \ ${POOL}/${IMAGE} --log-file=${LOG_FILE}` else DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map --quiesce ${POOL}/${IMAGE} --log-file=${LOG_FILE}` fi get_pid ${POOL} _sudo mkfs ${DEV} mkdir ${TEMPDIR}/mnt _sudo mount ${DEV} ${TEMPDIR}/mnt rbd snap create ${POOL}/${IMAGE}@quiesce3 _sudo dd if=${DATA} of=${TEMPDIR}/mnt/test bs=1M count=1 oflag=direct _sudo umount ${TEMPDIR}/mnt unmap_device ${DEV} ${PID} DEV= cat ${LOG_FILE} expect_false grep 'quiesce failed' ${LOG_FILE} # test detach/attach OUT=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd --options try-netlink,show-cookie map ${POOL}/${IMAGE}` read DEV COOKIE <<< "${OUT}" get_pid ${POOL} _sudo mount ${DEV} ${TEMPDIR}/mnt _sudo rbd device detach ${POOL}/${IMAGE} --device-type nbd expect_false get_pid ${POOL} expect_false _sudo rbd device attach --device ${DEV} ${POOL}/${IMAGE} --device-type nbd if [ -n "${COOKIE}" ]; then _sudo rbd device attach --device ${DEV} --cookie ${COOKIE} ${POOL}/${IMAGE} --device-type nbd else _sudo rbd device attach --device ${DEV} ${POOL}/${IMAGE} --device-type nbd --force fi get_pid ${POOL} _sudo rbd device detach ${DEV} --device-type nbd expect_false get_pid ${POOL} if [ -n "${COOKIE}" ]; then _sudo rbd device attach --device ${DEV} --cookie ${COOKIE} ${POOL}/${IMAGE} --device-type nbd else _sudo rbd device attach --device ${DEV} ${POOL}/${IMAGE} --device-type nbd --force fi get_pid ${POOL} ls ${TEMPDIR}/mnt/ dd if=${TEMPDIR}/mnt/test of=/dev/null bs=1M count=1 _sudo dd if=${DATA} of=${TEMPDIR}/mnt/test1 bs=1M count=1 oflag=direct _sudo umount ${TEMPDIR}/mnt unmap_device ${DEV} ${PID} # if kernel supports cookies if [ -n "${COOKIE}" ]; then OUT=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd --show-cookie --cookie "abc de" --options try-netlink map ${POOL}/${IMAGE}` read DEV ANOTHER_COOKIE <<< "${OUT}" get_pid ${POOL} test "${ANOTHER_COOKIE}" = "abc de" unmap_device ${DEV} ${PID} fi DEV= # test detach/attach with --snap-id SNAPID=`rbd snap ls ${POOL}/${IMAGE} | awk '$2 == "snap" {print $1}'` OUT=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd --options try-netlink,show-cookie map --snap-id ${SNAPID} ${POOL}/${IMAGE}` read DEV COOKIE <<< "${OUT}" get_pid ${POOL} _sudo rbd device detach ${POOL}/${IMAGE} --snap-id ${SNAPID} --device-type nbd expect_false get_pid ${POOL} expect_false _sudo rbd device attach --device ${DEV} --snap-id ${SNAPID} ${POOL}/${IMAGE} --device-type nbd if [ -n "${COOKIE}" ]; then _sudo rbd device attach --device ${DEV} --cookie ${COOKIE} --snap-id ${SNAPID} ${POOL}/${IMAGE} --device-type nbd else _sudo rbd device attach --device ${DEV} --snap-id ${SNAPID} ${POOL}/${IMAGE} --device-type nbd --force fi get_pid ${POOL} _sudo rbd device detach ${DEV} --device-type nbd expect_false get_pid ${POOL} DEV= # test discard granularity with journaling rbd config image set ${POOL}/${IMAGE} rbd_discard_granularity_bytes 4096 rbd feature enable ${POOL}/${IMAGE} journaling DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map ${POOL}/${IMAGE}` get_pid ${POOL} # since a discard will now be pruned to only whole blocks (0..4095, 4096..8191) # let us test all the cases around those alignments. 512 is the smallest # possible block blkdiscard allows us to use. Thus the test checks # 512 before, on the alignment, 512 after. _sudo blkdiscard --offset 0 --length $((4096-512)) ${DEV} _sudo blkdiscard --offset 0 --length 4096 ${DEV} _sudo blkdiscard --offset 0 --length $((4096+512)) ${DEV} _sudo blkdiscard --offset 512 --length $((8192-1024)) ${DEV} _sudo blkdiscard --offset 512 --length $((8192-512)) ${DEV} _sudo blkdiscard --offset 512 --length 8192 ${DEV} # wait for commit log to be empty, 10 seconds should be well enough tries=0 queue_length=`rbd journal inspect --pool ${POOL} --image ${IMAGE} | awk '/entries inspected/ {print $1}'` while [ ${tries} -lt 10 ] && [ ${queue_length} -gt 0 ]; do rbd journal inspect --pool ${POOL} --image ${IMAGE} --verbose sleep 1 queue_length=`rbd journal inspect --pool ${POOL} --image ${IMAGE} | awk '/entries inspected/ {print $1}'` tries=$((tries+1)) done [ ${queue_length} -eq 0 ] unmap_device ${DEV} ${PID} DEV= rbd feature disable ${POOL}/${IMAGE} journaling rbd config image rm ${POOL}/${IMAGE} rbd_discard_granularity_bytes # test that disabling a feature so that the op is proxied to rbd-nbd # (arranged here by blkdiscard before "rbd feature disable") doesn't hang DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map ${POOL}/${IMAGE}` get_pid ${POOL} rbd feature enable ${POOL}/${IMAGE} journaling _sudo blkdiscard --offset 0 --length 4096 ${DEV} rbd feature disable ${POOL}/${IMAGE} journaling unmap_device ${DEV} ${PID} DEV= # test that rbd_op_threads setting takes effect EXPECTED=`ceph-conf --show-config-value librados_thread_count` DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd map ${POOL}/${IMAGE}` get_pid ${POOL} ACTUAL=`ps -p ${PID} -T | grep -c io_context_pool` [ ${ACTUAL} -eq ${EXPECTED} ] unmap_device ${DEV} ${PID} EXPECTED=$((EXPECTED * 3 + 1)) DEV=`_sudo rbd device --device-type nbd --rbd-op-threads ${EXPECTED} map ${POOL}/${IMAGE}` get_pid ${POOL} ACTUAL=`ps -p ${PID} -T | grep -c io_context_pool` [ ${ACTUAL} -eq ${EXPECTED} ] unmap_device ${DEV} ${PID} DEV= echo OK