try: import cherrypy from cherrypy._cpserver import Server except ImportError: # to avoid sphinx build crash class Server: # type: ignore pass import json import logging import socket import ssl import tempfile import threading import time from orchestrator import DaemonDescriptionStatus from orchestrator._interface import daemon_type_to_service from ceph.utils import datetime_now, http_req from ceph.deployment.inventory import Devices from ceph.deployment.service_spec import ServiceSpec, PlacementSpec from import CephadmDaemonDeploySpec from cephadm.ssl_cert_utils import SSLCerts from mgr_util import test_port_allocation, PortAlreadyInUse from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError from typing import Any, Dict, List, Set, TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, MutableMapping if TYPE_CHECKING: from cephadm.module import CephadmOrchestrator def cherrypy_filter(record: logging.LogRecord) -> int: blocked = [ 'TLSV1_ALERT_DECRYPT_ERROR' ] msg = record.getMessage() return not any([m for m in blocked if m in msg]) logging.getLogger('cherrypy.error').addFilter(cherrypy_filter) cherrypy.log.access_log.propagate = False class AgentEndpoint: KV_STORE_AGENT_ROOT_CERT = 'cephadm_agent/root/cert' KV_STORE_AGENT_ROOT_KEY = 'cephadm_agent/root/key' def __init__(self, mgr: "CephadmOrchestrator") -> None: self.mgr = mgr self.ssl_certs = SSLCerts() self.server_port = 7150 self.server_addr = self.mgr.get_mgr_ip() def configure_routes(self) -> None: conf = {'/': {'tools.trailing_slash.on': False}} cherrypy.tree.mount(self.host_data, '/data', config=conf) cherrypy.tree.mount(self.node_proxy_endpoint, '/node-proxy', config=conf) def configure_tls(self, server: Server) -> None: old_cert = self.mgr.get_store(self.KV_STORE_AGENT_ROOT_CERT) old_key = self.mgr.get_store(self.KV_STORE_AGENT_ROOT_KEY) if old_cert and old_key: self.ssl_certs.load_root_credentials(old_cert, old_key) else: self.ssl_certs.generate_root_cert(self.mgr.get_mgr_ip()) self.mgr.set_store(self.KV_STORE_AGENT_ROOT_CERT, self.ssl_certs.get_root_cert()) self.mgr.set_store(self.KV_STORE_AGENT_ROOT_KEY, self.ssl_certs.get_root_key()) host = self.mgr.get_hostname() addr = self.mgr.get_mgr_ip() server.ssl_certificate, server.ssl_private_key = self.ssl_certs.generate_cert_files(host, addr) def find_free_port(self) -> None: max_port = self.server_port + 150 while self.server_port <= max_port: try: test_port_allocation(self.server_addr, self.server_port) self.host_data.socket_port = self.server_port self.mgr.log.debug(f'Cephadm agent endpoint using {self.server_port}') return except PortAlreadyInUse: self.server_port += 1 self.mgr.log.error(f'Cephadm agent could not find free port in range {max_port - 150}-{max_port} and failed to start') def configure(self) -> None: self.host_data = HostData(self.mgr, self.server_port, self.server_addr) self.configure_tls(self.host_data) self.node_proxy_endpoint = NodeProxyEndpoint(self.mgr) self.configure_routes() self.find_free_port() class NodeProxyEndpoint: def __init__(self, mgr: "CephadmOrchestrator"): self.mgr = mgr self.ssl_root_crt = self.mgr.http_server.agent.ssl_certs.get_root_cert() self.ssl_ctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT) self.ssl_ctx.check_hostname = False self.ssl_ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE # self.ssl_ctx = ssl.create_default_context() # self.ssl_ctx.check_hostname = True # self.ssl_ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED # self.ssl_ctx.load_verify_locations(cadata=self.ssl_root_crt) self.redfish_token: str = '' self.redfish_session_location: str = '' def _cp_dispatch(self, vpath: List[str]) -> "NodeProxyEndpoint": if len(vpath) > 1: # /{hostname}/ hostname = vpath.pop(0) # / cherrypy.request.params['hostname'] = hostname # /{hostname}/led/{type}/{drive} eg: /{hostname}/led/chassis or /{hostname}/led/drive/{id} if vpath[0] == 'led' and len(vpath) > 1: # /led/{type}/{id} _type = vpath[1] cherrypy.request.params['type'] = _type vpath.pop(1) # /led/{id} or # /led if _type == 'drive' and len(vpath) > 1: # /led/{id} _id = vpath[1] vpath.pop(1) # /led cherrypy.request.params['id'] = _id # / return self @cherrypy.expose['POST']) def oob(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get the out-of-band management tool details for a given host. :return: oob details. :rtype: dict """ data: Dict[str, Any] = cherrypy.request.json results: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.validate_node_proxy_data(data) # expecting name to be "node-proxy." hostname = data['cephx']['name'][11:] results['result'] = self.mgr.node_proxy_cache.oob.get(hostname, '') if not results['result']: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, 'The provided host has no iDrac details.') return results def validate_node_proxy_data(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Validate received data. :param data: data to validate. :type data: dict :raises cherrypy.HTTPError 400: If the data is not valid (missing fields) :raises cherrypy.HTTPError 403: If the secret provided is wrong. """ cherrypy.response.status = 200 try: if 'cephx' not in data.keys(): raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, 'The field \'cephx\' must be provided.') elif 'name' not in data['cephx'].keys(): cherrypy.response.status = 400 raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, 'The field \'name\' must be provided.') # expecting name to be "node-proxy." hostname = data['cephx']['name'][11:] if 'secret' not in data['cephx'].keys(): raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, 'The node-proxy keyring must be provided.') elif not self.mgr.node_proxy_cache.keyrings.get(hostname, ''): raise cherrypy.HTTPError(502, f'Make sure the node-proxy is running on {hostname}') elif data['cephx']['secret'] != self.mgr.node_proxy_cache.keyrings[hostname]: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(403, f'Got wrong keyring from agent on host {hostname}.') except AttributeError: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, 'Malformed data received.') # TODO(guits): refactor this # TODO(guits): use self.node_proxy.get_critical_from_host() ? def get_nok_members(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: """ Retrieves members whose status is not 'ok'. :param data: Data containing information about members. :type data: dict :return: A list containing dictionaries of members whose status is not 'ok'. :rtype: List[Dict[str, str]] :return: None :rtype: None """ nok_members: List[Dict[str, str]] = [] for member in data.keys(): _status = data[member]['status']['health'].lower() if _status.lower() != 'ok': state = data[member]['status']['state'] _member = dict( member=member, status=_status, state=state ) nok_members.append(_member) return nok_members def raise_alert(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Raises hardware alerts based on the provided patch status. :param data: Data containing patch status information. :type data: dict This function iterates through the provided status information to raise hardware alerts. For each component in the provided data, it removes any existing health warnings associated with it and checks for non-okay members using the `get_nok_members` method. If non-okay members are found, it sets a new health warning for that component and generates a report detailing the non-okay members' statuses. Note: This function relies on the `get_nok_members` method to identify non-okay members. :return: None :rtype: None """ for component in data['patch']['status'].keys(): alert_name = f"HARDWARE_{component.upper()}" self.mgr.remove_health_warning(alert_name) nok_members = self.get_nok_members(data['patch']['status'][component]) if nok_members: count = len(nok_members) self.mgr.set_health_warning( alert_name, summary=f'{count} {component} member{"s" if count > 1 else ""} {"are" if count > 1 else "is"} not ok', count=count, detail=[f"{member['member']} is {member['status']}: {member['state']}" for member in nok_members], ) @cherrypy.expose['POST']) def data(self) -> None: """ Handles incoming data via a POST request. This function is exposed to handle POST requests and expects incoming JSON data. It processes the incoming data by first validating it through the `validate_node_proxy_data` method. Subsequently, it extracts the hostname from the data and saves the information using ``. Finally, it raises alerts based on the provided status through the `raise_alert` method. :return: None :rtype: None """ data: Dict[str, Any] = cherrypy.request.json self.validate_node_proxy_data(data) if 'patch' not in data.keys(): raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, 'Malformed data received.') host = data['cephx']['name'][11:], data['patch']) self.raise_alert(data) @cherrypy.expose['GET', 'PATCH']) def led(self, **kw: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Handles enclosure LED operations for the specified hostname. This function handles GET and PATCH requests related to LED status for a specific hostname. It identifies the request method and provided hostname. If the hostname is missing, it logs an error and returns an error message. For PATCH requests, it prepares authorization headers based on the provided ID and password, encodes them, and constructs the authorization header. After processing, it queries the endpoint and returns the result. :param kw: Keyword arguments including 'hostname'. :type kw: dict :return: Result of the LED-related operation. :rtype: dict[str, Any] """ method: str = cherrypy.request.method header: MutableMapping[str, str] = {} hostname: Optional[str] = kw.get('hostname') led_type: Optional[str] = kw.get('type') id_drive: Optional[str] = kw.get('id') payload: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None endpoint: List[Any] = ['led', led_type] device: str = id_drive if id_drive else '' ssl_root_crt = self.mgr.http_server.agent.ssl_certs.get_root_cert() ssl_ctx = ssl.create_default_context() ssl_ctx.check_hostname = True ssl_ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED ssl_ctx.load_verify_locations(cadata=ssl_root_crt) if not hostname: msg: str = "listing enclosure LED status for all nodes is not implemented." self.mgr.log.debug(msg) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(501, msg) if not led_type: msg = "the led type must be provided (either 'chassis' or 'drive')." self.mgr.log.debug(msg) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, msg) if led_type == 'drive' and not id_drive: msg = "the id of the drive must be provided when type is 'drive'." self.mgr.log.debug(msg) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, msg) if led_type == 'drive': endpoint.append(device) if hostname not in # TODO(guits): update unit test for this msg = f"'{hostname}' not found." self.mgr.log.debug(msg) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, msg) addr: str = self.mgr.inventory.get_addr(hostname) if method == 'PATCH': # TODO(guits): need to check the request is authorized # allowing a specific keyring only ? (client.admin or client.agent.. ?) data: Dict[str, Any] = cherrypy.request.json if 'state' not in data.keys(): msg = "'state' key not provided." raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, msg) if 'keyring' not in data.keys(): msg = "'keyring' key must be provided." raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, msg) if data['keyring'] != self.mgr.node_proxy_cache.keyrings.get(hostname): msg = 'wrong keyring provided.' raise cherrypy.HTTPError(401, msg) payload = {} payload['state'] = data['state'] if led_type == 'drive': if id_drive not in[hostname]['status']['storage'].keys(): # TODO(guits): update unit test for this msg = f"'{id_drive}' not found." self.mgr.log.debug(msg) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, msg) endpoint = f'/{"/".join(endpoint)}' header = self.mgr.node_proxy.generate_auth_header(hostname) try: headers, result, status = http_req(hostname=addr, port='9456', headers=header, method=method, data=json.dumps(payload), endpoint=endpoint, ssl_ctx=ssl_ctx) response_json = json.loads(result) except HTTPError as e: self.mgr.log.debug(e) except URLError: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(502, f'Make sure the node-proxy agent is deployed and running on {hostname}') return response_json @cherrypy.expose['GET']) def fullreport(self, **kw: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Handles GET request to retrieve a full report. This function is exposed to handle GET requests and retrieves a comprehensive report using the 'fullreport' method from the NodeProxyCache class. :param kw: Keyword arguments for the request. :type kw: dict :return: The full report data. :rtype: dict[str, Any] :raises cherrypy.HTTPError 404: If the passed hostname is not found. """ try: results = self.mgr.node_proxy_cache.fullreport(**kw) except KeyError: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, f"{kw.get('hostname')} not found.") return results @cherrypy.expose['GET']) def criticals(self, **kw: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Handles GET request to retrieve critical information. This function is exposed to handle GET requests and fetches critical data using the 'criticals' method from the NodeProxyCache class. :param kw: Keyword arguments for the request. :type kw: dict :return: Critical information data. :rtype: dict[str, Any] :raises cherrypy.HTTPError 404: If the passed hostname is not found. """ try: results = self.mgr.node_proxy_cache.criticals(**kw) except KeyError: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, f"{kw.get('hostname')} not found.") return results @cherrypy.expose['GET']) def summary(self, **kw: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Handles GET request to retrieve summary information. This function is exposed to handle GET requests and fetches summary data using the 'summary' method from the NodeProxyCache class. :param kw: Keyword arguments for the request. :type kw: dict :return: Summary information data. :rtype: dict[str, Any] :raises cherrypy.HTTPError 404: If the passed hostname is not found. """ try: results = self.mgr.node_proxy_cache.summary(**kw) except KeyError: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, f"{kw.get('hostname')} not found.") return results @cherrypy.expose['GET']) def memory(self, **kw: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Handles GET request to retrieve specific information. This function is exposed to handle GET requests and fetch specific data using the 'common' method from the NodeProxyCache class with. :param kw: Keyword arguments for the request. :type kw: dict :return: Specific information data. :rtype: dict[str, Any] :raises cherrypy.HTTPError 404: If the passed hostname is not found. """ try: results = self.mgr.node_proxy_cache.common('memory', **kw) except KeyError: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, f"{kw.get('hostname')} not found.") return results @cherrypy.expose['GET']) def network(self, **kw: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Handles GET request to retrieve specific information. This function is exposed to handle GET requests and fetch specific data using the 'common' method from the NodeProxyCache class with. :param kw: Keyword arguments for the request. :type kw: dict :return: Specific information data. :rtype: dict[str, Any] :raises cherrypy.HTTPError 404: If the passed hostname is not found. """ try: results = self.mgr.node_proxy_cache.common('network', **kw) except KeyError: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, f"{kw.get('hostname')} not found.") return results @cherrypy.expose['GET']) def processors(self, **kw: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Handles GET request to retrieve specific information. This function is exposed to handle GET requests and fetch specific data using the 'common' method from the NodeProxyCache class with. :param kw: Keyword arguments for the request. :type kw: dict :return: Specific information data. :rtype: dict[str, Any] :raises cherrypy.HTTPError 404: If the passed hostname is not found. """ try: results = self.mgr.node_proxy_cache.common('processors', **kw) except KeyError: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, f"{kw.get('hostname')} not found.") return results @cherrypy.expose['GET']) def storage(self, **kw: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Handles GET request to retrieve specific information. This function is exposed to handle GET requests and fetch specific data using the 'common' method from the NodeProxyCache class with. :param kw: Keyword arguments for the request. :type kw: dict :return: Specific information data. :rtype: dict[str, Any] :raises cherrypy.HTTPError 404: If the passed hostname is not found. """ try: results = self.mgr.node_proxy_cache.common('storage', **kw) except KeyError: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, f"{kw.get('hostname')} not found.") return results @cherrypy.expose['GET']) def power(self, **kw: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Handles GET request to retrieve specific information. This function is exposed to handle GET requests and fetch specific data using the 'common' method from the NodeProxyCache class with. :param kw: Keyword arguments for the request. :type kw: dict :return: Specific information data. :rtype: dict[str, Any] :raises cherrypy.HTTPError 404: If the passed hostname is not found. """ try: results = self.mgr.node_proxy_cache.common('power', **kw) except KeyError: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, f"{kw.get('hostname')} not found.") return results @cherrypy.expose['GET']) def fans(self, **kw: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Handles GET request to retrieve specific information. This function is exposed to handle GET requests and fetch specific data using the 'common' method from the NodeProxyCache class with. :param kw: Keyword arguments for the request. :type kw: dict :return: Specific information data. :rtype: dict[str, Any] :raises cherrypy.HTTPError 404: If the passed hostname is not found. """ try: results = self.mgr.node_proxy_cache.common('fans', **kw) except KeyError: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, f"{kw.get('hostname')} not found.") return results @cherrypy.expose['GET']) def firmwares(self, **kw: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Handles GET request to retrieve firmware information. This function is exposed to handle GET requests and fetches firmware data using the 'firmwares' method from the NodeProxyCache class. :param kw: Keyword arguments for the request. :type kw: dict :return: Firmware information data. :rtype: dict[str, Any] :raises cherrypy.HTTPError 404: If the passed hostname is not found. """ try: results = self.mgr.node_proxy_cache.firmwares(**kw) except KeyError: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, f"{kw.get('hostname')} not found.") return results class HostData(Server): exposed = True def __init__(self, mgr: "CephadmOrchestrator", port: int, host: str): self.mgr = mgr super().__init__() self.socket_port = port self.socket_host = host self.subscribe() def stop(self) -> None: # we must call unsubscribe before stopping the server, # otherwise the port is not released and we will get # an exception when trying to restart it self.unsubscribe() super().stop()['POST']) @cherrypy.expose def index(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: data: Dict[str, Any] = cherrypy.request.json results: Dict[str, Any] = {} try: self.check_request_fields(data) except Exception as e: results['result'] = f'Bad metadata: {e}' self.mgr.log.warning(f'Received bad metadata from an agent: {e}') else: # if we got here, we've already verified the keyring of the agent. If # host agent is reporting on is marked offline, it shouldn't be any more self.mgr.offline_hosts_remove(data['host']) results['result'] = self.handle_metadata(data) return results def check_request_fields(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: fields = '{' + ', '.join([key for key in data.keys()]) + '}' if 'host' not in data: raise Exception( f'No host in metadata from agent ("host" field). Only received fields {fields}') host = data['host'] if host not in self.mgr.cache.get_hosts(): raise Exception(f'Received metadata from agent on unknown hostname {host}') if 'keyring' not in data: raise Exception( f'Agent on host {host} not reporting its keyring for validation ("keyring" field). Only received fields {fields}') if host not in self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_keys: raise Exception(f'No agent keyring stored for host {host}. Cannot verify agent') if data['keyring'] != self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_keys[host]: raise Exception(f'Got wrong keyring from agent on host {host}.') if 'port' not in data: raise Exception( f'Agent on host {host} not reporting its listener port ("port" fields). Only received fields {fields}') if 'ack' not in data: raise Exception( f'Agent on host {host} not reporting its counter value ("ack" field). Only received fields {fields}') try: int(data['ack']) except Exception as e: raise Exception( f'Counter value from agent on host {host} could not be converted to an integer: {e}') metadata_types = ['ls', 'networks', 'facts', 'volume'] metadata_types_str = '{' + ', '.join(metadata_types) + '}' if not all(item in data.keys() for item in metadata_types): self.mgr.log.warning( f'Agent on host {host} reported incomplete metadata. Not all of {metadata_types_str} were present. Received fields {fields}') def handle_metadata(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: try: host = data['host'] self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_ports[host] = int(data['port']) if host not in self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_counter: self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_counter[host] = 1 self.mgr.agent_helpers._request_agent_acks({host}) res = f'Got metadata from agent on host {host} with no known counter entry. Starting counter at 1 and requesting new metadata' self.mgr.log.debug(res) return res # update timestamp of most recent agent update self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_timestamp[host] = datetime_now() error_daemons_old = set([ for dd in self.mgr.cache.get_error_daemons()]) daemon_count_old = len(self.mgr.cache.get_daemons_by_host(host)) up_to_date = False int_ack = int(data['ack']) if int_ack == self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_counter[host]: up_to_date = True else: # we got old counter value with message, inform agent of new timestamp if not self.mgr.agent_cache.messaging_agent(host): self.mgr.agent_helpers._request_agent_acks({host}) self.mgr.log.debug( f'Received old metadata from agent on host {host}. Requested up-to-date metadata.') if 'ls' in data and data['ls']: self.mgr._process_ls_output(host, data['ls']) self.mgr.update_failed_daemon_health_check() if 'networks' in data and data['networks']: self.mgr.cache.update_host_networks(host, data['networks']) if 'facts' in data and data['facts']: self.mgr.cache.update_host_facts(host, json.loads(data['facts'])) if 'volume' in data and data['volume']: ret = Devices.from_json(json.loads(data['volume'])) self.mgr.cache.update_host_devices(host, ret.devices) if ( error_daemons_old != set([ for dd in self.mgr.cache.get_error_daemons()]) or daemon_count_old != len(self.mgr.cache.get_daemons_by_host(host)) ): self.mgr.log.debug( f'Change detected in state of daemons from {host} agent metadata. Kicking serve loop') self.mgr._kick_serve_loop() if up_to_date and ('ls' in data and data['ls']): was_out_of_date = not self.mgr.cache.all_host_metadata_up_to_date() self.mgr.cache.metadata_up_to_date[host] = True if was_out_of_date and self.mgr.cache.all_host_metadata_up_to_date(): self.mgr.log.debug( 'New metadata from agent has made all hosts up to date. Kicking serve loop') self.mgr._kick_serve_loop() self.mgr.log.debug( f'Received up-to-date metadata from agent on host {host}.') self.mgr.agent_cache.save_agent(host) return 'Successfully processed metadata.' except Exception as e: err_str = f'Failed to update metadata with metadata from agent on host {host}: {e}' self.mgr.log.warning(err_str) return err_str class AgentMessageThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, data: Dict[Any, Any], mgr: "CephadmOrchestrator", daemon_spec: Optional[CephadmDaemonDeploySpec] = None) -> None: self.mgr = mgr self.agent = mgr.http_server.agent = host self.addr = self.mgr.inventory.get_addr(host) if host in self.mgr.inventory else host self.port = port str = json.dumps(data) self.daemon_spec: Optional[CephadmDaemonDeploySpec] = daemon_spec self.agent_response: str = '' super().__init__( def run(self) -> None: self.mgr.log.debug(f'Sending message to agent on host {}') self.mgr.agent_cache.sending_agent_message[] = True try: assert self.agent root_cert = self.agent.ssl_certs.get_root_cert() root_cert_tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() root_cert_tmp.write(root_cert.encode('utf-8')) root_cert_tmp.flush() root_cert_fname = cert, key = self.agent.ssl_certs.generate_cert( self.mgr.get_hostname(), self.mgr.get_mgr_ip()) cert_tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() cert_tmp.write(cert.encode('utf-8')) cert_tmp.flush() cert_fname = key_tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() key_tmp.write(key.encode('utf-8')) key_tmp.flush() key_fname = ssl_ctx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH, cafile=root_cert_fname) ssl_ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED ssl_ctx.check_hostname = True ssl_ctx.load_cert_chain(cert_fname, key_fname) except Exception as e: self.mgr.log.error(f'Failed to get certs for connecting to agent: {e}') self.mgr.agent_cache.sending_agent_message[] = False return try: bytes_len: str = str(len('utf-8'))) if len(bytes_len.encode('utf-8')) > 10: raise Exception( f'Message is too big to send to agent. Message size is {bytes_len} bytes!') while len(bytes_len.encode('utf-8')) < 10: bytes_len = '0' + bytes_len except Exception as e: self.mgr.log.error(f'Failed to get length of json payload: {e}') self.mgr.agent_cache.sending_agent_message[] = False return for retry_wait in [3, 5]: try: agent_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) secure_agent_socket = ssl_ctx.wrap_socket(agent_socket, server_hostname=self.addr) secure_agent_socket.connect((self.addr, self.port)) msg = (bytes_len + secure_agent_socket.sendall(msg.encode('utf-8')) self.agent_response = secure_agent_socket.recv(1024).decode() self.mgr.log.debug(f'Received "{self.agent_response}" from agent on host {}') if self.daemon_spec: self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_config_successfully_delivered(self.daemon_spec) self.mgr.agent_cache.sending_agent_message[] = False return except ConnectionError as e: # if it's a connection error, possibly try to connect again. # We could have just deployed agent and it might not be ready self.mgr.log.debug( f'Retrying connection to agent on {} in {str(retry_wait)} seconds. Connection failed with: {e}') time.sleep(retry_wait) except Exception as e: # if it's not a connection error, something has gone wrong. Give up. self.mgr.log.error(f'Failed to contact agent on host {}: {e}') self.mgr.agent_cache.sending_agent_message[] = False return self.mgr.log.error(f'Could not connect to agent on host {}') self.mgr.agent_cache.sending_agent_message[] = False return def get_agent_response(self) -> str: return self.agent_response class CephadmAgentHelpers: def __init__(self, mgr: "CephadmOrchestrator"): self.mgr: "CephadmOrchestrator" = mgr self.agent = mgr.http_server.agent def _request_agent_acks(self, hosts: Set[str], increment: bool = False, daemon_spec: Optional[CephadmDaemonDeploySpec] = None) -> None: for host in hosts: if increment: self.mgr.cache.metadata_up_to_date[host] = False if host not in self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_counter: self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_counter[host] = 1 elif increment: self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_counter[host] = self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_counter[host] + 1 payload: Dict[str, Any] = {'counter': self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_counter[host]} if daemon_spec: payload['config'] = daemon_spec.final_config message_thread = AgentMessageThread( host, self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_ports[host], payload, self.mgr, daemon_spec) message_thread.start() def _request_ack_all_not_up_to_date(self) -> None: self.mgr.agent_helpers._request_agent_acks( set([h for h in self.mgr.cache.get_hosts() if (not self.mgr.cache.host_metadata_up_to_date(h) and h in self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_ports and not self.mgr.agent_cache.messaging_agent(h))])) def _agent_down(self, host: str) -> bool: # if host is draining or drained (has _no_schedule label) there should not # be an agent deployed there and therefore we should return False if self.mgr.cache.is_host_draining(host): return False # if we haven't deployed an agent on the host yet, don't say an agent is down if not self.mgr.cache.get_daemons_by_type('agent', host=host): return False # if we don't have a timestamp, it's likely because of a mgr fail over. # just set the timestamp to now. However, if host was offline before, we # should not allow creating a new timestamp to cause it to be marked online if host not in self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_timestamp: if host in self.mgr.offline_hosts: return False self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_timestamp[host] = datetime_now() # agent hasn't reported in down multiplier * it's refresh rate. Something is likely wrong with it. down_mult: float = max(self.mgr.agent_down_multiplier, 1.5) time_diff = datetime_now() - self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_timestamp[host] if time_diff.total_seconds() > down_mult * float(self.mgr.agent_refresh_rate): return True return False def _update_agent_down_healthcheck(self, down_agent_hosts: List[str]) -> None: self.mgr.remove_health_warning('CEPHADM_AGENT_DOWN') if down_agent_hosts: detail: List[str] = [] down_mult: float = max(self.mgr.agent_down_multiplier, 1.5) for agent in down_agent_hosts: detail.append((f'Cephadm agent on host {agent} has not reported in ' f'{down_mult * self.mgr.agent_refresh_rate} seconds. Agent is assumed ' 'down and host may be offline.')) for dd in [d for d in self.mgr.cache.get_daemons_by_type('agent') if d.hostname in down_agent_hosts]: dd.status = DaemonDescriptionStatus.error self.mgr.set_health_warning( 'CEPHADM_AGENT_DOWN', summary='%d Cephadm Agent(s) are not reporting. Hosts may be offline' % ( len(down_agent_hosts)), count=len(down_agent_hosts), detail=detail, ) # this function probably seems very unnecessary, but it makes it considerably easier # to get the unit tests working. All unit tests that check which daemons were deployed # or services setup would have to be individually changed to expect an agent service or # daemons, OR we can put this in its own function then mock the function def _apply_agent(self) -> None: spec = ServiceSpec( service_type='agent', placement=PlacementSpec(host_pattern='*') ) def _handle_use_agent_setting(self) -> bool: need_apply = False if self.mgr.use_agent: # on the off chance there are still agents hanging around from # when we turned the config option off, we need to redeploy them # we can tell they're in that state if we don't have a keyring for # them in the host cache for agent in self.mgr.cache.get_daemons_by_service('agent'): if agent.hostname not in self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_keys: self.mgr._schedule_daemon_action(, 'redeploy') if 'agent' not in self.mgr.spec_store: self.mgr.agent_helpers._apply_agent() need_apply = True else: if 'agent' in self.mgr.spec_store: self.mgr.spec_store.rm('agent') need_apply = True if not self.mgr.cache.get_daemons_by_service('agent'): self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_counter = {} self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_timestamp = {} self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_keys = {} self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_ports = {} return need_apply def _check_agent(self, host: str) -> bool: down = False try: assert self.agent assert self.agent.ssl_certs.get_root_cert() except Exception: self.mgr.log.debug( f'Delaying checking agent on {host} until cephadm endpoint finished creating root cert') return down if self.mgr.agent_helpers._agent_down(host): down = True try: agent = self.mgr.cache.get_daemons_by_type('agent', host=host)[0] assert agent.daemon_id is not None assert agent.hostname is not None except Exception as e: self.mgr.log.debug( f'Could not retrieve agent on host {host} from daemon cache: {e}') return down try: spec = self.mgr.spec_store.active_specs.get('agent', None) deps = self.mgr._calc_daemon_deps(spec, 'agent', agent.daemon_id) last_deps, last_config = self.mgr.agent_cache.get_agent_last_config_deps(host) if not last_config or last_deps != deps: # if root cert is the dep that changed, we must use ssh to reconfig # so it's necessary to check this one specifically root_cert_match = False try: root_cert = self.agent.ssl_certs.get_root_cert() if last_deps and root_cert in last_deps: root_cert_match = True except Exception: pass daemon_spec = CephadmDaemonDeploySpec.from_daemon_description(agent) # we need to know the agent port to try to reconfig w/ http # otherwise there is no choice but a full ssh reconfig if host in self.mgr.agent_cache.agent_ports and root_cert_match and not down: daemon_spec = self.mgr.cephadm_services[daemon_type_to_service( daemon_spec.daemon_type)].prepare_create(daemon_spec) self.mgr.agent_helpers._request_agent_acks( hosts={}, increment=True, daemon_spec=daemon_spec, ) else: self.mgr._daemon_action(daemon_spec, action='reconfig') return down except Exception as e: self.mgr.log.debug( f'Agent on host {host} not ready to have config and deps checked: {e}') action = self.mgr.cache.get_scheduled_daemon_action(agent.hostname, if action: try: daemon_spec = CephadmDaemonDeploySpec.from_daemon_description(agent) self.mgr._daemon_action(daemon_spec, action=action) self.mgr.cache.rm_scheduled_daemon_action(agent.hostname, except Exception as e: self.mgr.log.debug( f'Agent on host {host} not ready to {action}: {e}') return down