@echo off set BUILDTOOLS_VERSION=vs2019 set CMAKE_GEN="Visual Studio 16 2019" echo Building Google Benchmark (test only dependency)... @setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS echo Auto-detecting Visual Studio version... call "%~dp0\vcvars.cmd" pushd "%~dp0\.." set "ROOT=%CD%" set MAXCPUCOUNT=%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% set platform= if not exist "%ROOT%\third_party\benchmark\" ( echo "Google Benchmark library is not available, skipping benchmark build." call skip_the_build ) cd "%ROOT%\third_party\benchmark\" set "GOOGLETEST_PATH=%ROOT%\third_party\googletest" if not exist "build" ( mkdir build ) cd build REM By default we generate the project for the older Visual Studio 2017 even if we have newer version installed cmake ../ -G %CMAKE_GEN% -Ax64 -DBENCHMARK_ENABLE_TESTING=OFF set SOLUTION=%ROOT%\third_party\benchmark\build\benchmark.sln msbuild %SOLUTION% /maxcpucount:%MAXCPUCOUNT% /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=x64 msbuild %SOLUTION% /maxcpucount:%MAXCPUCOUNT% /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64 popd :skip_the_build