# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. expect_bool_function_equal <- function(array_exp, r_exp) { # Assert that the Array operation returns a boolean array # and that its contents are equal to expected expect_r6_class(array_exp, "ArrowDatum") expect_type_equal(array_exp, bool()) expect_identical(as.vector(array_exp), r_exp) } expect_array_compares <- function(x, compared_to) { r_values <- as.vector(x) r_compared_to <- as.vector(compared_to) # Iterate over all comparison functions expect_bool_function_equal(x == compared_to, r_values == r_compared_to) expect_bool_function_equal(x != compared_to, r_values != r_compared_to) expect_bool_function_equal(x > compared_to, r_values > r_compared_to) expect_bool_function_equal(x >= compared_to, r_values >= r_compared_to) expect_bool_function_equal(x < compared_to, r_values < r_compared_to) expect_bool_function_equal(x <= compared_to, r_values <= r_compared_to) } test_that("compare ops with Array", { a <- Array$create(1:5) expect_array_compares(a, 4L) expect_array_compares(a, 4) # implicit casting expect_array_compares(a, Scalar$create(4)) expect_array_compares(Array$create(c(NA, 1:5)), 4) expect_array_compares(Array$create(as.numeric(c(NA, 1:5))), 4) expect_array_compares(Array$create(c(NA, 1:5)), Array$create(rev(c(NA, 1:5)))) expect_array_compares(Array$create(c(NA, 1:5)), Array$create(rev(c(NA, 1:5)), type = double())) }) test_that("compare ops with ChunkedArray", { expect_array_compares(ChunkedArray$create(1:3, 4:5), 4L) expect_array_compares(ChunkedArray$create(1:3, 4:5), 4) # implicit casting expect_array_compares(ChunkedArray$create(1:3, 4:5), Scalar$create(4)) expect_array_compares(ChunkedArray$create(c(NA, 1:3), 4:5), 4) expect_array_compares( ChunkedArray$create(c(NA, 1:3), 4:5), ChunkedArray$create(4:5, c(NA, 1:3)) ) expect_array_compares( ChunkedArray$create(c(NA, 1:3), 4:5), Array$create(c(NA, 1:5)) ) expect_array_compares( Array$create(c(NA, 1:5)), ChunkedArray$create(c(NA, 1:3), 4:5) ) }) test_that("logic ops with Array", { truth <- expand.grid(left = c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), right = c(TRUE, FALSE, NA)) a_left <- Array$create(truth$left) a_right <- Array$create(truth$right) expect_bool_function_equal(a_left & a_right, truth$left & truth$right) expect_bool_function_equal(a_left | a_right, truth$left | truth$right) expect_bool_function_equal(a_left == a_right, truth$left == truth$right) expect_bool_function_equal(a_left != a_right, truth$left != truth$right) expect_bool_function_equal(!a_left, !truth$left) # More complexity isEqualTo <- function(x, y) x == y & !is.na(x) expect_bool_function_equal( isEqualTo(a_left, a_right), isEqualTo(truth$left, truth$right) ) }) test_that("logic ops with ChunkedArray", { truth <- expand.grid(left = c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), right = c(TRUE, FALSE, NA)) a_left <- ChunkedArray$create(truth$left) a_right <- ChunkedArray$create(truth$right) expect_bool_function_equal(a_left & a_right, truth$left & truth$right) expect_bool_function_equal(a_left | a_right, truth$left | truth$right) expect_bool_function_equal(a_left == a_right, truth$left == truth$right) expect_bool_function_equal(a_left != a_right, truth$left != truth$right) expect_bool_function_equal(!a_left, !truth$left) # More complexity isEqualTo <- function(x, y) x == y & !is.na(x) expect_bool_function_equal( isEqualTo(a_left, a_right), isEqualTo(truth$left, truth$right) ) }) test_that("call_function validation", { expect_error( call_function("filter", 4), 'Argument 1 is of class numeric but it must be one of "Array", "ChunkedArray", "RecordBatch", "Table", or "Scalar"' ) expect_error( call_function("filter", Array$create(1:4), 3), "Argument 2 is of class numeric" ) expect_error( call_function("filter", Array$create(1:4), Array$create(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)), options = list(keep_na = TRUE) ), "Array arguments must all be the same length" ) expect_error( call_function("filter", record_batch(a = 1:3), Array$create(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)), options = list(keep_na = TRUE) ), NA ) expect_error( call_function("filter", options = list(keep_na = TRUE)), "accepts 2 arguments" ) })