# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. #' Install or upgrade the Arrow library #' #' Use this function to install the latest release of `arrow`, to switch to or #' from a nightly development version, or on Linux to try reinstalling with #' all necessary C++ dependencies. #' #' Note that, unlike packages like `tensorflow`, `blogdown`, and others that #' require external dependencies, you do not need to run `install_arrow()` #' after a successful `arrow` installation. #' #' @param nightly logical: Should we install a development version of the #' package, or should we install from CRAN (the default). #' @param binary On Linux, value to set for the environment variable #' `LIBARROW_BINARY`, which governs how C++ binaries are used, if at all. #' The default value, `TRUE`, tells the installation script to detect the #' Linux distribution and version and find an appropriate C++ library. `FALSE` #' would tell the script not to retrieve a binary and instead build Arrow C++ #' from source. Other valid values are strings corresponding to a Linux #' distribution-version, to override the value that would be detected. #' See `vignette("install", package = "arrow")` for further details. #' @param use_system logical: Should we use `pkg-config` to look for Arrow #' system packages? Default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, source installation may be #' faster, but there is a risk of version mismatch. This sets the #' `ARROW_USE_PKG_CONFIG` environment variable. #' @param minimal logical: If building from source, should we build without #' optional dependencies (compression libraries, for example)? Default is #' `FALSE`. This sets the `LIBARROW_MINIMAL` environment variable. #' @param verbose logical: Print more debugging output when installing? Default #' is `FALSE`. This sets the `ARROW_R_DEV` environment variable. #' @param repos character vector of base URLs of the repositories to install #' from (passed to `install.packages()`) #' @param ... Additional arguments passed to `install.packages()` #' @export #' @importFrom utils install.packages #' @seealso [arrow_available()] to see if the package was configured with #' necessary C++ dependencies. `vignette("install", package = "arrow")` for #' more ways to tune installation on Linux. install_arrow <- function(nightly = FALSE, binary = Sys.getenv("LIBARROW_BINARY", TRUE), use_system = Sys.getenv("ARROW_USE_PKG_CONFIG", FALSE), minimal = Sys.getenv("LIBARROW_MINIMAL", FALSE), verbose = Sys.getenv("ARROW_R_DEV", FALSE), repos = getOption("repos"), ...) { sysname <- tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]]) conda <- isTRUE(grepl("conda", R.Version()$platform)) if (conda) { if (nightly) { system("conda install -y -c arrow-nightlies -c conda-forge --strict-channel-priority r-arrow") } else { system("conda install -y -c conda-forge --strict-channel-priority r-arrow") } } else { Sys.setenv( LIBARROW_BINARY = binary, LIBARROW_MINIMAL = minimal, ARROW_R_DEV = verbose, ARROW_USE_PKG_CONFIG = use_system ) # On the M1, we can't use the usual autobrew, which pulls Intel dependencies apple_m1 <- grepl("arm-apple|aarch64.*darwin", R.Version()$platform) # On Rosetta, we have to build without JEMALLOC, so we also can't autobrew rosetta <- identical(sysname, "darwin") && identical(system("sysctl -n sysctl.proc_translated", intern = TRUE), "1") if (rosetta) { Sys.setenv(ARROW_JEMALLOC = "OFF") } if (apple_m1 || rosetta) { Sys.setenv(FORCE_BUNDLED_BUILD = "true") } opts <- list() if (apple_m1 || rosetta) { # Skip binaries (esp. for rosetta) opts$pkgType <- "source" } else if (isTRUE(binary)) { # Unless otherwise directed, don't consider newer source packages when # options(pkgType) == "both" (default on win/mac) opts$install.packages.check.source <- "no" opts$install.packages.compile.from.source <- "never" } if (length(opts)) { old <- options(opts) on.exit(options(old)) } install.packages("arrow", repos = arrow_repos(repos, nightly), ...) } if ("arrow" %in% loadedNamespaces()) { # If you've just sourced this file, "arrow" won't be (re)loaded reload_arrow() } } arrow_repos <- function(repos = getOption("repos"), nightly = FALSE) { if (length(repos) == 0 || identical(repos, c(CRAN = "@CRAN@"))) { # Set the default/CDN repos <- "https://cloud.r-project.org/" } dev_repo <- getOption("arrow.dev_repo", "https://arrow-r-nightly.s3.amazonaws.com") # Remove it if it's there (so nightly=FALSE won't accidentally pull from it) repos <- setdiff(repos, dev_repo) if (nightly) { # Add it first repos <- c(dev_repo, repos) } repos } reload_arrow <- function() { if (requireNamespace("pkgload", quietly = TRUE)) { is_attached <- "package:arrow" %in% search() pkgload::unload("arrow") if (is_attached) { require("arrow", character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE) } else { requireNamespace("arrow", quietly = TRUE) } } else { message("Please restart R to use the 'arrow' package.") } } #' Create a source bundle that includes all thirdparty dependencies #' #' @param dest_file File path for the new tar.gz package. Defaults to #' `arrow_V.V.V_with_deps.tar.gz` in the current directory (`V.V.V` is the version) #' @param source_file File path for the input tar.gz package. Defaults to #' downloading the package from CRAN (or whatever you have set as the first in #' `getOption("repos")`) #' @return The full path to `dest_file`, invisibly #' #' This function is used for setting up an offline build. If it's possible to #' download at build time, don't use this function. Instead, let `cmake` #' download the required dependencies for you. #' These downloaded dependencies are only used in the build if #' `ARROW_DEPENDENCY_SOURCE` is unset, `BUNDLED`, or `AUTO`. #' https://arrow.apache.org/docs/developers/cpp/building.html#offline-builds #' #' If you're using binary packages you shouldn't need to use this function. You #' should download the appropriate binary from your package repository, transfer #' that to the offline computer, and install that. Any OS can create the source #' bundle, but it cannot be installed on Windows. (Instead, use a standard #' Windows binary package.) #' #' Note if you're using RStudio Package Manager on Linux: If you still want to #' make a source bundle with this function, make sure to set the first repo in #' `options("repos")` to be a mirror that contains source packages (that is: #' something other than the RSPM binary mirror URLs). #' #' ## Steps for an offline install with optional dependencies: #' #' ### Using a computer with internet access, pre-download the dependencies: #' * Install the `arrow` package _or_ run #' `source("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/arrow/master/r/R/install-arrow.R")` #' * Run `create_package_with_all_dependencies("my_arrow_pkg.tar.gz")` #' * Copy the newly created `my_arrow_pkg.tar.gz` to the computer without internet access #' #' ### On the computer without internet access, install the prepared package: #' * Install the `arrow` package from the copied file #' * `install.packages("my_arrow_pkg.tar.gz", dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo"))` #' * This installation will build from source, so `cmake` must be available #' * Run [arrow_info()] to check installed capabilities #' #' #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' new_pkg <- create_package_with_all_dependencies() #' # Note: this works when run in the same R session, but it's meant to be #' # copied to a different computer. #' install.packages(new_pkg, dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo")) #' } #' @export create_package_with_all_dependencies <- function(dest_file = NULL, source_file = NULL) { if (is.null(source_file)) { pkg_download_dir <- tempfile() dir.create(pkg_download_dir) on.exit(unlink(pkg_download_dir, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) message("Downloading Arrow source file") downloaded <- utils::download.packages("arrow", destdir = pkg_download_dir, type = "source") source_file <- downloaded[1, 2, drop = TRUE] } if (!file.exists(source_file) || !endsWith(source_file, "tar.gz")) { stop("Arrow package .tar.gz file not found") } if (is.null(dest_file)) { # e.g. convert /path/to/arrow_5.0.0.tar.gz to ./arrow_5.0.0_with_deps.tar.gz # (add 'with_deps' for clarity if the file was downloaded locally) dest_file <- paste0(gsub(".tar.gz$", "", basename(source_file)), "_with_deps.tar.gz") } untar_dir <- tempfile() on.exit(unlink(untar_dir, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) utils::untar(source_file, exdir = untar_dir) tools_dir <- file.path(untar_dir, "arrow/tools") download_dependencies_sh <- file.path(tools_dir, "cpp/thirdparty/download_dependencies.sh") # If you change this path, also need to edit nixlibs.R download_dir <- file.path(tools_dir, "thirdparty_dependencies") dir.create(download_dir) message("Downloading files to ", download_dir) download_successful <- system2(download_dependencies_sh, download_dir, stdout = FALSE) == 0 if (!download_successful) { stop("Failed to download thirdparty dependencies") } # Need to change directory to untar_dir so tar() will use relative paths. That # means we'll need a full, non-relative path for dest_file. (extra_flags="-C" # doesn't work with R's internal tar) orig_wd <- getwd() on.exit(setwd(orig_wd), add = TRUE) # normalizePath() may return the input unchanged if dest_file doesn't exist, # so create it first. file.create(dest_file) dest_file <- normalizePath(dest_file, mustWork = TRUE) setwd(untar_dir) message("Repacking tar.gz file to ", dest_file) tar_successful <- utils::tar(dest_file, compression = "gz") == 0 if (!tar_successful) { stop("Failed to create new tar.gz file") } invisible(dest_file) }