// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- /* * This file is open source software, licensed to you under the terms * of the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Cloudius Systems, Ltd. */ #ifndef CEPH_MSG_PACKET_H_ #define CEPH_MSG_PACKET_H_ #include #include #include #include "include/types.h" #include "common/deleter.h" #include "msg/async/Event.h" #include "const.h" struct fragment { char* base; size_t size; }; struct offload_info { ip_protocol_num protocol = ip_protocol_num::unused; bool needs_csum = false; uint8_t ip_hdr_len = 20; uint8_t tcp_hdr_len = 20; uint8_t udp_hdr_len = 8; bool needs_ip_csum = false; bool reassembled = false; uint16_t tso_seg_size = 0; // HW stripped VLAN header (CPU order) std::optional vlan_tci; }; // Zero-copy friendly packet class // // For implementing zero-copy, we need a flexible destructor that can // destroy packet data in different ways: decrementing a reference count, // or calling a free()-like function. // // Moreover, we need different destructors for each set of fragments within // a single fragment. For example, a header and trailer might need delete[] // to be called, while the internal data needs a reference count to be // released. Matters are complicated in that fragments can be split // (due to virtual/physical translation). // // To implement this, we associate each packet with a single destructor, // but allow composing a packet from another packet plus a fragment to // be added, with its own destructor, causing the destructors to be chained. // // The downside is that the data needed for the destructor is duplicated, // if it is already available in the fragment itself. // // As an optimization, when we allocate small fragments, we allocate some // extra space, so prepending to the packet does not require extra // allocations. This is useful when adding headers. // class Packet { // enough for lots of headers, not quite two cache lines: static constexpr size_t internal_data_size = 128 - 16; static constexpr size_t default_nr_frags = 4; struct pseudo_vector { fragment* _start; fragment* _finish; pseudo_vector(fragment* start, size_t nr) : _start(start), _finish(_start + nr) {} fragment* begin() { return _start; } fragment* end() { return _finish; } fragment& operator[](size_t idx) { return _start[idx]; } }; struct impl { // when destroyed, virtual destructor will reclaim resources deleter _deleter; unsigned _len = 0; uint16_t _nr_frags = 0; uint16_t _allocated_frags; offload_info _offload_info; std::optional rss_hash; char data[internal_data_size]; // only frags[0] may use unsigned headroom = internal_data_size; // in data // FIXME: share data/frags space fragment frags[]; explicit impl(size_t nr_frags = default_nr_frags); impl(const impl&) = delete; impl(fragment frag, size_t nr_frags = default_nr_frags); pseudo_vector fragments() { return { frags, _nr_frags }; } static std::unique_ptr allocate(size_t nr_frags) { nr_frags = std::max(nr_frags, default_nr_frags); return std::unique_ptr(new (nr_frags) impl(nr_frags)); } static std::unique_ptr copy(impl* old, size_t nr) { auto n = allocate(nr); n->_deleter = std::move(old->_deleter); n->_len = old->_len; n->_nr_frags = old->_nr_frags; n->headroom = old->headroom; n->_offload_info = old->_offload_info; n->rss_hash = old->rss_hash; std::copy(old->frags, old->frags + old->_nr_frags, n->frags); old->copy_internal_fragment_to(n.get()); return n; } static std::unique_ptr copy(impl* old) { return copy(old, old->_nr_frags); } static std::unique_ptr allocate_if_needed(std::unique_ptr old, size_t extra_frags) { if (old->_allocated_frags >= old->_nr_frags + extra_frags) { return old; } return copy(old.get(), std::max(old->_nr_frags + extra_frags, 2 * old->_nr_frags)); } void* operator new(size_t size, size_t nr_frags = default_nr_frags) { ceph_assert(nr_frags == uint16_t(nr_frags)); return ::operator new(size + nr_frags * sizeof(fragment)); } // Matching the operator new above void operator delete(void* ptr, size_t nr_frags) { return ::operator delete(ptr); } // Since the above "placement delete" hides the global one, expose it void operator delete(void* ptr) { return ::operator delete(ptr); } bool using_internal_data() const { return _nr_frags && frags[0].base >= data && frags[0].base < data + internal_data_size; } void unuse_internal_data() { if (!using_internal_data()) { return; } auto buf = static_cast(::malloc(frags[0].size)); if (!buf) { throw std::bad_alloc(); } deleter d = make_free_deleter(buf); std::copy(frags[0].base, frags[0].base + frags[0].size, buf); frags[0].base = buf; _deleter.append(std::move(d)); headroom = internal_data_size; } void copy_internal_fragment_to(impl* to) { if (!using_internal_data()) { return; } to->frags[0].base = to->data + headroom; std::copy(frags[0].base, frags[0].base + frags[0].size, to->frags[0].base); } }; explicit Packet(std::unique_ptr&& impl) : _impl(std::move(impl)) {} std::unique_ptr _impl; public: static Packet from_static_data(const char* data, size_t len) { return {fragment{const_cast(data), len}, deleter()}; } // build empty Packet Packet(); // build empty Packet with nr_frags allocated explicit Packet(size_t nr_frags); // move existing Packet Packet(Packet&& x) noexcept; // copy data into Packet Packet(const char* data, size_t len); // copy data into Packet explicit Packet(fragment frag); // zero-copy single fragment Packet(fragment frag, deleter del); // zero-copy multiple fragments Packet(std::vector frag, deleter del); // build Packet with iterator template Packet(Iterator begin, Iterator end, deleter del); // append fragment (copying new fragment) Packet(Packet&& x, fragment frag); // prepend fragment (copying new fragment, with header optimization) Packet(fragment frag, Packet&& x); // prepend fragment (zero-copy) Packet(fragment frag, deleter del, Packet&& x); // append fragment (zero-copy) Packet(Packet&& x, fragment frag, deleter d); // append deleter Packet(Packet&& x, deleter d); Packet& operator=(Packet&& x) { if (this != &x) { this->~Packet(); new (this) Packet(std::move(x)); } return *this; } unsigned len() const { return _impl->_len; } unsigned memory() const { return len() + sizeof(Packet::impl); } fragment frag(unsigned idx) const { return _impl->frags[idx]; } fragment& frag(unsigned idx) { return _impl->frags[idx]; } unsigned nr_frags() const { return _impl->_nr_frags; } pseudo_vector fragments() const { return { _impl->frags, _impl->_nr_frags }; } fragment* fragment_array() const { return _impl->frags; } // share Packet data (reference counted, non COW) Packet share(); Packet share(size_t offset, size_t len); void append(Packet&& p); void trim_front(size_t how_much); void trim_back(size_t how_much); // get a header pointer, linearizing if necessary template Header* get_header(size_t offset = 0); // get a header pointer, linearizing if necessary char* get_header(size_t offset, size_t size); // prepend a header (default-initializing it) template Header* prepend_header(size_t extra_size = 0); // prepend a header (uninitialized!) char* prepend_uninitialized_header(size_t size); Packet free_on_cpu(EventCenter *c, std::function cb = []{}); void linearize() { return linearize(0, len()); } void reset() { _impl.reset(); } void reserve(int n_frags) { if (n_frags > _impl->_nr_frags) { auto extra = n_frags - _impl->_nr_frags; _impl = impl::allocate_if_needed(std::move(_impl), extra); } } std::optional rss_hash() { return _impl->rss_hash; } void set_rss_hash(uint32_t hash) { _impl->rss_hash = hash; } private: void linearize(size_t at_frag, size_t desired_size); bool allocate_headroom(size_t size); public: class offload_info offload_info() const { return _impl->_offload_info; } class offload_info& offload_info_ref() { return _impl->_offload_info; } void set_offload_info(class offload_info oi) { _impl->_offload_info = oi; } }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Packet& p); inline Packet::Packet(Packet&& x) noexcept : _impl(std::move(x._impl)) { } inline Packet::impl::impl(size_t nr_frags) : _len(0), _allocated_frags(nr_frags) { } inline Packet::impl::impl(fragment frag, size_t nr_frags) : _len(frag.size), _allocated_frags(nr_frags) { ceph_assert(_allocated_frags > _nr_frags); if (frag.size <= internal_data_size) { headroom -= frag.size; frags[0] = { data + headroom, frag.size }; } else { auto buf = static_cast(::malloc(frag.size)); if (!buf) { throw std::bad_alloc(); } deleter d = make_free_deleter(buf); frags[0] = { buf, frag.size }; _deleter.append(std::move(d)); } std::copy(frag.base, frag.base + frag.size, frags[0].base); ++_nr_frags; } inline Packet::Packet(): _impl(impl::allocate(1)) { } inline Packet::Packet(size_t nr_frags): _impl(impl::allocate(nr_frags)) { } inline Packet::Packet(fragment frag): _impl(new impl(frag)) { } inline Packet::Packet(const char* data, size_t size): Packet(fragment{const_cast(data), size}) { } inline Packet::Packet(fragment frag, deleter d) : _impl(impl::allocate(1)) { _impl->_deleter = std::move(d); _impl->frags[_impl->_nr_frags++] = frag; _impl->_len = frag.size; } inline Packet::Packet(std::vector frag, deleter d) : _impl(impl::allocate(frag.size())) { _impl->_deleter = std::move(d); std::copy(frag.begin(), frag.end(), _impl->frags); _impl->_nr_frags = frag.size(); _impl->_len = 0; for (auto&& f : _impl->fragments()) { _impl->_len += f.size; } } template inline Packet::Packet(Iterator begin, Iterator end, deleter del) { unsigned nr_frags = 0, len = 0; nr_frags = std::distance(begin, end); std::for_each(begin, end, [&] (fragment& frag) { len += frag.size; }); _impl = impl::allocate(nr_frags); _impl->_deleter = std::move(del); _impl->_len = len; _impl->_nr_frags = nr_frags; std::copy(begin, end, _impl->frags); } inline Packet::Packet(Packet&& x, fragment frag) : _impl(impl::allocate_if_needed(std::move(x._impl), 1)) { _impl->_len += frag.size; char* buf = new char[frag.size]; std::copy(frag.base, frag.base + frag.size, buf); _impl->frags[_impl->_nr_frags++] = {buf, frag.size}; _impl->_deleter = make_deleter(std::move(_impl->_deleter), [buf] { delete[] buf; }); } inline bool Packet::allocate_headroom(size_t size) { if (_impl->headroom >= size) { _impl->_len += size; if (!_impl->using_internal_data()) { _impl = impl::allocate_if_needed(std::move(_impl), 1); std::copy_backward(_impl->frags, _impl->frags + _impl->_nr_frags, _impl->frags + _impl->_nr_frags + 1); _impl->frags[0] = { _impl->data + internal_data_size, 0 }; ++_impl->_nr_frags; } _impl->headroom -= size; _impl->frags[0].base -= size; _impl->frags[0].size += size; return true; } else { return false; } } inline Packet::Packet(fragment frag, Packet&& x) : _impl(std::move(x._impl)) { // try to prepend into existing internal fragment if (allocate_headroom(frag.size)) { std::copy(frag.base, frag.base + frag.size, _impl->frags[0].base); return; } else { // didn't work out, allocate and copy _impl->unuse_internal_data(); _impl = impl::allocate_if_needed(std::move(_impl), 1); _impl->_len += frag.size; char *buf = new char[frag.size]; std::copy(frag.base, frag.base + frag.size, buf); std::copy_backward(_impl->frags, _impl->frags + _impl->_nr_frags, _impl->frags + _impl->_nr_frags + 1); ++_impl->_nr_frags; _impl->frags[0] = {buf, frag.size}; _impl->_deleter = make_deleter( std::move(_impl->_deleter), [buf] { delete []buf; }); } } inline Packet::Packet(Packet&& x, fragment frag, deleter d) : _impl(impl::allocate_if_needed(std::move(x._impl), 1)) { _impl->_len += frag.size; _impl->frags[_impl->_nr_frags++] = frag; d.append(std::move(_impl->_deleter)); _impl->_deleter = std::move(d); } inline Packet::Packet(Packet&& x, deleter d): _impl(std::move(x._impl)) { _impl->_deleter.append(std::move(d)); } inline void Packet::append(Packet&& p) { if (!_impl->_len) { *this = std::move(p); return; } _impl = impl::allocate_if_needed(std::move(_impl), p._impl->_nr_frags); _impl->_len += p._impl->_len; p._impl->unuse_internal_data(); std::copy(p._impl->frags, p._impl->frags + p._impl->_nr_frags, _impl->frags + _impl->_nr_frags); _impl->_nr_frags += p._impl->_nr_frags; p._impl->_deleter.append(std::move(_impl->_deleter)); _impl->_deleter = std::move(p._impl->_deleter); } inline char* Packet::get_header(size_t offset, size_t size) { if (offset + size > _impl->_len) { return nullptr; } size_t i = 0; while (i != _impl->_nr_frags && offset >= _impl->frags[i].size) { offset -= _impl->frags[i++].size; } if (i == _impl->_nr_frags) { return nullptr; } if (offset + size > _impl->frags[i].size) { linearize(i, offset + size); } return _impl->frags[i].base + offset; } template inline Header* Packet::get_header(size_t offset) { return reinterpret_cast(get_header(offset, sizeof(Header))); } inline void Packet::trim_front(size_t how_much) { ceph_assert(how_much <= _impl->_len); _impl->_len -= how_much; size_t i = 0; while (how_much && how_much >= _impl->frags[i].size) { how_much -= _impl->frags[i++].size; } std::copy(_impl->frags + i, _impl->frags + _impl->_nr_frags, _impl->frags); _impl->_nr_frags -= i; if (!_impl->using_internal_data()) { _impl->headroom = internal_data_size; } if (how_much) { if (_impl->using_internal_data()) { _impl->headroom += how_much; } _impl->frags[0].base += how_much; _impl->frags[0].size -= how_much; } } inline void Packet::trim_back(size_t how_much) { ceph_assert(how_much <= _impl->_len); _impl->_len -= how_much; size_t i = _impl->_nr_frags - 1; while (how_much && how_much >= _impl->frags[i].size) { how_much -= _impl->frags[i--].size; } _impl->_nr_frags = i + 1; if (how_much) { _impl->frags[i].size -= how_much; if (i == 0 && _impl->using_internal_data()) { _impl->headroom += how_much; } } } template Header* Packet::prepend_header(size_t extra_size) { auto h = prepend_uninitialized_header(sizeof(Header) + extra_size); return new (h) Header{}; } // prepend a header (uninitialized!) inline char* Packet::prepend_uninitialized_header(size_t size) { if (!allocate_headroom(size)) { // didn't work out, allocate and copy _impl->unuse_internal_data(); // try again, after unuse_internal_data we may have space after all if (!allocate_headroom(size)) { // failed _impl->_len += size; _impl = impl::allocate_if_needed(std::move(_impl), 1); char *buf = new char[size]; std::copy_backward(_impl->frags, _impl->frags + _impl->_nr_frags, _impl->frags + _impl->_nr_frags + 1); ++_impl->_nr_frags; _impl->frags[0] = {buf, size}; _impl->_deleter = make_deleter(std::move(_impl->_deleter), [buf] { delete []buf; }); } } return _impl->frags[0].base; } inline Packet Packet::share() { return share(0, _impl->_len); } inline Packet Packet::share(size_t offset, size_t len) { _impl->unuse_internal_data(); // FIXME: eliminate? Packet n; n._impl = impl::allocate_if_needed(std::move(n._impl), _impl->_nr_frags); size_t idx = 0; while (offset > 0 && offset >= _impl->frags[idx].size) { offset -= _impl->frags[idx++].size; } while (n._impl->_len < len) { auto& f = _impl->frags[idx++]; auto fsize = std::min(len - n._impl->_len, f.size - offset); n._impl->frags[n._impl->_nr_frags++] = { f.base + offset, fsize }; n._impl->_len += fsize; offset = 0; } n._impl->_offload_info = _impl->_offload_info; ceph_assert(!n._impl->_deleter); n._impl->_deleter = _impl->_deleter.share(); return n; } #endif /* CEPH_MSG_PACKET_H_ */