// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/ceph_time.h" #include "messages/MOSDOp.h" #include "include/random.h" #include "crimson/auth/DummyAuth.h" #include "crimson/common/log.h" #include "crimson/common/config_proxy.h" #include "crimson/net/Connection.h" #include "crimson/net/Dispatcher.h" #include "crimson/net/Messenger.h" #include "crimson/osd/stop_signal.h" using namespace std; using namespace std::chrono_literals; using lowres_clock_t = seastar::lowres_system_clock; namespace bpo = boost::program_options; namespace { template using Ref = boost::intrusive_ptr; seastar::logger& logger() { return crimson::get_logger(ceph_subsys_ms); } template seastar::future create_sharded(Args... args) { // seems we should only construct/stop shards on #0 return seastar::smp::submit_to(0, [=] { auto sharded_obj = seastar::make_lw_shared>(); return sharded_obj->start(args...).then([sharded_obj]() { seastar::engine().at_exit([sharded_obj]() { return sharded_obj->stop().then([sharded_obj] {}); }); return sharded_obj.get(); }); }).then([] (seastar::sharded *ptr_shard) { // return the pointer valid for the caller CPU return &ptr_shard->local(); }); } double get_reactor_utilization() { auto &value_map = seastar::metrics::impl::get_value_map(); auto found = value_map.find("reactor_utilization"); assert(found != value_map.end()); auto &[full_name, metric_family] = *found; std::ignore = full_name; assert(metric_family.size() == 1); const auto& [labels, metric] = *metric_family.begin(); std::ignore = labels; auto value = (*metric)(); return value.ui(); } enum class perf_mode_t { both, client, server }; struct client_config { entity_addr_t server_addr; unsigned block_size; unsigned ramptime; unsigned msgtime; unsigned num_clients; unsigned num_conns; unsigned depth; bool skip_core_0; std::string str() const { std::ostringstream out; out << "client[>> " << server_addr << "](bs=" << block_size << ", ramptime=" << ramptime << ", msgtime=" << msgtime << ", num_clients=" << num_clients << ", num_conns=" << num_conns << ", depth=" << depth << ", skip_core_0=" << skip_core_0 << ")"; return out.str(); } static client_config load(bpo::variables_map& options) { client_config conf; entity_addr_t addr; ceph_assert(addr.parse(options["server-addr"].as().c_str(), nullptr)); ceph_assert_always(addr.is_msgr2()); conf.server_addr = addr; conf.block_size = options["client-bs"].as(); conf.ramptime = options["ramptime"].as(); conf.msgtime = options["msgtime"].as(); conf.num_clients = options["clients"].as(); ceph_assert_always(conf.num_clients > 0); conf.num_conns = options["conns-per-client"].as(); ceph_assert_always(conf.num_conns > 0); conf.depth = options["depth"].as(); conf.skip_core_0 = options["client-skip-core-0"].as(); return conf; } }; struct server_config { entity_addr_t addr; unsigned block_size; bool is_fixed_cpu; unsigned core; std::string str() const { std::ostringstream out; out << "server[" << addr << "](bs=" << block_size << ", is_fixed_cpu=" << is_fixed_cpu << ", core=" << core << ")"; return out.str(); } static server_config load(bpo::variables_map& options) { server_config conf; entity_addr_t addr; ceph_assert(addr.parse(options["server-addr"].as().c_str(), nullptr)); ceph_assert_always(addr.is_msgr2()); conf.addr = addr; conf.block_size = options["server-bs"].as(); conf.is_fixed_cpu = options["server-fixed-cpu"].as(); conf.core = options["server-core"].as(); return conf; } }; const unsigned SAMPLE_RATE = 256; static seastar::future<> run( perf_mode_t mode, const client_config& client_conf, const server_config& server_conf, bool crc_enabled) { struct test_state { struct Server final : public crimson::net::Dispatcher, public seastar::peering_sharded_service { // available only in msgr_sid crimson::net::MessengerRef msgr; crimson::auth::DummyAuthClientServer dummy_auth; const seastar::shard_id msgr_sid; std::string lname; bool is_fixed_cpu = true; bool is_stopped = false; std::optional> fut_report; unsigned conn_count = 0; unsigned msg_count = 0; MessageRef last_msg; // available in all shards unsigned msg_len; bufferlist msg_data; Server(seastar::shard_id msgr_sid, unsigned msg_len, bool needs_report) : msgr_sid{msgr_sid}, msg_len{msg_len} { lname = fmt::format("server@{}", msgr_sid); msg_data.append_zero(msg_len); if (seastar::this_shard_id() == msgr_sid && needs_report) { start_report(); } } void ms_handle_connect( crimson::net::ConnectionRef, seastar::shard_id) override { ceph_abort("impossible, server won't connect"); } void ms_handle_accept( crimson::net::ConnectionRef, seastar::shard_id new_shard, bool is_replace) override { ceph_assert_always(new_shard == seastar::this_shard_id()); auto &server = container().local(); ++server.conn_count; } void ms_handle_reset( crimson::net::ConnectionRef, bool) override { auto &server = container().local(); --server.conn_count; } std::optional> ms_dispatch( crimson::net::ConnectionRef c, MessageRef m) override { assert(c->get_shard_id() == seastar::this_shard_id()); ceph_assert(m->get_type() == CEPH_MSG_OSD_OP); auto &server = container().local(); // server replies with MOSDOp to generate server-side write workload const static pg_t pgid; const static object_locator_t oloc; const static hobject_t hobj(object_t(), oloc.key, CEPH_NOSNAP, pgid.ps(), pgid.pool(), oloc.nspace); static spg_t spgid(pgid); auto rep = crimson::make_message(0, 0, hobj, spgid, 0, 0, 0); bufferlist data(server.msg_data); rep->write(0, server.msg_len, data); rep->set_tid(m->get_tid()); ++server.msg_count; std::ignore = c->send(std::move(rep)); if (server.msg_count % 16 == 0) { server.last_msg = std::move(m); } return {seastar::now()}; } seastar::future<> init(const entity_addr_t& addr, bool is_fixed_cpu) { return container().invoke_on( msgr_sid, [addr, is_fixed_cpu](auto &server) { // server msgr is always with nonce 0 server.msgr = crimson::net::Messenger::create( entity_name_t::OSD(server.msgr_sid), server.lname, 0, is_fixed_cpu); server.msgr->set_default_policy(crimson::net::SocketPolicy::stateless_server(0)); server.msgr->set_auth_client(&server.dummy_auth); server.msgr->set_auth_server(&server.dummy_auth); server.is_fixed_cpu = is_fixed_cpu; return server.msgr->bind(entity_addrvec_t{addr} ).safe_then([&server] { return server.msgr->start({&server}); }, crimson::net::Messenger::bind_ertr::all_same_way( [addr] (const std::error_code& e) { logger().error("Server: " "there is another instance running at {}", addr); ceph_abort(); })); }); } seastar::future<> shutdown() { logger().info("{} shutdown...", lname); return container().invoke_on( msgr_sid, [](auto &server) { server.is_stopped = true; ceph_assert(server.msgr); server.msgr->stop(); return server.msgr->shutdown( ).then([&server] { if (server.fut_report.has_value()) { return std::move(server.fut_report.value()); } else { return seastar::now(); } }); }); } private: struct ShardReport { unsigned msg_count = 0; // per-interval metrics double reactor_utilization; unsigned conn_count = 0; int msg_size = 0; unsigned msg_count_interval = 0; }; // should not be called frequently to impact performance void get_report(ShardReport& last) { unsigned last_msg_count = last.msg_count; int msg_size = -1; if (last_msg) { auto msg = boost::static_pointer_cast(last_msg); msg->finish_decode(); ceph_assert_always(msg->ops.size() == 1); msg_size = msg->ops[0].op.extent.length; last_msg.reset(); } last.msg_count = msg_count; last.reactor_utilization = get_reactor_utilization(); last.conn_count = conn_count; last.msg_size = msg_size; last.msg_count_interval = msg_count - last_msg_count; } struct TimerReport { unsigned elapsed = 0u; mono_time start_time = mono_clock::zero(); std::vector reports; TimerReport(unsigned shards) : reports(shards) {} }; void start_report() { seastar::promise<> pr_report; fut_report = pr_report.get_future(); seastar::do_with( TimerReport(seastar::smp::count), [this](auto &report) { return seastar::do_until( [this] { return is_stopped; }, [&report, this] { return seastar::sleep(2s ).then([&report, this] { report.elapsed += 2; if (is_fixed_cpu) { return seastar::smp::submit_to(msgr_sid, [&report, this] { auto &server = container().local(); server.get_report(report.reports[seastar::this_shard_id()]); }).then([&report, this] { auto now = mono_clock::now(); auto prv = report.start_time; report.start_time = now; if (prv == mono_clock::zero()) { // cannot compute duration return; } std::chrono::duration duration_d = now - prv; double duration = duration_d.count(); auto &ireport = report.reports[msgr_sid]; double iops = ireport.msg_count_interval / duration; double throughput_MB = -1; if (ireport.msg_size >= 0) { throughput_MB = iops * ireport.msg_size / 1048576; } std::ostringstream sout; sout << setfill(' ') << report.elapsed << "(" << std::setw(5) << duration << ") " << std::setw(9) << iops << "IOPS " << std::setw(8) << throughput_MB << "MiB/s " << ireport.reactor_utilization << "(" << ireport.conn_count << ")"; std::cout << sout.str() << std::endl; }); } else { return seastar::smp::invoke_on_all([&report, this] { auto &server = container().local(); server.get_report(report.reports[seastar::this_shard_id()]); }).then([&report, this] { auto now = mono_clock::now(); auto prv = report.start_time; report.start_time = now; if (prv == mono_clock::zero()) { // cannot compute duration return; } std::chrono::duration duration_d = now - prv; double duration = duration_d.count(); unsigned num_msgs = 0; // -1 means unavailable, -2 means mismatch int msg_size = -1; for (auto &i : report.reports) { if (i.msg_size >= 0) { if (msg_size == -2) { // pass } else if (msg_size == -1) { msg_size = i.msg_size; } else { if (msg_size != i.msg_size) { msg_size = -2; } } } num_msgs += i.msg_count_interval; } double iops = num_msgs / duration; double throughput_MB = msg_size; if (msg_size >= 0) { throughput_MB = iops * msg_size / 1048576; } std::ostringstream sout; sout << setfill(' ') << report.elapsed << "(" << std::setw(5) << duration << ") " << std::setw(9) << iops << "IOPS " << std::setw(8) << throughput_MB << "MiB/s "; for (auto &i : report.reports) { sout << i.reactor_utilization << "(" << i.conn_count << ") "; } std::cout << sout.str() << std::endl; }); } }); } ); }).then([this] { logger().info("report is stopped!"); }).forward_to(std::move(pr_report)); } }; struct Client final : public crimson::net::Dispatcher, public seastar::peering_sharded_service { struct ConnStats { mono_time connecting_time = mono_clock::zero(); mono_time connected_time = mono_clock::zero(); unsigned received_count = 0u; mono_time start_time = mono_clock::zero(); unsigned start_count = 0u; unsigned sampled_count = 0u; double sampled_total_lat_s = 0.0; // for reporting only mono_time finish_time = mono_clock::zero(); void start_connecting() { connecting_time = mono_clock::now(); } void finish_connecting() { ceph_assert_always(connected_time == mono_clock::zero()); connected_time = mono_clock::now(); } void start_collect() { ceph_assert_always(connected_time != mono_clock::zero()); start_time = mono_clock::now(); start_count = received_count; sampled_count = 0u; sampled_total_lat_s = 0.0; finish_time = mono_clock::zero(); } void prepare_summary(const ConnStats ¤t) { *this = current; finish_time = mono_clock::now(); } }; struct PeriodStats { mono_time start_time = mono_clock::zero(); unsigned start_count = 0u; unsigned sampled_count = 0u; double sampled_total_lat_s = 0.0; // for reporting only mono_time finish_time = mono_clock::zero(); unsigned finish_count = 0u; unsigned depth = 0u; void start_collect(unsigned received_count) { start_time = mono_clock::now(); start_count = received_count; sampled_count = 0u; sampled_total_lat_s = 0.0; } void reset_period( unsigned received_count, unsigned _depth, PeriodStats &snapshot) { snapshot.start_time = start_time; snapshot.start_count = start_count; snapshot.sampled_count = sampled_count; snapshot.sampled_total_lat_s = sampled_total_lat_s; snapshot.finish_time = mono_clock::now(); snapshot.finish_count = received_count; snapshot.depth = _depth; start_collect(received_count); } }; struct JobReport { std::string name; unsigned depth = 0; double connect_time_s = 0; unsigned total_msgs = 0; double messaging_time_s = 0; double latency_ms = 0; double iops = 0; double throughput_mbps = 0; void account(const JobReport &stats) { depth += stats.depth; connect_time_s += stats.connect_time_s; total_msgs += stats.total_msgs; messaging_time_s += stats.messaging_time_s; latency_ms += stats.latency_ms; iops += stats.iops; throughput_mbps += stats.throughput_mbps; } void report() const { auto str = fmt::format( "{}(depth={}):\n" " connect time: {:08f}s\n" " messages received: {}\n" " messaging time: {:08f}s\n" " latency: {:08f}ms\n" " IOPS: {:08f}\n" " out throughput: {:08f}MB/s", name, depth, connect_time_s, total_msgs, messaging_time_s, latency_ms, iops, throughput_mbps); std::cout << str << std::endl; } }; struct ConnectionPriv : public crimson::net::Connection::user_private_t { unsigned index; ConnectionPriv(unsigned i) : index{i} {} }; struct ConnState { crimson::net::MessengerRef msgr; ConnStats conn_stats; PeriodStats period_stats; seastar::semaphore depth; std::vector time_msgs_sent; unsigned sent_count = 0u; crimson::net::ConnectionRef active_conn; bool stop_send = false; seastar::promise stopped_send_promise; ConnState(std::size_t _depth) : depth{_depth}, time_msgs_sent{_depth, lowres_clock_t::time_point::min()} {} unsigned get_current_units() const { ceph_assert(depth.available_units() >= 0); return depth.current(); } seastar::future stop_dispatch_messages() { stop_send = true; depth.broken(DepthBroken()); return stopped_send_promise.get_future(); } }; const seastar::shard_id sid; const unsigned id; const std::optional server_sid; const unsigned num_clients; const unsigned num_conns; const unsigned msg_len; bufferlist msg_data; const unsigned nr_depth; const unsigned nonce_base; crimson::auth::DummyAuthClientServer dummy_auth; std::vector conn_states; Client(unsigned num_clients, unsigned num_conns, unsigned msg_len, unsigned _depth, unsigned nonce_base, std::optional server_sid) : sid{seastar::this_shard_id()}, id{sid + num_clients - seastar::smp::count}, server_sid{server_sid}, num_clients{num_clients}, num_conns{num_conns}, msg_len{msg_len}, nr_depth{_depth}, nonce_base{nonce_base} { if (is_active()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_conns; ++i) { conn_states.emplace_back(nr_depth); } } msg_data.append_zero(msg_len); } std::string get_name(unsigned i) { return fmt::format("client{}Conn{}@{}", id, i, sid); } void ms_handle_connect( crimson::net::ConnectionRef conn, seastar::shard_id prv_shard) override { ceph_assert_always(prv_shard == seastar::this_shard_id()); assert(is_active()); unsigned index = static_cast(conn->get_user_private()).index; auto &conn_state = conn_states[index]; conn_state.conn_stats.finish_connecting(); } std::optional> ms_dispatch( crimson::net::ConnectionRef conn, MessageRef m) override { assert(is_active()); // server replies with MOSDOp to generate server-side write workload ceph_assert(m->get_type() == CEPH_MSG_OSD_OP); unsigned index = static_cast(conn->get_user_private()).index; assert(index < num_conns); auto &conn_state = conn_states[index]; auto msg_id = m->get_tid(); if (msg_id % SAMPLE_RATE == 0) { auto msg_index = msg_id % conn_state.time_msgs_sent.size(); ceph_assert(conn_state.time_msgs_sent[msg_index] != lowres_clock_t::time_point::min()); std::chrono::duration cur_latency = lowres_clock_t::now() - conn_state.time_msgs_sent[msg_index]; conn_state.conn_stats.sampled_total_lat_s += cur_latency.count(); ++(conn_state.conn_stats.sampled_count); conn_state.period_stats.sampled_total_lat_s += cur_latency.count(); ++(conn_state.period_stats.sampled_count); conn_state.time_msgs_sent[msg_index] = lowres_clock_t::time_point::min(); } ++(conn_state.conn_stats.received_count); conn_state.depth.signal(1); return {seastar::now()}; } // should start messenger at this shard? bool is_active() { ceph_assert(seastar::this_shard_id() == sid); return sid + num_clients >= seastar::smp::count; } seastar::future<> init() { return container().invoke_on_all([](auto& client) { if (client.is_active()) { return seastar::do_for_each( boost::make_counting_iterator(0u), boost::make_counting_iterator(client.num_conns), [&client](auto i) { auto &conn_state = client.conn_states[i]; std::string name = client.get_name(i); conn_state.msgr = crimson::net::Messenger::create( entity_name_t::OSD(client.id * client.num_conns + i), name, client.nonce_base + client.id * client.num_conns + i, true); conn_state.msgr->set_default_policy(crimson::net::SocketPolicy::lossy_client(0)); conn_state.msgr->set_auth_client(&client.dummy_auth); conn_state.msgr->set_auth_server(&client.dummy_auth); return conn_state.msgr->start({&client}); }); } return seastar::now(); }); } seastar::future<> shutdown() { return seastar::do_with( std::vector(num_clients * num_conns), [this](auto &all_stats) { return container().invoke_on_all([&all_stats](auto& client) { if (!client.is_active()) { return seastar::now(); } return seastar::parallel_for_each( boost::make_counting_iterator(0u), boost::make_counting_iterator(client.num_conns), [&all_stats, &client](auto i) { logger().info("{} shutdown...", client.get_name(i)); auto &conn_state = client.conn_states[i]; return conn_state.stop_dispatch_messages( ).then([&all_stats, &client, i](auto stats) { all_stats[client.id * client.num_conns + i] = stats; }); }).then([&client] { return seastar::do_for_each( boost::make_counting_iterator(0u), boost::make_counting_iterator(client.num_conns), [&client](auto i) { auto &conn_state = client.conn_states[i]; ceph_assert(conn_state.msgr); conn_state.msgr->stop(); return conn_state.msgr->shutdown(); }); }); }).then([&all_stats, this] { auto nr_jobs = all_stats.size(); JobReport summary; std::vector clients(num_clients); for (unsigned i = 0; i < nr_jobs; ++i) { auto &stats = all_stats[i]; stats.report(); clients[i / num_conns].account(stats); summary.account(stats); } std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "per client:" << std::endl; for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_clients; ++i) { auto &stats = clients[i]; stats.name = fmt::format("client{}", i); stats.connect_time_s /= num_conns; stats.messaging_time_s /= num_conns; stats.latency_ms /= num_conns; stats.report(); } std::cout << std::endl; summary.name = fmt::format("all", nr_jobs); summary.connect_time_s /= nr_jobs; summary.messaging_time_s /= nr_jobs; summary.latency_ms /= nr_jobs; summary.report(); }); }); } seastar::future<> connect_wait_verify(const entity_addr_t& peer_addr) { return container().invoke_on_all([peer_addr](auto& client) { // start clients in active cores if (client.is_active()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < client.num_conns; ++i) { auto &conn_state = client.conn_states[i]; conn_state.conn_stats.start_connecting(); conn_state.active_conn = conn_state.msgr->connect(peer_addr, entity_name_t::TYPE_OSD); conn_state.active_conn->set_user_private( std::make_unique(i)); } // make sure handshake won't hurt the performance return seastar::sleep(1s).then([&client] { for (unsigned i = 0; i < client.num_conns; ++i) { auto &conn_state = client.conn_states[i]; if (conn_state.conn_stats.connected_time == mono_clock::zero()) { logger().error("\n{} not connected after 1s!\n", client.get_name(i)); ceph_assert(false); } } }); } return seastar::now(); }); } private: class TimerReport { private: const unsigned num_clients; const unsigned num_conns; const unsigned msgtime; const unsigned bytes_of_block; unsigned elapsed = 0u; std::vector snaps; std::vector summaries; std::vector client_reactor_utilizations; std::optional server_reactor_utilization; public: TimerReport(unsigned num_clients, unsigned num_conns, unsigned msgtime, unsigned bs) : num_clients{num_clients}, num_conns{num_conns}, msgtime{msgtime}, bytes_of_block{bs}, snaps{num_clients * num_conns}, summaries{num_clients * num_conns}, client_reactor_utilizations(num_clients) {} unsigned get_elapsed() const { return elapsed; } PeriodStats& get_snap(unsigned client_id, unsigned i) { return snaps[client_id * num_conns + i]; } ConnStats& get_summary(unsigned client_id, unsigned i) { return summaries[client_id * num_conns + i]; } void set_client_reactor_utilization(unsigned client_id, double ru) { client_reactor_utilizations[client_id] = ru; } void set_server_reactor_utilization(double ru) { server_reactor_utilization = ru; } bool should_stop() const { return elapsed >= msgtime; } seastar::future<> ticktock() { return seastar::sleep(1s).then([this] { ++elapsed; }); } void report_header() const { std::ostringstream sout; sout << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(6) << "sec" << std::setw(7) << "depth" << std::setw(10) << "IOPS" << std::setw(9) << "MB/s" << std::setw(9) << "lat(ms)"; std::cout << sout.str() << std::endl; } void report_period() { std::chrono::duration elapsed_d = 0s; unsigned depth = 0u; unsigned ops = 0u; unsigned sampled_count = 0u; double sampled_total_lat_s = 0.0; for (const auto& snap: snaps) { elapsed_d += (snap.finish_time - snap.start_time); depth += snap.depth; ops += (snap.finish_count - snap.start_count); sampled_count += snap.sampled_count; sampled_total_lat_s += snap.sampled_total_lat_s; } double elapsed_s = elapsed_d.count() / (num_clients * num_conns); double iops = ops/elapsed_s; std::ostringstream sout; sout << setfill(' ') << std::setw(5) << elapsed_s << " " << std::setw(6) << depth << " " << std::setw(9) << iops << " " << std::setw(8) << iops * bytes_of_block / 1048576 << " " << std::setw(8) << (sampled_total_lat_s / sampled_count * 1000) << " -- "; if (server_reactor_utilization.has_value()) { sout << *server_reactor_utilization << " -- "; } for (double cru : client_reactor_utilizations) { sout << cru << ","; } std::cout << sout.str() << std::endl; } void report_summary() const { std::chrono::duration elapsed_d = 0s; unsigned ops = 0u; unsigned sampled_count = 0u; double sampled_total_lat_s = 0.0; for (const auto& summary: summaries) { elapsed_d += (summary.finish_time - summary.start_time); ops += (summary.received_count - summary.start_count); sampled_count += summary.sampled_count; sampled_total_lat_s += summary.sampled_total_lat_s; } double elapsed_s = elapsed_d.count() / (num_clients * num_conns); double iops = ops / elapsed_s; std::ostringstream sout; sout << "--------------" << " summary " << "--------------\n" << setfill(' ') << std::setw(7) << elapsed_s << std::setw(6) << "-" << std::setw(8) << iops << std::setw(8) << iops * bytes_of_block / 1048576 << std::setw(8) << (sampled_total_lat_s / sampled_count * 1000) << "\n"; std::cout << sout.str() << std::endl; } }; seastar::future<> report_period(TimerReport& report) { return container().invoke_on_all([&report] (auto& client) { if (client.is_active()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < client.num_conns; ++i) { auto &conn_state = client.conn_states[i]; PeriodStats& snap = report.get_snap(client.id, i); conn_state.period_stats.reset_period( conn_state.conn_stats.received_count, client.nr_depth - conn_state.get_current_units(), snap); } report.set_client_reactor_utilization(client.id, get_reactor_utilization()); } if (client.server_sid.has_value() && seastar::this_shard_id() == *client.server_sid) { assert(!client.is_active()); report.set_server_reactor_utilization(get_reactor_utilization()); } }).then([&report] { report.report_period(); }); } seastar::future<> report_summary(TimerReport& report) { return container().invoke_on_all([&report] (auto& client) { if (client.is_active()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < client.num_conns; ++i) { auto &conn_state = client.conn_states[i]; ConnStats& summary = report.get_summary(client.id, i); summary.prepare_summary(conn_state.conn_stats); } } }).then([&report] { report.report_summary(); }); } public: seastar::future<> dispatch_with_timer(unsigned ramptime, unsigned msgtime) { logger().info("[all clients]: start sending MOSDOps from {} clients * {} conns", num_clients, num_conns); return container().invoke_on_all([] (auto& client) { if (client.is_active()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < client.num_conns; ++i) { client.do_dispatch_messages(i); } } }).then([ramptime] { logger().info("[all clients]: ramping up {} seconds...", ramptime); return seastar::sleep(std::chrono::seconds(ramptime)); }).then([this] { return container().invoke_on_all([] (auto& client) { if (client.is_active()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < client.num_conns; ++i) { auto &conn_state = client.conn_states[i]; conn_state.conn_stats.start_collect(); conn_state.period_stats.start_collect(conn_state.conn_stats.received_count); } } }); }).then([this, msgtime] { logger().info("[all clients]: reporting {} seconds...\n", msgtime); return seastar::do_with( TimerReport(num_clients, num_conns, msgtime, msg_len), [this](auto& report) { report.report_header(); return seastar::do_until( [&report] { return report.should_stop(); }, [&report, this] { return report.ticktock().then([&report, this] { // report period every 1s return report_period(report); }).then([&report, this] { // report summary every 10s if (report.get_elapsed() % 10 == 0) { return report_summary(report); } else { return seastar::now(); } }); } ).then([&report, this] { // report the final summary if (report.get_elapsed() % 10 != 0) { return report_summary(report); } else { return seastar::now(); } }); }); }); } private: seastar::future<> send_msg(ConnState &conn_state) { ceph_assert(seastar::this_shard_id() == sid); conn_state.sent_count += 1; return conn_state.depth.wait(1 ).then([this, &conn_state] { const static pg_t pgid; const static object_locator_t oloc; const static hobject_t hobj(object_t(), oloc.key, CEPH_NOSNAP, pgid.ps(), pgid.pool(), oloc.nspace); static spg_t spgid(pgid); auto m = crimson::make_message(0, 0, hobj, spgid, 0, 0, 0); bufferlist data(msg_data); m->write(0, msg_len, data); // use tid as the identity of each round m->set_tid(conn_state.sent_count); // sample message latency if (unlikely(conn_state.sent_count % SAMPLE_RATE == 0)) { auto index = conn_state.sent_count % conn_state.time_msgs_sent.size(); ceph_assert(conn_state.time_msgs_sent[index] == lowres_clock_t::time_point::min()); conn_state.time_msgs_sent[index] = lowres_clock_t::now(); } return conn_state.active_conn->send(std::move(m)); }); } class DepthBroken: public std::exception {}; seastar::future stop_dispatch_messages(unsigned i) { auto &conn_state = conn_states[i]; conn_state.stop_send = true; conn_state.depth.broken(DepthBroken()); return conn_state.stopped_send_promise.get_future(); } void do_dispatch_messages(unsigned i) { ceph_assert(seastar::this_shard_id() == sid); auto &conn_state = conn_states[i]; ceph_assert(conn_state.sent_count == 0); conn_state.conn_stats.start_time = mono_clock::now(); // forwarded to stopped_send_promise (void) seastar::do_until( [&conn_state] { return conn_state.stop_send; }, [this, &conn_state] { return send_msg(conn_state); } ).handle_exception_type([] (const DepthBroken& e) { // ok, stopped by stop_dispatch_messages() }).then([this, &conn_state, i] { std::string name = get_name(i); logger().info("{} {}: stopped sending OSDOPs", name, *conn_state.active_conn); std::chrono::duration dur_conn = conn_state.conn_stats.connected_time - conn_state.conn_stats.connecting_time; std::chrono::duration dur_msg = mono_clock::now() - conn_state.conn_stats.start_time; unsigned ops = conn_state.conn_stats.received_count - conn_state.conn_stats.start_count; JobReport stats; stats.name = name; stats.depth = nr_depth; stats.connect_time_s = dur_conn.count(); stats.total_msgs = ops; stats.messaging_time_s = dur_msg.count(); stats.latency_ms = conn_state.conn_stats.sampled_total_lat_s / conn_state.conn_stats.sampled_count * 1000; stats.iops = ops / dur_msg.count(); stats.throughput_mbps = ops / dur_msg.count() * msg_len / 1048576; conn_state.stopped_send_promise.set_value(stats); }); } }; }; std::optional server_sid; bool server_needs_report = false; if (mode == perf_mode_t::both) { ceph_assert(server_conf.is_fixed_cpu == true); server_sid = server_conf.core; } else if (mode == perf_mode_t::server) { server_needs_report = true; } return seastar::when_all( seastar::futurize_invoke([mode, server_conf, server_needs_report] { if (mode == perf_mode_t::client) { return seastar::make_ready_future(nullptr); } else { return create_sharded( server_conf.core, server_conf.block_size, server_needs_report); } }), seastar::futurize_invoke([mode, client_conf, server_sid] { if (mode == perf_mode_t::server) { return seastar::make_ready_future(nullptr); } else { unsigned nonce_base = ceph::util::generate_random_number(); logger().info("client nonce_base={}", nonce_base); return create_sharded( client_conf.num_clients, client_conf.num_conns, client_conf.block_size, client_conf.depth, nonce_base, server_sid); } }), crimson::common::sharded_conf().start( EntityName{}, std::string_view{"ceph"} ).then([] { return crimson::common::local_conf().start(); }).then([crc_enabled] { return crimson::common::local_conf().set_val( "ms_crc_data", crc_enabled ? "true" : "false"); }) ).then([=](auto&& ret) { auto server = std::move(std::get<0>(ret).get0()); auto client = std::move(std::get<1>(ret).get0()); // reserve core 0 for potentially better performance if (mode == perf_mode_t::both) { logger().info("\nperf settings:\n smp={}\n {}\n {}\n", seastar::smp::count, client_conf.str(), server_conf.str()); if (client_conf.skip_core_0) { ceph_assert(seastar::smp::count > client_conf.num_clients); } else { ceph_assert(seastar::smp::count >= client_conf.num_clients); } ceph_assert(client_conf.num_clients > 0); ceph_assert(seastar::smp::count > server_conf.core + client_conf.num_clients); return seastar::when_all_succeed( // it is not reasonable to allow server/client to shared cores for // performance benchmarking purposes. server->init(server_conf.addr, server_conf.is_fixed_cpu), client->init() ).then_unpack([client, addr = client_conf.server_addr] { return client->connect_wait_verify(addr); }).then([client, ramptime = client_conf.ramptime, msgtime = client_conf.msgtime] { return client->dispatch_with_timer(ramptime, msgtime); }).then([client] { return client->shutdown(); }).then([server] { return server->shutdown(); }); } else if (mode == perf_mode_t::client) { logger().info("\nperf settings:\n smp={}\n {}\n", seastar::smp::count, client_conf.str()); if (client_conf.skip_core_0) { ceph_assert(seastar::smp::count > client_conf.num_clients); } else { ceph_assert(seastar::smp::count >= client_conf.num_clients); } ceph_assert(client_conf.num_clients > 0); return client->init( ).then([client, addr = client_conf.server_addr] { return client->connect_wait_verify(addr); }).then([client, ramptime = client_conf.ramptime, msgtime = client_conf.msgtime] { return client->dispatch_with_timer(ramptime, msgtime); }).then([client] { return client->shutdown(); }); } else { // mode == perf_mode_t::server ceph_assert(seastar::smp::count > server_conf.core); logger().info("\nperf settings:\n smp={}\n {}\n", seastar::smp::count, server_conf.str()); return seastar::async([server, server_conf] { // FIXME: SIGINT is not received by stop_signal seastar_apps_lib::stop_signal should_stop; server->init(server_conf.addr, server_conf.is_fixed_cpu).get(); should_stop.wait().get(); server->shutdown().get(); }); } }).finally([] { return crimson::common::sharded_conf().stop(); }); } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { seastar::app_template app; app.add_options() ("mode", bpo::value()->default_value(0), "0: both, 1:client, 2:server") ("server-addr", bpo::value()->default_value("v2:"), "server address(only support msgr v2 protocol)") ("ramptime", bpo::value()->default_value(5), "seconds of client ramp-up time") ("msgtime", bpo::value()->default_value(15), "seconds of client messaging time") ("clients", bpo::value()->default_value(1), "number of client messengers") ("conns-per-client", bpo::value()->default_value(1), "number of connections per client") ("client-bs", bpo::value()->default_value(4096), "client block size") ("depth", bpo::value()->default_value(512), "client io depth per job") ("client-skip-core-0", bpo::value()->default_value(true), "client skip core 0") ("server-fixed-cpu", bpo::value()->default_value(true), "server is in the fixed cpu mode, non-fixed doesn't support the mode both") ("server-core", bpo::value()->default_value(1), "server messenger running core") ("server-bs", bpo::value()->default_value(0), "server block size") ("crc-enabled", bpo::value()->default_value(false), "enable CRC checks"); return app.run(argc, argv, [&app] { auto&& config = app.configuration(); auto mode = config["mode"].as(); ceph_assert(mode <= 2); auto _mode = static_cast(mode); bool crc_enabled = config["crc-enabled"].as(); auto server_conf = server_config::load(config); auto client_conf = client_config::load(config); return run(_mode, client_conf, server_conf, crc_enabled ).then([] { logger().info("\nsuccessful!\n"); }).handle_exception([] (auto eptr) { logger().info("\nfailed!\n"); return seastar::make_exception_future<>(eptr); }); }); }