% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/chunked-array.R \docType{class} \name{ChunkedArray} \alias{ChunkedArray} \alias{chunked_array} \title{ChunkedArray class} \usage{ chunked_array(..., type = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{\dots}{Vectors to coerce} \item{type}{currently ignored} } \description{ A \code{ChunkedArray} is a data structure managing a list of primitive Arrow \link[=Array]{Arrays} logically as one large array. Chunked arrays may be grouped together in a \link{Table}. } \section{Factory}{ The \code{ChunkedArray$create()} factory method instantiates the object from various Arrays or R vectors. \code{chunked_array()} is an alias for it. } \section{Methods}{ \itemize{ \item \verb{$length()}: Size in the number of elements this array contains \item \verb{$chunk(i)}: Extract an \code{Array} chunk by integer position \item \verb{$as_vector()}: convert to an R vector \item \verb{$Slice(offset, length = NULL)}: Construct a zero-copy slice of the array with the indicated offset and length. If length is \code{NULL}, the slice goes until the end of the array. \item \verb{$Take(i)}: return a \code{ChunkedArray} with values at positions given by integers \code{i}. If \code{i} is an Arrow \code{Array} or \code{ChunkedArray}, it will be coerced to an R vector before taking. \item \verb{$Filter(i, keep_na = TRUE)}: return a \code{ChunkedArray} with values at positions where logical vector or Arrow boolean-type \verb{(Chunked)Array} \code{i} is \code{TRUE}. \item \verb{$SortIndices(descending = FALSE)}: return an \code{Array} of integer positions that can be used to rearrange the \code{ChunkedArray} in ascending or descending order \item \verb{$cast(target_type, safe = TRUE, options = cast_options(safe))}: Alter the data in the array to change its type. \item \verb{$null_count}: The number of null entries in the array \item \verb{$chunks}: return a list of \code{Array}s \item \verb{$num_chunks}: integer number of chunks in the \code{ChunkedArray} \item \verb{$type}: logical type of data \item \verb{$View(type)}: Construct a zero-copy view of this \code{ChunkedArray} with the given type. \item \verb{$Validate()}: Perform any validation checks to determine obvious inconsistencies within the array's internal data. This can be an expensive check, potentially \code{O(length)} } } \examples{ \dontshow{if (arrow_available()) (if (getRversion() >= "3.4") withAutoprint else force)(\{ # examplesIf} # Pass items into chunked_array as separate objects to create chunks class_scores <- chunked_array(c(87, 88, 89), c(94, 93, 92), c(71, 72, 73)) class_scores$num_chunks # When taking a Slice from a chunked_array, chunks are preserved class_scores$Slice(2, length = 5) # You can combine Take and SortIndices to return a ChunkedArray with 1 chunk # containing all values, ordered. class_scores$Take(class_scores$SortIndices(descending = TRUE)) # If you pass a list into chunked_array, you get a list of length 1 list_scores <- chunked_array(list(c(9.9, 9.6, 9.5), c(8.2, 8.3, 8.4), c(10.0, 9.9, 9.8))) list_scores$num_chunks # When constructing a ChunkedArray, the first chunk is used to infer type. doubles <- chunked_array(c(1, 2, 3), c(5L, 6L, 7L)) doubles$type \dontshow{\}) # examplesIf} } \seealso{ \link{Array} }