;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Copyright(c) 2011-2018 Intel Corporation All rights reserved. ; ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ; are met: ; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ; distribution. ; * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its ; contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived ; from this software without specific prior written permission. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ; "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ; LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ; A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ; OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ; SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ; LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ; DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ; THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ; (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ; OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; default rel %include "reg_sizes.asm" %define DECOMP_OK 0 %define END_INPUT 1 %define OUT_OVERFLOW 2 %define INVALID_BLOCK -1 %define INVALID_SYMBOL -2 %define INVALID_LOOKBACK -3 %define ISAL_DECODE_LONG_BITS 12 %define ISAL_DECODE_SHORT_BITS 10 %define COPY_SIZE 16 %define COPY_LEN_MAX 258 %define IN_BUFFER_SLOP 8 %define OUT_BUFFER_SLOP COPY_SIZE + COPY_LEN_MAX %include "inflate_data_structs.asm" %include "stdmac.asm" extern rfc1951_lookup_table %define LARGE_SHORT_SYM_LEN 25 %define LARGE_SHORT_SYM_MASK ((1 << LARGE_SHORT_SYM_LEN) - 1) %define LARGE_LONG_SYM_LEN 10 %define LARGE_LONG_SYM_MASK ((1 << LARGE_LONG_SYM_LEN) - 1) %define LARGE_SHORT_CODE_LEN_OFFSET 28 %define LARGE_LONG_CODE_LEN_OFFSET 10 %define LARGE_FLAG_BIT_OFFSET 25 %define LARGE_FLAG_BIT (1 << LARGE_FLAG_BIT_OFFSET) %define LARGE_SYM_COUNT_OFFSET 26 %define LARGE_SYM_COUNT_LEN 2 %define LARGE_SYM_COUNT_MASK ((1 << LARGE_SYM_COUNT_LEN) - 1) %define LARGE_SHORT_MAX_LEN_OFFSET 26 %define SMALL_SHORT_SYM_LEN 9 %define SMALL_SHORT_SYM_MASK ((1 << SMALL_SHORT_SYM_LEN) - 1) %define SMALL_LONG_SYM_LEN 9 %define SMALL_LONG_SYM_MASK ((1 << SMALL_LONG_SYM_LEN) - 1) %define SMALL_SHORT_CODE_LEN_OFFSET 11 %define SMALL_LONG_CODE_LEN_OFFSET 10 %define SMALL_FLAG_BIT_OFFSET 10 %define SMALL_FLAG_BIT (1 << SMALL_FLAG_BIT_OFFSET) %define DIST_SYM_OFFSET 0 %define DIST_SYM_LEN 5 %define DIST_SYM_MASK ((1 << DIST_SYM_LEN) - 1) %define DIST_SYM_EXTRA_OFFSET 5 %define DIST_SYM_EXTRA_LEN 4 %define DIST_SYM_EXTRA_MASK ((1 << DIST_SYM_EXTRA_LEN) - 1) ;; rax %define tmp3 rax %define read_in_2 rax %define look_back_dist rax ;; rcx ;; rdx arg3 %define next_sym2 rdx %define copy_start rdx %define tmp4 rdx ;; rdi arg1 %define tmp1 rdi %define look_back_dist2 rdi %define next_bits2 rdi %define next_sym3 rdi ;; rsi arg2 %define tmp2 rsi %define next_sym_num rsi %define next_bits rsi ;; rbx ; Saved %define next_in rbx ;; rbp ; Saved %define end_in rbp ;; r8 %define repeat_length r8 ;; r9 %define read_in r9 ;; r10 %define read_in_length r10 ;; r11 %define state r11 ;; r12 ; Saved %define next_out r12 ;; r13 ; Saved %define end_out r13 ;; r14 ; Saved %define next_sym r14 ;; r15 ; Saved %define rfc_lookup r15 start_out_mem_offset equ 0 read_in_mem_offset equ 8 read_in_length_mem_offset equ 16 next_out_mem_offset equ 24 gpr_save_mem_offset equ 32 stack_size equ 4 * 8 + 8 * 8 %define _dist_extra_bit_count 264 %define _dist_start _dist_extra_bit_count + 1*32 %define _len_extra_bit_count _dist_start + 4*32 %define _len_start _len_extra_bit_count + 1*32 %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__, elf64 %define arg0 rdi %define arg1 rsi %macro FUNC_SAVE 0 %ifdef ALIGN_STACK push rbp mov rbp, rsp sub rsp, stack_size and rsp, ~15 %else sub rsp, stack_size %endif mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 0*8], rbx mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 1*8], rbp mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 2*8], r12 mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 3*8], r13 mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 4*8], r14 mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 5*8], r15 %endm %macro FUNC_RESTORE 0 mov rbx, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 0*8] mov rbp, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 1*8] mov r12, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 2*8] mov r13, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 3*8] mov r14, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 4*8] mov r15, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 5*8] %ifndef ALIGN_STACK add rsp, stack_size %else mov rsp, rbp pop rbp %endif %endm %endif %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__, win64 %define arg0 rcx %define arg1 rdx %macro FUNC_SAVE 0 %ifdef ALIGN_STACK push rbp mov rbp, rsp sub rsp, stack_size and rsp, ~15 %else sub rsp, stack_size %endif mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 0*8], rbx mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 1*8], rsi mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 2*8], rdi mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 3*8], rbp mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 4*8], r12 mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 5*8], r13 mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 6*8], r14 mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 7*8], r15 %endm %macro FUNC_RESTORE 0 mov rbx, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 0*8] mov rsi, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 1*8] mov rdi, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 2*8] mov rbp, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 3*8] mov r12, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 4*8] mov r13, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 5*8] mov r14, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 6*8] mov r15, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 7*8] %ifndef ALIGN_STACK add rsp, stack_size %else mov rsp, rbp pop rbp %endif %endm %endif ;; Load read_in and updated in_buffer accordingly ;; when there are at least 8 bytes in the in buffer ;; Clobbers rcx, unless rcx is %%read_in_length %macro inflate_in_load 6 %define %%next_in %1 %define %%end_in %2 %define %%read_in %3 %define %%read_in_length %4 %define %%tmp1 %5 ; Tmp registers %define %%tmp2 %6 SHLX %%tmp1, [%%next_in], %%read_in_length or %%read_in, %%tmp1 mov %%tmp1, 64 sub %%tmp1, %%read_in_length shr %%tmp1, 3 add %%next_in, %%tmp1 lea %%read_in_length, [%%read_in_length + 8 * %%tmp1] %%end: %endm ;; Load read_in and updated in_buffer accordingly ;; Clobbers rcx, unless rcx is %%read_in_length %macro inflate_in_small_load 6 %define %%next_in %1 %define %%end_in %2 %define %%read_in %3 %define %%read_in_length %4 %define %%avail_in %5 ; Tmp registers %define %%tmp1 %5 %define %%loop_count %6 mov %%avail_in, %%end_in sub %%avail_in, %%next_in %ifnidn %%read_in_length, rcx mov rcx, %%read_in_length %endif mov %%loop_count, 64 sub %%loop_count, %%read_in_length shr %%loop_count, 3 cmp %%loop_count, %%avail_in cmovg %%loop_count, %%avail_in cmp %%loop_count, 0 je %%end %%load_byte: xor %%tmp1, %%tmp1 mov %%tmp1 %+ b, byte [%%next_in] SHLX %%tmp1, %%tmp1, rcx or %%read_in, %%tmp1 add rcx, 8 add %%next_in, 1 sub %%loop_count, 1 jg %%load_byte %ifnidn %%read_in_length, rcx mov %%read_in_length, rcx %endif %%end: %endm ;; Clears all bits at index %%bit_count and above in %%next_bits ;; May clobber rcx and %%bit_count %macro CLEAR_HIGH_BITS 3 %define %%next_bits %1 %define %%bit_count %2 %define %%lookup_size %3 sub %%bit_count, 0x40 + %%lookup_size ;; Extract the 15-DECODE_LOOKUP_SIZE bits beyond the first DECODE_LOOKUP_SIZE bits. %ifdef USE_HSWNI and %%bit_count, 0x1F bzhi %%next_bits, %%next_bits, %%bit_count %else %ifnidn %%bit_count, rcx mov rcx, %%bit_count %endif neg rcx shl %%next_bits, cl shr %%next_bits, cl %endif %endm ;; Decode next symbol ;; Clobber rcx %macro decode_next_lit_len 8 %define %%state %1 ; State structure associated with compressed stream %define %%lookup_size %2 ; Number of bits used for small lookup %define %%state_offset %3 ; Type of huff code, should be either LIT or DIST %define %%read_in %4 ; Bits read in from compressed stream %define %%read_in_length %5 ; Number of valid bits in read_in %define %%next_sym %6 ; Returned symbols %define %%next_sym_num %7 ; Returned symbols count %define %%next_bits %8 mov %%next_sym_num, %%next_sym mov rcx, %%next_sym shr rcx, LARGE_SHORT_CODE_LEN_OFFSET jz invalid_symbol and %%next_sym_num, LARGE_SYM_COUNT_MASK << LARGE_SYM_COUNT_OFFSET shr %%next_sym_num, LARGE_SYM_COUNT_OFFSET ;; Check if symbol or hint was looked up and %%next_sym, LARGE_FLAG_BIT | LARGE_SHORT_SYM_MASK test %%next_sym, LARGE_FLAG_BIT jz %%end shl rcx, LARGE_SYM_COUNT_LEN or rcx, %%next_sym_num ;; Save length associated with symbol mov %%next_bits, %%read_in shr %%next_bits, %%lookup_size ;; Extract the bits beyond the first %%lookup_size bits. CLEAR_HIGH_BITS %%next_bits, rcx, %%lookup_size and %%next_sym, LARGE_SHORT_SYM_MASK add %%next_sym, %%next_bits ;; Lookup actual next symbol movzx %%next_sym, word [%%state + LARGE_LONG_CODE_SIZE * %%next_sym + %%state_offset + LARGE_SHORT_CODE_SIZE * (1 << %%lookup_size)] mov %%next_sym_num, 1 ;; Save length associated with symbol mov rcx, %%next_sym shr rcx, LARGE_LONG_CODE_LEN_OFFSET jz invalid_symbol and %%next_sym, LARGE_LONG_SYM_MASK %%end: ;; Updated read_in to reflect the bits which were decoded SHRX %%read_in, %%read_in, rcx sub %%read_in_length, rcx %endm ;; Decode next symbol ;; Clobber rcx %macro decode_next_lit_len_with_load 8 %define %%state %1 ; State structure associated with compressed stream %define %%lookup_size %2 ; Number of bits used for small lookup %define %%state_offset %3 %define %%read_in %4 ; Bits read in from compressed stream %define %%read_in_length %5 ; Number of valid bits in read_in %define %%next_sym %6 ; Returned symbols %define %%next_sym_num %7 ; Returned symbols count %define %%next_bits %8 ;; Lookup possible next symbol mov %%next_bits, %%read_in and %%next_bits, (1 << %%lookup_size) - 1 mov %%next_sym %+ d, dword [%%state + %%state_offset + LARGE_SHORT_CODE_SIZE * %%next_bits] decode_next_lit_len %%state, %%lookup_size, %%state_offset, %%read_in, %%read_in_length, %%next_sym, %%next_sym_num, %%next_bits %endm ;; Decode next symbol ;; Clobber rcx %macro decode_next_dist 8 %define %%state %1 ; State structure associated with compressed stream %define %%lookup_size %2 ; Number of bits used for small lookup %define %%state_offset %3 ; Type of huff code, should be either LIT or DIST %define %%read_in %4 ; Bits read in from compressed stream %define %%read_in_length %5 ; Number of valid bits in read_in %define %%next_sym %6 ; Returned symobl %define %%next_extra_bits %7 %define %%next_bits %8 mov rcx, %%next_sym shr rcx, SMALL_SHORT_CODE_LEN_OFFSET jz invalid_dist_symbol_ %+ %%next_sym ;; Check if symbol or hint was looked up and %%next_sym, SMALL_FLAG_BIT | SMALL_SHORT_SYM_MASK test %%next_sym, SMALL_FLAG_BIT jz %%end ;; Save length associated with symbol mov %%next_bits, %%read_in shr %%next_bits, %%lookup_size ;; Extract the 15-DECODE_LOOKUP_SIZE bits beyond the first %%lookup_size bits. lea %%next_sym, [%%state + SMALL_LONG_CODE_SIZE * %%next_sym] CLEAR_HIGH_BITS %%next_bits, rcx, %%lookup_size ;; Lookup actual next symbol movzx %%next_sym, word [%%next_sym + %%state_offset + SMALL_LONG_CODE_SIZE * %%next_bits + SMALL_SHORT_CODE_SIZE * (1 << %%lookup_size) - SMALL_LONG_CODE_SIZE * SMALL_FLAG_BIT] ;; Save length associated with symbol mov rcx, %%next_sym shr rcx, SMALL_LONG_CODE_LEN_OFFSET jz invalid_dist_symbol_ %+ %%next_sym and %%next_sym, SMALL_SHORT_SYM_MASK %%end: ;; Updated read_in to reflect the bits which were decoded SHRX %%read_in, %%read_in, rcx sub %%read_in_length, rcx mov rcx, %%next_sym shr rcx, DIST_SYM_EXTRA_OFFSET and %%next_sym, DIST_SYM_MASK %endm ;; Decode next symbol ;; Clobber rcx %macro decode_next_dist_with_load 8 %define %%state %1 ; State structure associated with compressed stream %define %%lookup_size %2 ; Number of bits used for small lookup %define %%state_offset %3 %define %%read_in %4 ; Bits read in from compressed stream %define %%read_in_length %5 ; Number of valid bits in read_in %define %%next_sym %6 ; Returned symobl %define %%next_extra_bits %7 %define %%next_bits %8 ;; Lookup possible next symbol mov %%next_bits, %%read_in and %%next_bits, (1 << %%lookup_size) - 1 movzx %%next_sym, word [%%state + %%state_offset + SMALL_SHORT_CODE_SIZE * %%next_bits] decode_next_dist %%state, %%lookup_size, %%state_offset, %%read_in, %%read_in_length, %%next_sym, %%next_extra_bits, %%next_bits %endm [bits 64] default rel section .text global decode_huffman_code_block_stateless_ %+ ARCH decode_huffman_code_block_stateless_ %+ ARCH %+ : endbranch FUNC_SAVE mov state, arg0 mov [rsp + start_out_mem_offset], arg1 lea rfc_lookup, [rfc1951_lookup_table] mov read_in,[state + _read_in] mov read_in_length %+ d, dword [state + _read_in_length] mov next_out, [state + _next_out] mov end_out %+ d, dword [state + _avail_out] add end_out, next_out mov next_in, [state + _next_in] mov end_in %+ d, dword [state + _avail_in] add end_in, next_in mov dword [state + _copy_overflow_len], 0 mov dword [state + _copy_overflow_dist], 0 sub end_out, OUT_BUFFER_SLOP sub end_in, IN_BUFFER_SLOP cmp next_in, end_in jg end_loop_block_pre cmp read_in_length, 64 je skip_load inflate_in_load next_in, end_in, read_in, read_in_length, tmp1, tmp2 skip_load: mov tmp3, read_in and tmp3, (1 << ISAL_DECODE_LONG_BITS) - 1 mov next_sym %+ d, dword [state + _lit_huff_code + LARGE_SHORT_CODE_SIZE * tmp3] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Main Loop ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; loop_block: ;; Check if near end of in buffer or out buffer cmp next_in, end_in jg end_loop_block_pre cmp next_out, end_out jg end_loop_block_pre ;; Decode next symbol and reload the read_in buffer decode_next_lit_len state, ISAL_DECODE_LONG_BITS, _lit_huff_code, read_in, read_in_length, next_sym, next_sym_num, tmp1 ;; Specutively write next_sym if it is a literal mov [next_out], next_sym add next_out, next_sym_num lea next_sym2, [8 * next_sym_num - 8] SHRX next_sym2, next_sym, next_sym2 ;; Find index to specutively preload next_sym from mov tmp3, (1 << ISAL_DECODE_LONG_BITS) - 1 and tmp3, read_in ;; Start reloading read_in mov tmp1, [next_in] SHLX tmp1, tmp1, read_in_length or read_in, tmp1 ;; Specutively load data associated with length symbol lea repeat_length, [next_sym2 - 254] ;; Test for end of block symbol cmp next_sym2, 256 je end_symbol_pre ;; Specutively load next_sym for next loop if a literal was decoded mov next_sym %+ d, dword [state + _lit_huff_code + LARGE_SHORT_CODE_SIZE * tmp3] ;; Finish updating read_in_length for read_in mov tmp1, 64 sub tmp1, read_in_length shr tmp1, 3 add next_in, tmp1 lea read_in_length, [read_in_length + 8 * tmp1] ;; Specultively load next dist code mov next_bits2, (1 << ISAL_DECODE_SHORT_BITS) - 1 and next_bits2, read_in movzx next_sym3, word [state + _dist_huff_code + SMALL_SHORT_CODE_SIZE * next_bits2] ;; Check if next_sym2 is a literal, length, or end of block symbol cmp next_sym2, 256 jl loop_block decode_len_dist: ;; Determine next_out after the copy is finished lea next_out, [next_out + repeat_length - 1] ;; Decode distance code decode_next_dist state, ISAL_DECODE_SHORT_BITS, _dist_huff_code, read_in, read_in_length, next_sym3, rcx, tmp2 mov look_back_dist2 %+ d, [rfc_lookup + _dist_start + 4 * next_sym3] ; ;; Load distance code extra bits mov next_bits, read_in ;; Calculate the look back distance BZHI next_bits, next_bits, rcx, tmp4 SHRX read_in, read_in, rcx ;; Setup next_sym, read_in, and read_in_length for next loop mov read_in_2, (1 << ISAL_DECODE_LONG_BITS) - 1 and read_in_2, read_in mov next_sym %+ d, dword [state + _lit_huff_code + LARGE_SHORT_CODE_SIZE * read_in_2] sub read_in_length, rcx ;; Copy distance in len/dist pair add look_back_dist2, next_bits ;; Find beginning of copy mov copy_start, next_out sub copy_start, repeat_length sub copy_start, look_back_dist2 ;; Check if a valid look back distances was decoded cmp copy_start, [rsp + start_out_mem_offset] jl invalid_look_back_distance MOVDQU xmm1, [copy_start] ;; Set tmp2 to be the minimum of COPY_SIZE and repeat_length ;; This is to decrease use of small_byte_copy branch mov tmp2, COPY_SIZE cmp tmp2, repeat_length cmovg tmp2, repeat_length ;; Check for overlapping memory in the copy cmp look_back_dist2, tmp2 jl small_byte_copy_pre large_byte_copy: ;; Copy length distance pair when memory overlap is not an issue MOVDQU [copy_start + look_back_dist2], xmm1 sub repeat_length, COPY_SIZE jle loop_block add copy_start, COPY_SIZE MOVDQU xmm1, [copy_start] jmp large_byte_copy small_byte_copy_pre: ;; Copy length distance pair when source and destination overlap add repeat_length, look_back_dist2 small_byte_copy: MOVDQU [copy_start + look_back_dist2], xmm1 shl look_back_dist2, 1 MOVDQU xmm1, [copy_start] cmp look_back_dist2, COPY_SIZE jl small_byte_copy sub repeat_length, look_back_dist2 jge large_byte_copy jmp loop_block ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Finish Main Loop ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; end_loop_block_pre: ;; Fix up in buffer and out buffer to reflect the actual buffer end add end_out, OUT_BUFFER_SLOP add end_in, IN_BUFFER_SLOP end_loop_block: ;; Load read in buffer and decode next lit/len symbol inflate_in_small_load next_in, end_in, read_in, read_in_length, tmp1, tmp2 mov [rsp + read_in_mem_offset], read_in mov [rsp + read_in_length_mem_offset], read_in_length mov [rsp + next_out_mem_offset], next_out decode_next_lit_len_with_load state, ISAL_DECODE_LONG_BITS, _lit_huff_code, read_in, read_in_length, next_sym, next_sym_num, tmp1 ;; Check that enough input was available to decode symbol cmp read_in_length, 0 jl end_of_input multi_symbol_start: cmp next_sym_num, 1 jg decode_literal cmp next_sym, 256 jl decode_literal je end_symbol decode_len_dist_2: lea repeat_length, [next_sym - 254] ;; Decode distance code decode_next_dist_with_load state, ISAL_DECODE_SHORT_BITS, _dist_huff_code, read_in, read_in_length, next_sym, rcx, tmp1 ;; Load distance code extra bits mov next_bits, read_in mov look_back_dist %+ d, [rfc_lookup + _dist_start + 4 * next_sym] ;; Calculate the look back distance and check for enough input BZHI next_bits, next_bits, rcx, tmp1 SHRX read_in, read_in, rcx add look_back_dist, next_bits sub read_in_length, rcx jl end_of_input ;; Setup code for byte copy using rep movsb mov rsi, next_out mov rdi, rsi mov rcx, repeat_length sub rsi, look_back_dist ;; Check if a valid look back distance was decoded cmp rsi, [rsp + start_out_mem_offset] jl invalid_look_back_distance ;; Check for out buffer overflow add repeat_length, next_out cmp repeat_length, end_out jg out_buffer_overflow_repeat mov next_out, repeat_length rep movsb jmp end_loop_block decode_literal: ;; Store literal decoded from the input stream cmp next_out, end_out jge out_buffer_overflow_lit add next_out, 1 mov byte [next_out - 1], next_sym %+ b sub next_sym_num, 1 jz end_loop_block shr next_sym, 8 jmp multi_symbol_start ;; Set exit codes end_of_input: mov read_in, [rsp + read_in_mem_offset] mov read_in_length, [rsp + read_in_length_mem_offset] mov next_out, [rsp + next_out_mem_offset] xor tmp1, tmp1 mov dword [state + _write_overflow_lits], tmp1 %+ d mov dword [state + _write_overflow_len], tmp1 %+ d mov rax, END_INPUT jmp end out_buffer_overflow_repeat: mov rcx, end_out sub rcx, next_out sub repeat_length, rcx sub repeat_length, next_out rep movsb mov [state + _copy_overflow_len], repeat_length %+ d mov [state + _copy_overflow_dist], look_back_dist %+ d mov next_out, end_out mov rax, OUT_OVERFLOW jmp end out_buffer_overflow_lit: mov dword [state + _write_overflow_lits], next_sym %+ d mov dword [state + _write_overflow_len], next_sym_num %+ d sub next_sym_num, 1 shl next_sym_num, 3 SHRX next_sym, next_sym, next_sym_num mov rax, OUT_OVERFLOW shr next_sym_num, 3 cmp next_sym, 256 jl end mov dword [state + _write_overflow_len], next_sym_num %+ d jg decode_len_dist_2 jmp end_state invalid_look_back_distance: mov rax, INVALID_LOOKBACK jmp end invalid_dist_symbol_ %+ next_sym: cmp read_in_length, next_sym jl end_of_input jmp invalid_symbol invalid_dist_symbol_ %+ next_sym3: cmp read_in_length, next_sym3 jl end_of_input invalid_symbol: mov rax, INVALID_SYMBOL jmp end end_symbol_pre: ;; Fix up in buffer and out buffer to reflect the actual buffer sub next_out, 1 add end_out, OUT_BUFFER_SLOP add end_in, IN_BUFFER_SLOP end_symbol: xor rax, rax end_state: ;; Set flag identifying a new block is required mov byte [state + _block_state], ISAL_BLOCK_NEW_HDR cmp dword [state + _bfinal], 0 je end mov byte [state + _block_state], ISAL_BLOCK_INPUT_DONE end: ;; Save current buffer states mov [state + _read_in], read_in mov [state + _read_in_length], read_in_length %+ d ;; Set avail_out sub end_out, next_out mov dword [state + _avail_out], end_out %+ d ;; Set total_out mov tmp1, next_out sub tmp1, [state + _next_out] add [state + _total_out], tmp1 %+ d ;; Set next_out mov [state + _next_out], next_out ;; Set next_in mov [state + _next_in], next_in ;; Set avail_in sub end_in, next_in mov [state + _avail_in], end_in %+ d FUNC_RESTORE ret