{% import 'macros.jinja' as macros with context %} jobs: - job: win pool: vmImage: vs2017-win2016 timeoutInMinutes: 360 variables: CONFIG: {{ config }} R_CONFIG: {{ r_config|default("") }} ARROW_VERSION: {{ arrow.no_rc_version }} CONDA_BLD_PATH: D:\\bld\\ UPLOAD_PACKAGES: False steps: - script: | choco install vcpython27 -fdv -y --debug condition: contains(variables['CONFIG'], 'vs2008') displayName: Install vcpython27.msi (if needed) - powershell: | Set-PSDebug -Trace 1 $batchcontent = @" ECHO ON SET vcpython=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft\Visual C++ for Python\9.0 DIR "%vcpython%" CALL "%vcpython%\vcvarsall.bat" %* "@ $batchDir = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft\Visual C++ for Python\9.0\VC" $batchPath = "$batchDir" + "\vcvarsall.bat" New-Item -Path $batchPath -ItemType "file" -Force Set-Content -Value $batchcontent -Path $batchPath Get-ChildItem -Path $batchDir Get-ChildItem -Path ($batchDir + '\..') condition: contains(variables['CONFIG'], 'vs2008') displayName: Patch vs2008 (if needed) - task: CondaEnvironment@1 inputs: packageSpecs: 'python=3.6 conda-build conda conda-forge::conda-forge-ci-setup=3 pip' # Optional installOptions: "-c conda-forge" updateConda: true displayName: Install conda-build and activate environment - script: set PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 {{ macros.azure_checkout_arrow()|indent(2) }} # Configure the VM - script: setup_conda_rc .\ .\ .\.ci_support\%CONFIG%.yaml workingDirectory: arrow\dev\tasks\conda-recipes # Configure the VM. - script: | set "CI=azure" call activate base run_conda_forge_build_setup displayName: conda-forge build setup workingDirectory: arrow\dev\tasks\conda-recipes - script: | conda.exe build arrow-cpp parquet-cpp -m .ci_support\%CONFIG%.yaml displayName: Build recipe workingDirectory: arrow\dev\tasks\conda-recipes env: PYTHONUNBUFFERED: 1 condition: not(contains(variables['CONFIG'], 'vs2008')) - script: | conda.exe build r-arrow -m .ci_support\r\%R_CONFIG%.yaml displayName: Build recipe workingDirectory: arrow\dev\tasks\conda-recipes env: PYTHONUNBUFFERED: 1 condition: contains(variables['R_CONFIG'], 'win') {{ macros.azure_upload_releases("D:\\bld\\win-64\\*.tar.bz2")|indent(2) }} {{ macros.azure_upload_anaconda("D:\\bld\\win-64\\*.tar.bz2")|indent(2) }}