% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/csv.R, R/json.R \docType{class} \name{CsvTableReader} \alias{CsvTableReader} \alias{JsonTableReader} \title{Arrow CSV and JSON table reader classes} \description{ \code{CsvTableReader} and \code{JsonTableReader} wrap the Arrow C++ CSV and JSON table readers. See their usage in \code{\link[=read_csv_arrow]{read_csv_arrow()}} and \code{\link[=read_json_arrow]{read_json_arrow()}}, respectively. } \section{Factory}{ The \code{CsvTableReader$create()} and \code{JsonTableReader$create()} factory methods take the following arguments: \itemize{ \item \code{file} An Arrow \link{InputStream} \item \code{convert_options} (CSV only), \code{parse_options}, \code{read_options}: see \link{CsvReadOptions} \item \code{...} additional parameters. } } \section{Methods}{ \itemize{ \item \verb{$Read()}: returns an Arrow Table. } }