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.. currentmodule:: pyarrow
.. _parquet:
Reading and Writing the Apache Parquet Format
The `Apache Parquet `_ project provides a
standardized open-source columnar storage format for use in data analysis
systems. It was created originally for use in `Apache Hadoop
`_ with systems like `Apache Drill
`_, `Apache Hive `_, `Apache
Impala (incubating) `_, and `Apache Spark
`_ adopting it as a shared standard for high
performance data IO.
Apache Arrow is an ideal in-memory transport layer for data that is being read
or written with Parquet files. We have been concurrently developing the `C++
implementation of Apache Parquet `_,
which includes a native, multithreaded C++ adapter to and from in-memory Arrow
data. PyArrow includes Python bindings to this code, which thus enables reading
and writing Parquet files with pandas as well.
Obtaining pyarrow with Parquet Support
If you installed ``pyarrow`` with pip or conda, it should be built with Parquet
support bundled:
.. ipython:: python
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
If you are building ``pyarrow`` from source, you must use
``-DARROW_PARQUET=ON`` when compiling the C++ libraries and enable the Parquet
extensions when building ``pyarrow``. See the :ref:`Python Development
` page for more details.
Reading and Writing Single Files
The functions :func:`~.parquet.read_table` and :func:`~.parquet.write_table`
read and write the :ref:`pyarrow.Table ` object, respectively.
Let's look at a simple table:
.. ipython:: python
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow as pa
df = pd.DataFrame({'one': [-1, np.nan, 2.5],
'two': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
'three': [True, False, True]},
table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df)
We write this to Parquet format with ``write_table``:
.. ipython:: python
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
pq.write_table(table, 'example.parquet')
This creates a single Parquet file. In practice, a Parquet dataset may consist
of many files in many directories. We can read a single file back with
.. ipython:: python
table2 = pq.read_table('example.parquet')
You can pass a subset of columns to read, which can be much faster than reading
the whole file (due to the columnar layout):
.. ipython:: python
pq.read_table('example.parquet', columns=['one', 'three'])
When reading a subset of columns from a file that used a Pandas dataframe as the
source, we use ``read_pandas`` to maintain any additional index column data:
.. ipython:: python
pq.read_pandas('example.parquet', columns=['two']).to_pandas()
We need not use a string to specify the origin of the file. It can be any of:
* A file path as a string
* A :ref:`NativeFile ` from PyArrow
* A Python file object
In general, a Python file object will have the worst read performance, while a
string file path or an instance of :class:`~.NativeFile` (especially memory
maps) will perform the best.
.. _parquet_mmap:
Reading Parquet and Memory Mapping
Because Parquet data needs to be decoded from the Parquet format
and compression, it can't be directly mapped from disk.
Thus the ``memory_map`` option might perform better on some systems
but won't help much with resident memory consumption.
.. code-block:: python
>>> pq_array = pa.parquet.read_table("area1.parquet", memory_map=True)
>>> print("RSS: {}MB".format(pa.total_allocated_bytes() >> 20))
RSS: 4299MB
>>> pq_array = pa.parquet.read_table("area1.parquet", memory_map=False)
>>> print("RSS: {}MB".format(pa.total_allocated_bytes() >> 20))
RSS: 4299MB
If you need to deal with Parquet data bigger than memory,
the :ref:`dataset` and partitioning is probably what you are looking for.
Parquet file writing options
:func:`~pyarrow.parquet.write_table()` has a number of options to
control various settings when writing a Parquet file.
* ``version``, the Parquet format version to use. ``'1.0'`` ensures
compatibility with older readers, while ``'2.4'`` and greater values
enable more Parquet types and encodings.
* ``data_page_size``, to control the approximate size of encoded data
pages within a column chunk. This currently defaults to 1MB.
* ``flavor``, to set compatibility options particular to a Parquet
consumer like ``'spark'`` for Apache Spark.
See the :func:`~pyarrow.parquet.write_table()` docstring for more details.
There are some additional data type handling-specific options
described below.
Omitting the DataFrame index
When using ``pa.Table.from_pandas`` to convert to an Arrow table, by default
one or more special columns are added to keep track of the index (row
labels). Storing the index takes extra space, so if your index is not valuable,
you may choose to omit it by passing ``preserve_index=False``
.. ipython:: python
df = pd.DataFrame({'one': [-1, np.nan, 2.5],
'two': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
'three': [True, False, True]},
table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df, preserve_index=False)
Then we have:
.. ipython:: python
pq.write_table(table, 'example_noindex.parquet')
t = pq.read_table('example_noindex.parquet')
Here you see the index did not survive the round trip.
Finer-grained Reading and Writing
``read_table`` uses the :class:`~.ParquetFile` class, which has other features:
.. ipython:: python
parquet_file = pq.ParquetFile('example.parquet')
As you can learn more in the `Apache Parquet format
`_, a Parquet file consists of
multiple row groups. ``read_table`` will read all of the row groups and
concatenate them into a single table. You can read individual row groups with
.. ipython:: python
We can similarly write a Parquet file with multiple row groups by using
.. ipython:: python
with pq.ParquetWriter('example2.parquet', table.schema) as writer:
for i in range(3):
pf2 = pq.ParquetFile('example2.parquet')
Inspecting the Parquet File Metadata
The ``FileMetaData`` of a Parquet file can be accessed through
:class:`~.ParquetFile` as shown above:
.. ipython:: python
parquet_file = pq.ParquetFile('example.parquet')
metadata = parquet_file.metadata
or can also be read directly using :func:`~parquet.read_metadata`:
.. ipython:: python
metadata = pq.read_metadata('example.parquet')
The returned ``FileMetaData`` object allows to inspect the
`Parquet file metadata `__,
such as the row groups and column chunk metadata and statistics:
.. ipython:: python
.. ipython:: python
!rm example.parquet
!rm example_noindex.parquet
!rm example2.parquet
!rm example3.parquet
Data Type Handling
Reading types as DictionaryArray
The ``read_dictionary`` option in ``read_table`` and ``ParquetDataset`` will
cause columns to be read as ``DictionaryArray``, which will become
``pandas.Categorical`` when converted to pandas. This option is only valid for
string and binary column types, and it can yield significantly lower memory use
and improved performance for columns with many repeated string values.
.. code-block:: python
pq.read_table(table, where, read_dictionary=['binary_c0', 'stringb_c2'])
Storing timestamps
Some Parquet readers may only support timestamps stored in millisecond
(``'ms'``) or microsecond (``'us'``) resolution. Since pandas uses nanoseconds
to represent timestamps, this can occasionally be a nuisance. By default
(when writing version 1.0 Parquet files), the nanoseconds will be cast to
microseconds ('us').
In addition, We provide the ``coerce_timestamps`` option to allow you to select
the desired resolution:
.. code-block:: python
pq.write_table(table, where, coerce_timestamps='ms')
If a cast to a lower resolution value may result in a loss of data, by default
an exception will be raised. This can be suppressed by passing
.. code-block:: python
pq.write_table(table, where, coerce_timestamps='ms',
Timestamps with nanoseconds can be stored without casting when using the
more recent Parquet format version 2.6:
.. code-block:: python
pq.write_table(table, where, version='2.6')
However, many Parquet readers do not yet support this newer format version, and
therefore the default is to write version 1.0 files. When compatibility across
different processing frameworks is required, it is recommended to use the
default version 1.0.
Older Parquet implementations use ``INT96`` based storage of
timestamps, but this is now deprecated. This includes some older
versions of Apache Impala and Apache Spark. To write timestamps in
this format, set the ``use_deprecated_int96_timestamps`` option to
``True`` in ``write_table``.
.. code-block:: python
pq.write_table(table, where, use_deprecated_int96_timestamps=True)
Compression, Encoding, and File Compatibility
The most commonly used Parquet implementations use dictionary encoding when
writing files; if the dictionaries grow too large, then they "fall back" to
plain encoding. Whether dictionary encoding is used can be toggled using the
``use_dictionary`` option:
.. code-block:: python
pq.write_table(table, where, use_dictionary=False)
The data pages within a column in a row group can be compressed after the
encoding passes (dictionary, RLE encoding). In PyArrow we use Snappy
compression by default, but Brotli, Gzip, and uncompressed are also supported:
.. code-block:: python
pq.write_table(table, where, compression='snappy')
pq.write_table(table, where, compression='gzip')
pq.write_table(table, where, compression='brotli')
pq.write_table(table, where, compression='none')
Snappy generally results in better performance, while Gzip may yield smaller
These settings can also be set on a per-column basis:
.. code-block:: python
pq.write_table(table, where, compression={'foo': 'snappy', 'bar': 'gzip'},
use_dictionary=['foo', 'bar'])
Partitioned Datasets (Multiple Files)
Multiple Parquet files constitute a Parquet *dataset*. These may present in a
number of ways:
* A list of Parquet absolute file paths
* A directory name containing nested directories defining a partitioned dataset
A dataset partitioned by year and month may look like on disk:
.. code-block:: text
Writing to Partitioned Datasets
You can write a partitioned dataset for any ``pyarrow`` file system that is a
file-store (e.g. local, HDFS, S3). The default behaviour when no filesystem is
added is to use the local filesystem.
.. code-block:: python
# Local dataset write
pq.write_to_dataset(table, root_path='dataset_name',
partition_cols=['one', 'two'])
The root path in this case specifies the parent directory to which data will be
saved. The partition columns are the column names by which to partition the
dataset. Columns are partitioned in the order they are given. The partition
splits are determined by the unique values in the partition columns.
To use another filesystem you only need to add the filesystem parameter, the
individual table writes are wrapped using ``with`` statements so the
``pq.write_to_dataset`` function does not need to be.
.. code-block:: python
# Remote file-system example
from pyarrow.fs import HadoopFileSystem
fs = HadoopFileSystem(host, port, user=user, kerb_ticket=ticket_cache_path)
pq.write_to_dataset(table, root_path='dataset_name',
partition_cols=['one', 'two'], filesystem=fs)
Compatibility Note: if using ``pq.write_to_dataset`` to create a table that
will then be used by HIVE then partition column values must be compatible with
the allowed character set of the HIVE version you are running.
Writing ``_metadata`` and ``_common_medata`` files
Some processing frameworks such as Spark or Dask (optionally) use ``_metadata``
and ``_common_metadata`` files with partitioned datasets.
Those files include information about the schema of the full dataset (for
``_common_metadata``) and potentially all row group metadata of all files in the
partitioned dataset as well (for ``_metadata``). The actual files are
metadata-only Parquet files. Note this is not a Parquet standard, but a
convention set in practice by those frameworks.
Using those files can give a more efficient creation of a parquet Dataset,
since it can use the stored schema and and file paths of all row groups,
instead of inferring the schema and crawling the directories for all Parquet
files (this is especially the case for filesystems where accessing files
is expensive).
The :func:`~pyarrow.parquet.write_to_dataset` function does not automatically
write such metadata files, but you can use it to gather the metadata and
combine and write them manually:
.. code-block:: python
# Write a dataset and collect metadata information of all written files
metadata_collector = []
pq.write_to_dataset(table, root_path, metadata_collector=metadata_collector)
# Write the ``_common_metadata`` parquet file without row groups statistics
pq.write_metadata(table.schema, root_path / '_common_metadata')
# Write the ``_metadata`` parquet file with row groups statistics of all files
table.schema, root_path / '_metadata',
When not using the :func:`~pyarrow.parquet.write_to_dataset` function, but
writing the individual files of the partitioned dataset using
:func:`~pyarrow.parquet.write_table` or :class:`~pyarrow.parquet.ParquetWriter`,
the ``metadata_collector`` keyword can also be used to collect the FileMetaData
of the written files. In this case, you need to ensure to set the file path
contained in the row group metadata yourself before combining the metadata, and
the schemas of all different files and collected FileMetaData objects should be
the same:
.. code-block:: python
metadata_collector = []
table1, root_path / "year=2017/data1.parquet",
# set the file path relative to the root of the partitioned dataset
# combine and write the metadata
metadata = metadata_collector[0]
for _meta in metadata_collector[1:]:
metadata.write_metadata_file(root_path / "_metadata")
# or use pq.write_metadata to combine and write in a single step
table1.schema, root_path / "_metadata",
Reading from Partitioned Datasets
The :class:`~.ParquetDataset` class accepts either a directory name or a list
of file paths, and can discover and infer some common partition structures,
such as those produced by Hive:
.. code-block:: python
dataset = pq.ParquetDataset('dataset_name/')
table = dataset.read()
You can also use the convenience function ``read_table`` exposed by
``pyarrow.parquet`` that avoids the need for an additional Dataset object
creation step.
.. code-block:: python
table = pq.read_table('dataset_name')
Note: the partition columns in the original table will have their types
converted to Arrow dictionary types (pandas categorical) on load. Ordering of
partition columns is not preserved through the save/load process. If reading
from a remote filesystem into a pandas dataframe you may need to run
``sort_index`` to maintain row ordering (as long as the ``preserve_index``
option was enabled on write).
.. note::
The ParquetDataset is being reimplemented based on the new generic Dataset
API (see the :ref:`dataset` docs for an overview). This is not yet the
default, but can already be enabled by passing the ``use_legacy_dataset=False``
keyword to :class:`ParquetDataset` or :func:`read_table`::
pq.ParquetDataset('dataset_name/', use_legacy_dataset=False)
Enabling this gives the following new features:
- Filtering on all columns (using row group statistics) instead of only on
the partition keys.
- More fine-grained partitioning: support for a directory partitioning scheme
in addition to the Hive-like partitioning (e.g. "/2019/11/15/" instead of
"/year=2019/month=11/day=15/"), and the ability to specify a schema for
the partition keys.
- General performance improvement and bug fixes.
It also has the following changes in behaviour:
- The partition keys need to be explicitly included in the ``columns``
keyword when you want to include them in the result while reading a
subset of the columns
This new implementation is already enabled in ``read_table``, and in the
future, this will be turned on by default for ``ParquetDataset``. The new
implementation does not yet cover all existing ParquetDataset features (e.g.
specifying the ``metadata``, or the ``pieces`` property API). Feedback is
very welcome.
Using with Spark
Spark places some constraints on the types of Parquet files it will read. The
option ``flavor='spark'`` will set these options automatically and also
sanitize field characters unsupported by Spark SQL.
Multithreaded Reads
Each of the reading functions by default use multi-threading for reading
columns in parallel. Depending on the speed of IO
and how expensive it is to decode the columns in a particular file
(particularly with GZIP compression), this can yield significantly higher data
This can be disabled by specifying ``use_threads=False``.
.. note::
The number of threads to use concurrently is automatically inferred by Arrow
and can be inspected using the :func:`~pyarrow.cpu_count()` function.
Reading from cloud storage
In addition to local files, pyarrow supports other filesystems, such as cloud
filesystems, through the ``filesystem`` keyword:
.. code-block:: python
from pyarrow import fs
s3 = fs.S3FileSystem(region="us-east-2")
table = pq.read_table("bucket/object/key/prefix", filesystem=s3)
Currently, :class:`HDFS ` and
:class:`Amazon S3-compatible storage ` are
supported. See the :ref:`filesystem` docs for more details. For those
built-in filesystems, the filesystem can also be inferred from the file path,
if specified as a URI:
.. code-block:: python
table = pq.read_table("s3://bucket/object/key/prefix")
Other filesystems can still be supported if there is an
`fsspec `__-compatible
implementation available. See :ref:`filesystem-fsspec` for more details.
One example is Azure Blob storage, which can be interfaced through the
`adlfs `__ package.
.. code-block:: python
from adlfs import AzureBlobFileSystem
abfs = AzureBlobFileSystem(account_name="XXXX", account_key="XXXX", container_name="XXXX")
table = pq.read_table("file.parquet", filesystem=abfs)