try: import cherrypy from cherrypy._cpserver import Server except ImportError: # to avoid sphinx build crash class Server: # type: ignore pass import logging import socket import orchestrator # noqa from mgr_module import ServiceInfoT from mgr_util import build_url from typing import Dict, List, TYPE_CHECKING, cast, Collection, Callable, NamedTuple, Optional from import AlertmanagerService, NodeExporterService, PrometheusService import secrets from import IngressSpec from cephadm.ssl_cert_utils import SSLCerts from import CephExporterService if TYPE_CHECKING: from cephadm.module import CephadmOrchestrator def cherrypy_filter(record: logging.LogRecord) -> int: blocked = [ 'TLSV1_ALERT_DECRYPT_ERROR' ] msg = record.getMessage() return not any([m for m in blocked if m in msg]) logging.getLogger('cherrypy.error').addFilter(cherrypy_filter) cherrypy.log.access_log.propagate = False class Route(NamedTuple): name: str route: str controller: Callable class ServiceDiscovery: KV_STORE_SD_ROOT_CERT = 'service_discovery/root/cert' KV_STORE_SD_ROOT_KEY = 'service_discovery/root/key' def __init__(self, mgr: "CephadmOrchestrator") -> None: self.mgr = mgr self.ssl_certs = SSLCerts() self.username: Optional[str] = None self.password: Optional[str] = None def validate_password(self, realm: str, username: str, password: str) -> bool: return (password == self.password and username == self.username) def configure_routes(self, server: Server, enable_auth: bool) -> None: ROUTES = [ Route('index', '/', server.index), Route('sd-config', '/prometheus/sd-config', server.get_sd_config), Route('rules', '/prometheus/rules', server.get_prometheus_rules), ] d = cherrypy.dispatch.RoutesDispatcher() for route in ROUTES: d.connect(**route._asdict()) if enable_auth: conf = { '/': { 'request.dispatch': d, 'tools.auth_basic.on': True, 'tools.auth_basic.realm': 'localhost', 'tools.auth_basic.checkpassword': self.validate_password } } else: conf = {'/': {'request.dispatch': d}} cherrypy.tree.mount(None, '/sd', config=conf) def enable_auth(self) -> None: self.username = self.mgr.get_store('service_discovery/root/username') self.password = self.mgr.get_store('service_discovery/root/password') if not self.password or not self.username: self.username = 'admin' # TODO(redo): what should be the default username self.password = secrets.token_urlsafe(20) self.mgr.set_store('service_discovery/root/password', self.password) self.mgr.set_store('service_discovery/root/username', self.username) def configure_tls(self, server: Server) -> None: old_cert = self.mgr.get_store(self.KV_STORE_SD_ROOT_CERT) old_key = self.mgr.get_store(self.KV_STORE_SD_ROOT_KEY) if old_key and old_cert: self.ssl_certs.load_root_credentials(old_cert, old_key) else: self.ssl_certs.generate_root_cert(self.mgr.get_mgr_ip()) self.mgr.set_store(self.KV_STORE_SD_ROOT_CERT, self.ssl_certs.get_root_cert()) self.mgr.set_store(self.KV_STORE_SD_ROOT_KEY, self.ssl_certs.get_root_key()) addr = self.mgr.get_mgr_ip() host_fqdn = socket.getfqdn(addr) server.ssl_certificate, server.ssl_private_key = self.ssl_certs.generate_cert_files( host_fqdn, addr) def configure(self, port: int, addr: str, enable_security: bool) -> None: # we create a new server to enforce TLS/SSL config refresh self.root_server = Root(self.mgr, port, addr) self.root_server.ssl_certificate = None self.root_server.ssl_private_key = None if enable_security: self.enable_auth() self.configure_tls(self.root_server) self.configure_routes(self.root_server, enable_security) class Root(Server): # collapse everything to '/' def _cp_dispatch(self, vpath: str) -> 'Root': cherrypy.request.path = '' return self def stop(self) -> None: # we must call unsubscribe before stopping the server, # otherwise the port is not released and we will get # an exception when trying to restart it self.unsubscribe() super().stop() def __init__(self, mgr: "CephadmOrchestrator", port: int = 0, host: str = ''): self.mgr = mgr super().__init__() self.socket_port = port self.socket_host = host self.subscribe() @cherrypy.expose def index(self) -> str: return ''' Cephadm HTTP Endpoint

Cephadm Service Discovery Endpoints

mgr/Prometheus http sd-config

Alertmanager http sd-config

Node exporter http sd-config

HAProxy http sd-config

Ceph exporter http sd-config

Prometheus rules

''' @cherrypy.expose def get_sd_config(self, service: str) -> List[Dict[str, Collection[str]]]: """Return compatible prometheus config for the specified service.""" if service == 'mgr-prometheus': return self.prometheus_sd_config() elif service == 'alertmanager': return self.alertmgr_sd_config() elif service == 'node-exporter': return self.node_exporter_sd_config() elif service == 'haproxy': return self.haproxy_sd_config() elif service == 'ceph-exporter': return self.ceph_exporter_sd_config() else: return [] def prometheus_sd_config(self) -> List[Dict[str, Collection[str]]]: """Return compatible prometheus config for prometheus service.""" servers = self.mgr.list_servers() targets = [] for server in servers: hostname = server.get('hostname', '') for service in cast(List[ServiceInfoT], server.get('services', [])): if service['type'] != 'mgr' or service['id'] != self.mgr.get_mgr_id(): continue port = self.mgr.get_module_option_ex( 'prometheus', 'server_port', PrometheusService.DEFAULT_MGR_PROMETHEUS_PORT) targets.append(f'{hostname}:{port}') return [{"targets": targets, "labels": {}}] def alertmgr_sd_config(self) -> List[Dict[str, Collection[str]]]: """Return compatible prometheus config for mgr alertmanager service.""" srv_entries = [] for dd in self.mgr.cache.get_daemons_by_service('alertmanager'): assert dd.hostname is not None addr = dd.ip if dd.ip else self.mgr.inventory.get_addr(dd.hostname) port = dd.ports[0] if dd.ports else AlertmanagerService.DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT srv_entries.append('{}'.format(build_url(host=addr, port=port).lstrip('/'))) return [{"targets": srv_entries, "labels": {}}] def node_exporter_sd_config(self) -> List[Dict[str, Collection[str]]]: """Return compatible prometheus config for node-exporter service.""" srv_entries = [] for dd in self.mgr.cache.get_daemons_by_service('node-exporter'): assert dd.hostname is not None addr = dd.ip if dd.ip else self.mgr.inventory.get_addr(dd.hostname) port = dd.ports[0] if dd.ports else NodeExporterService.DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT srv_entries.append({ 'targets': [build_url(host=addr, port=port).lstrip('/')], 'labels': {'instance': dd.hostname} }) return srv_entries def haproxy_sd_config(self) -> List[Dict[str, Collection[str]]]: """Return compatible prometheus config for haproxy service.""" srv_entries = [] for dd in self.mgr.cache.get_daemons_by_type('ingress'): if dd.service_name() in self.mgr.spec_store: spec = cast(IngressSpec, self.mgr.spec_store[dd.service_name()].spec) assert dd.hostname is not None if dd.daemon_type == 'haproxy': addr = self.mgr.inventory.get_addr(dd.hostname) srv_entries.append({ 'targets': [f"{build_url(host=addr, port=spec.monitor_port).lstrip('/')}"], 'labels': {'instance': dd.service_name()} }) return srv_entries def ceph_exporter_sd_config(self) -> List[Dict[str, Collection[str]]]: """Return compatible prometheus config for ceph-exporter service.""" srv_entries = [] for dd in self.mgr.cache.get_daemons_by_service('ceph-exporter'): assert dd.hostname is not None addr = dd.ip if dd.ip else self.mgr.inventory.get_addr(dd.hostname) port = dd.ports[0] if dd.ports else CephExporterService.DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT srv_entries.append({ 'targets': [build_url(host=addr, port=port).lstrip('/')], 'labels': {'instance': dd.hostname} }) return srv_entries @cherrypy.expose(alias='prometheus/rules') def get_prometheus_rules(self) -> str: """Return currently configured prometheus rules as Yaml.""" cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' with open(self.mgr.prometheus_alerts_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: return