# Copyright David Abrahams 2004. # Copyright Daniel Wallin 2006. # Distributed under the Boost # Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying # file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) import os import tempfile import litre import re import sys import traceback # Thanks to Jean Brouwers for this snippet def _caller(up=0): '''Get file name, line number, function name and source text of the caller's caller as 4-tuple: (file, line, func, text). The optional argument 'up' allows retrieval of a caller further back up into the call stack. Note, the source text may be None and function name may be '?' in the returned result. In Python 2.3+ the file name may be an absolute path. ''' try: # just get a few frames' f = traceback.extract_stack(limit=up+2) if f: return f[0] except: pass # running with psyco? return ('', 0, '', None) class Example: closed = False in_emph = None def __init__(self, node, section, line_offset, line_hash = '#'): # A list of text fragments comprising the Example. Start with a #line # directive self.section = section self.line_hash = line_hash self.node = node self.body = [] self.line_offset = line_offset self._number_of_prefixes = 0 self.emphasized = [] # indices of text strings that have been # emphasized. These are generally expected to be # invalid C++ and will need special treatment def begin_emphasis(self): self.in_emph = len(self.body) def end_emphasis(self): self.emphasized.append( (self.in_emph, len(self.body)) ) def append(self, s): self.append_raw(self._make_line(s)) def prepend(self, s): self.prepend_raw(self._make_line(s)) def append_raw(self, s): self.body.append(s) def prepend_raw(self, s): self.body.insert(0,s) self.emphasized = [ (x[0]+1,x[1]+1) for x in self.emphasized ] self._number_of_prefixes += 1 def replace(self, s1, s2): self.body = [x.replace(s1,s2) for x in self.body] def sub(self, pattern, repl, count = 1, flags = re.MULTILINE): pat = re.compile(pattern, flags) for i,txt in enumerate(self.body): if count > 0: x, subs = pat.subn(repl, txt, count) self.body[i] = x count -= subs def wrap(self, s1, s2): self.append_raw(self._make_line(s2)) self.prepend_raw(self._make_line(s1, offset = -s1.count('\n'))) def replace_emphasis(self, s, index = 0): """replace the index'th emphasized text with s""" e = self.emphasized[index] self.body[e[0]:e[1]] = [s] del self.emphasized[index] elipsis = re.compile('^([ \t]*)([.][.][.][ \t]*)$', re.MULTILINE) def __str__(self): # Comment out any remaining emphasized sections b = [self.elipsis.sub(r'\1// \2', s) for s in self.body] emph = self.emphasized emph.reverse() for e in emph: b.insert(e[1], ' */') b.insert(e[0], '/* ') emph.reverse() # Add initial #line b.insert( self._number_of_prefixes, self._line_directive(self.node.line, self.node.source) ) # Add trailing newline to avoid warnings b.append('\n') return ''.join(b) def __repr__(self): return "Example: " + repr(str(self)) def raw(self): return ''.join(self.body) def _make_line(self, s, offset = 0): c = _caller(2)[1::-1] offset -= s.count('\n') return '\n%s%s\n' % (self._line_directive(offset = offset, *c), s.strip('\n')) def _line_directive(self, line, source, offset = None): if self.line_hash is None: return '\n' if offset is None: offset = self.line_offset if line is None or line <= -offset: line = 1 else: line += offset if source is None: return '%sline %d\n' % (self.line_hash, line) else: return '%sline %d "%s"\n' % (self.line_hash, line, source) def syscmd( cmd , expect_error = False , input = None , max_output_lines = None ): # On windows close() returns the exit code, on *nix it doesn't so # we need to use popen2.Popen4 instead. if sys.platform == 'win32': stdin, stdout_stderr = os.popen4(cmd) if input: stdin.write(input) stdin.close() out = stdout_stderr.read() status = stdout_stderr.close() else: import popen2 process = popen2.Popen4(cmd) if input: process.tochild.write(input) out = process.fromchild.read() status = process.wait() if max_output_lines is not None: out = '\n'.join(out.split('\n')[:max_output_lines]) if expect_error: status = not status if status: print print '========== offending command ===========' print cmd print '------------ stdout/stderr -------------' print expect_error and 'Error expected, but none seen' or out elif expect_error > 1: print print '------ Output of Expected Error --------' print out print '----------------------------------------' sys.stdout.flush() return (status,out) def expand_vars(path): if os.name == 'nt': re_env = re.compile(r'%\w+%') return re_env.sub( lambda m: os.environ.get( m.group(0)[1:-1] ) , path ) else: return os.path.expandvars(path) def remove_directory_and_contents(path): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=False): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) for name in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) os.rmdir(path) class BuildResult: def __init__(self, path): self.path = path def __repr__(self): return self.path def __del__(self): remove_directory_and_contents(self.path) class CPlusPlusTranslator(litre.LitreTranslator): _exposed_attrs = ['compile', 'test', 'ignore', 'match_stdout', 'stack', 'config' , 'example', 'prefix', 'preprocessors', 'litre_directory', 'litre_translator', 'includes', 'build', 'jam_prefix', 'run_python'] last_run_output = '' """Attributes that will be made available to litre code""" def __init__(self, document, config): litre.LitreTranslator.__init__(self, document, config) self.in_literal = False self.in_table = True self.preprocessors = [] self.stack = [] self.example = None self.prefix = [] self.includes = config.includes self.litre_directory = os.path.split(__file__)[0] self.config = config self.litre_translator = self self.line_offset = 0 self.last_source = None self.jam_prefix = [] self.globals = { 'test_literals_in_tables' : False } for m in self._exposed_attrs: self.globals[m] = getattr(self, m) self.examples = {} self.current_section = None # # Stuff for use by docutils writer framework # def visit_emphasis(self, node): if self.in_literal: self.example.begin_emphasis() def depart_emphasis(self, node): if self.in_literal: self.example.end_emphasis() def visit_section(self, node): self.current_section = node['ids'][0] def visit_literal_block(self, node): if node.source is None: node.source = self.last_source self.last_source = node.source # create a new example self.example = Example(node, self.current_section, line_offset = self.line_offset, line_hash = self.config.line_hash) self.stack.append(self.example) self.in_literal = True def depart_literal_block(self, node): self.in_literal = False def visit_literal(self, node): if self.in_table and self.globals['test_literals_in_tables']: self.visit_literal_block(node) else: litre.LitreTranslator.visit_literal(self,node) def depart_literal(self, node): if self.in_table and self.globals['test_literals_in_tables']: self.depart_literal_block(node) else: litre.LitreTranslator.depart_literal(self,node) def visit_table(self,node): self.in_table = True litre.LitreTranslator.visit_table(self,node) def depart_table(self,node): self.in_table = False litre.LitreTranslator.depart_table(self,node) def visit_Text(self, node): if self.in_literal: self.example.append_raw(node.astext()) def depart_document(self, node): self.write_examples() # # Private stuff # def handled(self, n = 1): r = self.stack[-n:] del self.stack[-n:] return r def _execute(self, code): """Override of litre._execute; sets up variable context before evaluating code """ self.globals['example'] = self.example eval(code, self.globals) # # Stuff for use by embedded python code # def match_stdout(self, expected = None): if expected is None: expected = self.example.raw() self.handled() if not re.search(expected, self.last_run_output, re.MULTILINE): #if self.last_run_output.strip('\n') != expected.strip('\n'): print 'output failed to match example' print '-------- Actual Output -------------' print repr(self.last_run_output) print '-------- Expected Output -----------' print repr(expected) print '------------------------------------' sys.stdout.flush() def ignore(self, n = 1): if n == 'all': n = len(self.stack) return self.handled(n) def wrap(self, n, s1, s2): self.stack[-1].append(s2) self.stack[-n].prepend(s1) def compile( self , howmany = 1 , pop = -1 , expect_error = False , extension = '.o' , options = ['-c'] , built_handler = lambda built_file: None , source_file = None , source_suffix = '.cpp' # C-style comments by default; handles C++ and YACC , make_comment = lambda text: '/*\n%s\n*/' % text , built_file = None , command = None ): """ Compile examples on the stack, whose topmost item is the last example seen but not yet handled so far. :howmany: How many of the topmost examples on the stack to compile. You can pass a number, or 'all' to indicate that all examples should be compiled. :pop: How many of the topmost examples to discard. By default, all of the examples that are compiled are discarded. :expect_error: Whether a compilation error is to be expected. Any value > 1 will cause the expected diagnostic's text to be dumped for diagnostic purposes. It's common to expect an error but see a completely unrelated one because of bugs in the example (you can get this behavior for all examples by setting show_expected_error_output in your config). :extension: The extension of the file to build (set to .exe for run) :options: Compiler flags :built_file: A path to use for the built file. By default, a temp filename is conjured up :built_handler: A function that's called with the name of the built file upon success. :source_file: The full name of the source file to write :source_suffix: If source_file is None, the suffix to use for the source file :make_comment: A function that transforms text into an appropriate comment. :command: A function that is passed (includes, opts, target, source), where opts is a string representing compiler options, target is the name of the file to build, and source is the name of the file into which the example code is written. By default, the function formats litre.config.compiler with its argument tuple. """ # Grab one example by default if howmany == 'all': howmany = len(self.stack) source = '\n'.join( self.prefix + [str(x) for x in self.stack[-howmany:]] ) source = reduce(lambda s, f: f(s), self.preprocessors, source) if pop: if pop < 0: pop = howmany del self.stack[-pop:] if len(self.stack): self.example = self.stack[-1] cpp = self._source_file_path(source_file, source_suffix) if built_file is None: built_file = self._output_file_path(source_file, extension) opts = ' '.join(options) includes = ' '.join(['-I%s' % d for d in self.includes]) if not command: command = self.config.compiler if type(command) == str: command = lambda i, o, t, s, c = command: c % (i, o, t, s) cmd = command(includes, opts, expand_vars(built_file), expand_vars(cpp)) if expect_error and self.config.show_expected_error_output: expect_error += 1 comment_cmd = command(includes, opts, built_file, os.path.basename(cpp)) comment = make_comment(config.comment_text(comment_cmd, expect_error)) self._write_source(cpp, '\n'.join([comment, source])) #print 'wrote in', cpp #print 'trying command', cmd status, output = syscmd(cmd, expect_error) if status or expect_error > 1: print if expect_error and expect_error < 2: print 'Compilation failure expected, but none seen' print '------------ begin offending source ------------' print open(cpp).read() print '------------ end offending source ------------' if self.config.save_cpp: print 'saved in', repr(cpp) else: self._remove_source(cpp) sys.stdout.flush() else: print '.', sys.stdout.flush() built_handler(built_file) self._remove_source(cpp) try: self._unlink(built_file) except: if not expect_error: print 'failed to unlink', built_file return status def test( self , rule = 'run' , howmany = 1 , pop = -1 , expect_error = False , requirements = '' , input = '' ): # Grab one example by default if howmany == 'all': howmany = len(self.stack) source = '\n'.join( self.prefix + [str(x) for x in self.stack[-howmany:]] ) source = reduce(lambda s, f: f(s), self.preprocessors, source) id = self.example.section if not id: id = 'top-level' if not self.examples.has_key(self.example.section): self.examples[id] = [(rule, source)] else: self.examples[id].append((rule, source)) if pop: if pop < 0: pop = howmany del self.stack[-pop:] if len(self.stack): self.example = self.stack[-1] def write_examples(self): jam = open(os.path.join(self.config.dump_dir, 'Jamfile.v2'), 'w') jam.write(''' import testing ; ''') for id,examples in self.examples.items(): for i in range(len(examples)): cpp = '%s%d.cpp' % (id, i) jam.write('%s %s ;\n' % (examples[i][0], cpp)) outfile = os.path.join(self.config.dump_dir, cpp) print cpp, try: if open(outfile, 'r').read() == examples[i][1]: print ' .. skip' continue except: pass open(outfile, 'w').write(examples[i][1]) print ' .. written' jam.close() def build( self , howmany = 1 , pop = -1 , source_file = 'example.cpp' , expect_error = False , target_rule = 'obj' , requirements = '' , input = '' , output = 'example_output' ): # Grab one example by default if howmany == 'all': howmany = len(self.stack) source = '\n'.join( self.prefix + [str(x) for x in self.stack[-howmany:]] ) source = reduce(lambda s, f: f(s), self.preprocessors, source) if pop: if pop < 0: pop = howmany del self.stack[-pop:] if len(self.stack): self.example = self.stack[-1] dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() cpp = os.path.join(dir, source_file) self._write_source(cpp, source) self._write_jamfile( dir , target_rule = target_rule , requirements = requirements , input = input , output = output ) cmd = 'bjam' if self.config.bjam_options: cmd += ' %s' % self.config.bjam_options os.chdir(dir) status, output = syscmd(cmd, expect_error) if status or expect_error > 1: print if expect_error and expect_error < 2: print 'Compilation failure expected, but none seen' print '------------ begin offending source ------------' print open(cpp).read() print '------------ begin offending Jamfile -----------' print open(os.path.join(dir, 'Jamroot')).read() print '------------ end offending Jamfile -------------' sys.stdout.flush() else: print '.', sys.stdout.flush() if status: return None else: return BuildResult(dir) def _write_jamfile(self, path, target_rule, requirements, input, output): jamfile = open(os.path.join(path, 'Jamroot'), 'w') contents = r""" import modules ; BOOST_ROOT = [ modules.peek : BOOST_ROOT ] ; use-project /boost : $(BOOST_ROOT) ; %s %s %s : example.cpp %s : . %s %s ; """ % ( '\n'.join(self.jam_prefix) , target_rule , output , input , ' '.join(['%s' % d for d in self.includes]) , requirements ) jamfile.write(contents) def run_python( self , howmany = 1 , pop = -1 , module_path = [] , expect_error = False ): # Grab one example by default if howmany == 'all': howmany = len(self.stack) if module_path == None: module_path = [] if isinstance(module_path, BuildResult) or type(module_path) == str: module_path = [module_path] module_path = map(lambda p: str(p), module_path) source = '\n'.join( self.prefix + [str(x) for x in self.stack[-howmany:]] ) if pop: if pop < 0: pop = howmany del self.stack[-pop:] if len(self.stack): self.example = self.stack[-1] r = re.compile(r'^(>>>|\.\.\.) (.*)$', re.MULTILINE) source = r.sub(r'\2', source) py = self._source_file_path(source_file = None, source_suffix = 'py') open(py, 'w').write(source) old_path = os.getenv('PYTHONPATH') if old_path == None: pythonpath = ':'.join(module_path) old_path = '' else: pythonpath = old_path + ':%s' % ':'.join(module_path) os.putenv('PYTHONPATH', pythonpath) status, output = syscmd('python %s' % py) if status or expect_error > 1: print if expect_error and expect_error < 2: print 'Compilation failure expected, but none seen' print '------------ begin offending source ------------' print open(py).read() print '------------ end offending Jamfile -------------' sys.stdout.flush() else: print '.', sys.stdout.flush() self.last_run_output = output os.putenv('PYTHONPATH', old_path) self._unlink(py) def _write_source(self, filename, contents): open(filename,'w').write(contents) def _remove_source(self, source_path): os.unlink(source_path) def _source_file_path(self, source_file, source_suffix): if source_file is None: cpp = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=source_suffix) else: cpp = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), source_file) return cpp def _output_file_path(self, source_file, extension): return tempfile.mktemp(suffix=extension) def _unlink(self, file): file = expand_vars(file) if os.path.exists(file): os.unlink(file) def _launch(self, exe, stdin = None): status, output = syscmd(exe, input = stdin) self.last_run_output = output def run_(self, howmany = 1, stdin = None, **kw): new_kw = { 'options':[], 'extension':'.exe' } new_kw.update(kw) self.compile( howmany , built_handler = lambda exe: self._launch(exe, stdin = stdin) , **new_kw ) def astext(self): return "" return '\n\n ---------------- Unhandled Fragment ------------ \n\n'.join( [''] # generates a leading announcement + [ unicode(s) for s in self.stack] ) class DumpTranslator(CPlusPlusTranslator): example_index = 1 def _source_file_path(self, source_file, source_suffix): if source_file is None: source_file = 'example%s%s' % (self.example_index, source_suffix) self.example_index += 1 cpp = os.path.join(config.dump_dir, source_file) return cpp def _output_file_path(self, source_file, extension): chapter = os.path.basename(config.dump_dir) return '%%TEMP%%\metaprogram-%s-example%s%s' \ % ( chapter, self.example_index - 1, extension) def _remove_source(self, source_path): pass class WorkaroundTranslator(DumpTranslator): """Translator used to test/dump workaround examples for vc6 and vc7. Just like a DumpTranslator except that we leave existing files alone. Warning: not sensitive to changes in .rst source!! If you change the actual examples in source files you will have to move the example files out of the way and regenerate them, then re-incorporate the workarounds. """ def _write_source(self, filename, contents): if not os.path.exists(filename): DumpTranslator._write_source(self, filename, contents) class Config: save_cpp = False line_hash = '#' show_expected_error_output = False max_output_lines = None class Writer(litre.Writer): translator = CPlusPlusTranslator def __init__( self , config ): litre.Writer.__init__(self) self._config = Config() defaults = Config.__dict__ # update config elements self._config.__dict__.update(config.__dict__) # dict([i for i in config.__dict__.items() # if i[0] in config.__all__]))