# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. skip_if_not_available("dataset") skip_if_not_available("parquet") library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) dataset_dir <- make_temp_dir() hive_dir <- make_temp_dir() test_that("Setup (putting data in the dir)", { dir.create(file.path(dataset_dir, 1)) dir.create(file.path(dataset_dir, 2)) write_parquet(df1, file.path(dataset_dir, 1, "file1.parquet")) write_parquet(df2, file.path(dataset_dir, 2, "file2.parquet")) expect_length(dir(dataset_dir, recursive = TRUE), 2) dir.create(file.path(hive_dir, "subdir", "group=1", "other=xxx"), recursive = TRUE) dir.create(file.path(hive_dir, "subdir", "group=2", "other=yyy"), recursive = TRUE) write_parquet(df1, file.path(hive_dir, "subdir", "group=1", "other=xxx", "file1.parquet")) write_parquet(df2, file.path(hive_dir, "subdir", "group=2", "other=yyy", "file2.parquet")) expect_length(dir(hive_dir, recursive = TRUE), 2) }) test_that("filter() with is.nan()", { ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir, partitioning = schema(part = uint8())) expect_equal( ds %>% select(part, dbl) %>% filter(!is.nan(dbl), part == 2) %>% collect(), tibble(part = 2L, dbl = df2$dbl[!is.nan(df2$dbl)]) ) }) test_that("filter() with %in%", { ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir, partitioning = schema(part = uint8())) expect_equal( ds %>% select(int, part) %>% filter(int %in% c(6, 4, 3, 103, 107), part == 1) %>% collect(), tibble(int = df1$int[c(3, 4, 6)], part = 1) ) # ARROW-9606: bug in %in% filter on partition column with >1 partition columns ds <- open_dataset(hive_dir) expect_equal( ds %>% filter(group %in% 2) %>% select(names(df2)) %>% collect(), df2 ) }) test_that("filter() on timestamp columns", { ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir, partitioning = schema(part = uint8())) expect_equal( ds %>% filter(ts >= lubridate::ymd_hms("2015-05-04 03:12:39")) %>% filter(part == 1) %>% select(ts) %>% collect(), df1[5:10, c("ts")], ) # Now with Date expect_equal( ds %>% filter(ts >= as.Date("2015-05-04")) %>% filter(part == 1) %>% select(ts) %>% collect(), df1[5:10, c("ts")], ) # Now with bare string date skip("Implement more aggressive implicit casting for scalars (ARROW-11402)") expect_equal( ds %>% filter(ts >= "2015-05-04") %>% filter(part == 1) %>% select(ts) %>% collect(), df1[5:10, c("ts")], ) }) test_that("filter() on date32 columns", { tmp <- tempfile() dir.create(tmp) df <- data.frame(date = as.Date(c("2020-02-02", "2020-02-03"))) write_parquet(df, file.path(tmp, "file.parquet")) expect_equal( open_dataset(tmp) %>% filter(date > as.Date("2020-02-02")) %>% collect() %>% nrow(), 1L ) # Also with timestamp scalar expect_equal( open_dataset(tmp) %>% filter(date > lubridate::ymd_hms("2020-02-02 00:00:00")) %>% collect() %>% nrow(), 1L ) }) test_that("mutate()", { ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir, partitioning = schema(part = uint8())) mutated <- ds %>% select(chr, dbl, int) %>% filter(dbl * 2 > 14 & dbl - 50 < 3L) %>% mutate(twice = int * 2) expect_output( print(mutated), "FileSystemDataset (query) chr: string dbl: double int: int32 twice: double (multiply_checked(int, 2)) * Filter: ((multiply_checked(dbl, 2) > 14) and (subtract_checked(dbl, 50) < 3)) See $.data for the source Arrow object", fixed = TRUE ) expect_equal( mutated %>% collect() %>% arrange(dbl), rbind( df1[8:10, c("chr", "dbl", "int")], df2[1:2, c("chr", "dbl", "int")] ) %>% mutate( twice = int * 2 ) ) }) test_that("mutate() features not yet implemented", { expect_error( ds %>% group_by(int) %>% mutate(avg = mean(int)), "window functions not currently supported in Arrow\nCall collect() first to pull data into R.", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("filter scalar validation doesn't crash (ARROW-7772)", { expect_error( ds %>% filter(int == "fff", part == 1) %>% collect(), "equal has no kernel matching input types .array.int32., scalar.string.." ) }) test_that("collect() on Dataset works (if fits in memory)", { expect_equal( collect(open_dataset(dataset_dir)) %>% arrange(int), rbind(df1, df2) ) }) test_that("count()", { ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir) df <- rbind(df1, df2) expect_equal( ds %>% filter(int > 6, int < 108) %>% count(chr) %>% arrange(chr) %>% collect(), df %>% filter(int > 6, int < 108) %>% count(chr) ) }) test_that("arrange()", { ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir, partitioning = schema(part = uint8())) arranged <- ds %>% select(chr, dbl, int) %>% filter(dbl * 2 > 14 & dbl - 50 < 3L) %>% mutate(twice = int * 2) %>% arrange(chr, desc(twice), dbl + int) expect_output( print(arranged), "FileSystemDataset (query) chr: string dbl: double int: int32 twice: double (multiply_checked(int, 2)) * Filter: ((multiply_checked(dbl, 2) > 14) and (subtract_checked(dbl, 50) < 3)) * Sorted by chr [asc], multiply_checked(int, 2) [desc], add_checked(dbl, int) [asc] See $.data for the source Arrow object", fixed = TRUE ) expect_equal( arranged %>% collect(), rbind( df1[8, c("chr", "dbl", "int")], df2[2, c("chr", "dbl", "int")], df1[9, c("chr", "dbl", "int")], df2[1, c("chr", "dbl", "int")], df1[10, c("chr", "dbl", "int")] ) %>% mutate( twice = int * 2 ) ) }) test_that("compute()/collect(as_data_frame=FALSE)", { ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir) tab1 <- ds %>% compute() expect_r6_class(tab1, "Table") tab2 <- ds %>% collect(as_data_frame = FALSE) expect_r6_class(tab2, "Table") tab3 <- ds %>% mutate(negint = -int) %>% filter(negint > -100) %>% arrange(chr) %>% select(negint) %>% compute() expect_r6_class(tab3, "Table") expect_equal( tab3 %>% collect(), tibble(negint = -1:-10) ) tab4 <- ds %>% mutate(negint = -int) %>% filter(negint > -100) %>% arrange(chr) %>% select(negint) %>% collect(as_data_frame = FALSE) expect_r6_class(tab3, "Table") expect_equal( tab4 %>% collect(), tibble(negint = -1:-10) ) tab5 <- ds %>% mutate(negint = -int) %>% group_by(fct) %>% compute() # the group_by() prevents compute() from returning a Table... expect_s3_class(tab5, "arrow_dplyr_query") # ... but $.data is a Table (InMemoryDataset)... expect_r6_class(tab5$.data, "InMemoryDataset") # ... and the mutate() was evaluated expect_true("negint" %in% names(tab5$.data)) }) test_that("head/tail on query on dataset", { # head/tail on arrow_dplyr_query does not have deterministic order, # so without sorting we can only assert the correct number of rows ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir) expect_identical( ds %>% filter(int > 6) %>% head(5) %>% compute() %>% nrow(), 5L ) expect_equal( ds %>% filter(int > 6) %>% arrange(int) %>% head() %>% collect(), rbind(df1[7:10, ], df2[1:2, ]) ) expect_equal( ds %>% filter(int < 105) %>% tail(4) %>% compute() %>% nrow(), 4L ) expect_equal( ds %>% filter(int < 105) %>% arrange(int) %>% tail() %>% collect(), rbind(df1[9:10, ], df2[1:4, ]) ) }) test_that("dplyr method not implemented messages", { ds <- open_dataset(dataset_dir) # This one is more nuanced expect_error( ds %>% filter(int > 6, dbl > max(dbl)), "Filter expression not supported for Arrow Datasets: dbl > max(dbl)\nCall collect() first to pull data into R.", fixed = TRUE ) })