import json import os import subprocess import sys import copy from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from enum import Enum from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List class Colors: HEADER = '\033[95m' OKBLUE = '\033[94m' OKCYAN = '\033[96m' OKGREEN = '\033[92m' WARNING = '\033[93m' FAIL = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' class Config: args = { 'fsid': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000deadbeef', 'config_folder': '/etc/ceph/', 'config': '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf', 'keyring': '/etc/ceph/ceph.keyring', 'loop_img': 'loop-images/loop.img', 'engine': 'podman', 'docker_yaml': 'docker-compose-docker.yml', 'docker_v1_yaml': 'docker-compose.cgroup1.yml', 'podman_yaml': 'docker-compose-podman.yml', 'loop_img_dir': 'loop-images', } @staticmethod def set(key, value): Config.args[key] = value @staticmethod def get(key): if key in Config.args: return Config.args[key] return None @staticmethod def add_args(args: Dict[str, str]) -> None: Config.args.update(args) class Target: def __init__(self, argv, subparsers): self.argv = argv self.parser = subparsers.add_parser( self.__class__.__name__.lower(), help=self.__class__._help ) def set_args(self): """ adding the required arguments of the target should go here, example: self.parser.add_argument(..) """ raise NotImplementedError() def main(self): """ A target will be setup by first calling this main function where the parser is initialized. """ args = self.parser.parse_args(self.argv) Config.add_args(vars(args)) function = getattr(self, args.action) function() def ensure_outside_container(func) -> Callable: def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if not inside_container(): return func(*args, **kwargs) else: raise RuntimeError('This command should be ran outside a container') return wrapper def ensure_inside_container(func) -> bool: def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if inside_container(): return func(*args, **kwargs) else: raise RuntimeError('This command should be ran inside a container') return wrapper def colored(msg, color: Colors): return color + msg + Colors.ENDC class BoxType(str, Enum): SEED = 'seed' HOST = 'host' class HostContainer: def __init__(self, _name, _type) -> None: self._name: str = _name self._type: BoxType = _type @property def name(self) -> str: return self._name @property def type(self) -> BoxType: return self._type def __str__(self) -> str: return f'{} {self.type}' def run_shell_command(command: str, expect_error=False, verbose=True, expect_exit_code=0) -> str: if Config.get('verbose'): print(f'{colored("Running command", Colors.HEADER)}: {colored(command, Colors.OKBLUE)}') process = subprocess.Popen( command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) out = '' err = '' # let's read when output comes so it is in real time while True: # TODO: improve performance of this part, I think this part is a problem pout ='latin1') if pout == '' and process.poll() is not None: break if pout: if Config.get('verbose') and verbose: sys.stdout.write(pout) sys.stdout.flush() out += pout process.wait() err +='latin1').strip() out = out.strip() if process.returncode != 0 and not expect_error and process.returncode != expect_exit_code: err = colored(err, Colors.FAIL); raise RuntimeError(f'Failed command: {command}\n{err}\nexit code: {process.returncode}') sys.exit(1) return out def run_dc_shell_commands(commands: str, container: HostContainer, expect_error=False) -> str: for command in commands.split('\n'): command = command.strip() if not command: continue run_dc_shell_command(command.strip(), container, expect_error=expect_error) def run_shell_commands(commands: str, expect_error=False) -> str: for command in commands.split('\n'): command = command.strip() if not command: continue run_shell_command(command, expect_error=expect_error) @ensure_inside_container def run_cephadm_shell_command(command: str, expect_error=False) -> str: config = Config.get('config') keyring = Config.get('keyring') fsid = Config.get('fsid') with_cephadm_image = '' out = run_shell_command( f'{with_cephadm_image} cephadm --verbose shell --fsid {fsid} --config {config} --keyring {keyring} -- {command}', expect_error, ) return out def run_dc_shell_command( command: str, container: HostContainer, expect_error=False ) -> str: out = get_container_engine().run_exec(container, command, expect_error=expect_error) return out def inside_container() -> bool: return os.path.exists('/.box_container') def get_container_id(container_name: str): return run_shell_command(f"{engine()} ps | \grep " + container_name + " | awk '{ print $1 }'") def engine(): return Config.get('engine') def engine_compose(): return f'{engine()}-compose' def get_seed_name(): if engine() == 'docker': return 'seed' elif engine() == 'podman': return 'box_hosts_0' else: print(f'unkown engine {engine()}') sys.exit(1) @ensure_outside_container def get_boxes_container_info(with_seed: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: # NOTE: this could be cached ips_query = engine() + " inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}} %tab% {{.Name}} %tab% {{.Config.Hostname}}' $("+ engine() + " ps -aq) --format json" containers = json.loads(run_shell_command(ips_query, verbose=False)) # FIXME: if things get more complex a class representing a container info might be useful, # for now representing data this way is faster. info = {'size': 0, 'ips': [], 'container_names': [], 'hostnames': []} for container in containers: # Most commands use hosts only name = container['Name'] if name.startswith('box_hosts'): if not with_seed and name == get_seed_name(): continue info['size'] += 1 print(container['NetworkSettings']) if 'Networks' in container['NetworkSettings']: info['ips'].append(container['NetworkSettings']['Networks']['box_network']['IPAddress']) else: info['ips'].append('n/a') info['container_names'].append(name) info['hostnames'].append(container['Config']['Hostname']) return info def get_orch_hosts(): if inside_container(): orch_host_ls_out = run_cephadm_shell_command('ceph orch host ls --format json') else: orch_host_ls_out = run_dc_shell_command(f'cephadm shell --keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.keyring --config /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -- ceph orch host ls --format json', get_container_engine().get_seed()) sp = orch_host_ls_out.split('\n') orch_host_ls_out = sp[len(sp) - 1] hosts = json.loads(orch_host_ls_out) return hosts class ContainerEngine(metaclass=ABCMeta): @property @abstractmethod def command(self) -> str: pass @property @abstractmethod def seed_name(self) -> str: pass @property @abstractmethod def dockerfile(self) -> str: pass @property def host_name_prefix(self) -> str: return 'box_hosts_' @abstractmethod def up(self, hosts: int): pass def run_exec(self, container: HostContainer, command: str, expect_error: bool = False): return run_shell_command(' '.join([self.command, 'exec',, command]), expect_error=expect_error) def run(self, engine_command: str, expect_error: bool = False): return run_shell_command(' '.join([self.command, engine_command]), expect_error=expect_error) def get_containers(self) -> List[HostContainer]: ps_out = json.loads(run_shell_command('podman ps --format json')) containers = [] for container in ps_out: if not container['Names']: raise RuntimeError(f'Container {container} missing name') name = container['Names'][0] if name == self.seed_name: containers.append(HostContainer(name, BoxType.SEED)) elif name.startswith(self.host_name_prefix): containers.append(HostContainer(name, BoxType.HOST)) return containers def get_seed(self) -> HostContainer: for container in self.get_containers(): if container.type == BoxType.SEED: return container raise RuntimeError('Missing seed container') def get_container(self, container_name: str): containers = self.get_containers() for container in containers: if == container_name: return container return None def restart(self): pass class DockerEngine(ContainerEngine): command = 'docker' seed_name = 'seed' dockerfile = 'DockerfileDocker' def restart(self): run_shell_command('systemctl restart docker') def up(self, hosts: int): dcflags = f'-f {Config.get("docker_yaml")}' if not os.path.exists('/sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.controllers'): dcflags += f' -f {Config.get("docker_v1_yaml")}' run_shell_command(f'{engine_compose()} {dcflags} up --scale hosts={hosts} -d') class PodmanEngine(ContainerEngine): command = 'podman' seed_name = 'box_hosts_0' dockerfile = 'DockerfilePodman' CAPS = [ "SYS_ADMIN", "NET_ADMIN", "SYS_TIME", "SYS_RAWIO", "MKNOD", "NET_RAW", "SETUID", "SETGID", "CHOWN", "SYS_PTRACE", "SYS_TTY_CONFIG", "CAP_AUDIT_WRITE", "CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL", ] VOLUMES = [ '../../../:/ceph:z', '../:/cephadm:z', '/run/udev:/run/udev', '/sys/dev/block:/sys/dev/block', '/sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro', '/dev/fuse:/dev/fuse', '/dev/disk:/dev/disk', '/sys/devices/virtual/block:/sys/devices/virtual/block', '/sys/block:/dev/block', '/dev/mapper:/dev/mapper', '/dev/mapper/control:/dev/mapper/control', ] TMPFS = ['/run', '/tmp'] # FIXME: right now we are assuming every service will be exposed through the seed, but this is far # from the truth. Services can be deployed on different hosts so we need a system to manage this. SEED_PORTS = [ 8443, # dashboard 3000, # grafana 9093, # alertmanager 9095 # prometheus ] def setup_podman_env(self, hosts: int = 1, osd_devs={}): network_name = 'box_network' networks = run_shell_command('podman network ls') if network_name not in networks: run_shell_command(f'podman network create -d bridge {network_name}') args = [ '--group-add', 'keep-groups', '--device', '/dev/fuse' , '-it' , '-d', '-e', 'CEPH_BRANCH=main', '--stop-signal', 'RTMIN+3' ] for cap in self.CAPS: args.append('--cap-add') args.append(cap) for volume in self.VOLUMES: args.append('-v') args.append(volume) for tmp in self.TMPFS: args.append('--tmpfs') args.append(tmp) for osd_dev in osd_devs.values(): device = osd_dev["device"] args.append('--device') args.append(f'{device}:{device}') for host in range(hosts+1): # 0 will be the seed options = copy.copy(args) options.append('--name') options.append(f'box_hosts_{host}') options.append('--network') options.append(f'{network_name}') if host == 0: for port in self.SEED_PORTS: options.append('-p') options.append(f'{port}:{port}') options.append('cephadm-box') options = ' '.join(options) run_shell_command(f'podman run {options}') def up(self, hosts: int): import osd self.setup_podman_env(hosts=hosts, osd_devs=osd.load_osd_devices()) def get_container_engine() -> ContainerEngine: if engine() == 'docker': return DockerEngine() else: return PodmanEngine()