/*============================================================================= Boost.Wave: A Standard compliant C++ preprocessor library http://www.boost.org/ Copyright (c) 2001-2012 Hartmut Kaiser. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) =============================================================================*/ #define BOOST_WAVE_SERIALIZATION 0 // enable serialization #define BOOST_WAVE_BINARY_SERIALIZATION 0 // use binary archives #define BOOST_WAVE_XML_SERIALIZATION 1 // use XML archives #include "cpp.hpp" // global configuration /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Include additional Boost libraries #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Include Wave itself #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Include the lexer related stuff #include // token type #include // lexer type #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Include serialization support, if requested #if BOOST_WAVE_SERIALIZATION != 0 #include #if BOOST_WAVE_BINARY_SERIALIZATION != 0 #include #include typedef boost::archive::binary_iarchive iarchive; typedef boost::archive::binary_oarchive oarchive; #elif BOOST_WAVE_XML_SERIALIZATION != 0 #include #include typedef boost::archive::xml_iarchive iarchive; typedef boost::archive::xml_oarchive oarchive; #else #include #include typedef boost::archive::text_iarchive iarchive; typedef boost::archive::text_oarchive oarchive; #endif #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Include the context policies to use #include "trace_macro_expansion.hpp" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Include lexer specifics, import lexer names #if BOOST_WAVE_SEPARATE_LEXER_INSTANTIATION == 0 #include #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Include the grammar definitions, if these shouldn't be compiled separately // (ATTENTION: _very_ large compilation times!) #if BOOST_WAVE_SEPARATE_GRAMMAR_INSTANTIATION == 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Import required names using namespace boost::spirit::classic; using std::pair; using std::vector; using std::getline; using boost::filesystem::ofstream; using boost::filesystem::ifstream; using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; using std::ostream; using std::istreambuf_iterator; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This application uses the lex_iterator and lex_token types predefined // with the Wave library, but it is possible to use your own types. // // You may want to have a look at the other samples to see how this is // possible to achieve. typedef boost::wave::cpplexer::lex_token<> token_type; typedef boost::wave::cpplexer::lex_iterator lex_iterator_type; // The C++ preprocessor iterators shouldn't be constructed directly. They // are to be generated through a boost::wave::context<> object. This // boost::wave::context object is additionally to be used to initialize and // define different parameters of the actual preprocessing. typedef boost::wave::context< std::string::iterator, lex_iterator_type, boost::wave::iteration_context_policies::load_file_to_string, trace_macro_expansion > context_type; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // print the current version std::string get_version() { std::string version (context_type::get_version_string()); version = version.substr(1, version.size()-2); // strip quotes version += std::string(" (" CPP_VERSION_DATE_STR ")"); // add date return version; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // print the current version for interactive sessions int print_interactive_version() { cout << "Wave: A Standard conformant C++ preprocessor based on the Boost.Wave library" << endl; cout << "Version: " << get_version() << endl; return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // print the copyright statement int print_copyright() { char const *copyright[] = { "", "Wave: A Standard conformant C++ preprocessor based on the Boost.Wave library", "http://www.boost.org/", "", "Copyright (c) 2001-2012 Hartmut Kaiser, Distributed under the Boost", "Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file", "LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)", 0 }; for (int i = 0; 0 != copyright[i]; ++i) cout << copyright[i] << endl; return 0; // exit app } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // forward declarations only namespace cmd_line_utils { class include_paths; } namespace boost { namespace program_options { void validate(boost::any &v, std::vector const &s, cmd_line_utils::include_paths *, long); }} // boost::program_options /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include namespace po = boost::program_options; namespace fs = boost::filesystem; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace cmd_line_utils { // Additional command line parser which interprets '@something' as an // option "config-file" with the value "something". inline pair at_option_parser(std::string const&s) { if ('@' == s[0]) return std::make_pair(std::string("config-file"), s.substr(1)); else return pair(); } // class, which keeps include file information read from the command line class include_paths { public: include_paths() : seen_separator(false) {} vector paths; // stores user paths vector syspaths; // stores system paths bool seen_separator; // command line contains a '-I-' option // Function which validates additional tokens from command line. static void validate(boost::any &v, vector const &tokens) { if (v.empty()) v = boost::any(include_paths()); include_paths *p = boost::any_cast(&v); BOOST_ASSERT(p); // Assume only one path per '-I' occurrence. std::string const& t = po::validators::get_single_string(tokens); if (t == "-") { // found -I- option, so switch behaviour p->seen_separator = true; } else if (p->seen_separator) { // store this path as a system path p->syspaths.push_back(t); } else { // store this path as an user path p->paths.push_back(t); } } }; // Read all options from a given config file, parse and add them to the // given variables_map bool read_config_file_options(std::string const &filename, po::options_description const &desc, po::variables_map &vm, bool may_fail = false) { ifstream ifs(filename.c_str()); if (!ifs.is_open()) { if (!may_fail) { cerr << filename << ": command line warning: config file not found" << endl; } return false; } vector options; std::string line; while (std::getline(ifs, line)) { // skip empty lines std::string::size_type pos = line.find_first_not_of(" \t"); if (pos == std::string::npos) continue; // skip comment lines if ('#' != line[pos]) { // strip leading and trailing whitespace std::string::size_type endpos = line.find_last_not_of(" \t"); BOOST_ASSERT(endpos != std::string::npos); options.push_back(line.substr(pos, endpos-pos+1)); } } if (options.size() > 0) { using namespace boost::program_options::command_line_style; po::store(po::command_line_parser(options) .options(desc).style(unix_style).run(), vm); po::notify(vm); } return true; } // predicate to extract all positional arguments from the command line struct is_argument { bool operator()(po::option const &opt) { return (opt.position_key == -1) ? true : false; } }; // trim quotes from path names, if any std::string trim_quotes(std::string const& file) { if (('"' == file[0] || '\'' == file[0]) && file[0] == file[file.size()-1]) { return file.substr(1, file.size()-2); } return file; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Special validator overload, which allows to handle the -I- syntax for // switching the semantics of an -I option. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace boost { namespace program_options { void validate(boost::any &v, std::vector const &s, cmd_line_utils::include_paths *, long) { cmd_line_utils::include_paths::validate(v, s); } }} // namespace boost::program_options /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace { class auto_stop_watch : public stop_watch { public: auto_stop_watch(std::ostream &outstrm_) : print_time(false), outstrm(outstrm_) { } ~auto_stop_watch() { if (print_time) { outstrm << "Elapsed time: " << this->format_elapsed_time() << std::endl; } } void set_print_time(bool print_time_) { print_time = print_time_; } private: bool print_time; std::ostream &outstrm; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline std::string report_iostate_error(std::ios::iostate state) { BOOST_ASSERT(state & (std::ios::badbit | std::ios::failbit | std::ios::eofbit)); std::string result; if (state & std::ios::badbit) { result += " the reported problem was: " "loss of integrity of the stream buffer\n"; } if (state & std::ios::failbit) { result += " the reported problem was: " "an operation was not processed correctly\n"; } if (state & std::ios::eofbit) { result += " the reported problem was: " "end-of-file while writing to the stream\n"; } return result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Retrieve the position of a macro definition template inline bool get_macro_position(Context &ctx, typename Context::token_type::string_type const& name, typename Context::position_type &pos) { bool has_parameters = false; bool is_predefined = false; std::vector parameters; typename Context::token_sequence_type definition; return ctx.get_macro_definition(name, has_parameters, is_predefined, pos, parameters, definition); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generate some meaningful error messages template inline int report_error_message(Exception const &e, bool treat_warnings_as_error) { // default error reporting cerr << e.file_name() << ":" << e.line_no() << ":" << e.column_no() << ": " << e.description() << endl; // errors count as one return (treat_warnings_as_error || e.get_severity() == boost::wave::util::severity_error || e.get_severity() == boost::wave::util::severity_fatal) ? 1 : 0; } template inline int report_error_message(Context &ctx, boost::wave::cpp_exception const &e, bool treat_warnings_as_error) { // default error reporting int result = report_error_message(e, treat_warnings_as_error); using boost::wave::preprocess_exception; switch(e.get_errorcode()) { case preprocess_exception::macro_redefinition: { // report the point of the initial macro definition typename Context::position_type pos; if (get_macro_position(ctx, e.get_related_name(), pos)) { cerr << pos << ": " << preprocess_exception::severity_text(e.get_severity()) << ": this is the location of the previous definition." << endl; } else { cerr << e.file_name() << ":" << e.line_no() << ":" << e.column_no() << ": " << preprocess_exception::severity_text(e.get_severity()) << ": not able to retrieve the location of the previous " << "definition." << endl; } } break; default: break; } return result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read one logical line of text inline bool read_a_line (std::istream &instream, std::string &instring) { bool eol = true; do { std::string line; std::getline(instream, line); if (instream.rdstate() & std::ios::failbit) return false; // nothing to do eol = true; if (line.find_last_of('\\') == line.size()-1) eol = false; instring += line + '\n'; } while (!eol); return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load and save the internal tables of the wave::context object template inline void load_state(po::variables_map const &vm, Context &ctx) { #if BOOST_WAVE_SERIALIZATION != 0 try { if (vm.count("state") > 0) { fs::path state_file ( boost::wave::util::create_path(vm["state"].as())); if (state_file == "-") state_file = boost::wave::util::create_path("wave.state"); std::ios::openmode mode = std::ios::in; #if BOOST_WAVE_BINARY_SERIALIZATION != 0 mode = (std::ios::openmode)(mode | std::ios::binary); #endif ifstream ifs (state_file.string().c_str(), mode); if (ifs.is_open()) { using namespace boost::serialization; iarchive ia(ifs); std::string version; ia >> make_nvp("version", version); // load version if (version == CPP_VERSION_FULL_STR) ia >> make_nvp("state", ctx); // load the internal tables from disc else { cerr << "wave: detected version mismatch while loading state, state was not loaded." << endl; cerr << " loaded version: " << version << endl; cerr << " expected version: " << CPP_VERSION_FULL_STR << endl; } } } } catch (boost::archive::archive_exception const& e) { cerr << "wave: error while loading state: " << e.what() << endl; } catch (boost::wave::preprocess_exception const& e) { cerr << "wave: error while loading state: " << e.description() << endl; } #endif } template inline void save_state(po::variables_map const &vm, Context const &ctx) { #if BOOST_WAVE_SERIALIZATION != 0 try { if (vm.count("state") > 0) { fs::path state_file (boost::wave::util::create_path( vm["state"].as())); if (state_file == "-") state_file = boost::wave::util::create_path("wave.state"); std::ios::openmode mode = std::ios::out; #if BOOST_WAVE_BINARY_SERIALIZATION != 0 mode = (std::ios::openmode)(mode | std::ios::binary); #endif ofstream ofs(state_file.string().c_str(), mode); if (!ofs.is_open()) { cerr << "wave: could not open state file for writing: " << state_file.string() << endl; // this is non-fatal } else { using namespace boost::serialization; oarchive oa(ofs); std::string version(CPP_VERSION_FULL_STR); oa << make_nvp("version", version); // write version oa << make_nvp("state", ctx); // write the internal tables to disc } } } catch (boost::archive::archive_exception const& e) { cerr << "wave: error while writing state: " << e.what() << endl; } #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // list all defined macros bool list_macro_names(context_type const& ctx, std::string filename) { // open file for macro names listing ofstream macronames_out; fs::path macronames_file (boost::wave::util::create_path(filename)); if (macronames_file != "-") { macronames_file = boost::wave::util::complete_path(macronames_file); boost::wave::util::create_directories( boost::wave::util::branch_path(macronames_file)); macronames_out.open(macronames_file.string().c_str()); if (!macronames_out.is_open()) { cerr << "wave: could not open file for macro name listing: " << macronames_file.string() << endl; return false; } } else { macronames_out.copyfmt(cout); macronames_out.clear(cout.rdstate()); static_cast &>(macronames_out).rdbuf(cout.rdbuf()); } // simply list all defined macros and its definitions typedef context_type::const_name_iterator name_iterator; name_iterator end = ctx.macro_names_end(); for (name_iterator it = ctx.macro_names_begin(); it != end; ++it) { typedef std::vector parameters_type; bool has_pars = false; bool predef = false; context_type::position_type pos; parameters_type pars; context_type::token_sequence_type def; if (ctx.get_macro_definition(*it, has_pars, predef, pos, pars, def)) { macronames_out << (predef ? "-P" : "-D") << *it; if (has_pars) { // list the parameter names for function style macros macronames_out << "("; parameters_type::const_iterator pend = pars.end(); for (parameters_type::const_iterator pit = pars.begin(); pit != pend; /**/) { macronames_out << (*pit).get_value(); if (++pit != pend) macronames_out << ", "; } macronames_out << ")"; } macronames_out << "="; // print the macro definition context_type::token_sequence_type::const_iterator dend = def.end(); for (context_type::token_sequence_type::const_iterator dit = def.begin(); dit != dend; ++dit) { macronames_out << (*dit).get_value(); } macronames_out << std::endl; } } return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // list macro invocation counts bool list_macro_counts(context_type const& ctx, std::string filename) { // open file for macro invocation count listing ofstream macrocounts_out; fs::path macrocounts_file (boost::wave::util::create_path(filename)); if (macrocounts_file != "-") { macrocounts_file = boost::wave::util::complete_path(macrocounts_file); boost::wave::util::create_directories( boost::wave::util::branch_path(macrocounts_file)); macrocounts_out.open(macrocounts_file.string().c_str()); if (!macrocounts_out.is_open()) { cerr << "wave: could not open file for macro invocation count listing: " << macrocounts_file.string() << endl; return false; } } else { macrocounts_out.copyfmt(cout); macrocounts_out.clear(cout.rdstate()); static_cast &>(macrocounts_out).rdbuf(cout.rdbuf()); } // list all expanded macro names and their counts in alphabetical order std::map const& counts = ctx.get_hooks().get_macro_counts(); typedef std::map::const_iterator iterator; iterator end = counts.end(); for (iterator it = counts.begin(); it != end; ++it) macrocounts_out << (*it).first << "," << (*it).second << std::endl; return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // read all of a file into a string std::string read_entire_file(std::istream& instream) { std::string content; instream.unsetf(std::ios::skipws); #if defined(BOOST_NO_TEMPLATED_ITERATOR_CONSTRUCTORS) // this is known to be very slow for large files on some systems copy (std::istream_iterator(instream), std::istream_iterator(), std::inserter(content, content.end())); #else content = std::string(std::istreambuf_iterator(instream.rdbuf()), std::istreambuf_iterator()); #endif return content; } } // anonymous namespace /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // do the actual preprocessing int do_actual_work (std::string file_name, std::istream &instream, po::variables_map const &vm, bool input_is_stdin) { // current file position is saved for exception handling boost::wave::util::file_position_type current_position; auto_stop_watch elapsed_time(cerr); int error_count = 0; const bool treat_warnings_as_error = vm.count("warning") && boost::algorithm::any_of_equal( vm["warning"].as >(), "error"); try { // process the given file std::string instring; instream.unsetf(std::ios::skipws); if (!input_is_stdin) instring = read_entire_file(instream); // The preprocessing of the input stream is done on the fly behind the // scenes during iteration over the context_type::iterator_type stream. ofstream output; ofstream traceout; ofstream includelistout; ofstream listguardsout; trace_flags enable_trace = trace_nothing; if (vm.count("traceto")) { // try to open the file, where to put the trace output fs::path trace_file(boost::wave::util::create_path( vm["traceto"].as())); if (trace_file != "-") { boost::wave::util::create_directories( boost::wave::util::branch_path(trace_file)); traceout.open(trace_file.string().c_str()); if (!traceout.is_open()) { cerr << "wave: could not open trace file: " << trace_file << endl; return -1; } } enable_trace = trace_macros; } if ((enable_trace & trace_macros) && !traceout.is_open()) { // by default trace to std::cerr traceout.copyfmt(cerr); traceout.clear(cerr.rdstate()); static_cast &>(traceout).rdbuf(cerr.rdbuf()); } // Open the stream where to output the list of included file names if (vm.count("listincludes")) { // try to open the file, where to put the include list fs::path includes_file(boost::wave::util::create_path( vm["listincludes"].as())); if (includes_file != "-") { boost::wave::util::create_directories( boost::wave::util::branch_path(includes_file)); includelistout.open(includes_file.string().c_str()); if (!includelistout.is_open()) { cerr << "wave: could not open include list file: " << includes_file.string() << endl; return -1; } } enable_trace = trace_flags(enable_trace | trace_includes); } if ((enable_trace & trace_includes) && !includelistout.is_open()) { // by default list included names to std::cout includelistout.copyfmt(cout); includelistout.clear(cout.rdstate()); static_cast &>(includelistout). rdbuf(cout.rdbuf()); } // Open the stream where to output the list of included file names if (vm.count("listguards")) { // try to open the file, where to put the include list fs::path listguards_file(boost::wave::util::create_path( vm["listguards"].as())); if (listguards_file != "-") { boost::wave::util::create_directories( boost::wave::util::branch_path(listguards_file)); listguardsout.open(listguards_file.string().c_str()); if (!listguardsout.is_open()) { cerr << "wave: could not open include guard list file: " << listguards_file.string() << endl; return -1; } } enable_trace = trace_flags(enable_trace | trace_guards); } if ((enable_trace & trace_guards) && !listguardsout.is_open()) { // by default list included names to std::cout listguardsout.copyfmt(cout); listguardsout.clear(cout.rdstate()); static_cast &>(listguardsout). rdbuf(cout.rdbuf()); } // enable preserving comments mode bool preserve_comments = false; bool preserve_whitespace = false; bool preserve_bol_whitespace = false; if (vm.count("preserve")) { int preserve = vm["preserve"].as(); switch(preserve) { case 0: break; // preserve no whitespace case 3: // preserve all whitespace preserve_whitespace = true; preserve_comments = true; preserve_bol_whitespace = true; break; case 2: // preserve comments and BOL whitespace only preserve_comments = true; preserve_bol_whitespace = true; break; case 1: // preserve BOL whitespace only preserve_bol_whitespace = true; break; default: cerr << "wave: bogus preserve whitespace option value: " << preserve << ", should be 0, 1, 2, or 3" << endl; return -1; } } // Since the #pragma wave system() directive may cause a potential security // threat, it has to be enabled explicitly by --extended or -x bool enable_system_command = false; if (vm.count("extended")) enable_system_command = true; // This this the central piece of the Wave library, it provides you with // the iterators to get the preprocessed tokens and allows to configure // the preprocessing stage in advance. bool allow_output = true; // will be manipulated from inside the hooks object std::string default_outfile; // will be used from inside the hooks object trace_macro_expansion hooks(preserve_whitespace, preserve_bol_whitespace, output, traceout, includelistout, listguardsout, enable_trace, enable_system_command, allow_output, default_outfile); // enable macro invocation count, if appropriate if (vm.count("macrocounts")) hooks.enable_macro_counting(); // check, if we have a license file to prepend std::string license; if (vm.count("license")) { // try to open the file, where to put the preprocessed output std::string license_file(vm["license"].as()); ifstream license_stream(license_file.c_str()); if (!license_stream.is_open()) { cerr << "wave: could not open specified license file: " << license_file << endl; return -1; } license = read_entire_file(license_stream); hooks.set_license_info(license); } context_type ctx(instring.begin(), instring.end(), file_name.c_str(), hooks); #if BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_VARIADICS_PLACEMARKERS != 0 // enable C99 mode, if appropriate (implies variadics) if (vm.count("c99")) { #if BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_CPP0X != 0 if (vm.count("c++11")) { cerr << "wave: multiple language options specified: --c99 " "and --c++11" << endl; return -1; } #endif ctx.set_language( boost::wave::language_support( boost::wave::support_c99 | boost::wave::support_option_convert_trigraphs | boost::wave::support_option_emit_line_directives #if BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_PRAGMA_ONCE != 0 | boost::wave::support_option_include_guard_detection #endif #if BOOST_WAVE_EMIT_PRAGMA_DIRECTIVES != 0 | boost::wave::support_option_emit_pragma_directives #endif | boost::wave::support_option_insert_whitespace )); } else if (vm.count("variadics")) { // enable variadics and placemarkers, if appropriate ctx.set_language(boost::wave::enable_variadics(ctx.get_language())); } #endif // BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_VARIADICS_PLACEMARKERS != 0 #if BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_CPP0X != 0 if (vm.count("c++11")) { if (vm.count("c99")) { cerr << "wave: multiple language options specified: --c99 " "and --c++11" << endl; return -1; } ctx.set_language( boost::wave::language_support( boost::wave::support_cpp0x | boost::wave::support_option_convert_trigraphs | boost::wave::support_option_long_long | boost::wave::support_option_emit_line_directives #if BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_PRAGMA_ONCE != 0 | boost::wave::support_option_include_guard_detection #endif #if BOOST_WAVE_EMIT_PRAGMA_DIRECTIVES != 0 | boost::wave::support_option_emit_pragma_directives #endif | boost::wave::support_option_insert_whitespace )); } #endif // BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_CPP0X != 0 #if BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_CPP1Z != 0 if (vm.count("c++17")) { ctx.set_language( boost::wave::language_support( boost::wave::support_cpp1z #if BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_HAS_INCLUDE != 0 | boost::wave::support_option_has_include #endif | boost::wave::support_option_convert_trigraphs | boost::wave::support_option_long_long | boost::wave::support_option_emit_line_directives #if BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_PRAGMA_ONCE != 0 | boost::wave::support_option_include_guard_detection #endif #if BOOST_WAVE_EMIT_PRAGMA_DIRECTIVES != 0 | boost::wave::support_option_emit_pragma_directives #endif | boost::wave::support_option_insert_whitespace )); } #endif // BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_CPP1Z #if BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_CPP2A != 0 if (vm.count("c++20")) { ctx.set_language( boost::wave::language_support( boost::wave::support_cpp2a #if BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_HAS_INCLUDE != 0 | boost::wave::support_option_has_include #endif #if BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_VA_OPT != 0 | boost::wave::support_option_va_opt #endif | boost::wave::support_option_convert_trigraphs | boost::wave::support_option_long_long | boost::wave::support_option_emit_line_directives #if BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_PRAGMA_ONCE != 0 | boost::wave::support_option_include_guard_detection #endif #if BOOST_WAVE_EMIT_PRAGMA_DIRECTIVES != 0 | boost::wave::support_option_emit_pragma_directives #endif | boost::wave::support_option_insert_whitespace )); } #endif // BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_CPP2A != 0 // enable long long support, if appropriate if (vm.count("long_long")) { ctx.set_language( boost::wave::enable_long_long(ctx.get_language())); } #if BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_PRAGMA_ONCE != 0 // disable include guard detection if (vm.count("noguard")) { ctx.set_language( boost::wave::enable_include_guard_detection( ctx.get_language(), false)); } #endif // enable preserving comments mode if (preserve_comments) { ctx.set_language( boost::wave::enable_preserve_comments(ctx.get_language())); } // control the generation of #line directives if (vm.count("line")) { int lineopt = vm["line"].as(); if (0 != lineopt && 1 != lineopt && 2 != lineopt) { cerr << "wave: bogus value for --line command line option: " << lineopt << endl; return -1; } ctx.set_language( boost::wave::enable_emit_line_directives(ctx.get_language(), lineopt != 0)); if (2 == lineopt) ctx.get_hooks().enable_relative_names_in_line_directives(true); } // control whether whitespace should be inserted to disambiguate output if (vm.count("disambiguate")) { int disambiguateopt = vm["disambiguate"].as(); if (0 != disambiguateopt && 1 != disambiguateopt) { cerr << "wave: bogus value for --disambiguate command line option: " << disambiguateopt << endl; return -1; } ctx.set_language( boost::wave::enable_insert_whitespace(ctx.get_language(), disambiguateopt != 0)); } // add include directories to the system include search paths if (vm.count("sysinclude")) { vector syspaths = vm["sysinclude"].as >(); vector::const_iterator end = syspaths.end(); for (vector::const_iterator cit = syspaths.begin(); cit != end; ++cit) { ctx.add_sysinclude_path(cmd_line_utils::trim_quotes(*cit).c_str()); } } // add include directories to the include search paths if (vm.count("include")) { cmd_line_utils::include_paths const &ip = vm["include"].as(); vector::const_iterator end = ip.paths.end(); for (vector::const_iterator cit = ip.paths.begin(); cit != end; ++cit) { ctx.add_include_path(cmd_line_utils::trim_quotes(*cit).c_str()); } // if -I- was given on the command line, this has to be propagated if (ip.seen_separator) ctx.set_sysinclude_delimiter(); // add system include directories to the include path vector::const_iterator sysend = ip.syspaths.end(); for (vector::const_iterator syscit = ip.syspaths.begin(); syscit != sysend; ++syscit) { ctx.add_sysinclude_path(cmd_line_utils::trim_quotes(*syscit).c_str()); } } // add additional defined macros if (vm.count("define")) { vector const ¯os = vm["define"].as >(); vector::const_iterator end = macros.end(); for (vector::const_iterator cit = macros.begin(); cit != end; ++cit) { ctx.add_macro_definition(*cit); } } // add additional predefined macros if (vm.count("predefine")) { vector const &predefmacros = vm["predefine"].as >(); vector::const_iterator end = predefmacros.end(); for (vector::const_iterator cit = predefmacros.begin(); cit != end; ++cit) { ctx.add_macro_definition(*cit, true); } } // undefine specified macros if (vm.count("undefine")) { vector const &undefmacros = vm["undefine"].as >(); vector::const_iterator end = undefmacros.end(); for (vector::const_iterator cit = undefmacros.begin(); cit != end; ++cit) { ctx.remove_macro_definition(*cit, true); } } // suppress expansion of specified macros if (vm.count("noexpand")) { vector const &noexpandmacros = vm["noexpand"].as >(); vector::const_iterator end = noexpandmacros.end(); for (vector::const_iterator cit = noexpandmacros.begin(); cit != end; ++cit) { ctx.get_hooks().add_noexpandmacro(*cit); } } // maximal include nesting depth if (vm.count("nesting")) { int max_depth = vm["nesting"].as(); if (max_depth < 1 || max_depth > 100000) { cerr << "wave: bogus maximal include nesting depth: " << max_depth << endl; return -1; } ctx.set_max_include_nesting_depth(max_depth); } // open the output file if (vm.count("output")) { // try to open the file, where to put the preprocessed output fs::path out_file(boost::wave::util::create_path( vm["output"].as())); if (out_file == "-") { allow_output = false; // inhibit output initially default_outfile = "-"; } else { out_file = boost::wave::util::complete_path(out_file); boost::wave::util::create_directories( boost::wave::util::branch_path(out_file)); output.open(out_file.string().c_str()); if (!output.is_open()) { cerr << "wave: could not open output file: " << out_file.string() << endl; return -1; } if (!license.empty()) output << license; default_outfile = out_file.string(); } } else if (!input_is_stdin && vm.count("autooutput")) { // generate output in the file .i fs::path out_file(boost::wave::util::create_path(file_name)); std::string basename(boost::wave::util::leaf(out_file)); std::string::size_type pos = basename.find_last_of("."); if (std::string::npos != pos) basename = basename.substr(0, pos); out_file = boost::wave::util::branch_path(out_file) / (basename + ".i"); boost::wave::util::create_directories( boost::wave::util::branch_path(out_file)); output.open(out_file.string().c_str()); if (!output.is_open()) { cerr << "wave: could not open output file: " << out_file.string() << endl; return -1; } if (!license.empty()) output << license; default_outfile = out_file.string(); } // we assume the session to be interactive if input is stdin and output is // stdout and the output is not inhibited bool is_interactive = input_is_stdin && !output.is_open() && allow_output; if (is_interactive) { // if interactive we don't warn for missing endif's etc. ctx.set_language( boost::wave::enable_single_line(ctx.get_language()), false); } // analyze the input file context_type::iterator_type first = ctx.begin(); context_type::iterator_type last = ctx.end(); // preprocess the required include files if (vm.count("forceinclude")) { // add the filenames to force as include files in _reverse_ order // the second parameter 'is_last' of the force_include function should // be set to true for the last (first given) file. std::vector const& force = vm["forceinclude"].as >(); std::vector::const_reverse_iterator rend = force.rend(); for (std::vector::const_reverse_iterator cit = force.rbegin(); cit != rend; /**/) { std::string filename(*cit); first.force_include(filename.c_str(), ++cit == rend); } } elapsed_time.set_print_time(!input_is_stdin && vm.count("timer") > 0); if (is_interactive) { print_interactive_version(); // print welcome message load_state(vm, ctx); // load the internal tables from disc } else if (vm.count("state")) { // the option "state" is usable in interactive mode only cerr << "wave: ignoring the command line option 'state', " << "use it in interactive mode only." << endl; } // >>>>>>>>>>>>> The actual preprocessing happens here. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< // loop over the input lines if reading from stdin, otherwise this loop // will be executed once do { // loop over all generated tokens outputting the generated text bool finished = false; if (input_is_stdin) { if (is_interactive) cout << ">>> "; // prompt if is interactive // read next line and continue instring.clear(); if (!read_a_line(instream, instring)) break; // end of input reached first = ctx.begin(instring.begin(), instring.end()); } bool need_to_advanve = false; do { try { if (need_to_advanve) { ++first; need_to_advanve = false; } while (first != last) { // store the last known good token position current_position = (*first).get_position(); // print out the current token value if (allow_output) { if (!output.good()) { cerr << "wave: problem writing to the current " << "output file" << endl; cerr << report_iostate_error(output.rdstate()); break; } if (output.is_open()) output << (*first).get_value(); else cout << (*first).get_value(); } // advance to the next token ++first; } finished = true; } catch (boost::wave::cpp_exception const &e) { // some preprocessing error if (is_interactive || boost::wave::is_recoverable(e)) { error_count += report_error_message(ctx, e, treat_warnings_as_error); need_to_advanve = true; // advance to the next token } else { throw; // re-throw for non-recoverable errors } } catch (boost::wave::cpplexer::lexing_exception const &e) { // some preprocessing error if (is_interactive || boost::wave::cpplexer::is_recoverable(e)) { error_count += report_error_message(e, treat_warnings_as_error); need_to_advanve = true; // advance to the next token } else { throw; // re-throw for non-recoverable errors } } } while (!finished); } while (input_is_stdin); if (is_interactive) save_state(vm, ctx); // write the internal tables to disc // list all defined macros at the end of the preprocessing if (vm.count("macronames")) { if (!list_macro_names(ctx, vm["macronames"].as())) return -1; } if (vm.count("macrocounts")) { if (!list_macro_counts(ctx, vm["macrocounts"].as())) return -1; } } catch (boost::wave::cpp_exception const &e) { // some preprocessing error report_error_message(e, treat_warnings_as_error); return 1; } catch (boost::wave::cpplexer::lexing_exception const &e) { // some lexing error report_error_message(e, treat_warnings_as_error); return 2; } catch (std::exception const &e) { // use last recognized token to retrieve the error position cerr << current_position << ": " << "exception caught: " << e.what() << endl; return 3; } catch (...) { // use last recognized token to retrieve the error position cerr << current_position << ": " << "unexpected exception caught." << endl; return 4; } return -error_count; // returns the number of errors as a negative integer } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // main entry point int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { const std::string accepted_w_args[] = {"error"}; // test Wave compilation configuration if (!BOOST_WAVE_TEST_CONFIGURATION()) { cout << "wave: warning: the library this application was linked against was compiled " << endl << " using a different configuration (see wave_config.hpp)." << endl; } // analyze the command line options and arguments try { // declare the options allowed on the command line only po::options_description desc_cmdline ("Options allowed on the command line only"); desc_cmdline.add_options() ("help,h", "print out program usage (this message)") ("version,v", "print the version number") ("copyright", "print out the copyright statement") ("config-file", po::value >()->composing(), "specify a config file (alternatively: @filepath)") ; const std::string w_arg_desc = "Warning settings. Currently supported: -W" + boost::algorithm::join(accepted_w_args, ", -W"); // declare the options allowed on command line and in config files po::options_description desc_generic ("Options allowed additionally in a config file"); desc_generic.add_options() ("output,o", po::value(), "specify a file [arg] to use for output instead of stdout or " "disable output [-]") ("autooutput,E", "output goes into a file named .i") ("license", po::value(), "prepend the content of the specified file to each created file") ("include,I", po::value()->composing(), "specify an additional include directory") ("sysinclude,S", po::value >()->composing(), "specify an additional system include directory") ("forceinclude,F", po::value >()->composing(), "force inclusion of the given file") ("define,D", po::value >()->composing(), "specify a macro to define (as macro[=[value]])") ("predefine,P", po::value >()->composing(), "specify a macro to predefine (as macro[=[value]])") ("undefine,U", po::value >()->composing(), "specify a macro to undefine") ("noexpand,N", po::value >()->composing(), "specify a macro name, which should not be expanded") ("nesting,n", po::value(), "specify a new maximal include nesting depth") ("warning,W", po::value >()->composing(), w_arg_desc.c_str()) ; po::options_description desc_ext ("Extended options (allowed everywhere)"); desc_ext.add_options() ("traceto,t", po::value(), "output macro expansion tracing information to a file [arg] " "or to stderr [-]") ("timer", "output overall elapsed computing time to stderr") ("long_long", "enable long long support in C++ mode") #if BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_VARIADICS_PLACEMARKERS != 0 ("variadics", "enable certain C99 extensions in C++ mode") ("c99", "enable C99 mode (implies --variadics)") #endif #if BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_CPP0X != 0 ("c++11", "enable C++11 mode (implies --variadics and --long_long)") #endif #if BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_CPP1Z != 0 ("c++17", "enable C++17 mode (implies --variadics and --long_long, adds __has_include)") #endif #if BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_CPP2A != 0 ("c++20", "enable C++20 mode (implies --variadics and --long_long, adds __VA_OPT__)") #endif ("listincludes,l", po::value(), "list names of included files to a file [arg] or to stdout [-]") ("macronames,m", po::value(), "list all defined macros to a file [arg] or to stdout [-]") ("macrocounts,c", po::value(), "list macro invocation counts to a file [arg] or to stdout [-]") ("preserve,p", po::value()->default_value(0), "preserve whitespace\n" "0: no whitespace is preserved (default),\n" "1: begin of line whitespace is preserved,\n" "2: comments and begin of line whitespace is preserved,\n" "3: all whitespace is preserved") ("line,L", po::value()->default_value(1), "control the generation of #line directives\n" "0: no #line directives are generated,\n" "1: #line directives will be emitted (default),\n" "2: #line directives will be emitted using relative\n" " filenames") ("disambiguate", po::value()->default_value(1), "control whitespace insertion to disambiguate\n" "consecutive tokens\n" "0: no additional whitespace is generated,\n" "1: whitespace is used to disambiguate output (default)") ("extended,x", "enable the #pragma wave system() directive") #if BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_PRAGMA_ONCE != 0 ("noguard,G", "disable include guard detection") ("listguards,g", po::value(), "list names of files flagged as 'include once' to a file [arg] " "or to stdout [-]") #endif #if BOOST_WAVE_SERIALIZATION != 0 ("state,s", po::value(), "load and save state information from/to the given file [arg] " "or 'wave.state' [-] (interactive mode only)") #endif ; // combine the options for the different usage schemes po::options_description desc_overall_cmdline; po::options_description desc_overall_cfgfile; desc_overall_cmdline.add(desc_cmdline).add(desc_generic).add(desc_ext); desc_overall_cfgfile.add(desc_generic).add(desc_ext); // parse command line and store results using namespace boost::program_options::command_line_style; po::parsed_options opts(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc_overall_cmdline, unix_style, cmd_line_utils::at_option_parser)); po::variables_map vm; po::store(opts, vm); po::notify(vm); // // Try to find a wave.cfg in the same directory as the executable was // // started from. If this exists, treat it as a wave config file // fs::path filename(argv[0]); // // filename = filename.branch_path() / "wave.cfg"; // cmd_line_utils::read_config_file_options(filename.string(), // desc_overall_cfgfile, vm, true); // extract the arguments from the parsed command line vector arguments; std::remove_copy_if(opts.options.begin(), opts.options.end(), back_inserter(arguments), cmd_line_utils::is_argument()); // try to find a config file somewhere up the filesystem hierarchy // starting with the input file path. This allows to use a general wave.cfg // file for all files in a certain project. if (arguments.size() > 0 && arguments[0].value[0] != "-") { // construct full path of input file fs::path input_dir(boost::wave::util::complete_path( boost::wave::util::create_path(arguments[0].value[0]))); // chop of file name input_dir = boost::wave::util::branch_path( boost::wave::util::normalize(input_dir)); // walk up the hierarchy, trying to find a file wave.cfg while (!input_dir.empty()) { fs::path filename = input_dir / "wave.cfg"; if (cmd_line_utils::read_config_file_options(filename.string(), desc_overall_cfgfile, vm, true)) { break; // break on the first cfg file found } input_dir = boost::wave::util::branch_path(input_dir); } } // if there is specified at least one config file, parse it and add the // options to the main variables_map if (vm.count("config-file")) { vector const &cfg_files = vm["config-file"].as >(); vector::const_iterator end = cfg_files.end(); for (vector::const_iterator cit = cfg_files.begin(); cit != end; ++cit) { // parse a single config file and store the results cmd_line_utils::read_config_file_options(*cit, desc_overall_cfgfile, vm); } } // validate warning settings if (vm.count("warning")) { BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string& arg, vm["warning"].as >()) { if (boost::range::find(accepted_w_args, arg) == boost::end(accepted_w_args)) { cerr << "wave: Invalid warning setting: " << arg << endl; return -1; } } } // ... act as required if (vm.count("help")) { po::options_description desc_help( "Usage: wave [options] [@config-file(s)] [file]"); desc_help.add(desc_cmdline).add(desc_generic).add(desc_ext); cout << desc_help << endl; return 1; } if (vm.count("version")) { cout << get_version() << endl; return 0; } if (vm.count("copyright")) { return print_copyright(); } // if there is no input file given, then take input from stdin if (0 == arguments.size() || 0 == arguments[0].value.size() || arguments[0].value[0] == "-") { // preprocess the given input from stdin return do_actual_work("", std::cin, vm, true); } else { if (arguments.size() > 1) { // this driver understands to parse one input file only cerr << "wave: more than one input file specified, " << "ignoring all but the first!" << endl; } std::string file_name(arguments[0].value[0]); ifstream instream(file_name.c_str()); // preprocess the given input file if (!instream.is_open()) { cerr << "wave: could not open input file: " << file_name << endl; return -1; } return do_actual_work(file_name, instream, vm, false); } } catch (std::exception const &e) { cout << "wave: exception caught: " << e.what() << endl; return 6; } catch (...) { cerr << "wave: unexpected exception caught." << endl; return 7; } }