% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/dplyr-functions.R \name{get_stringr_pattern_options} \alias{get_stringr_pattern_options} \title{Get \code{stringr} pattern options} \usage{ get_stringr_pattern_options(pattern) } \arguments{ \item{pattern}{Unevaluated expression containing a call to a \code{stringr} pattern modifier function} } \value{ List containing elements \code{pattern}, \code{fixed}, and \code{ignore_case} } \description{ This function assigns definitions for the \code{stringr} pattern modifier functions (\code{fixed()}, \code{regex()}, etc.) inside itself, and uses them to evaluate the quoted expression \code{pattern}, returning a list that is used to control pattern matching behavior in internal \code{arrow} functions. } \keyword{internal}