/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ -- _DOCUMENTATION_INGESTION CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public._documentation_ingestion() RETURNS text AS $$ WITH ingestion_docs AS ( SELECT proname || E'\n' || rpad('', character_length(proname), '-') || E'\n\n:code:`' || proname || '(' || string_agg(a.argname || ' ' || typname , ', ') || E')`\n\n' || description || E'\n\n\nback to `Benchmark data model `_\n' AS docs FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON nspname='public' AND pg_namespace.oid = pronamespace AND proname LIKE '%ingest%' JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description ON pg_description.objoid=pg_proc.oid, LATERAL unnest(proargnames, proargtypes) AS a(argname, argtype) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_type ON pg_type.oid = a.argtype GROUP BY proname, description ) SELECT string_agg(docs, E'\n\n') AS docs FROM ingestion_docs; $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE; -- _DOCUMENTATION_VIEW_DETAILS CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public._documentation_view_details(view_name citext) RETURNS TABLE( column_name name , type_name name , nullable text , default_value text , description text ) AS $$ WITH view_columns AS ( SELECT attname AS column_name , attnum AS column_order FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute WHERE attrelid=view_name::regclass ) SELECT t.column_name , type_name , coalesce(nullable, '') , coalesce(default_value, '') , coalesce(description, '') FROM public.summarized_tables_view AS t JOIN view_columns AS v ON v.column_name = t.column_name WHERE t.table_name || '_view' = view_name OR t.column_name NOT LIKE '%_id' ORDER BY column_order; $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE; -- _DOCUMENTATION_VIEW_PIECES CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public._documentation_view_pieces(view_name citext) RETURNS TABLE (rst_formatted text) AS $$ DECLARE column_length integer; type_length integer; nullable_length integer; default_length integer; description_length integer; sep text; border text; BEGIN -- All of the hard-coded constants here are the string length of the table -- column headers: 'Column', 'Type', 'Nullable', 'Default', 'Description' SELECT greatest(6, max(character_length(column_name))) FROM public._documentation_view_details(view_name) INTO column_length; SELECT greatest(4, max(character_length(type_name))) FROM public._documentation_view_details(view_name) INTO type_length; SELECT greatest(8, max(character_length(nullable))) FROM public._documentation_view_details(view_name) INTO nullable_length; SELECT greatest(7, max(character_length(default_value))) FROM public._documentation_view_details(view_name) INTO default_length; SELECT greatest(11, max(character_length(description))) FROM public._documentation_view_details(view_name) INTO description_length; SELECT ' ' INTO sep; SELECT concat_ws(sep , rpad('', column_length, '=') , rpad('', type_length, '=') , rpad('', nullable_length, '=') , rpad('', default_length, '=') , rpad('', description_length, '=') ) INTO border; RETURN QUERY SELECT border UNION ALL SELECT concat_ws(sep , rpad('Column', column_length, ' ') , rpad('Type', type_length, ' ') , rpad('Nullable', nullable_length, ' ') , rpad('Default', default_length, ' ') , rpad('Description', description_length, ' ') ) UNION ALL SELECT border UNION ALL SELECT concat_ws(sep , rpad(v.column_name, column_length, ' ') , rpad(v.type_name, type_length, ' ') , rpad(v.nullable, nullable_length, ' ') , rpad(v.default_value, default_length, ' ') , rpad(v.description, description_length, ' ') ) FROM public._documentation_view_details(view_name) AS v UNION ALL SELECT border; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; -- DOCUMENTATION_FOR CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.documentation_for(view_name citext) RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE view_description text; view_table_markup text; BEGIN SELECT description FROM pg_catalog.pg_description WHERE pg_description.objoid = view_name::regclass INTO view_description; SELECT view_name || E'\n' || rpad('', length(view_name), '-') || E'\n\n' || view_description || E'\n\n' || string_agg(rst_formatted, E'\n') INTO view_table_markup FROM public._documentation_view_pieces(view_name); RETURN view_table_markup; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION public.documentation_for(citext) IS E'Create an ".rst"-formatted table describing a specific view.\n' 'Example: SELECT public.documentation_for(''endpoint'');'; -- DOCUMENTATION CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.documentation(dotfile_name text) RETURNS TABLE (full_text text) AS $$ WITH v AS ( SELECT public.documentation_for(relname::citext) || E'\n\nback to `Benchmark data model `_\n' AS view_documentation FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON pg_trigger.tgrelid = pg_class.oid WHERE NOT tgisinternal ) SELECT E'\n.. _benchmark-data-model:\n\n' 'Benchmark data model\n' '====================\n\n\n' '.. graphviz:: ' || dotfile_name || E'\n\n\n.. _benchmark-ingestion:\n\n' 'Benchmark ingestion helper functions\n' '====================================\n\n' || public._documentation_ingestion() || E'\n\n\n.. _benchmark-views:\n\n' 'Benchmark views\n' '===============\n\n\n' || string_agg(v.view_documentation, E'\n') FROM v GROUP BY True; $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION public.documentation(text) IS E'Create an ".rst"-formatted file that shows the columns in ' 'every insertable view in the "public" schema.\n' 'The text argument is the name of the generated dotfile to be included.\n' 'Example: SELECT public.documentation(''data_model.dot'');'; -- _DOCUMENTATION_DOTFILE_NODE_FOR CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public._documentation_dotfile_node_for(tablename name) RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE result text; BEGIN WITH node AS ( SELECT tablename::text AS lines UNION ALL SELECT E'[label = \n' ' <' UNION ALL -- table name SELECT ' ' UNION ALL -- primary keys SELECT ' ' FROM public.summarized_tables_view WHERE table_name = tablename AND description LIKE '%primary key%' UNION ALL -- columns SELECT ' ' FROM public.summarized_tables_view WHERE table_name = tablename AND (description IS NULL OR description not like '%key%') UNION ALL -- foreign keys SELECT ' ' FROM public.summarized_tables_view WHERE table_name = tablename AND description LIKE '%foreign key%' AND description NOT LIKE '%primary key%' UNION ALL SELECT E'
' || tablename || '
' || column_name || ' (pk)
' || column_name || CASE WHEN description LIKE '%unique' THEN ' (u)' ELSE '' END || CASE WHEN nullable <> 'not null' THEN ' (o)' ELSE '' END || '
' || column_name || CASE WHEN description LIKE '%unique' THEN ' (u)' ELSE '' END || ' (fk)
>\n];' ) SELECT string_agg(lines, E'\n') INTO result FROM node; RETURN result; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; -- _DOCUMENTATION_DOTFILE_EDGES CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public._documentation_dotfile_edges() RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE result text; BEGIN WITH relationship AS ( SELECT conrelid AS fk_table_id , confrelid AS pk_table_id , unnest(conkey) AS fk_colnum , unnest(confkey) AS pk_colnum FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint WHERE confkey IS NOT NULL AND connamespace='public'::regnamespace ), all_edges AS ( SELECT fk_tbl.relname || ':' || fk_col.attname || ' -> ' || pk_tbl.relname || ':' || pk_col.attname || ';' AS lines FROM relationship -- foreign key table + column JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute AS fk_col ON fk_col.attrelid = relationship.fk_table_id AND fk_col.attnum = relationship.fk_colnum JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class AS fk_tbl ON fk_tbl.oid = relationship.fk_table_id -- primary key table + column JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute AS pk_col ON pk_col.attrelid = relationship.pk_table_id AND pk_col.attnum = relationship.pk_colnum JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class AS pk_tbl ON pk_tbl.oid = relationship.pk_table_id ) SELECT string_agg(lines, E'\n') INTO result FROM all_edges; RETURN result; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; -- DOCUMENTATION_DOTFILE CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.documentation_dotfile() RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE schemaname name := 'public'; result text; BEGIN WITH file_contents AS ( SELECT E'digraph database {\n concentrate = true;\n' ' rankdir = LR;\n' ' ratio = ".75";\n' ' node [shape = none, fontsize="11", fontname="Helvetica"];\n' ' edge [fontsize="8", fontname="Helvetica"];' AS lines UNION ALL SELECT E'legend\n[fontsize = "14"\nlabel =\n' '<\n' ' \n' ' \n' ' \n' ' \n' ' \n' ' \n' '
pk = primary key
fk = foreign key
u = unique*
o = optional
' '* multiple uniques in the same table are a unique group
>\n];' UNION ALL SELECT string_agg( public._documentation_dotfile_node_for(relname), E'\n' -- Forcing the 'env' table to the end makes a better image ORDER BY (CASE WHEN relname LIKE 'env%' THEN 'z' ELSE relname END) ) FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relkind='r' AND relnamespace = schemaname::regnamespace UNION ALL SELECT public._documentation_dotfile_edges() UNION ALL SELECT '}' ) SELECT string_agg(lines, E'\n') AS dotfile INTO result FROM file_contents; RETURN result; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION public.documentation_dotfile() IS E'Create a Graphviz dotfile of the data model: ' 'every table in the "public" schema.\n' 'Example: SELECT public.documentation_dotfile();';