#!/bin/sh set -euo pipefail IFS=$'\n\t' stdout() { cat <<< "$@" } stderr() { cat <<< "$@" 1>&2 } prereqs () { local E_BADARGS=65 if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then stderr "Usage: $(basename $0) [prerequisite_program] [another_program...]" return $E_BADARGS fi for prog in $@; do hash $prog 2>&- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi done } usage() { if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then stdout $@ fi stdout "Usage: $(basename $0) [options]" stdout stdout "A convenience script to quickly build the library with CMake." stdout stdout "Options:" stdout " [--shared|(--static)] Builds either a static or a shared library" stdout " [--debug|(--release)] Builds a certain variant of the library" stdout " -g,--generator name The CMake generator to use ('Unix Makefiles')" stdout " -o,--output folder The place to output the build files (./output)" stdout stdout "Examples:" stdout " ./build" stdout " ./build --shared --debug" stdout " ./build --static --release -o ~/my-output-folder" } check() { local E_BADARGS=65 if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then stderr "Usage: check prerequisite_program" return $E_BADARGS fi prereqs $1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then stderr "Failed to find `$1` on the command line:" stderr "Please install it with your package manager" return 1 fi } sanitize() { local E_BADARGS=65 if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then stderr "Usage: sanitize string_to_clean" return $E_BADARGS fi echo $(echo "$1" | sed "s|[^A-Za-z]\+|-|g" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') return 0 } build () { # Get the build locations local src_dir=$(cd $(dirname $0); pwd -P) # Arguments local E_BADARGS=65 local generator="Unix Makefiles" local shared=NO local build_type=Release local output_dir="${src_dir}/output" while (( "$#" )); do case "$1" in --debug) build_type=Debug;; --release) build_type=Release;; --shared) shared=YES;; --static) shared=NO;; --output) shift; out="$1";; -o) shift; output_dir="$1";; --generator) shift; generator="$1";; -g) shift; generator="$1";; --help) usage; return 0;; --) shift; break;; -*) usage "Bad argument $1"; return ${E_BADARGS};; *) break;; esac shift done # Update the build folder local build_dir=${output_dir}/build local install_dir=${output_dir}/install # Create the build folder mkdir -p ${build_dir} # Enter the build folder cd ${build_dir} trap 'cd ${src_dir}' INT TERM EXIT # Do the CMake configuration check cmake cmake -G ${generator} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${build_type} -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=${shared} ${src_dir} # Do the build if [ "${generator}" = "Unix Makefiles" ]; then check make make all test else stderr "Unknown build system for ${generator}, go to ${build_dir} and run the correct build program" fi # Do the install cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${install_dir}" -P "${build_dir}/cmake_install.cmake" # Return to the correct folder trap - INT TERM EXIT cd ${src_dir} # Notify the user stdout "Built files are available at ${install_dir}" } # If the script was not sourced we need to run the function case "$0" in *"build") build "$@" ;; esac