import os from typing import List, Union from util import ( Config, HostContainer, Target, get_boxes_container_info, get_container_engine, inside_container, run_cephadm_shell_command, run_dc_shell_command, run_shell_command, engine, BoxType ) def _setup_ssh(container: HostContainer): if inside_container(): if not os.path.exists('/root/.ssh/known_hosts'): run_shell_command('echo "y" | ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa -q -N ""', expect_error=True) run_shell_command('echo "root:root" | chpasswd') with open('/etc/ssh/sshd_config', 'a+') as f: f.write('PermitRootLogin yes\n') f.write('PasswordAuthentication yes\n') f.flush() run_shell_command('systemctl restart sshd') else: print('Redirecting to _setup_ssh to container') verbose = '-v' if Config.get('verbose') else '' run_dc_shell_command( f'/cephadm/box/ {verbose} --engine {engine()} host setup_ssh {}', container ) def _add_hosts(ips: Union[List[str], str], hostnames: Union[List[str], str]): if inside_container(): assert len(ips) == len(hostnames) for i in range(len(ips)): run_cephadm_shell_command(f'ceph orch host add {hostnames[i]} {ips[i]}') else: print('Redirecting to _add_hosts to container') verbose = '-v' if Config.get('verbose') else '' print(ips) ips = ' '.join(ips) ips = f'{ips}' hostnames = ' '.join(hostnames) hostnames = f'{hostnames}' seed = get_container_engine().get_seed() run_dc_shell_command( f'/cephadm/box/ {verbose} --engine {engine()} host add_hosts {} --ips {ips} --hostnames {hostnames}', seed ) def _copy_cluster_ssh_key(ips: Union[List[str], str]): if inside_container(): local_ip = run_shell_command('hostname -i') for ip in ips: if ip != local_ip: run_shell_command( ( 'sshpass -p "root" ssh-copy-id -f ' f'-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /etc/ceph/ "root@{ip}"' ) ) else: print('Redirecting to _copy_cluster_ssh to container') verbose = '-v' if Config.get('verbose') else '' print(ips) ips = ' '.join(ips) ips = f'{ips}' # assume we only have one seed seed = get_container_engine().get_seed() run_dc_shell_command( f'/cephadm/box/ {verbose} --engine {engine()} host copy_cluster_ssh_key {} --ips {ips}', seed ) class Host(Target): _help = 'Run seed/host related commands' actions = ['setup_ssh', 'copy_cluster_ssh_key', 'add_hosts'] def set_args(self): self.parser.add_argument('action', choices=Host.actions) self.parser.add_argument( 'container_name', type=str, help='box_{type}_{index}. In docker, type can be seed or hosts. In podman only hosts.' ) self.parser.add_argument('--ips', nargs='*', help='List of host ips') self.parser.add_argument( '--hostnames', nargs='*', help='List of hostnames ips(relative to ip list)' ) def setup_ssh(self): container_name = Config.get('container_name') engine = get_container_engine() _setup_ssh(engine.get_container(container_name)) def add_hosts(self): ips = Config.get('ips') if not ips: ips = get_boxes_container_info()['ips'] hostnames = Config.get('hostnames') if not hostnames: hostnames = get_boxes_container_info()['hostnames'] _add_hosts(ips, hostnames) def copy_cluster_ssh_key(self): ips = Config.get('ips') if not ips: ips = get_boxes_container_info()['ips'] _copy_cluster_ssh_key(ips)