#include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #include <errno.h> #include "crush/crush.h" #include "builder.h" #define dprintk(args...) /* printf(args) */ #define BUG_ON(x) assert(!(x)) struct crush_map *crush_create() { struct crush_map *m; m = malloc(sizeof(*m)); if (!m) return NULL; memset(m, 0, sizeof(*m)); set_optimal_crush_map(m); return m; } /* * finalize should be called _after_ all buckets are added to the map. */ void crush_finalize(struct crush_map *map) { int b; __u32 i; /* Calculate the needed working space while we do other finalization tasks. */ map->working_size = sizeof(struct crush_work); /* Space for the array of pointers to per-bucket workspace */ map->working_size += map->max_buckets * sizeof(struct crush_work_bucket *); /* calc max_devices */ map->max_devices = 0; for (b=0; b<map->max_buckets; b++) { if (map->buckets[b] == 0) continue; for (i=0; i<map->buckets[b]->size; i++) if (map->buckets[b]->items[i] >= map->max_devices) map->max_devices = map->buckets[b]->items[i] + 1; switch (map->buckets[b]->alg) { default: /* The base case, permutation variables and the pointer to the permutation array. */ map->working_size += sizeof(struct crush_work_bucket); break; } /* Every bucket has a permutation array. */ map->working_size += map->buckets[b]->size * sizeof(__u32); } } /** rules **/ int crush_add_rule(struct crush_map *map, struct crush_rule *rule, int ruleno) { __u32 r; if (ruleno < 0) { for (r=0; r < map->max_rules; r++) if (map->rules[r] == 0) break; assert(r < CRUSH_MAX_RULES); } else r = ruleno; if (r >= map->max_rules) { /* expand array */ int oldsize; void *_realloc = NULL; if (map->max_rules +1 > CRUSH_MAX_RULES) return -ENOSPC; oldsize = map->max_rules; map->max_rules = r+1; if ((_realloc = realloc(map->rules, map->max_rules * sizeof(map->rules[0]))) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { map->rules = _realloc; } memset(map->rules + oldsize, 0, (map->max_rules-oldsize) * sizeof(map->rules[0])); } /* add it */ map->rules[r] = rule; return r; } struct crush_rule *crush_make_rule(int len, int type) { struct crush_rule *rule; rule = malloc(crush_rule_size(len)); if (!rule) return NULL; rule->len = len; rule->type = type; rule->deprecated_min_size = 1; rule->deprecated_max_size = 100; return rule; } /* * be careful; this doesn't verify that the buffer you allocated is big enough! */ void crush_rule_set_step(struct crush_rule *rule, int n, int op, int arg1, int arg2) { assert((__u32)n < rule->len); rule->steps[n].op = op; rule->steps[n].arg1 = arg1; rule->steps[n].arg2 = arg2; } /** buckets **/ int crush_get_next_bucket_id(struct crush_map *map) { int pos; for (pos=0; pos < map->max_buckets; pos++) if (map->buckets[pos] == 0) break; return -1 - pos; } int crush_add_bucket(struct crush_map *map, int id, struct crush_bucket *bucket, int *idout) { int pos; /* find a bucket id */ if (id == 0) id = crush_get_next_bucket_id(map); pos = -1 - id; while (pos >= map->max_buckets) { /* expand array */ int oldsize = map->max_buckets; if (map->max_buckets) map->max_buckets *= 2; else map->max_buckets = 8; void *_realloc = NULL; if ((_realloc = realloc(map->buckets, map->max_buckets * sizeof(map->buckets[0]))) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { map->buckets = _realloc; } memset(map->buckets + oldsize, 0, (map->max_buckets-oldsize) * sizeof(map->buckets[0])); } if (map->buckets[pos] != 0) { return -EEXIST; } /* add it */ bucket->id = id; map->buckets[pos] = bucket; if (idout) *idout = id; return 0; } int crush_remove_bucket(struct crush_map *map, struct crush_bucket *bucket) { int pos = -1 - bucket->id; assert(pos < map->max_buckets); map->buckets[pos] = NULL; crush_destroy_bucket(bucket); return 0; } /* uniform bucket */ struct crush_bucket_uniform * crush_make_uniform_bucket(int hash, int type, int size, int *items, int item_weight) { int i; struct crush_bucket_uniform *bucket; bucket = malloc(sizeof(*bucket)); if (!bucket) return NULL; memset(bucket, 0, sizeof(*bucket)); bucket->h.alg = CRUSH_BUCKET_UNIFORM; bucket->h.hash = hash; bucket->h.type = type; bucket->h.size = size; if (crush_multiplication_is_unsafe(size, item_weight)) goto err; bucket->h.weight = size * item_weight; bucket->item_weight = item_weight; if (size == 0) { return bucket; } bucket->h.items = malloc(sizeof(__s32)*size); if (!bucket->h.items) goto err; for (i=0; i<size; i++) bucket->h.items[i] = items[i]; return bucket; err: free(bucket->h.items); free(bucket); return NULL; } /* list bucket */ struct crush_bucket_list* crush_make_list_bucket(int hash, int type, int size, int *items, int *weights) { int i; int w; struct crush_bucket_list *bucket; bucket = malloc(sizeof(*bucket)); if (!bucket) return NULL; memset(bucket, 0, sizeof(*bucket)); bucket->h.alg = CRUSH_BUCKET_LIST; bucket->h.hash = hash; bucket->h.type = type; bucket->h.size = size; if (size == 0) { return bucket; } bucket->h.items = malloc(sizeof(__s32)*size); if (!bucket->h.items) goto err; bucket->item_weights = malloc(sizeof(__u32)*size); if (!bucket->item_weights) goto err; bucket->sum_weights = malloc(sizeof(__u32)*size); if (!bucket->sum_weights) goto err; w = 0; for (i=0; i<size; i++) { bucket->h.items[i] = items[i]; bucket->item_weights[i] = weights[i]; if (crush_addition_is_unsafe(w, weights[i])) goto err; w += weights[i]; bucket->sum_weights[i] = w; /*dprintk("pos %d item %d weight %d sum %d\n", i, items[i], weights[i], bucket->sum_weights[i]);*/ } bucket->h.weight = w; return bucket; err: free(bucket->sum_weights); free(bucket->item_weights); free(bucket->h.items); free(bucket); return NULL; } /* tree bucket */ static int height(int n) { int h = 0; while ((n & 1) == 0) { h++; n = n >> 1; } return h; } static int on_right(int n, int h) { return n & (1 << (h+1)); } static int parent(int n) { int h = height(n); if (on_right(n, h)) return n - (1<<h); else return n + (1<<h); } static int calc_depth(int size) { if (size == 0) { return 0; } int depth = 1; int t = size - 1; while (t) { t = t >> 1; depth++; } return depth; } struct crush_bucket_tree* crush_make_tree_bucket(int hash, int type, int size, int *items, /* in leaf order */ int *weights) { struct crush_bucket_tree *bucket; int depth; int node; int i, j; bucket = malloc(sizeof(*bucket)); if (!bucket) return NULL; memset(bucket, 0, sizeof(*bucket)); bucket->h.alg = CRUSH_BUCKET_TREE; bucket->h.hash = hash; bucket->h.type = type; bucket->h.size = size; if (size == 0) { /* printf("size 0 depth 0 nodes 0\n"); */ return bucket; } bucket->h.items = malloc(sizeof(__s32)*size); if (!bucket->h.items) goto err; /* calc tree depth */ depth = calc_depth(size); bucket->num_nodes = 1 << depth; dprintk("size %d depth %d nodes %d\n", size, depth, bucket->num_nodes); bucket->node_weights = malloc(sizeof(__u32)*bucket->num_nodes); if (!bucket->node_weights) goto err; memset(bucket->h.items, 0, sizeof(__s32)*bucket->h.size); memset(bucket->node_weights, 0, sizeof(__u32)*bucket->num_nodes); for (i=0; i<size; i++) { bucket->h.items[i] = items[i]; node = crush_calc_tree_node(i); dprintk("item %d node %d weight %d\n", i, node, weights[i]); bucket->node_weights[node] = weights[i]; if (crush_addition_is_unsafe(bucket->h.weight, weights[i])) goto err; bucket->h.weight += weights[i]; for (j=1; j<depth; j++) { node = parent(node); if (crush_addition_is_unsafe(bucket->node_weights[node], weights[i])) goto err; bucket->node_weights[node] += weights[i]; dprintk(" node %d weight %d\n", node, bucket->node_weights[node]); } } BUG_ON(bucket->node_weights[bucket->num_nodes/2] != bucket->h.weight); return bucket; err: free(bucket->node_weights); free(bucket->h.items); free(bucket); return NULL; } /* straw bucket */ /* * this code was written 8 years ago. i have a vague recollection of * drawing boxes underneath bars of different lengths, where the bar * length represented the probability/weight, and that there was some * trial and error involved in arriving at this implementation. * however, reading the code now after all this time, the intuition * that motivated is lost on me. lame. my only excuse is that I now * know that the approach is fundamentally flawed and am not * particularly motivated to reconstruct the flawed reasoning. * * as best as i can remember, the idea is: sort the weights, and start * with the smallest. arbitrarily scale it at 1.0 (16-bit fixed * point). look at the next larger weight, and calculate the scaling * factor for that straw based on the relative difference in weight so * far. what's not clear to me now is why we are looking at wnext * (the delta to the next bigger weight) for all remaining weights, * and slicing things horizontally instead of considering just the * next item or set of items. or why pow() is used the way it is. * * note that the original version 1 of this function made special * accommodation for the case where straw lengths were identical. this * is also flawed in a non-obvious way; version 2 drops the special * handling and appears to work just as well. * * moral of the story: if you do something clever, write down why it * works. */ int crush_calc_straw(struct crush_map *map, struct crush_bucket_straw *bucket) { int *reverse; int i, j, k; double straw, wbelow, lastw, wnext, pbelow; int numleft; int size = bucket->h.size; __u32 *weights = bucket->item_weights; /* reverse sort by weight (simple insertion sort) */ reverse = malloc(sizeof(int) * size); if (!reverse) return -ENOMEM; if (size) reverse[0] = 0; for (i=1; i<size; i++) { for (j=0; j<i; j++) { if (weights[i] < weights[reverse[j]]) { /* insert here */ for (k=i; k>j; k--) reverse[k] = reverse[k-1]; reverse[j] = i; break; } } if (j == i) reverse[i] = i; } numleft = size; straw = 1.0; wbelow = 0; lastw = 0; i=0; while (i < size) { if (map->straw_calc_version == 0) { /* zero weight items get 0 length straws! */ if (weights[reverse[i]] == 0) { bucket->straws[reverse[i]] = 0; i++; continue; } /* set this item's straw */ bucket->straws[reverse[i]] = straw * 0x10000; dprintk("item %d at %d weight %d straw %d (%lf)\n", bucket->h.items[reverse[i]], reverse[i], weights[reverse[i]], bucket->straws[reverse[i]], straw); i++; if (i == size) break; /* same weight as previous? */ if (weights[reverse[i]] == weights[reverse[i-1]]) { dprintk("same as previous\n"); continue; } /* adjust straw for next guy */ wbelow += ((double)weights[reverse[i-1]] - lastw) * numleft; for (j=i; j<size; j++) if (weights[reverse[j]] == weights[reverse[i]]) numleft--; else break; wnext = numleft * (weights[reverse[i]] - weights[reverse[i-1]]); pbelow = wbelow / (wbelow + wnext); dprintk("wbelow %lf wnext %lf pbelow %lf numleft %d\n", wbelow, wnext, pbelow, numleft); straw *= pow((double)1.0 / pbelow, (double)1.0 / (double)numleft); lastw = weights[reverse[i-1]]; } else if (map->straw_calc_version >= 1) { /* zero weight items get 0 length straws! */ if (weights[reverse[i]] == 0) { bucket->straws[reverse[i]] = 0; i++; numleft--; continue; } /* set this item's straw */ bucket->straws[reverse[i]] = straw * 0x10000; dprintk("item %d at %d weight %d straw %d (%lf)\n", bucket->h.items[reverse[i]], reverse[i], weights[reverse[i]], bucket->straws[reverse[i]], straw); i++; if (i == size) break; /* adjust straw for next guy */ wbelow += ((double)weights[reverse[i-1]] - lastw) * numleft; numleft--; wnext = numleft * (weights[reverse[i]] - weights[reverse[i-1]]); pbelow = wbelow / (wbelow + wnext); dprintk("wbelow %lf wnext %lf pbelow %lf numleft %d\n", wbelow, wnext, pbelow, numleft); straw *= pow((double)1.0 / pbelow, (double)1.0 / (double)numleft); lastw = weights[reverse[i-1]]; } } free(reverse); return 0; } struct crush_bucket_straw * crush_make_straw_bucket(struct crush_map *map, int hash, int type, int size, int *items, int *weights) { struct crush_bucket_straw *bucket; int i; bucket = malloc(sizeof(*bucket)); if (!bucket) return NULL; memset(bucket, 0, sizeof(*bucket)); bucket->h.alg = CRUSH_BUCKET_STRAW; bucket->h.hash = hash; bucket->h.type = type; bucket->h.size = size; bucket->h.items = malloc(sizeof(__s32)*size); if (!bucket->h.items) goto err; bucket->item_weights = malloc(sizeof(__u32)*size); if (!bucket->item_weights) goto err; bucket->straws = malloc(sizeof(__u32)*size); if (!bucket->straws) goto err; for (i=0; i<size; i++) { bucket->h.items[i] = items[i]; bucket->h.weight += weights[i]; bucket->item_weights[i] = weights[i]; } if (crush_calc_straw(map, bucket) < 0) goto err; return bucket; err: free(bucket->straws); free(bucket->item_weights); free(bucket->h.items); free(bucket); return NULL; } struct crush_bucket_straw2 * crush_make_straw2_bucket(struct crush_map *map, int hash, int type, int size, int *items, int *weights) { struct crush_bucket_straw2 *bucket; int i; bucket = malloc(sizeof(*bucket)); if (!bucket) return NULL; memset(bucket, 0, sizeof(*bucket)); bucket->h.alg = CRUSH_BUCKET_STRAW2; bucket->h.hash = hash; bucket->h.type = type; bucket->h.size = size; if (size == 0) { return bucket; } bucket->h.items = malloc(sizeof(__s32)*size); if (!bucket->h.items) goto err; bucket->item_weights = malloc(sizeof(__u32)*size); if (!bucket->item_weights) goto err; for (i=0; i<size; i++) { bucket->h.items[i] = items[i]; bucket->h.weight += weights[i]; bucket->item_weights[i] = weights[i]; } return bucket; err: free(bucket->item_weights); free(bucket->h.items); free(bucket); return NULL; } struct crush_bucket* crush_make_bucket(struct crush_map *map, int alg, int hash, int type, int size, int *items, int *weights) { int item_weight; switch (alg) { case CRUSH_BUCKET_UNIFORM: if (size && weights) item_weight = weights[0]; else item_weight = 0; return (struct crush_bucket *)crush_make_uniform_bucket(hash, type, size, items, item_weight); case CRUSH_BUCKET_LIST: return (struct crush_bucket *)crush_make_list_bucket(hash, type, size, items, weights); case CRUSH_BUCKET_TREE: return (struct crush_bucket *)crush_make_tree_bucket(hash, type, size, items, weights); case CRUSH_BUCKET_STRAW: return (struct crush_bucket *)crush_make_straw_bucket(map, hash, type, size, items, weights); case CRUSH_BUCKET_STRAW2: return (struct crush_bucket *)crush_make_straw2_bucket(map, hash, type, size, items, weights); } return 0; } /************************************************/ int crush_add_uniform_bucket_item(struct crush_bucket_uniform *bucket, int item, int weight) { int newsize = bucket->h.size + 1; void *_realloc = NULL; /* In such situation 'CRUSH_BUCKET_UNIFORM', the weight provided for the item should be the same as bucket->item_weight defined with 'crush_make_bucket'. This assumption is enforced by the return value which is always 0. */ if (bucket->item_weight != weight) { return -EINVAL; } if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->h.items, sizeof(__s32)*newsize)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->h.items = _realloc; } bucket->h.items[newsize-1] = item; if (crush_addition_is_unsafe(bucket->h.weight, weight)) return -ERANGE; bucket->h.weight += weight; bucket->h.size++; return 0; } int crush_add_list_bucket_item(struct crush_bucket_list *bucket, int item, int weight) { int newsize = bucket->h.size + 1; void *_realloc = NULL; if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->h.items, sizeof(__s32)*newsize)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->h.items = _realloc; } if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->item_weights, sizeof(__u32)*newsize)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->item_weights = _realloc; } if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->sum_weights, sizeof(__u32)*newsize)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->sum_weights = _realloc; } bucket->h.items[newsize-1] = item; bucket->item_weights[newsize-1] = weight; if (newsize > 1) { if (crush_addition_is_unsafe(bucket->sum_weights[newsize-2], weight)) return -ERANGE; bucket->sum_weights[newsize-1] = bucket->sum_weights[newsize-2] + weight; } else { bucket->sum_weights[newsize-1] = weight; } bucket->h.weight += weight; bucket->h.size++; return 0; } int crush_add_tree_bucket_item(struct crush_bucket_tree *bucket, int item, int weight) { int newsize = bucket->h.size + 1; int depth = calc_depth(newsize);; int node; int j; void *_realloc = NULL; bucket->num_nodes = 1 << depth; if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->h.items, sizeof(__s32)*newsize)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->h.items = _realloc; } if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->node_weights, sizeof(__u32)*bucket->num_nodes)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->node_weights = _realloc; } node = crush_calc_tree_node(newsize-1); bucket->node_weights[node] = weight; /* if the depth increase, we need to initialize the new root node's weight before add bucket item */ int root = bucket->num_nodes/2; if (depth >= 2 && (node - 1) == root) { /* if the new item is the first node in right sub tree, so * the root node initial weight is left sub tree's weight */ bucket->node_weights[root] = bucket->node_weights[root/2]; } for (j=1; j<depth; j++) { node = parent(node); if (crush_addition_is_unsafe(bucket->node_weights[node], weight)) return -ERANGE; bucket->node_weights[node] += weight; dprintk(" node %d weight %d\n", node, bucket->node_weights[node]); } if (crush_addition_is_unsafe(bucket->h.weight, weight)) return -ERANGE; bucket->h.items[newsize-1] = item; bucket->h.weight += weight; bucket->h.size++; return 0; } int crush_add_straw_bucket_item(struct crush_map *map, struct crush_bucket_straw *bucket, int item, int weight) { int newsize = bucket->h.size + 1; void *_realloc = NULL; if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->h.items, sizeof(__s32)*newsize)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->h.items = _realloc; } if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->item_weights, sizeof(__u32)*newsize)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->item_weights = _realloc; } if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->straws, sizeof(__u32)*newsize)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->straws = _realloc; } bucket->h.items[newsize-1] = item; bucket->item_weights[newsize-1] = weight; if (crush_addition_is_unsafe(bucket->h.weight, weight)) return -ERANGE; bucket->h.weight += weight; bucket->h.size++; return crush_calc_straw(map, bucket); } int crush_add_straw2_bucket_item(struct crush_map *map, struct crush_bucket_straw2 *bucket, int item, int weight) { int newsize = bucket->h.size + 1; void *_realloc = NULL; if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->h.items, sizeof(__s32)*newsize)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->h.items = _realloc; } if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->item_weights, sizeof(__u32)*newsize)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->item_weights = _realloc; } bucket->h.items[newsize-1] = item; bucket->item_weights[newsize-1] = weight; if (crush_addition_is_unsafe(bucket->h.weight, weight)) return -ERANGE; bucket->h.weight += weight; bucket->h.size++; return 0; } int crush_bucket_add_item(struct crush_map *map, struct crush_bucket *b, int item, int weight) { switch (b->alg) { case CRUSH_BUCKET_UNIFORM: return crush_add_uniform_bucket_item((struct crush_bucket_uniform *)b, item, weight); case CRUSH_BUCKET_LIST: return crush_add_list_bucket_item((struct crush_bucket_list *)b, item, weight); case CRUSH_BUCKET_TREE: return crush_add_tree_bucket_item((struct crush_bucket_tree *)b, item, weight); case CRUSH_BUCKET_STRAW: return crush_add_straw_bucket_item(map, (struct crush_bucket_straw *)b, item, weight); case CRUSH_BUCKET_STRAW2: return crush_add_straw2_bucket_item(map, (struct crush_bucket_straw2 *)b, item, weight); default: return -1; } } /************************************************/ int crush_remove_uniform_bucket_item(struct crush_bucket_uniform *bucket, int item) { unsigned i, j; int newsize; void *_realloc = NULL; for (i = 0; i < bucket->h.size; i++) if (bucket->h.items[i] == item) break; if (i == bucket->h.size) return -ENOENT; for (j = i; j < bucket->h.size; j++) bucket->h.items[j] = bucket->h.items[j+1]; newsize = --bucket->h.size; if (bucket->item_weight < bucket->h.weight) bucket->h.weight -= bucket->item_weight; else bucket->h.weight = 0; if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->h.items, sizeof(__s32)*newsize)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->h.items = _realloc; } return 0; } int crush_remove_list_bucket_item(struct crush_bucket_list *bucket, int item) { unsigned i, j; int newsize; unsigned weight; for (i = 0; i < bucket->h.size; i++) if (bucket->h.items[i] == item) break; if (i == bucket->h.size) return -ENOENT; weight = bucket->item_weights[i]; for (j = i; j < bucket->h.size; j++) { bucket->h.items[j] = bucket->h.items[j+1]; bucket->item_weights[j] = bucket->item_weights[j+1]; bucket->sum_weights[j] = bucket->sum_weights[j+1] - weight; } if (weight < bucket->h.weight) bucket->h.weight -= weight; else bucket->h.weight = 0; newsize = --bucket->h.size; void *_realloc = NULL; if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->h.items, sizeof(__s32)*newsize)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->h.items = _realloc; } if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->item_weights, sizeof(__u32)*newsize)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->item_weights = _realloc; } if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->sum_weights, sizeof(__u32)*newsize)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->sum_weights = _realloc; } return 0; } int crush_remove_tree_bucket_item(struct crush_bucket_tree *bucket, int item) { unsigned i; unsigned newsize; for (i = 0; i < bucket->h.size; i++) { int node; unsigned weight; int j; int depth = calc_depth(bucket->h.size); if (bucket->h.items[i] != item) continue; bucket->h.items[i] = 0; node = crush_calc_tree_node(i); weight = bucket->node_weights[node]; bucket->node_weights[node] = 0; for (j = 1; j < depth; j++) { node = parent(node); bucket->node_weights[node] -= weight; dprintk(" node %d weight %d\n", node, bucket->node_weights[node]); } if (weight < bucket->h.weight) bucket->h.weight -= weight; else bucket->h.weight = 0; break; } if (i == bucket->h.size) return -ENOENT; newsize = bucket->h.size; while (newsize > 0) { int node = crush_calc_tree_node(newsize - 1); if (bucket->node_weights[node]) break; --newsize; } if (newsize != bucket->h.size) { int olddepth, newdepth; void *_realloc = NULL; if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->h.items, sizeof(__s32)*newsize)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->h.items = _realloc; } olddepth = calc_depth(bucket->h.size); newdepth = calc_depth(newsize); if (olddepth != newdepth) { bucket->num_nodes = 1 << newdepth; if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->node_weights, sizeof(__u32)*bucket->num_nodes)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->node_weights = _realloc; } } bucket->h.size = newsize; } return 0; } int crush_remove_straw_bucket_item(struct crush_map *map, struct crush_bucket_straw *bucket, int item) { int newsize = bucket->h.size - 1; unsigned i, j; for (i = 0; i < bucket->h.size; i++) { if (bucket->h.items[i] == item) { if (bucket->item_weights[i] < bucket->h.weight) bucket->h.weight -= bucket->item_weights[i]; else bucket->h.weight = 0; for (j = i; j < bucket->h.size - 1; j++) { bucket->h.items[j] = bucket->h.items[j+1]; bucket->item_weights[j] = bucket->item_weights[j+1]; } break; } } if (i == bucket->h.size) return -ENOENT; bucket->h.size--; if (bucket->h.size == 0) { /* don't bother reallocating */ return 0; } void *_realloc = NULL; if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->h.items, sizeof(__s32)*newsize)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->h.items = _realloc; } if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->item_weights, sizeof(__u32)*newsize)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->item_weights = _realloc; } if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->straws, sizeof(__u32)*newsize)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->straws = _realloc; } return crush_calc_straw(map, bucket); } int crush_remove_straw2_bucket_item(struct crush_map *map, struct crush_bucket_straw2 *bucket, int item) { int newsize = bucket->h.size - 1; unsigned i, j; for (i = 0; i < bucket->h.size; i++) { if (bucket->h.items[i] == item) { if (bucket->item_weights[i] < bucket->h.weight) bucket->h.weight -= bucket->item_weights[i]; else bucket->h.weight = 0; for (j = i; j < bucket->h.size - 1; j++) { bucket->h.items[j] = bucket->h.items[j+1]; bucket->item_weights[j] = bucket->item_weights[j+1]; } break; } } if (i == bucket->h.size) return -ENOENT; bucket->h.size--; if (!newsize) { /* don't bother reallocating a 0-length array. */ return 0; } void *_realloc = NULL; if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->h.items, sizeof(__s32)*newsize)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->h.items = _realloc; } if ((_realloc = realloc(bucket->item_weights, sizeof(__u32)*newsize)) == NULL) { return -ENOMEM; } else { bucket->item_weights = _realloc; } return 0; } int crush_bucket_remove_item(struct crush_map *map, struct crush_bucket *b, int item) { switch (b->alg) { case CRUSH_BUCKET_UNIFORM: return crush_remove_uniform_bucket_item((struct crush_bucket_uniform *)b, item); case CRUSH_BUCKET_LIST: return crush_remove_list_bucket_item((struct crush_bucket_list *)b, item); case CRUSH_BUCKET_TREE: return crush_remove_tree_bucket_item((struct crush_bucket_tree *)b, item); case CRUSH_BUCKET_STRAW: return crush_remove_straw_bucket_item(map, (struct crush_bucket_straw *)b, item); case CRUSH_BUCKET_STRAW2: return crush_remove_straw2_bucket_item(map, (struct crush_bucket_straw2 *)b, item); default: return -1; } } /************************************************/ int crush_adjust_uniform_bucket_item_weight(struct crush_bucket_uniform *bucket, int item, int weight) { int diff = (weight - bucket->item_weight) * bucket->h.size; bucket->item_weight = weight; bucket->h.weight = bucket->item_weight * bucket->h.size; return diff; } int crush_adjust_list_bucket_item_weight(struct crush_bucket_list *bucket, int item, int weight) { int diff; unsigned i, j; for (i = 0; i < bucket->h.size; i++) { if (bucket->h.items[i] == item) break; } if (i == bucket->h.size) return 0; diff = weight - bucket->item_weights[i]; bucket->item_weights[i] = weight; bucket->h.weight += diff; for (j = i; j < bucket->h.size; j++) bucket->sum_weights[j] += diff; return diff; } int crush_adjust_tree_bucket_item_weight(struct crush_bucket_tree *bucket, int item, int weight) { int diff; int node; unsigned i, j; unsigned depth = calc_depth(bucket->h.size); for (i = 0; i < bucket->h.size; i++) { if (bucket->h.items[i] == item) break; } if (i == bucket->h.size) return 0; node = crush_calc_tree_node(i); diff = weight - bucket->node_weights[node]; bucket->node_weights[node] = weight; bucket->h.weight += diff; for (j=1; j<depth; j++) { node = parent(node); bucket->node_weights[node] += diff; } return diff; } int crush_adjust_straw_bucket_item_weight(struct crush_map *map, struct crush_bucket_straw *bucket, int item, int weight) { unsigned idx; int diff; int r; for (idx = 0; idx < bucket->h.size; idx++) if (bucket->h.items[idx] == item) break; if (idx == bucket->h.size) return 0; diff = weight - bucket->item_weights[idx]; bucket->item_weights[idx] = weight; bucket->h.weight += diff; r = crush_calc_straw(map, bucket); if (r < 0) return r; return diff; } int crush_adjust_straw2_bucket_item_weight(struct crush_map *map, struct crush_bucket_straw2 *bucket, int item, int weight) { unsigned idx; int diff; for (idx = 0; idx < bucket->h.size; idx++) if (bucket->h.items[idx] == item) break; if (idx == bucket->h.size) return 0; diff = weight - bucket->item_weights[idx]; bucket->item_weights[idx] = weight; bucket->h.weight += diff; return diff; } int crush_bucket_adjust_item_weight(struct crush_map *map, struct crush_bucket *b, int item, int weight) { switch (b->alg) { case CRUSH_BUCKET_UNIFORM: return crush_adjust_uniform_bucket_item_weight((struct crush_bucket_uniform *)b, item, weight); case CRUSH_BUCKET_LIST: return crush_adjust_list_bucket_item_weight((struct crush_bucket_list *)b, item, weight); case CRUSH_BUCKET_TREE: return crush_adjust_tree_bucket_item_weight((struct crush_bucket_tree *)b, item, weight); case CRUSH_BUCKET_STRAW: return crush_adjust_straw_bucket_item_weight(map, (struct crush_bucket_straw *)b, item, weight); case CRUSH_BUCKET_STRAW2: return crush_adjust_straw2_bucket_item_weight(map, (struct crush_bucket_straw2 *)b, item, weight); default: return -1; } } /************************************************/ static int crush_reweight_uniform_bucket(struct crush_map *map, struct crush_bucket_uniform *bucket) { unsigned i; unsigned sum = 0, n = 0, leaves = 0; for (i = 0; i < bucket->h.size; i++) { int id = bucket->h.items[i]; if (id < 0) { struct crush_bucket *c = map->buckets[-1-id]; crush_reweight_bucket(map, c); if (crush_addition_is_unsafe(sum, c->weight)) return -ERANGE; sum += c->weight; n++; } else { leaves++; } } if (n > leaves) bucket->item_weight = sum / n; // more bucket children than leaves, average! bucket->h.weight = bucket->item_weight * bucket->h.size; return 0; } static int crush_reweight_list_bucket(struct crush_map *map, struct crush_bucket_list *bucket) { unsigned i; bucket->h.weight = 0; for (i = 0; i < bucket->h.size; i++) { int id = bucket->h.items[i]; if (id < 0) { struct crush_bucket *c = map->buckets[-1-id]; crush_reweight_bucket(map, c); bucket->item_weights[i] = c->weight; } if (crush_addition_is_unsafe(bucket->h.weight, bucket->item_weights[i])) return -ERANGE; bucket->h.weight += bucket->item_weights[i]; } return 0; } static int crush_reweight_tree_bucket(struct crush_map *map, struct crush_bucket_tree *bucket) { unsigned i; bucket->h.weight = 0; for (i = 0; i < bucket->h.size; i++) { int node = crush_calc_tree_node(i); int id = bucket->h.items[i]; if (id < 0) { struct crush_bucket *c = map->buckets[-1-id]; crush_reweight_bucket(map, c); bucket->node_weights[node] = c->weight; } if (crush_addition_is_unsafe(bucket->h.weight, bucket->node_weights[node])) return -ERANGE; bucket->h.weight += bucket->node_weights[node]; } return 0; } static int crush_reweight_straw_bucket(struct crush_map *map, struct crush_bucket_straw *bucket) { unsigned i; bucket->h.weight = 0; for (i = 0; i < bucket->h.size; i++) { int id = bucket->h.items[i]; if (id < 0) { struct crush_bucket *c = map->buckets[-1-id]; crush_reweight_bucket(map, c); bucket->item_weights[i] = c->weight; } if (crush_addition_is_unsafe(bucket->h.weight, bucket->item_weights[i])) return -ERANGE; bucket->h.weight += bucket->item_weights[i]; } crush_calc_straw(map, bucket); return 0; } static int crush_reweight_straw2_bucket(struct crush_map *map, struct crush_bucket_straw2 *bucket) { unsigned i; bucket->h.weight = 0; for (i = 0; i < bucket->h.size; i++) { int id = bucket->h.items[i]; if (id < 0) { struct crush_bucket *c = map->buckets[-1-id]; crush_reweight_bucket(map, c); bucket->item_weights[i] = c->weight; } if (crush_addition_is_unsafe(bucket->h.weight, bucket->item_weights[i])) return -ERANGE; bucket->h.weight += bucket->item_weights[i]; } return 0; } int crush_reweight_bucket(struct crush_map *map, struct crush_bucket *b) { switch (b->alg) { case CRUSH_BUCKET_UNIFORM: return crush_reweight_uniform_bucket(map, (struct crush_bucket_uniform *)b); case CRUSH_BUCKET_LIST: return crush_reweight_list_bucket(map, (struct crush_bucket_list *)b); case CRUSH_BUCKET_TREE: return crush_reweight_tree_bucket(map, (struct crush_bucket_tree *)b); case CRUSH_BUCKET_STRAW: return crush_reweight_straw_bucket(map, (struct crush_bucket_straw *)b); case CRUSH_BUCKET_STRAW2: return crush_reweight_straw2_bucket(map, (struct crush_bucket_straw2 *)b); default: return -1; } } struct crush_choose_arg *crush_make_choose_args(struct crush_map *map, int num_positions) { int b; int sum_bucket_size = 0; int bucket_count = 0; for (b = 0; b < map->max_buckets; b++) { if (map->buckets[b] == 0) continue; sum_bucket_size += map->buckets[b]->size; bucket_count++; } dprintk("sum_bucket_size %d max_buckets %d bucket_count %d\n", sum_bucket_size, map->max_buckets, bucket_count); int size = (sizeof(struct crush_choose_arg) * map->max_buckets + sizeof(struct crush_weight_set) * bucket_count * num_positions + sizeof(__u32) * sum_bucket_size * num_positions + // weights sizeof(__s32) * sum_bucket_size); // ids char *space = malloc(size); struct crush_choose_arg *arg = (struct crush_choose_arg *)space; struct crush_weight_set *weight_set = (struct crush_weight_set *)(arg + map->max_buckets); __u32 *weights = (__u32 *)(weight_set + bucket_count * num_positions); char *weight_set_ends __attribute__((unused)) = (char*)weights; __s32 *ids = (__s32 *)(weights + sum_bucket_size * num_positions); char *weights_end __attribute__((unused)) = (char *)ids; char *ids_end __attribute__((unused)) = (char *)(ids + sum_bucket_size); BUG_ON(space + size != ids_end); for (b = 0; b < map->max_buckets; b++) { if (map->buckets[b] == 0) { memset(&arg[b], '\0', sizeof(struct crush_choose_arg)); continue; } struct crush_bucket_straw2 *bucket = (struct crush_bucket_straw2 *)map->buckets[b]; int position; for (position = 0; position < num_positions; position++) { memcpy(weights, bucket->item_weights, sizeof(__u32) * bucket->h.size); weight_set[position].weights = weights; weight_set[position].size = bucket->h.size; dprintk("moving weight %d bytes forward\n", (int)((weights + bucket->h.size) - weights)); weights += bucket->h.size; } arg[b].weight_set = weight_set; arg[b].weight_set_positions = num_positions; weight_set += position; memcpy(ids, bucket->h.items, sizeof(__s32) * bucket->h.size); arg[b].ids = ids; arg[b].ids_size = bucket->h.size; ids += bucket->h.size; } BUG_ON((char*)weight_set_ends != (char*)weight_set); BUG_ON((char*)weights_end != (char*)weights); BUG_ON((char*)ids != (char*)ids_end); return arg; } void crush_destroy_choose_args(struct crush_choose_arg *args) { free(args); } /***************************/ /* methods to check for safe arithmetic operations */ int crush_addition_is_unsafe(__u32 a, __u32 b) { if ((((__u32)(-1)) - b) < a) return 1; else return 0; } int crush_multiplication_is_unsafe(__u32 a, __u32 b) { /* prevent division by zero */ if (!a) return 0; if (!b) return 1; if ((((__u32)(-1)) / b) < a) return 1; else return 0; } /***************************/ /* methods to configure crush_map */ void set_legacy_crush_map(struct crush_map *map) { /* initialize legacy tunable values */ map->choose_local_tries = 2; map->choose_local_fallback_tries = 5; map->choose_total_tries = 19; map->chooseleaf_descend_once = 0; map->chooseleaf_vary_r = 0; map->chooseleaf_stable = 0; map->straw_calc_version = 0; // by default, use legacy types, and also exclude tree, // since it was buggy. map->allowed_bucket_algs = CRUSH_LEGACY_ALLOWED_BUCKET_ALGS; } void set_optimal_crush_map(struct crush_map *map) { map->choose_local_tries = 0; map->choose_local_fallback_tries = 0; map->choose_total_tries = 50; map->chooseleaf_descend_once = 1; map->chooseleaf_vary_r = 1; map->chooseleaf_stable = 1; map->allowed_bucket_algs = ( (1 << CRUSH_BUCKET_UNIFORM) | (1 << CRUSH_BUCKET_LIST) | (1 << CRUSH_BUCKET_STRAW) | (1 << CRUSH_BUCKET_STRAW2)); }