% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/enums.R \docType{data} \name{enums} \alias{enums} \alias{TimeUnit} \alias{DateUnit} \alias{Type} \alias{StatusCode} \alias{FileMode} \alias{MessageType} \alias{CompressionType} \alias{FileType} \alias{ParquetVersionType} \alias{MetadataVersion} \alias{QuantileInterpolation} \alias{NullEncodingBehavior} \alias{NullHandlingBehavior} \alias{RoundMode} \alias{JoinType} \title{Arrow enums} \format{ An object of class \code{TimeUnit::type} (inherits from \code{arrow-enum}) of length 4. An object of class \code{DateUnit} (inherits from \code{arrow-enum}) of length 2. An object of class \code{Type::type} (inherits from \code{arrow-enum}) of length 37. An object of class \code{StatusCode} (inherits from \code{arrow-enum}) of length 17. An object of class \code{FileMode} (inherits from \code{arrow-enum}) of length 3. An object of class \code{MessageType} (inherits from \code{arrow-enum}) of length 5. An object of class \code{Compression::type} (inherits from \code{arrow-enum}) of length 9. An object of class \code{FileType} (inherits from \code{arrow-enum}) of length 4. An object of class \code{ParquetVersionType} (inherits from \code{arrow-enum}) of length 2. An object of class \code{MetadataVersion} (inherits from \code{arrow-enum}) of length 5. An object of class \code{QuantileInterpolation} (inherits from \code{arrow-enum}) of length 5. An object of class \code{NullEncodingBehavior} (inherits from \code{arrow-enum}) of length 2. An object of class \code{NullHandlingBehavior} (inherits from \code{arrow-enum}) of length 3. An object of class \code{RoundMode} (inherits from \code{arrow-enum}) of length 10. An object of class \code{JoinType} (inherits from \code{arrow-enum}) of length 8. } \usage{ TimeUnit DateUnit Type StatusCode FileMode MessageType CompressionType FileType ParquetVersionType MetadataVersion QuantileInterpolation NullEncodingBehavior NullHandlingBehavior RoundMode JoinType } \description{ Arrow enums } \keyword{datasets} \keyword{internal}