% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/arrow-package.R \name{arrow_available} \alias{arrow_available} \alias{arrow_with_dataset} \alias{arrow_with_parquet} \alias{arrow_with_s3} \alias{arrow_with_json} \title{Is the C++ Arrow library available?} \usage{ arrow_available() arrow_with_dataset() arrow_with_parquet() arrow_with_s3() arrow_with_json() } \value{ \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} depending on whether the package was installed with: \itemize{ \item The Arrow C++ library (check with \code{arrow_available()}) \item Arrow Dataset support enabled (check with \code{arrow_with_dataset()}) \item Parquet support enabled (check with \code{arrow_with_parquet()}) \item JSON support enabled (check with \code{arrow_with_json()}) \item Amazon S3 support enabled (check with \code{arrow_with_s3()}) } } \description{ You won't generally need to call these function, but they're made available for diagnostic purposes. } \examples{ arrow_available() arrow_with_dataset() arrow_with_parquet() arrow_with_json() arrow_with_s3() } \seealso{ If any of these are \code{FALSE}, see \code{vignette("install", package = "arrow")} for guidance on reinstalling the package. }