# Function returns 4-part 'classic' version string from SemVer 2.0 string function GenVer4Part([String] $Version) { if ($Version[0] -eq 'v') { # If tag contains 'v' then strip it $Version = $Version.substring(1) } # Converts from 1.2.3-build4 to $Version = $Version -replace "-build", "." $Version = $Version -replace "-", "." $parts = $Version.Split('.'); # Add missing tuples $i = $parts.Count while($i -lt 4) { $parts += "0" $i++ } ,$parts } function New-TemporaryDirectory { $parent = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() [string] $name = [System.Guid]::NewGuid() New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path (Join-Path $parent $name) } function GetGitWorkTree() { # TODO: presently we assume that GIT_WORK_TREE is 1-level up. # Uncomment the following line if this is not the case: # $result = (git rev-parse --show-toplevel) -join '' $result = ( Get-Item -Path .. ).Fullname $result = $result -replace '[\\/]', '\' return $result } function CopyAll([String] $src, [String] $dest) { $what = @("/COPYALL","/B","/SEC","/MIR") $options = @("/R:0","/W:0","/NFL","/NDL","/NJH","/NJS","/NC","/NS") $cmdArgs = @("$src","$dest",$what,$options) robocopy @cmdArgs } $tempDir = New-TemporaryDirectory $gitWorktree = GetGitWorkTree $items = Get-ChildItem .\nuget -include *.nuspec -Recurse foreach ($item in $items) { $nugetName = $item.Basename $v = GenVer4Part $env:PackageVersion $version = [string]::Join(".", $v, 0, 3) Write-Output "Creating nuget $nugetName-$version ..." # Copy all files from Git CopyAll $gitWorkTree $tempDir.Fullname # Append extra nuget package file Copy-Item -Path ".\nuget\$nugetName.nuspec" -Destination $tempDir.Fullname Copy-Item -Path ".\nuget\opentelemetry-icon-color.png" -Destination $tempDir.Fullname # Change to temporary directory Push-Location -Path $tempDir.Fullname # Pack the nuget package nuget pack $nugetName.nuspec -Version $version -NoDefaultExcludes Pop-Location $nupkgFileName = "$tempDir\$nugetName.$version.nupkg" Get-Item $nupkgFileName | Copy-Item -Destination "..\packages" }