# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. macro(set_option_category name) set(ARROW_OPTION_CATEGORY ${name}) list(APPEND "ARROW_OPTION_CATEGORIES" ${name}) endmacro() function(check_description_length name description) foreach(description_line ${description}) string(LENGTH ${description_line} line_length) if(${line_length} GREATER 80) message(FATAL_ERROR "description for ${name} contained a\n\ line ${line_length} characters long!\n\ (max is 80). Split it into more lines with semicolons") endif() endforeach() endfunction() function(list_join lst glue out) if("${${lst}}" STREQUAL "") set(${out} "" PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() list(GET ${lst} 0 joined) list(REMOVE_AT ${lst} 0) foreach(item ${${lst}}) set(joined "${joined}${glue}${item}") endforeach() set(${out} ${joined} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() macro(define_option name description default) check_description_length(${name} ${description}) list_join(description "\n" multiline_description) option(${name} "${multiline_description}" ${default}) list(APPEND "ARROW_${ARROW_OPTION_CATEGORY}_OPTION_NAMES" ${name}) set("${name}_OPTION_DESCRIPTION" ${description}) set("${name}_OPTION_DEFAULT" ${default}) set("${name}_OPTION_TYPE" "bool") endmacro() macro(define_option_string name description default) check_description_length(${name} ${description}) list_join(description "\n" multiline_description) set(${name} ${default} CACHE STRING "${multiline_description}") list(APPEND "ARROW_${ARROW_OPTION_CATEGORY}_OPTION_NAMES" ${name}) set("${name}_OPTION_DESCRIPTION" ${description}) set("${name}_OPTION_DEFAULT" "\"${default}\"") set("${name}_OPTION_TYPE" "string") set("${name}_OPTION_POSSIBLE_VALUES" ${ARGN}) list_join("${name}_OPTION_POSSIBLE_VALUES" "|" "${name}_OPTION_ENUM") if(NOT ("${${name}_OPTION_ENUM}" STREQUAL "")) set_property(CACHE ${name} PROPERTY STRINGS "${name}_OPTION_POSSIBLE_VALUES") endif() endmacro() # Top level cmake dir if("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") #---------------------------------------------------------------------- set_option_category("Compile and link") define_option_string(ARROW_CXXFLAGS "Compiler flags to append when compiling Arrow" "") define_option(ARROW_BUILD_STATIC "Build static libraries" ON) define_option(ARROW_BUILD_SHARED "Build shared libraries" ON) define_option_string(ARROW_PACKAGE_KIND "Arbitrary string that identifies the kind of package;\ (for informational purposes)" "") define_option_string(ARROW_GIT_ID "The Arrow git commit id (if any)" "") define_option_string(ARROW_GIT_DESCRIPTION "The Arrow git commit description (if any)" "") define_option(ARROW_NO_DEPRECATED_API "Exclude deprecated APIs from build" OFF) define_option(ARROW_USE_CCACHE "Use ccache when compiling (if available)" ON) define_option(ARROW_USE_LD_GOLD "Use ld.gold for linking on Linux (if available)" OFF) define_option(ARROW_USE_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS "Use precompiled headers when compiling" OFF) define_option_string(ARROW_SIMD_LEVEL "Compile-time SIMD optimization level" "DEFAULT" # default to SSE4_2 on x86, NEON on Arm, NONE otherwise "NONE" "SSE4_2" "AVX2" "AVX512" "NEON" "DEFAULT") define_option_string(ARROW_RUNTIME_SIMD_LEVEL "Max runtime SIMD optimization level" "MAX" # default to max supported by compiler "NONE" "SSE4_2" "AVX2" "AVX512" "MAX") # Arm64 architectures and extensions can lead to exploding combinations. # So set it directly through cmake command line. # # If you change this, you need to change the definition in # python/CMakeLists.txt too. define_option_string(ARROW_ARMV8_ARCH "Arm64 arch and extensions" "armv8-a" # Default "armv8-a" "armv8-a+crc+crypto") define_option(ARROW_ALTIVEC "Build with Altivec if compiler has support" ON) define_option(ARROW_RPATH_ORIGIN "Build Arrow libraries with RATH set to \$ORIGIN" OFF) define_option(ARROW_INSTALL_NAME_RPATH "Build Arrow libraries with install_name set to @rpath" ON) define_option(ARROW_GGDB_DEBUG "Pass -ggdb flag to debug builds" ON) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- set_option_category("Test and benchmark") define_option(ARROW_BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build the Arrow examples" OFF) define_option(ARROW_BUILD_TESTS "Build the Arrow googletest unit tests" OFF) define_option(ARROW_ENABLE_TIMING_TESTS "Enable timing-sensitive tests" ON) define_option(ARROW_BUILD_INTEGRATION "Build the Arrow integration test executables" OFF) define_option(ARROW_BUILD_BENCHMARKS "Build the Arrow micro benchmarks" OFF) # Reference benchmarks are used to compare to naive implementation, or # discover various hardware limits. define_option(ARROW_BUILD_BENCHMARKS_REFERENCE "Build the Arrow micro reference benchmarks" OFF) if(ARROW_BUILD_SHARED) set(ARROW_TEST_LINKAGE_DEFAULT "shared") else() set(ARROW_TEST_LINKAGE_DEFAULT "static") endif() define_option_string(ARROW_TEST_LINKAGE "Linkage of Arrow libraries with unit tests executables." "${ARROW_TEST_LINKAGE_DEFAULT}" "shared" "static") define_option(ARROW_FUZZING "Build Arrow Fuzzing executables" OFF) define_option(ARROW_LARGE_MEMORY_TESTS "Enable unit tests which use large memory" OFF) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- set_option_category("Lint") define_option(ARROW_ONLY_LINT "Only define the lint and check-format targets" OFF) define_option(ARROW_VERBOSE_LINT "If off, 'quiet' flags will be passed to linting tools" OFF) define_option(ARROW_GENERATE_COVERAGE "Build with C++ code coverage enabled" OFF) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- set_option_category("Checks") define_option(ARROW_TEST_MEMCHECK "Run the test suite using valgrind --tool=memcheck" OFF) define_option(ARROW_USE_ASAN "Enable Address Sanitizer checks" OFF) define_option(ARROW_USE_TSAN "Enable Thread Sanitizer checks" OFF) define_option(ARROW_USE_UBSAN "Enable Undefined Behavior sanitizer checks" OFF) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- set_option_category("Project component") define_option(ARROW_BUILD_UTILITIES "Build Arrow commandline utilities" OFF) define_option(ARROW_COMPUTE "Build the Arrow Compute Modules" OFF) define_option(ARROW_CSV "Build the Arrow CSV Parser Module" OFF) define_option(ARROW_CUDA "Build the Arrow CUDA extensions (requires CUDA toolkit)" OFF) define_option(ARROW_DATASET "Build the Arrow Dataset Modules" OFF) define_option(ARROW_FILESYSTEM "Build the Arrow Filesystem Layer" OFF) define_option(ARROW_FLIGHT "Build the Arrow Flight RPC System (requires GRPC, Protocol Buffers)" OFF) define_option(ARROW_GANDIVA "Build the Gandiva libraries" OFF) define_option(ARROW_GCS "Build Arrow with GCS support (requires the GCloud SDK for C++)" OFF) mark_as_advanced(ARROW_GCS) # TODO(ARROW-1231) - remove once completed define_option(ARROW_HDFS "Build the Arrow HDFS bridge" OFF) define_option(ARROW_HIVESERVER2 "Build the HiveServer2 client and Arrow adapter" OFF) define_option(ARROW_IPC "Build the Arrow IPC extensions" ON) set(ARROW_JEMALLOC_DESCRIPTION "Build the Arrow jemalloc-based allocator") if(WIN32 OR "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" STREQUAL "FreeBSD") # jemalloc is not supported on Windows. # # jemalloc is the default malloc implementation on FreeBSD and can't # be built with --disable-libdl on FreeBSD. Because lazy-lock feature # is required on FreeBSD. Lazy-lock feature requires libdl. define_option(ARROW_JEMALLOC ${ARROW_JEMALLOC_DESCRIPTION} OFF) else() define_option(ARROW_JEMALLOC ${ARROW_JEMALLOC_DESCRIPTION} ON) endif() define_option(ARROW_JNI "Build the Arrow JNI lib" OFF) define_option(ARROW_JSON "Build Arrow with JSON support (requires RapidJSON)" OFF) define_option(ARROW_MIMALLOC "Build the Arrow mimalloc-based allocator" OFF) define_option(ARROW_PARQUET "Build the Parquet libraries" OFF) define_option(ARROW_ORC "Build the Arrow ORC adapter" OFF) define_option(ARROW_PLASMA "Build the plasma object store along with Arrow" OFF) define_option(ARROW_PLASMA_JAVA_CLIENT "Build the plasma object store java client" OFF) define_option(ARROW_PYTHON "Build the Arrow CPython extensions" OFF) define_option(ARROW_S3 "Build Arrow with S3 support (requires the AWS SDK for C++)" OFF) define_option(ARROW_TENSORFLOW "Build Arrow with TensorFlow support enabled" OFF) define_option(ARROW_TESTING "Build the Arrow testing libraries" OFF) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- set_option_category("Thirdparty toolchain") # Determine how we will look for dependencies # * AUTO: Guess which packaging systems we're running in and pull the # dependencies from there. Build any missing ones through the # ExternalProject setup. This is the default unless the CONDA_PREFIX # environment variable is set, in which case the CONDA method is used # * BUNDLED: Build dependencies through CMake's ExternalProject facility. If # you wish to build individual dependencies from source instead of using # one of the other methods, pass -D$NAME_SOURCE=BUNDLED # * SYSTEM: Use CMake's find_package and find_library without any custom # paths. If individual packages are on non-default locations, you can pass # $NAME_ROOT arguments to CMake, or set environment variables for the same # with CMake 3.11 and higher. If your system packages are in a non-default # location, or if you are using a non-standard toolchain, you can also pass # ARROW_PACKAGE_PREFIX to set the *_ROOT variables to look in that # directory # * CONDA: Same as SYSTEM but set all *_ROOT variables to # ENV{CONDA_PREFIX}. If this is run within an active conda environment, # then ENV{CONDA_PREFIX} will be used for dependencies unless # ARROW_DEPENDENCY_SOURCE is set explicitly to one of the other options # * VCPKG: Searches for dependencies installed by vcpkg. # * BREW: Use SYSTEM but search for select packages with brew. if(NOT "$ENV{CONDA_PREFIX}" STREQUAL "") set(ARROW_DEPENDENCY_SOURCE_DEFAULT "CONDA") else() set(ARROW_DEPENDENCY_SOURCE_DEFAULT "AUTO") endif() define_option_string(ARROW_DEPENDENCY_SOURCE "Method to use for acquiring arrow's build dependencies" "${ARROW_DEPENDENCY_SOURCE_DEFAULT}" "AUTO" "BUNDLED" "SYSTEM" "CONDA" "VCPKG" "BREW") define_option(ARROW_VERBOSE_THIRDPARTY_BUILD "Show output from ExternalProjects rather than just logging to files" OFF) define_option(ARROW_DEPENDENCY_USE_SHARED "Link to shared libraries" ON) define_option(ARROW_BOOST_USE_SHARED "Rely on boost shared libraries where relevant" ${ARROW_DEPENDENCY_USE_SHARED}) define_option(ARROW_BROTLI_USE_SHARED "Rely on Brotli shared libraries where relevant" ${ARROW_DEPENDENCY_USE_SHARED}) define_option(ARROW_BZ2_USE_SHARED "Rely on Bz2 shared libraries where relevant" ${ARROW_DEPENDENCY_USE_SHARED}) define_option(ARROW_GFLAGS_USE_SHARED "Rely on GFlags shared libraries where relevant" ${ARROW_DEPENDENCY_USE_SHARED}) define_option(ARROW_GRPC_USE_SHARED "Rely on gRPC shared libraries where relevant" ${ARROW_DEPENDENCY_USE_SHARED}) define_option(ARROW_LZ4_USE_SHARED "Rely on lz4 shared libraries where relevant" ${ARROW_DEPENDENCY_USE_SHARED}) define_option(ARROW_OPENSSL_USE_SHARED "Rely on OpenSSL shared libraries where relevant" ${ARROW_DEPENDENCY_USE_SHARED}) define_option(ARROW_PROTOBUF_USE_SHARED "Rely on Protocol Buffers shared libraries where relevant" ${ARROW_DEPENDENCY_USE_SHARED}) if(WIN32) # It seems that Thrift doesn't support DLL well yet. # MSYS2, conda-forge and vcpkg don't build shared library. set(ARROW_THRIFT_USE_SHARED_DEFAULT OFF) else() set(ARROW_THRIFT_USE_SHARED_DEFAULT ${ARROW_DEPENDENCY_USE_SHARED}) endif() define_option(ARROW_THRIFT_USE_SHARED "Rely on thrift shared libraries where relevant" ${ARROW_THRIFT_USE_SHARED_DEFAULT}) define_option(ARROW_UTF8PROC_USE_SHARED "Rely on utf8proc shared libraries where relevant" ${ARROW_DEPENDENCY_USE_SHARED}) define_option(ARROW_SNAPPY_USE_SHARED "Rely on snappy shared libraries where relevant" ${ARROW_DEPENDENCY_USE_SHARED}) define_option(ARROW_UTF8PROC_USE_SHARED "Rely on utf8proc shared libraries where relevant" ${ARROW_DEPENDENCY_USE_SHARED}) define_option(ARROW_ZSTD_USE_SHARED "Rely on zstd shared libraries where relevant" ${ARROW_DEPENDENCY_USE_SHARED}) define_option(ARROW_USE_GLOG "Build libraries with glog support for pluggable logging" OFF) define_option(ARROW_WITH_BACKTRACE "Build with backtrace support" ON) define_option(ARROW_WITH_BROTLI "Build with Brotli compression" OFF) define_option(ARROW_WITH_BZ2 "Build with BZ2 compression" OFF) define_option(ARROW_WITH_LZ4 "Build with lz4 compression" OFF) define_option(ARROW_WITH_SNAPPY "Build with Snappy compression" OFF) define_option(ARROW_WITH_ZLIB "Build with zlib compression" OFF) define_option(ARROW_WITH_ZSTD "Build with zstd compression" OFF) define_option(ARROW_WITH_UTF8PROC "Build with support for Unicode properties using the utf8proc library;(only used if ARROW_COMPUTE is ON or ARROW_GANDIVA is ON)" ON) define_option(ARROW_WITH_RE2 "Build with support for regular expressions using the re2 library;(only used if ARROW_COMPUTE or ARROW_GANDIVA is ON)" ON) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if(MSVC_TOOLCHAIN) set_option_category("MSVC") define_option(MSVC_LINK_VERBOSE "Pass verbose linking options when linking libraries and executables" OFF) define_option_string(BROTLI_MSVC_STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX "Brotli static lib suffix used on Windows with MSVC" "-static") define_option_string(PROTOBUF_MSVC_STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX "Protobuf static lib suffix used on Windows with MSVC" "") define_option_string(RE2_MSVC_STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX "re2 static lib suffix used on Windows with MSVC" "_static") if(DEFINED ENV{CONDA_PREFIX}) # Conda package changes the output name. # https://github.com/conda-forge/snappy-feedstock/blob/master/recipe/windows-static-lib-name.patch set(SNAPPY_MSVC_STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX_DEFAULT "_static") else() set(SNAPPY_MSVC_STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX_DEFAULT "") endif() define_option_string(SNAPPY_MSVC_STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX "Snappy static lib suffix used on Windows with MSVC" "${SNAPPY_MSVC_STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX_DEFAULT}") define_option_string(LZ4_MSVC_STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX "Lz4 static lib suffix used on Windows with MSVC" "_static") define_option_string(ZSTD_MSVC_STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX "ZStd static lib suffix used on Windows with MSVC" "_static") define_option(ARROW_USE_STATIC_CRT "Build Arrow with statically linked CRT" OFF) endif() #---------------------------------------------------------------------- set_option_category("Parquet") define_option(PARQUET_MINIMAL_DEPENDENCY "Depend only on Thirdparty headers to build libparquet.;\ Always OFF if building binaries" OFF) define_option(PARQUET_BUILD_EXECUTABLES "Build the Parquet executable CLI tools. Requires static libraries to be built." OFF) define_option(PARQUET_BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build the Parquet examples. Requires static libraries to be built." OFF) define_option(PARQUET_REQUIRE_ENCRYPTION "Build support for encryption. Fail if OpenSSL is not found" OFF) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- set_option_category("Gandiva") define_option(ARROW_GANDIVA_JAVA "Build the Gandiva JNI wrappers" OFF) # ARROW-3860: Temporary workaround define_option(ARROW_GANDIVA_STATIC_LIBSTDCPP "Include -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc when linking with;Gandiva static libraries" OFF) define_option_string(ARROW_GANDIVA_PC_CXX_FLAGS "Compiler flags to append when pre-compiling Gandiva operations" "") #---------------------------------------------------------------------- set_option_category("Advanced developer") define_option(ARROW_EXTRA_ERROR_CONTEXT "Compile with extra error context (line numbers, code)" OFF) define_option(ARROW_OPTIONAL_INSTALL "If enabled install ONLY targets that have already been built. Please be;\ advised that if this is enabled 'install' will fail silently on components;\ that have not been built" OFF) option(ARROW_BUILD_CONFIG_SUMMARY_JSON "Summarize build configuration in a JSON file" ON) endif() macro(validate_config) foreach(category ${ARROW_OPTION_CATEGORIES}) set(option_names ${ARROW_${category}_OPTION_NAMES}) foreach(name ${option_names}) set(possible_values ${${name}_OPTION_POSSIBLE_VALUES}) set(value "${${name}}") if(possible_values) if(NOT "${value}" IN_LIST possible_values) message(FATAL_ERROR "Configuration option ${name} got invalid value '${value}'. " "Allowed values: ${${name}_OPTION_ENUM}.") endif() endif() endforeach() endforeach() endmacro() macro(config_summary_message) message(STATUS "---------------------------------------------------------------------") message(STATUS "Arrow version: ${ARROW_VERSION}") message(STATUS) message(STATUS "Build configuration summary:") message(STATUS " Generator: ${CMAKE_GENERATOR}") message(STATUS " Build type: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") message(STATUS " Source directory: ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") message(STATUS " Install prefix: ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") if(${CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS}) message(STATUS " Compile commands: ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/compile_commands.json" ) endif() foreach(category ${ARROW_OPTION_CATEGORIES}) message(STATUS) message(STATUS "${category} options:") message(STATUS) set(option_names ${ARROW_${category}_OPTION_NAMES}) foreach(name ${option_names}) set(value "${${name}}") if("${value}" STREQUAL "") set(value "\"\"") endif() set(description ${${name}_OPTION_DESCRIPTION}) if(NOT ("${${name}_OPTION_ENUM}" STREQUAL "")) set(summary "=${value} [default=${${name}_OPTION_ENUM}]") else() set(summary "=${value} [default=${${name}_OPTION_DEFAULT}]") endif() message(STATUS " ${name}${summary}") foreach(description_line ${description}) message(STATUS " ${description_line}") endforeach() endforeach() endforeach() endmacro() macro(config_summary_json) set(summary "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_summary.json") message(STATUS " Outputting build configuration summary to ${summary}") file(WRITE ${summary} "{\n") foreach(category ${ARROW_OPTION_CATEGORIES}) foreach(name ${ARROW_${category}_OPTION_NAMES}) file(APPEND ${summary} "\"${name}\": \"${${name}}\",\n") endforeach() endforeach() file(APPEND ${summary} "\"generator\": \"${CMAKE_GENERATOR}\",\n") file(APPEND ${summary} "\"build_type\": \"${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}\",\n") file(APPEND ${summary} "\"source_dir\": \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}\",\n") if(${CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS}) file(APPEND ${summary} "\"compile_commands\": " "\"${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/compile_commands.json\",\n") endif() file(APPEND ${summary} "\"install_prefix\": \"${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}\",\n") file(APPEND ${summary} "\"arrow_version\": \"${ARROW_VERSION}\"\n") file(APPEND ${summary} "}\n") endmacro() macro(config_summary_cmake_setters path) file(WRITE ${path} "# Options used to build arrow:") foreach(category ${ARROW_OPTION_CATEGORIES}) file(APPEND ${path} "\n\n## ${category} options:") foreach(name ${ARROW_${category}_OPTION_NAMES}) set(description ${${name}_OPTION_DESCRIPTION}) foreach(description_line ${description}) file(APPEND ${path} "\n### ${description_line}") endforeach() file(APPEND ${path} "\nset(${name} \"${${name}}\")") endforeach() endforeach() endmacro() #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compute default values for omitted variables if(NOT ARROW_GIT_ID) execute_process(COMMAND "git" "log" "-n1" "--format=%H" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE ARROW_GIT_ID OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) endif() if(NOT ARROW_GIT_DESCRIPTION) execute_process(COMMAND "git" "describe" "--tags" "--dirty" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_VARIABLE ARROW_GIT_DESCRIPTION OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) endif()