# arrow [![cran](https://www.r-pkg.org/badges/version-last-release/arrow)](https://cran.r-project.org/package=arrow) [![CI](https://github.com/apache/arrow/workflows/R/badge.svg?event=push)](https://github.com/apache/arrow/actions?query=workflow%3AR+branch%3Amaster+event%3Apush) [![conda-forge](https://img.shields.io/conda/vn/conda-forge/r-arrow.svg)](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/r-arrow) **[Apache Arrow](https://arrow.apache.org/) is a cross-language development platform for in-memory data.** It specifies a standardized language-independent columnar memory format for flat and hierarchical data, organized for efficient analytic operations on modern hardware. It also provides computational libraries and zero-copy streaming messaging and interprocess communication. **The `arrow` package exposes an interface to the Arrow C++ library, enabling access to many of its features in R.** It provides low-level access to the Arrow C++ library API and higher-level access through a `dplyr` backend and familiar R functions. ## What can the `arrow` package do? - Read and write **Parquet files** (`read_parquet()`, `write_parquet()`), an efficient and widely used columnar format - Read and write **Feather files** (`read_feather()`, `write_feather()`), a format optimized for speed and interoperability - Analyze, process, and write **multi-file, larger-than-memory datasets** (`open_dataset()`, `write_dataset()`) - Read **large CSV and JSON files** with excellent **speed and efficiency** (`read_csv_arrow()`, `read_json_arrow()`) - Write CSV files (`write_csv_arrow()`) - Manipulate and analyze Arrow data with **`dplyr` verbs** - Read and write files in **Amazon S3** buckets with no additional function calls - Exercise **fine control over column types** for seamless interoperability with databases and data warehouse systems - Use **compression codecs** including Snappy, gzip, Brotli, Zstandard, LZ4, LZO, and bzip2 for reading and writing data - Enable **zero-copy data sharing** between **R and Python** - Connect to **Arrow Flight** RPC servers to send and receive large datasets over networks - Access and manipulate Arrow objects through **low-level bindings** to the C++ library - Provide a **toolkit for building connectors** to other applications and services that use Arrow ## Installation ### Installing the latest release version Install the latest release of `arrow` from CRAN with ``` r install.packages("arrow") ``` Conda users can install `arrow` from conda-forge with ``` shell conda install -c conda-forge --strict-channel-priority r-arrow ``` Installing a released version of the `arrow` package requires no additional system dependencies. For macOS and Windows, CRAN hosts binary packages that contain the Arrow C++ library. On Linux, source package installation will also build necessary C++ dependencies. For a faster, more complete installation, set the environment variable `NOT_CRAN=true`. See `vignette("install", package = "arrow")` for details. For Windows users of R 3.6 and earlier, note that support for AWS S3 is not available, and the 32-bit version does not support Arrow Datasets. These features are only supported by the `rtools40` toolchain on Windows and thus are only available in R >= 4.0. ### Installing a development version Development versions of the package (binary and source) are built nightly and hosted at . To install from there: ``` r install.packages("arrow", repos = "https://arrow-r-nightly.s3.amazonaws.com") ``` Conda users can install `arrow` nightly builds with ``` shell conda install -c arrow-nightlies -c conda-forge --strict-channel-priority r-arrow ``` If you already have a version of `arrow` installed, you can switch to the latest nightly development version with ``` r arrow::install_arrow(nightly = TRUE) ``` These nightly package builds are not official Apache releases and are not recommended for production use. They may be useful for testing bug fixes and new features under active development. ## Usage Among the many applications of the `arrow` package, two of the most accessible are: - High-performance reading and writing of data files with multiple file formats and compression codecs, including built-in support for cloud storage - Analyzing and manipulating bigger-than-memory data with `dplyr` verbs The sections below describe these two uses and illustrate them with basic examples. The sections below mention two Arrow data structures: - `Table`: a tabular, column-oriented data structure capable of storing and processing large amounts of data more efficiently than R’s built-in `data.frame` and with SQL-like column data types that afford better interoperability with databases and data warehouse systems - `Dataset`: a data structure functionally similar to `Table` but with the capability to work on larger-than-memory data partitioned across multiple files ### Reading and writing data files with `arrow` The `arrow` package provides functions for reading single data files in several common formats. By default, calling any of these functions returns an R `data.frame`. To return an Arrow `Table`, set argument `as_data_frame = FALSE`. - `read_parquet()`: read a file in Parquet format - `read_feather()`: read a file in Feather format (the Apache Arrow IPC format) - `read_delim_arrow()`: read a delimited text file (default delimiter is comma) - `read_csv_arrow()`: read a comma-separated values (CSV) file - `read_tsv_arrow()`: read a tab-separated values (TSV) file - `read_json_arrow()`: read a JSON data file For writing data to single files, the `arrow` package provides the functions `write_parquet()`, `write_feather()`, and `write_csv_arrow()`. These can be used with R `data.frame` and Arrow `Table` objects. For example, let’s write the Star Wars characters data that’s included in `dplyr` to a Parquet file, then read it back in. Parquet is a popular choice for storing analytic data; it is optimized for reduced file sizes and fast read performance, especially for column-based access patterns. Parquet is widely supported by many tools and platforms. First load the `arrow` and `dplyr` packages: ``` r library(arrow, warn.conflicts = FALSE) library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) ``` Then write the `data.frame` named `starwars` to a Parquet file at `file_path`: ``` r file_path <- tempfile() write_parquet(starwars, file_path) ``` Then read the Parquet file into an R `data.frame` named `sw`: ``` r sw <- read_parquet(file_path) ``` R object attributes are preserved when writing data to Parquet or Feather files and when reading those files back into R. This enables round-trip writing and reading of `sf::sf` objects, R `data.frame`s with with `haven::labelled` columns, and `data.frame`s with other custom attributes. For reading and writing larger files or sets of multiple files, `arrow` defines `Dataset` objects and provides the functions `open_dataset()` and `write_dataset()`, which enable analysis and processing of bigger-than-memory data, including the ability to partition data into smaller chunks without loading the full data into memory. For examples of these functions, see `vignette("dataset", package = "arrow")`. All these functions can read and write files in the local filesystem or in Amazon S3 (by passing S3 URIs beginning with `s3://`). For more details, see `vignette("fs", package = "arrow")` ### Using `dplyr` with `arrow` The `arrow` package provides a `dplyr` backend enabling manipulation of Arrow tabular data with `dplyr` verbs. To use it, first load both packages `arrow` and `dplyr`. Then load data into an Arrow `Table` or `Dataset` object. For example, read the Parquet file written in the previous example into an Arrow `Table` named `sw`: ``` r sw <- read_parquet(file_path, as_data_frame = FALSE) ``` Next, pipe on `dplyr` verbs: ``` r result <- sw %>% filter(homeworld == "Tatooine") %>% rename(height_cm = height, mass_kg = mass) %>% mutate(height_in = height_cm / 2.54, mass_lbs = mass_kg * 2.2046) %>% arrange(desc(birth_year)) %>% select(name, height_in, mass_lbs) ``` The `arrow` package uses lazy evaluation to delay computation until the result is required. This speeds up processing by enabling the Arrow C++ library to perform multiple computations in one operation. `result` is an object with class `arrow_dplyr_query` which represents all the computations to be performed: ``` r result #> Table (query) #> name: string #> height_in: expr #> mass_lbs: expr #> #> * Filter: equal(homeworld, "Tatooine") #> * Sorted by birth_year [desc] #> See $.data for the source Arrow object ``` To perform these computations and materialize the result, call `compute()` or `collect()`. `compute()` returns an Arrow `Table`, suitable for passing to other `arrow` or `dplyr` functions: ``` r result %>% compute() #> Table #> 10 rows x 3 columns #> $name #> $height_in #> $mass_lbs ``` `collect()` returns an R `data.frame`, suitable for viewing or passing to other R functions for analysis or visualization: ``` r result %>% collect() #> # A tibble: 10 x 3 #> name height_in mass_lbs #> #> 1 C-3PO 65.7 165. #> 2 Cliegg Lars 72.0 NA #> 3 Shmi Skywalker 64.2 NA #> 4 Owen Lars 70.1 265. #> 5 Beru Whitesun lars 65.0 165. #> 6 Darth Vader 79.5 300. #> 7 Anakin Skywalker 74.0 185. #> 8 Biggs Darklighter 72.0 185. #> 9 Luke Skywalker 67.7 170. #> 10 R5-D4 38.2 70.5 ``` The `arrow` package works with most single-table `dplyr` verbs, including those that compute aggregates. ```r sw %>% group_by(species) %>% summarise(mean_height = mean(height, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% collect() ``` Additionally, equality joins (e.g. `left_join()`, `inner_join()`) are supported for joining multiple tables. ```r jedi <- data.frame( name = c("C-3PO", "Luke Skywalker", "Obi-Wan Kenobi"), jedi = c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE) ) sw %>% select(1:11) %>% right_join(jedi) %>% collect() ``` Window functions (e.g. `ntile()`) are not yet supported. Inside `dplyr` verbs, Arrow offers support for many functions and operators, with common functions mapped to their base R and tidyverse equivalents. The [changelog](https://arrow.apache.org/docs/r/news/index.html) lists many of them. If there are additional functions you would like to see implemented, please file an issue as described in the [Getting help](#getting-help) section below. For `dplyr` queries on `Table` objects, if the `arrow` package detects an unimplemented function within a `dplyr` verb, it automatically calls `collect()` to return the data as an R `data.frame` before processing that `dplyr` verb. For queries on `Dataset` objects (which can be larger than memory), it raises an error if the function is unimplemented; you need to explicitly tell it to `collect()`. ### Additional features Other applications of `arrow` are described in the following vignettes: - `vignette("python", package = "arrow")`: use `arrow` and `reticulate` to pass data between R and Python - `vignette("flight", package = "arrow")`: connect to Arrow Flight RPC servers to send and receive data - `vignette("arrow", package = "arrow")`: access and manipulate Arrow objects through low-level bindings to the C++ library ## Getting help If you encounter a bug, please file an issue with a minimal reproducible example on the [Apache Jira issue tracker](https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/ARROW/issues). Create an account or log in, then click **Create** to file an issue. Select the project **Apache Arrow (ARROW)**, select the component **R**, and begin the issue summary with **`[R]`** followed by a space. For more information, see the **Report bugs and propose features** section of the [Contributing to Apache Arrow](https://arrow.apache.org/docs/developers/contributing.html) page in the Arrow developer documentation. We welcome questions, discussion, and contributions from users of the `arrow` package. For information about mailing lists and other venues for engaging with the Arrow developer and user communities, please see the [Apache Arrow Community](https://arrow.apache.org/community/) page. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ All participation in the Apache Arrow project is governed by the Apache Software Foundation’s [code of conduct](https://www.apache.org/foundation/policies/conduct.html).