// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include "crimson/admin/admin_socket.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/options.h" #include "common/version.h" #include "messages/MCommand.h" #include "messages/MCommandReply.h" #include "crimson/common/log.h" #include "crimson/net/Socket.h" using namespace crimson::common; using namespace std::literals; using ceph::common::cmdmap_from_json; using ceph::common::cmd_getval; using ceph::common::bad_cmd_get; using ceph::common::validate_cmd; using ceph::common::dump_cmd_and_help_to_json; namespace { seastar::logger& logger() { return crimson::get_logger(ceph_subsys_osd); } } // namespace using std::string; using std::string_view; using std::stringstream; using std::unique_ptr; namespace crimson::admin { tell_result_t::tell_result_t(int ret, std::string&& err) : ret{ret}, err(std::move(err)) {} tell_result_t::tell_result_t(int ret, std::string&& err, ceph::bufferlist&& out) : ret{ret}, err(std::move(err)), out(std::move(out)) {} tell_result_t::tell_result_t(std::unique_ptr formatter) { formatter->flush(out); } void AdminSocket::register_command(std::unique_ptr&& hook) { auto prefix = hook->prefix; auto [it, added] = hooks.emplace(prefix, std::move(hook)); assert(added); logger().info("register_command(): {})", it->first); } auto AdminSocket::parse_cmd(const std::vector& cmd) -> std::variant { // preliminaries: // - create the formatter specified by the cmd parameters // - locate the "op-code" string (the 'prefix' segment) // - prepare for command parameters extraction via cmdmap_t cmdmap_t cmdmap; ceph::bufferlist out; try { stringstream errss; // note that cmdmap_from_json() may throw on syntax issues if (!cmdmap_from_json(cmd, &cmdmap, errss)) { logger().error("{}: incoming command error: {}", __func__, errss.str()); out.append("error:"s); out.append(errss.str()); return tell_result_t{-EINVAL, "invalid json", std::move(out)}; } } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) { logger().error("{}: incoming command syntax: {}", __func__, cmd); out.append(string{e.what()}); return tell_result_t{-EINVAL, "invalid json", std::move(out)}; } string format; string prefix; try { cmd_getval(cmdmap, "format", format); cmd_getval(cmdmap, "prefix", prefix); // tolerate old-style pg command style formatting if (prefix == "pg") { cmd_getval(cmdmap, "cmd", prefix); } } catch (const bad_cmd_get& e) { logger().error("{}: invalid syntax: {}", __func__, cmd); out.append(string{e.what()}); return tell_result_t{-EINVAL, "invalid json", std::move(out)}; } // match the incoming op-code to one of the registered APIs if (auto found = hooks.find(prefix); found != hooks.end()) { return parsed_command_t{ cmdmap, format, *found->second }; } else { return tell_result_t{-EINVAL, fmt::format("unknown command '{}'", prefix), std::move(out)}; } } seastar::future<> AdminSocket::finalize_response( seastar::output_stream& out, ceph::bufferlist&& msgs) { string outbuf_cont = msgs.to_str(); if (outbuf_cont.empty()) { outbuf_cont = " {} "; } uint32_t response_length = htonl(outbuf_cont.length()); logger().info("asok response length: {}", outbuf_cont.length()); return out.write(reinterpret_cast(&response_length), sizeof(response_length)) .then([&out, outbuf_cont] { return out.write(outbuf_cont.c_str()); }); } seastar::future<> AdminSocket::handle_command(crimson::net::ConnectionRef conn, boost::intrusive_ptr m) { return execute_command(m->cmd, std::move(m->get_data())).then( [conn, tid=m->get_tid()](auto result) { auto [ret, err, out] = std::move(result); auto reply = crimson::make_message(ret, err); reply->set_tid(tid); reply->set_data(out); return conn->send(std::move(reply)); }); } seastar::future<> AdminSocket::execute_line(std::string cmdline, seastar::output_stream& out) { return execute_command({std::move(cmdline)}, {}).then([&out, this](auto result) { auto [ret, stderr, stdout] = std::move(result); if (ret < 0) { stdout.append(fmt::format("ERROR: {}\n", cpp_strerror(ret))); stdout.append(stderr); } return finalize_response(out, std::move(stdout)); }); } auto AdminSocket::execute_command(const std::vector& cmd, ceph::bufferlist&& buf) -> seastar::future { auto maybe_parsed = parse_cmd(cmd); if (auto* parsed = std::get_if(&maybe_parsed); parsed) { stringstream os; string desc{parsed->hook.desc}; if (!validate_cmd(desc, parsed->params, os)) { logger().error("AdminSocket::execute_command: " "failed to validate '{}': {}", cmd, os.str()); ceph::bufferlist out; out.append(os); return seastar::make_ready_future( tell_result_t{-EINVAL, "invalid command json", std::move(out)}); } return parsed->hook.call(parsed->params, parsed->format, std::move(buf)); } else { auto& result = std::get(maybe_parsed); return seastar::make_ready_future(std::move(result)); } } // an input_stream consumer that reads buffer into a std::string up to the first // '\0' which indicates the end of command struct line_consumer { using tmp_buf = seastar::temporary_buffer; using consumption_result_type = typename seastar::input_stream::consumption_result_type; seastar::future operator()(tmp_buf&& buf) { size_t consumed = 0; for (auto c : buf) { consumed++; if (c == '\0') { buf.trim_front(consumed); return seastar::make_ready_future( consumption_result_type::stop_consuming_type(std::move(buf))); } else { line.push_back(c); } } return seastar::make_ready_future( seastar::continue_consuming{}); } std::string line; }; seastar::future<> AdminSocket::handle_client(seastar::input_stream& in, seastar::output_stream& out) { auto consumer = seastar::make_shared(); return in.consume(*consumer).then([consumer, &out, this] { logger().debug("AdminSocket::handle_client: incoming asok string: {}", consumer->line); return execute_line(consumer->line, out); }).then([&out] { return out.flush(); }).finally([&out] { return out.close(); }).then([&in] { return in.close(); }).handle_exception([](auto ep) { logger().debug("exception on {}: {}", __func__, ep); }); } seastar::future<> AdminSocket::start(const std::string& path) { if (path.empty()) { logger().error( "{}: Admin Socket socket path missing from the configuration", __func__); return seastar::now(); } logger().debug("{}: asok socket path={}", __func__, path); auto sock_path = seastar::socket_address{ seastar::unix_domain_addr{ path } }; try { server_sock = seastar::engine().listen(sock_path); } catch (const std::system_error& e) { if (e.code() == std::errc::address_in_use) { logger().debug("{}: Admin Socket socket path={} already exists, retrying", __func__, path); return seastar::remove_file(path).then([this, path] { server_sock.reset(); return start(path); }); } logger().error("{}: unable to listen({}): {}", __func__, path, e.what()); server_sock.reset(); return seastar::make_ready_future<>(); } // listen in background task = seastar::keep_doing([this] { return seastar::try_with_gate(stop_gate, [this] { assert(!connected_sock.has_value()); return server_sock->accept().then([this](seastar::accept_result acc) { connected_sock = std::move(acc.connection); return seastar::do_with(connected_sock->input(), connected_sock->output(), [this](auto& input, auto& output) mutable { return handle_client(input, output); }).finally([this] { assert(connected_sock.has_value()); connected_sock.reset(); }); }).handle_exception([this](auto ep) { if (!stop_gate.is_closed()) { logger().error("AdminSocket: terminated: {}", ep); } }); }); }).handle_exception_type([](const seastar::gate_closed_exception&) { }).finally([path] { return seastar::remove_file(path); }); return seastar::make_ready_future<>(); } seastar::future<> AdminSocket::stop() { if (!server_sock) { return seastar::now(); } server_sock->abort_accept(); if (connected_sock) { connected_sock->shutdown_input(); connected_sock->shutdown_output(); } return stop_gate.close().then([this] { assert(task.has_value()); return task->then([] { logger().info("AdminSocket: stopped"); return seastar::now(); }); }); } ///////////////////////////////////////// // the internal hooks ///////////////////////////////////////// class VersionHook final : public AdminSocketHook { public: VersionHook() : AdminSocketHook{"version", "", "get ceph version"} {} seastar::future call(const cmdmap_t&, std::string_view format, ceph::bufferlist&&) const final { unique_ptr f{Formatter::create(format, "json-pretty", "json-pretty")}; f->open_object_section("version"); f->dump_string("version", ceph_version_to_str()); f->dump_string("release", ceph_release_to_str()); f->dump_string("release_type", ceph_release_type()); f->close_section(); return seastar::make_ready_future(std::move(f)); } }; /** Note that the git_version command is expected to return a 'version' JSON segment. */ class GitVersionHook final : public AdminSocketHook { public: GitVersionHook() : AdminSocketHook{"git_version", "", "get git sha1"} {} seastar::future call(const cmdmap_t&, std::string_view format, ceph::bufferlist&&) const final { unique_ptr f{Formatter::create(format, "json-pretty", "json-pretty")}; f->open_object_section("version"); f->dump_string("git_version", git_version_to_str()); f->close_section(); return seastar::make_ready_future(std::move(f)); } }; class HelpHook final : public AdminSocketHook { const AdminSocket& m_as; public: explicit HelpHook(const AdminSocket& as) : AdminSocketHook{"help", "", "list available commands"}, m_as{as} {} seastar::future call(const cmdmap_t&, std::string_view format, ceph::bufferlist&&) const final { unique_ptr f{Formatter::create(format, "json-pretty", "json-pretty")}; f->open_object_section("help"); for (const auto& [prefix, hook] : m_as) { if (!hook->help.empty()) { f->dump_string(prefix.data(), hook->help); } } f->close_section(); return seastar::make_ready_future(std::move(f)); } }; class GetdescsHook final : public AdminSocketHook { const AdminSocket& m_as; public: explicit GetdescsHook(const AdminSocket& as) : AdminSocketHook{"get_command_descriptions", "", "list available commands"}, m_as{ as } {} seastar::future call(const cmdmap_t& cmdmap, std::string_view format, ceph::bufferlist&&) const final { unique_ptr f{Formatter::create(format, "json-pretty", "json-pretty")}; int cmdnum = 0; f->open_object_section("command_descriptions"); for (const auto& [prefix, hook] : m_as) { auto secname = fmt::format("cmd {:>03}", cmdnum); auto cmd = fmt::format("{} {}", hook->prefix, hook->desc); dump_cmd_and_help_to_json(f.get(), CEPH_FEATURES_ALL, secname, cmd, std::string{hook->help}); cmdnum++; } f->close_section(); return seastar::make_ready_future(std::move(f)); } }; class InjectArgsHook final : public AdminSocketHook { public: InjectArgsHook() : AdminSocketHook{"injectargs", "name=injected_args,type=CephString,n=N", "inject configuration arguments into running daemon"} {} seastar::future call(const cmdmap_t& cmdmap, std::string_view format, ceph::bufferlist&&) const final { std::vector argv; if (!cmd_getval(cmdmap, "injected_args", argv)) { return seastar::make_ready_future(); } const std::string args = boost::algorithm::join(argv, " "); return local_conf().inject_args(args).then([] { return seastar::make_ready_future(); }).handle_exception_type([] (const std::invalid_argument& e) { return seastar::make_ready_future( tell_result_t{-EINVAL, e.what()}); }); } }; /** * listing the configuration values */ class ConfigShowHook : public AdminSocketHook { public: ConfigShowHook() : AdminSocketHook{"config show", "", "dump current config settings"} {} seastar::future call(const cmdmap_t&, std::string_view format, ceph::bufferlist&& input) const final { unique_ptr f{Formatter::create(format, "json-pretty", "json-pretty")}; f->open_object_section("config_show"); local_conf().show_config(f.get()); f->close_section(); return seastar::make_ready_future(std::move(f)); } }; /** * fetching the value of a specific configuration item */ class ConfigGetHook : public AdminSocketHook { public: ConfigGetHook() : AdminSocketHook("config get", "name=var,type=CephString", "config get : get the config value") {} seastar::future call(const cmdmap_t& cmdmap, std::string_view format, ceph::bufferlist&& input) const final { std::string var; [[maybe_unused]] bool found = cmd_getval(cmdmap, "var", var); assert(found); std::string conf_val; if (int r = local_conf().get_val(var, &conf_val); r < 0) { return seastar::make_ready_future( tell_result_t{r, fmt::format("error getting {}: {}", var, cpp_strerror(r))}); } unique_ptr f{Formatter::create(format, "json-pretty", "json-pretty")}; f->open_object_section("config_get"); f->dump_string(var, conf_val); f->close_section(); return seastar::make_ready_future(std::move(f)); } }; /** * setting the value of a specific configuration item (an example: * {"prefix": "config set", "var":"debug_osd", "val": ["30/20"]} ) */ class ConfigSetHook : public AdminSocketHook { public: ConfigSetHook() : AdminSocketHook("config set", "name=var,type=CephString " "name=val,type=CephString,n=N", "config set [ ...]: set a config variable") {} seastar::future call(const cmdmap_t& cmdmap, std::string_view format, ceph::bufferlist&&) const final { std::string var; std::vector new_val; cmd_getval(cmdmap, "var", var); cmd_getval(cmdmap, "val", new_val); // val may be multiple words const std::string joined_values = boost::algorithm::join(new_val, " "); return local_conf().set_val(var, joined_values).then([format] { unique_ptr f{Formatter::create(format, "json-pretty", "json-pretty")}; f->open_object_section("config_set"); f->dump_string("success", ""); f->close_section(); return seastar::make_ready_future(std::move(f)); }).handle_exception_type([](std::invalid_argument& e) { return seastar::make_ready_future( tell_result_t{-EINVAL, e.what()}); }); } }; /** * listing the configuration values */ class ConfigHelpHook : public AdminSocketHook { public: ConfigHelpHook() : AdminSocketHook{"config help", "", "get config setting schema and descriptions"} {} seastar::future call(const cmdmap_t&, std::string_view format, ceph::bufferlist&& input) const final { unique_ptr f{Formatter::create(format, "json-pretty", "json-pretty")}; // Output all f->open_array_section("options"); for (const auto &option : ceph_options) { f->dump_object("option", option); } f->close_section(); return seastar::make_ready_future(std::move(f)); } }; /// the hooks that are served directly by the admin_socket server void AdminSocket::register_admin_commands() { register_command(std::make_unique()); register_command(std::make_unique()); register_command(std::make_unique(*this)); register_command(std::make_unique(*this)); register_command(std::make_unique()); register_command(std::make_unique()); register_command(std::make_unique()); register_command(std::make_unique()); register_command(std::make_unique()); } } // namespace crimson::admin