#!/usr/bin/python ''' A backend for PowerDNS to direct RADOS Gateway bucket traffic to the correct regions. For example, two regions exist, US and EU. EU: o.myobjects.eu US: o.myobjects.us A global domain o.myobjects.com exists. Bucket 'foo' exists in the region EU and 'bar' in US. foo.o.myobjects.com will return a CNAME to foo.o.myobjects.eu bar.o.myobjects.com will return a CNAME to foo.o.myobjects.us The HTTP Remote Backend from PowerDNS is used in this case: http://doc.powerdns.com/html/remotebackend.html PowerDNS must be compiled with Remote HTTP backend support enabled, this is not default. Configuration for PowerDNS: launch=remote remote-connection-string=http:url=http://localhost:6780/dns Usage for this backend is showed by invoking with --help. See rgw-pdns.conf.in for a configuration example The ACCESS and SECRET key pair requires the caps "metadata=read" To test: $ curl -X GET http://localhost:6780/dns/lookup/foo.o.myobjects.com/ANY Should return something like: { "result": [ { "content": "foo.o.myobjects.eu", "qtype": "CNAME", "qname": "foo.o.myobjects.com", "ttl": 60 } ] } ''' # Copyright: Wido den Hollander 2014 # License: LGPL-2.1 or LGPL-3.0 from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser, NoSectionError from flask import abort, Flask, request, Response from hashlib import sha1 as sha from time import gmtime, strftime from urllib.parse import urlparse import argparse import base64 import hmac import json import pycurl import StringIO import urllib import os import sys config_locations = ['rgw-pdns.conf', '~/rgw-pdns.conf', '/etc/ceph/rgw-pdns.conf'] # PowerDNS expects a 200 what ever happends and always wants # 'result' to 'true' if the query fails def abort_early(): return json.dumps({'result': 'true'}) + "\n" # Generate the Signature string for S3 Authorization with the RGW Admin API def generate_signature(method, date, uri, headers=None): sign = "%s\n\n" % method if 'Content-Type' in headers: sign += "%s\n" % headers['Content-Type'] else: sign += "\n" sign += "%s\n/%s/%s" % (date, config['rgw']['admin_entry'], uri) h = hmac.new(config['rgw']['secret_key'].encode('utf-8'), sign.encode('utf-8'), digestmod=sha) return base64.encodestring(h.digest()).strip() def generate_auth_header(signature): return str("AWS %s:%s" % (config['rgw']['access_key'], signature.decode('utf-8'))) # Do a HTTP request to the RGW Admin API def do_rgw_request(uri, params=None, data=None, headers=None): if headers == None: headers = {} headers['Date'] = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", gmtime()) signature = generate_signature("GET", headers['Date'], uri, headers) headers['Authorization'] = generate_auth_header(signature) query = None if params != None: query = '&'.join("%s=%s" % (key,val) for (key,val) in params.iteritems()) c = pycurl.Curl() b = StringIO.StringIO() url = "http://" + config['rgw']['endpoint'] + "/" + config['rgw']['admin_entry'] + "/" + uri + "?format=json" if query != None: url += "&" + urllib.quote_plus(query) http_headers = [] for header in headers.keys(): http_headers.append(header + ": " + headers[header]) c.setopt(pycurl.URL, str(url)) c.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, http_headers) c.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, b.write) c.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, 0) c.setopt(pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5) c.perform() response = b.getvalue() if len(response) > 0: return json.loads(response) return None def get_radosgw_metadata(key): return do_rgw_request('metadata', {'key': key}) # Returns a string of the region where the bucket is in def get_bucket_region(bucket): meta = get_radosgw_metadata("bucket:%s" % bucket) bucket_id = meta['data']['bucket']['bucket_id'] meta_instance = get_radosgw_metadata("bucket.instance:%s:%s" % (bucket, bucket_id)) region = meta_instance['data']['bucket_info']['region'] return region # Returns the correct host for the bucket based on the regionmap def get_bucket_host(bucket, region_map): region = get_bucket_region(bucket) return bucket + "." + region_map[region] # This should support multiple endpoints per region! def parse_region_map(map): regions = {} for region in map['regions']: url = urlparse(region['val']['endpoints'][0]) regions.update({region['key']: url.netloc}) return regions def str2bool(s): return s.lower() in ("yes", "true", "1") def init_config(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--config", help="The configuration file to use.", action="store") args = parser.parse_args() defaults = { 'listen_addr': '', 'listen_port': '6780', 'dns_zone': 'rgw.local.lan', 'dns_soa_record': 'dns1.icann.org. hostmaster.icann.org. 2012080849 7200 3600 1209600 3600', 'dns_soa_ttl': '3600', 'dns_default_ttl': '60', 'rgw_endpoint': 'localhost:8080', 'rgw_admin_entry': 'admin', 'rgw_access_key': 'access', 'rgw_secret_key': 'secret', 'debug': False } cfg = SafeConfigParser(defaults) if args.config == None: cfg.read(config_locations) else: if not os.path.isfile(args.config): print("Could not open configuration file %s" % args.config) sys.exit(1) cfg.read(args.config) config_section = 'powerdns' try: return { 'listen': { 'port': cfg.getint(config_section, 'listen_port'), 'addr': cfg.get(config_section, 'listen_addr') }, 'dns': { 'zone': cfg.get(config_section, 'dns_zone'), 'soa_record': cfg.get(config_section, 'dns_soa_record'), 'soa_ttl': cfg.get(config_section, 'dns_soa_ttl'), 'default_ttl': cfg.get(config_section, 'dns_default_ttl') }, 'rgw': { 'endpoint': cfg.get(config_section, 'rgw_endpoint'), 'admin_entry': cfg.get(config_section, 'rgw_admin_entry'), 'access_key': cfg.get(config_section, 'rgw_access_key'), 'secret_key': cfg.get(config_section, 'rgw_secret_key') }, 'debug': str2bool(cfg.get(config_section, 'debug')) } except NoSectionError: return None def generate_app(config): # The Flask App app = Flask(__name__) # Get the RGW Region Map region_map = parse_region_map(do_rgw_request('config')) @app.route('/') def index(): abort(404) @app.route("/dns/lookup//") def bucket_location(qname, qtype): if len(qname) == 0: return abort_early() split = qname.split(".", 1) if len(split) != 2: return abort_early() bucket = split[0] zone = split[1] # If the received qname doesn't match our zone we abort if zone != config['dns']['zone']: return abort_early() # We do not serve MX records if qtype == "MX": return abort_early() # The basic result we always return, this is what PowerDNS expects. response = {'result': 'true'} result = {} # A hardcoded SOA response (FIXME!) if qtype == "SOA": result.update({'qtype': qtype}) result.update({'qname': qname}) result.update({'content': config['dns']['soa_record']}) result.update({'ttl': config['dns']['soa_ttl']}) else: region_hostname = get_bucket_host(bucket, region_map) result.update({'qtype': 'CNAME'}) result.update({'qname': qname}) result.update({'content': region_hostname}) result.update({'ttl': config['dns']['default_ttl']}) if len(result) > 0: res = [] res.append(result) response['result'] = res return json.dumps(response, indent=1) + "\n" return app # Initialize the configuration and generate the Application config = init_config() if config == None: print("Could not parse configuration file. " "Tried to parse %s" % config_locations) sys.exit(1) app = generate_app(config) app.debug = config['debug'] # Only run the App if this script is invoked from a Shell if __name__ == '__main__': app.run(host=config['listen']['addr'], port=config['listen']['port']) # Otherwise provide a variable called 'application' for mod_wsgi else: application = app