% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/io.R \docType{class} \name{OutputStream} \alias{OutputStream} \alias{FileOutputStream} \alias{BufferOutputStream} \title{OutputStream classes} \description{ \code{FileOutputStream} is for writing to a file; \code{BufferOutputStream} writes to a buffer; You can create one and pass it to any of the table writers, for example. } \section{Factory}{ The \verb{$create()} factory methods instantiate the \code{OutputStream} object and take the following arguments, depending on the subclass: \itemize{ \item \code{path} For \code{FileOutputStream}, a character file name \item \code{initial_capacity} For \code{BufferOutputStream}, the size in bytes of the buffer. } } \section{Methods}{ \itemize{ \item \verb{$tell()}: return the position in the stream \item \verb{$close()}: close the stream \item \verb{$write(x)}: send \code{x} to the stream \item \verb{$capacity()}: for \code{BufferOutputStream} \item \verb{$finish()}: for \code{BufferOutputStream} \item \verb{$GetExtentBytesWritten()}: for \code{MockOutputStream}, report how many bytes were sent. } }