# Arrow Developer Scripts This directory contains scripts useful to developers when packaging, testing, or committing to Arrow. Merging a pull request requires being a committer on the project. In addition you need to have linked your GitHub and ASF accounts on https://gitbox.apache.org/setup/ to be able to push to GitHub as the main remote. NOTE: It may take some time (a few hours) between when you complete the setup at GitBox, and when your GitHub account will be added as a committer. ## How to merge a Pull request Please don't merge PRs using the Github Web interface. Instead, set up your git clone such as to have a remote named ``apache`` pointing to the official Arrow repository: ``` git remote add apache git@github.com:apache/arrow.git ``` and then run the following command: ``` ./dev/merge_arrow_pr.sh ``` This creates a new Python virtual environment under `dev/.venv[PY_VERSION]` and installs all the necessary dependencies to run the Arrow merge script. After installed, it runs the merge script. (we don't provide a wrapper script for Windows yet, so under Windows you'll have to install Python dependencies yourself and then run `dev/merge_arrow_pr.py` directly) The merge script uses the GitHub REST API; if you encounter rate limit issues, you may set a `ARROW_GITHUB_API_TOKEN` environment variable to use a Personal Access Token. You can specify the username and the password of your JIRA account in `APACHE_JIRA_USERNAME` and `APACHE_JIRA_PASSWORD` environment variables. If these aren't supplied, the script will ask you the values of them. Note that the directory name of your Arrow git clone must be called `arrow`. example output: ``` Which pull request would you like to merge? (e.g. 34): ``` Type the pull request number (from https://github.com/apache/arrow/pulls) and hit enter. ``` === Pull Request #X === title Blah Blah Blah source repo/branch target master url https://api.github.com/repos/apache/arrow/pulls/X Proceed with merging pull request #3? (y/n): ``` If this looks good, type y and hit enter. ``` From git-wip-us.apache.org:/repos/asf/arrow.git * [new branch] master -> PR_TOOL_MERGE_PR_3_MASTER Switched to branch 'PR_TOOL_MERGE_PR_3_MASTER' Merge complete (local ref PR_TOOL_MERGE_PR_3_MASTER). Push to apache? (y/n): ``` A local branch with the merge has been created. type y and hit enter to push it to apache master ``` Counting objects: 67, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (26/26), done. Writing objects: 100% (36/36), 5.32 KiB, done. Total 36 (delta 17), reused 0 (delta 0) To git-wip-us.apache.org:/repos/arrow-mr.git b767ac4..485658a PR_TOOL_MERGE_PR_X_MASTER -> master Restoring head pointer to b767ac4e Note: checking out 'b767ac4e'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example: git checkout -b new_branch_name HEAD is now at b767ac4... Update README.md Deleting local branch PR_TOOL_MERGE_PR_X Deleting local branch PR_TOOL_MERGE_PR_X_MASTER Pull request #X merged! Merge hash: 485658a5 Would you like to pick 485658a5 into another branch? (y/n): ``` For now just say n as we have 1 branch ## Verifying Release Candidates We have provided a script to assist with verifying release candidates: ```shell bash dev/release/verify-release-candidate.sh 0.7.0 0 ``` Currently this only works on Linux (patches to expand to macOS welcome!). Read the script for information about system dependencies. On Windows, we have a script that verifies C++ and Python (requires Visual Studio 2015): ``` dev/release/verify-release-candidate.bat apache-arrow-0.7.0.tar.gz ``` ### Verifying the JavaScript release For JavaScript-specific releases, use a different verification script: ```shell bash dev/release/js-verify-release-candidate.sh 0.7.0 0 ``` # Integration testing Build the following base image used by multiple tests: ```shell docker build -t arrow_integration_xenial_base -f docker_common/Dockerfile.xenial.base . ``` ## HDFS C++ / Python support ```shell docker-compose build conda-cpp docker-compose build conda-python docker-compose build conda-python-hdfs docker-compose run --rm conda-python-hdfs ``` ## Apache Spark Integration Tests Tests can be run to ensure that the current snapshot of Java and Python Arrow works with Spark. This will run a docker image to build Arrow C++ and Python in a Conda environment, build and install Arrow Java to the local Maven repository, build Spark with the new Arrow artifact, and run Arrow related unit tests in Spark for Java and Python. Any errors will exit with a non-zero value. To run, use the following command: ```shell docker-compose build conda-cpp docker-compose build conda-python docker-compose build conda-python-spark docker-compose run --rm conda-python-spark ``` If you already are building Spark, these commands will map your local Maven repo to the image and save time by not having to download all dependencies. Be aware, that docker write files as root, which can cause problems for maven on the host. ```shell docker-compose run --rm -v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2 conda-python-spark ``` NOTE: If the Java API has breaking changes, a patched version of Spark might need to be used to successfully build.