#!/bin/bash # Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 set -e function install_prometheus_cpp_client { pushd third_party/prometheus-cpp git submodule update --recursive --init [[ -d _build ]] && rm -rf ./_build mkdir _build && cd _build cmake .. -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DUSE_THIRDPARTY_LIBRARIES=ON make -j 4 sudo make install popd } function run_benchmarks { docker run -d --rm -it -p 4317:4317 -p 4318:4318 -v \ $(pwd)/examples/otlp:/cfg otel/opentelemetry-collector:0.38.0 \ --config=/cfg/opentelemetry-collector-config/config.dev.yaml [ -z "${BENCHMARK_DIR}" ] && export BENCHMARK_DIR=$HOME/benchmark mkdir -p $BENCHMARK_DIR bazel $BAZEL_STARTUP_OPTIONS build $BAZEL_OPTIONS -c opt -- \ $(bazel query 'attr("tags", "benchmark_result", ...)') echo "" echo "Benchmark results in $BENCHMARK_DIR:" ( cd bazel-bin find . -name \*_result.json -exec bash -c \ 'echo "$@" && mkdir -p "$BENCHMARK_DIR/$(dirname "$@")" && \ cp "$@" "$BENCHMARK_DIR/$@" && chmod +w "$BENCHMARK_DIR/$@"' _ {} \; ) # collect benchmark results into one array pushd $BENCHMARK_DIR components=(api sdk exporters) for component in "${components[@]}" do out=$component-benchmark_result.json find ./$component -type f -name "*_result.json" -exec cat {} \; > $component_tmp_bench.json cat $component_tmp_bench.json | docker run -i --rm itchyny/gojq:0.12.6 -s \ '.[0].benchmarks = ([.[].benchmarks] | add) | if .[0].benchmarks == null then null else .[0] end' > $BENCHMARK_DIR/$out done mv *benchmark_result.json ${SRC_DIR} popd docker kill $(docker ps -q) } [ -z "${SRC_DIR}" ] && export SRC_DIR="`pwd`" [ -z "${BUILD_DIR}" ] && export BUILD_DIR=$HOME/build mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}" [ -z "${PLUGIN_DIR}" ] && export PLUGIN_DIR=$HOME/plugin mkdir -p "${PLUGIN_DIR}" BAZEL_OPTIONS="--copt=-DENABLE_LOGS_PREVIEW --copt=-DENABLE_TEST" # Previous legacy metrics use virtual drive, which can not be used without RTTI if [[ "$1" != "bazel.nortti" ]]; then BAZEL_OPTIONS="$BAZEL_OPTIONS --copt=-DENABLE_METRICS_PREVIEW" fi BAZEL_TEST_OPTIONS="$BAZEL_OPTIONS --test_output=errors" # https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/4341 BAZEL_MACOS_OPTIONS="$BAZEL_OPTIONS --features=-supports_dynamic_linker --build_tag_filters=-jaeger" BAZEL_MACOS_TEST_OPTIONS="$BAZEL_MACOS_OPTIONS --test_output=errors" BAZEL_STARTUP_OPTIONS="--output_user_root=$HOME/.cache/bazel" export CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1 if [[ "$1" == "cmake.test" ]]; then cd "${BUILD_DIR}" rm -rf * cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \ -DWITH_PROMETHEUS=ON \ -DWITH_ZIPKIN=ON \ -DWITH_JAEGER=ON \ -DWITH_ELASTICSEARCH=ON \ -DWITH_METRICS_PREVIEW=ON \ -DWITH_LOGS_PREVIEW=ON \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Werror" \ "${SRC_DIR}" make make test exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "cmake.abseil.test" ]]; then cd "${BUILD_DIR}" rm -rf * cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \ -DWITH_METRICS_PREVIEW=ON \ -DWITH_LOGS_PREVIEW=ON \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Werror" \ -DWITH_ABSEIL=ON \ "${SRC_DIR}" make make test exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "cmake.c++20.test" ]]; then cd "${BUILD_DIR}" rm -rf * cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Werror" \ -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=20 \ "${SRC_DIR}" make make test exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "cmake.c++20.stl.test" ]]; then cd "${BUILD_DIR}" rm -rf * cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \ -DWITH_METRICS_PREVIEW=ON \ -DWITH_LOGS_PREVIEW=ON \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Werror" \ -DWITH_STL=ON \ "${SRC_DIR}" make make test exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "cmake.legacy.test" ]]; then cd "${BUILD_DIR}" rm -rf * export BUILD_ROOT="${BUILD_DIR}" ${SRC_DIR}/tools/build-gtest.sh ${SRC_DIR}/tools/build-benchmark.sh cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Werror" \ -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=11 \ "${SRC_DIR}" make make test exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "cmake.legacy.exporter.otprotocol.test" ]]; then cd "${BUILD_DIR}" rm -rf * export BUILD_ROOT="${BUILD_DIR}" ${SRC_DIR}/tools/build-gtest.sh ${SRC_DIR}/tools/build-benchmark.sh cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \ -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=11 \ -DWITH_OTLP=ON \ "${SRC_DIR}" grpc_cpp_plugin=`which grpc_cpp_plugin` proto_make_file="CMakeFiles/opentelemetry_proto.dir/build.make" sed -i "s~gRPC_CPP_PLUGIN_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND~$grpc_cpp_plugin~" ${proto_make_file} #fixme make -j $(nproc) cd exporters/otlp && make test exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "cmake.exporter.otprotocol.test" ]]; then cd "${BUILD_DIR}" rm -rf * cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \ -DWITH_OTLP=ON \ "${SRC_DIR}" grpc_cpp_plugin=`which grpc_cpp_plugin` proto_make_file="CMakeFiles/opentelemetry_proto.dir/build.make" sed -i "s~gRPC_CPP_PLUGIN_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND~$grpc_cpp_plugin~" ${proto_make_file} #fixme make -j $(nproc) cd exporters/otlp && make test exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "bazel.with_abseil" ]]; then bazel $BAZEL_STARTUP_OPTIONS build $BAZEL_OPTIONS --//api:with_abseil=true //... bazel $BAZEL_STARTUP_OPTIONS test $BAZEL_TEST_OPTIONS --//api:with_abseil=true //... exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "cmake.test_example_plugin" ]]; then # Build the plugin cd "${BUILD_DIR}" rm -rf * cat < export.map { global: OpenTelemetryMakeFactoryImpl; local: *; }; EOF LINKER_FLAGS="\ -static-libstdc++ \ -static-libgcc \ -Wl,--version-script=${PWD}/export.map \ " cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Werror" \ -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="$LINKER_FLAGS" \ -DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS="$LINKER_FLAGS" \ "${SRC_DIR}" make example_plugin cp examples/plugin/plugin/libexample_plugin.so ${PLUGIN_DIR} # Verify we can load the plugin cd "${BUILD_DIR}" rm -rf * cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Werror" \ "${SRC_DIR}" make load_plugin_example examples/plugin/load/load_plugin_example ${PLUGIN_DIR}/libexample_plugin.so /dev/null exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "bazel.test" ]]; then bazel $BAZEL_STARTUP_OPTIONS build $BAZEL_OPTIONS //... bazel $BAZEL_STARTUP_OPTIONS test $BAZEL_TEST_OPTIONS //... exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "bazel.benchmark" ]]; then run_benchmarks exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "bazel.macos.test" ]]; then bazel $BAZEL_STARTUP_OPTIONS build $BAZEL_MACOS_OPTIONS -- //... -//exporters/jaeger/... bazel $BAZEL_STARTUP_OPTIONS test $BAZEL_MACOS_TEST_OPTIONS -- //... -//exporters/jaeger/... exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "bazel.legacy.test" ]]; then # we uses C++ future and async() function to test the Prometheus Exporter functionality, # that make this test always fail. ignore Prometheus exporter here. bazel $BAZEL_STARTUP_OPTIONS build $BAZEL_OPTIONS -- //... -//exporters/otlp/... -//exporters/prometheus/... bazel $BAZEL_STARTUP_OPTIONS test $BAZEL_TEST_OPTIONS -- //... -//exporters/otlp/... -//exporters/prometheus/... exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "bazel.noexcept" ]]; then # there are some exceptions and error handling code from the Prometheus and Jaeger Clients # that make this test always fail. ignore Prometheus and Jaeger exporters in the noexcept here. bazel $BAZEL_STARTUP_OPTIONS build --copt=-fno-exceptions --build_tag_filters=-jaeger $BAZEL_OPTIONS -- //... -//exporters/prometheus/... -//exporters/jaeger/... -//examples/prometheus/... bazel $BAZEL_STARTUP_OPTIONS test --copt=-fno-exceptions --build_tag_filters=-jaeger $BAZEL_TEST_OPTIONS -- //... -//exporters/prometheus/... -//exporters/jaeger/... -//examples/prometheus/... exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "bazel.nortti" ]]; then # there are some exceptions and error handling code from the Prometheus and Jaeger Clients # that make this test always fail. ignore Prometheus and Jaeger exporters in the noexcept here. bazel $BAZEL_STARTUP_OPTIONS build --cxxopt=-fno-rtti --build_tag_filters=-jaeger $BAZEL_OPTIONS -- //... -//exporters/prometheus/... -//exporters/jaeger/... bazel $BAZEL_STARTUP_OPTIONS test --cxxopt=-fno-rtti --build_tag_filters=-jaeger $BAZEL_TEST_OPTIONS -- //... -//exporters/prometheus/... -//exporters/jaeger/... exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "bazel.asan" ]]; then bazel $BAZEL_STARTUP_OPTIONS test --config=asan $BAZEL_TEST_OPTIONS //... exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "bazel.tsan" ]]; then bazel $BAZEL_STARTUP_OPTIONS test --config=tsan $BAZEL_TEST_OPTIONS //... exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "bazel.valgrind" ]]; then bazel $BAZEL_STARTUP_OPTIONS build $BAZEL_OPTIONS //... bazel $BAZEL_STARTUP_OPTIONS test --run_under="/usr/bin/valgrind --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=1 --suppressions=\"${SRC_DIR}/ci/valgrind-suppressions\"" $BAZEL_TEST_OPTIONS //... exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "benchmark" ]]; then [ -z "${BENCHMARK_DIR}" ] && export BENCHMARK_DIR=$HOME/benchmark bazel $BAZEL_STARTUP_OPTIONS build $BAZEL_OPTIONS -c opt -- \ $(bazel query 'attr("tags", "benchmark_result", ...)') echo "" echo "Benchmark results in $BENCHMARK_DIR:" ( cd bazel-bin find . -name \*_result.json -exec bash -c \ 'echo "$@" && mkdir -p "$BENCHMARK_DIR/$(dirname "$@")" && \ cp "$@" "$BENCHMARK_DIR/$@" && chmod +w "$BENCHMARK_DIR/$@"' _ {} \; ) exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "format" ]]; then tools/format.sh CHANGED="$(git ls-files --modified)" if [[ ! -z "$CHANGED" ]]; then echo "The following files have changes:" echo "$CHANGED" git diff exit 1 fi exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "code.coverage" ]]; then cd "${BUILD_DIR}" rm -rf * cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Werror --coverage" \ "${SRC_DIR}" make make test lcov --directory $PWD --capture --output-file coverage.info # removing test http server coverage from the total coverage. We don't use this server completely. lcov --remove coverage.info '*/ext/http/server/*'> tmp_coverage.info 2>/dev/null cp tmp_coverage.info coverage.info exit 0 elif [[ "$1" == "third_party.tags" ]]; then echo "gRPC=v1.43.2" > third_party_release echo "thrift=0.14.1" >> third_party_release echo "abseil=20210324.0" >> third_party_release git submodule foreach --quiet 'echo "$name=$(git describe --tags HEAD)"' | sed 's:.*/::' >> third_party_release exit 0 fi echo "Invalid do_ci.sh target, see ci/README.md for valid targets." exit 1