#include "MemoryModel.h" #include "include/compat.h" #include "debug.h" #if defined(__linux__) #include #endif #include #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_ using namespace std; MemoryModel::MemoryModel(CephContext *cct_) : cct(cct_) { } void MemoryModel::_sample(snap *psnap) { ifstream f; f.open(PROCPREFIX "/proc/self/status"); if (!f.is_open()) { ldout(cct, 0) << "check_memory_usage unable to open " PROCPREFIX "/proc/self/status" << dendl; return; } while (!f.eof()) { string line; getline(f, line); if (strncmp(line.c_str(), "VmSize:", 7) == 0) psnap->size = atol(line.c_str() + 7); else if (strncmp(line.c_str(), "VmRSS:", 6) == 0) psnap->rss = atol(line.c_str() + 7); else if (strncmp(line.c_str(), "VmHWM:", 6) == 0) psnap->hwm = atol(line.c_str() + 7); else if (strncmp(line.c_str(), "VmLib:", 6) == 0) psnap->lib = atol(line.c_str() + 7); else if (strncmp(line.c_str(), "VmPeak:", 7) == 0) psnap->peak = atol(line.c_str() + 7); else if (strncmp(line.c_str(), "VmData:", 7) == 0) psnap->data = atol(line.c_str() + 7); } f.close(); f.open(PROCPREFIX "/proc/self/maps"); if (!f.is_open()) { ldout(cct, 0) << "check_memory_usage unable to open " PROCPREFIX "/proc/self/maps" << dendl; return; } long heap = 0; while (f.is_open() && !f.eof()) { string line; getline(f, line); //ldout(cct, 0) << "line is " << line << dendl; const char *start = line.c_str(); const char *dash = start; while (*dash && *dash != '-') dash++; if (!*dash) continue; const char *end = dash + 1; while (*end && *end != ' ') end++; if (!*end) continue; unsigned long long as = strtoll(start, 0, 16); unsigned long long ae = strtoll(dash+1, 0, 16); //ldout(cct, 0) << std::hex << as << " to " << ae << std::dec << dendl; end++; const char *mode = end; int skip = 4; while (skip--) { end++; while (*end && *end != ' ') end++; } if (*end) end++; long size = ae - as; //ldout(cct, 0) << "size " << size << " mode is '" << mode << "' end is '" << end << "'" << dendl; /* * anything 'rw' and anon is assumed to be heap. */ if (mode[0] == 'r' && mode[1] == 'w' && !*end) heap += size; } psnap->heap = heap >> 10; }