% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/install-arrow.R \name{install_arrow} \alias{install_arrow} \title{Install or upgrade the Arrow library} \usage{ install_arrow( nightly = FALSE, binary = Sys.getenv("LIBARROW_BINARY", TRUE), use_system = Sys.getenv("ARROW_USE_PKG_CONFIG", FALSE), minimal = Sys.getenv("LIBARROW_MINIMAL", FALSE), verbose = Sys.getenv("ARROW_R_DEV", FALSE), repos = getOption("repos"), ... ) } \arguments{ \item{nightly}{logical: Should we install a development version of the package, or should we install from CRAN (the default).} \item{binary}{On Linux, value to set for the environment variable \code{LIBARROW_BINARY}, which governs how C++ binaries are used, if at all. The default value, \code{TRUE}, tells the installation script to detect the Linux distribution and version and find an appropriate C++ library. \code{FALSE} would tell the script not to retrieve a binary and instead build Arrow C++ from source. Other valid values are strings corresponding to a Linux distribution-version, to override the value that would be detected. See \code{vignette("install", package = "arrow")} for further details.} \item{use_system}{logical: Should we use \code{pkg-config} to look for Arrow system packages? Default is \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, source installation may be faster, but there is a risk of version mismatch. This sets the \code{ARROW_USE_PKG_CONFIG} environment variable.} \item{minimal}{logical: If building from source, should we build without optional dependencies (compression libraries, for example)? Default is \code{FALSE}. This sets the \code{LIBARROW_MINIMAL} environment variable.} \item{verbose}{logical: Print more debugging output when installing? Default is \code{FALSE}. This sets the \code{ARROW_R_DEV} environment variable.} \item{repos}{character vector of base URLs of the repositories to install from (passed to \code{install.packages()})} \item{...}{Additional arguments passed to \code{install.packages()}} } \description{ Use this function to install the latest release of \code{arrow}, to switch to or from a nightly development version, or on Linux to try reinstalling with all necessary C++ dependencies. } \details{ Note that, unlike packages like \code{tensorflow}, \code{blogdown}, and others that require external dependencies, you do not need to run \code{install_arrow()} after a successful \code{arrow} installation. } \seealso{ \code{\link[=arrow_available]{arrow_available()}} to see if the package was configured with necessary C++ dependencies. \code{vignette("install", package = "arrow")} for more ways to tune installation on Linux. }