% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/compression.R \docType{class} \name{compression} \alias{compression} \alias{CompressedOutputStream} \alias{CompressedInputStream} \title{Compressed stream classes} \description{ \code{CompressedInputStream} and \code{CompressedOutputStream} allow you to apply a compression \link{Codec} to an input or output stream. } \section{Factory}{ The \code{CompressedInputStream$create()} and \code{CompressedOutputStream$create()} factory methods instantiate the object and take the following arguments: \itemize{ \item \code{stream} An \link{InputStream} or \link{OutputStream}, respectively \item \code{codec} A \code{Codec}, either a \link{Codec} instance or a string \item \code{compression_level} compression level for when the \code{codec} argument is given as a string } } \section{Methods}{ Methods are inherited from \link{InputStream} and \link{OutputStream}, respectively }