import ipaddress import logging import random import string from typing import List, Dict, Any, Tuple, cast, Optional from ceph.deployment.service_spec import ServiceSpec, IngressSpec from mgr_util import build_url from cephadm import utils from orchestrator import OrchestratorError, DaemonDescription from import CephadmDaemonDeploySpec, CephService logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class IngressService(CephService): TYPE = 'ingress' MAX_KEEPALIVED_PASS_LEN = 8 def primary_daemon_type(self, spec: Optional[ServiceSpec] = None) -> str: if spec: ispec = cast(IngressSpec, spec) # in keepalive only setups, we are only deploying keepalived, # so that should be marked as the primary daemon type. Otherwise, # we consider haproxy to be the primary. if hasattr(spec, 'keepalive_only') and ispec.keepalive_only: return 'keepalived' return 'haproxy' def per_host_daemon_type(self, spec: Optional[ServiceSpec] = None) -> Optional[str]: if spec: ispec = cast(IngressSpec, spec) # if we are using "keepalive_only" mode on this ingress service # we are only deploying keepalived daemons, so there should # only be a primary daemon type and the per host daemon type # should be empty if hasattr(spec, 'keepalive_only') and ispec.keepalive_only: return None return 'keepalived' def prepare_create( self, daemon_spec: CephadmDaemonDeploySpec, ) -> CephadmDaemonDeploySpec: if daemon_spec.daemon_type == 'haproxy': return self.haproxy_prepare_create(daemon_spec) if daemon_spec.daemon_type == 'keepalived': return self.keepalived_prepare_create(daemon_spec) assert False, "unexpected daemon type" def generate_config( self, daemon_spec: CephadmDaemonDeploySpec ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], List[str]]: if daemon_spec.daemon_type == 'haproxy': return self.haproxy_generate_config(daemon_spec) else: return self.keepalived_generate_config(daemon_spec) assert False, "unexpected daemon type" def haproxy_prepare_create( self, daemon_spec: CephadmDaemonDeploySpec, ) -> CephadmDaemonDeploySpec: assert daemon_spec.daemon_type == 'haproxy' daemon_id = daemon_spec.daemon_id host = spec = cast(IngressSpec, self.mgr.spec_store[daemon_spec.service_name].spec) logger.debug('prepare_create haproxy.%s on host %s with spec %s' % ( daemon_id, host, spec)) daemon_spec.final_config, daemon_spec.deps = self.haproxy_generate_config(daemon_spec) return daemon_spec def haproxy_generate_config( self, daemon_spec: CephadmDaemonDeploySpec, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], List[str]]: spec = cast(IngressSpec, self.mgr.spec_store[daemon_spec.service_name].spec) assert spec.backend_service if spec.backend_service not in self.mgr.spec_store: raise RuntimeError( f'{spec.service_name()} backend service {spec.backend_service} does not exist') backend_spec = self.mgr.spec_store[spec.backend_service].spec daemons = self.mgr.cache.get_daemons_by_service(spec.backend_service) deps = [ for d in daemons] # generate password? pw_key = f'{spec.service_name()}/monitor_password' password = self.mgr.get_store(pw_key) if password is None: if not spec.monitor_password: password = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(self.MAX_KEEPALIVED_PASS_LEN)) self.mgr.set_store(pw_key, password) else: if spec.monitor_password: self.mgr.set_store(pw_key, None) if spec.monitor_password: password = spec.monitor_password if backend_spec.service_type == 'nfs': mode = 'tcp' # we need to get the nfs daemon with the highest rank_generation for # each rank we are currently deploying for the haproxy config # for example if we had three (rank, rank_generation) pairs of # (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0) we would want the nfs daemon corresponding # to (0, 1) and (1, 0) because those are the two with the highest # rank_generation for the existing ranks (0 and 1, with the highest # rank_generation for rank 0 being 1 and highest rank_generation for # rank 1 being 0) ranked_daemons = [d for d in daemons if (d.rank is not None and d.rank_generation is not None)] by_rank: Dict[int, DaemonDescription] = {} for d in ranked_daemons: # It doesn't seem like mypy can figure out that rank # and rank_generation for both the daemon we're looping on # and all those in by_rank cannot be None due to the filtering # when creating the ranked_daemons list, which is why these # seemingly unnecessary assertions are here. assert d.rank is not None if d.rank not in by_rank: by_rank[d.rank] = d else: same_rank_nfs = by_rank[d.rank] assert d.rank_generation is not None assert same_rank_nfs.rank_generation is not None # if we have multiple of the same rank. take the one # with the highesr rank generation if d.rank_generation > same_rank_nfs.rank_generation: by_rank[d.rank] = d servers = [] # try to establish how many ranks we *should* have num_ranks = backend_spec.placement.count if not num_ranks: num_ranks = 1 + max(by_rank.keys()) for rank in range(num_ranks): if rank in by_rank: d = by_rank[rank] assert d.ports servers.append({ 'name': f"{spec.backend_service}.{rank}", 'ip': d.ip or utils.resolve_ip(self.mgr.inventory.get_addr(str(d.hostname))), 'port': d.ports[0], }) else: # offline/missing server; leave rank in place servers.append({ 'name': f"{spec.backend_service}.{rank}", 'ip': '', 'port': 0, }) else: mode = 'http' servers = [ { 'name':, 'ip': d.ip or utils.resolve_ip(self.mgr.inventory.get_addr(str(d.hostname))), 'port': d.ports[0], } for d in daemons if d.ports ] host_ip = daemon_spec.ip or self.mgr.inventory.get_addr( server_opts = [] if spec.enable_haproxy_protocol: server_opts.append("send-proxy-v2") logger.debug("enabled default server opts: %r", server_opts) ip = '*' if spec.virtual_ips_list else str(spec.virtual_ip).split('/')[0] or daemon_spec.ip or '*' frontend_port = daemon_spec.ports[0] if daemon_spec.ports else spec.frontend_port if ip != '*' and frontend_port: daemon_spec.port_ips = {str(frontend_port): ip} haproxy_conf = self.mgr.template.render( 'services/ingress/haproxy.cfg.j2', { 'spec': spec, 'backend_spec': backend_spec, 'mode': mode, 'servers': servers, 'user': spec.monitor_user or 'admin', 'password': password, 'ip': ip, 'frontend_port': frontend_port, 'monitor_port': daemon_spec.ports[1] if daemon_spec.ports else spec.monitor_port, 'local_host_ip': host_ip, 'default_server_opts': server_opts, 'health_check_interval': spec.health_check_interval or '2s', } ) config_files = { 'files': { "haproxy.cfg": haproxy_conf, } } if spec.ssl_cert: ssl_cert = spec.ssl_cert if isinstance(ssl_cert, list): ssl_cert = '\n'.join(ssl_cert) config_files['files']['haproxy.pem'] = ssl_cert return config_files, sorted(deps) def keepalived_prepare_create( self, daemon_spec: CephadmDaemonDeploySpec, ) -> CephadmDaemonDeploySpec: assert daemon_spec.daemon_type == 'keepalived' daemon_id = daemon_spec.daemon_id host = spec = cast(IngressSpec, self.mgr.spec_store[daemon_spec.service_name].spec) logger.debug('prepare_create keepalived.%s on host %s with spec %s' % ( daemon_id, host, spec)) daemon_spec.final_config, daemon_spec.deps = self.keepalived_generate_config(daemon_spec) return daemon_spec def keepalived_generate_config( self, daemon_spec: CephadmDaemonDeploySpec, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], List[str]]: spec = cast(IngressSpec, self.mgr.spec_store[daemon_spec.service_name].spec) assert spec.backend_service # generate password? pw_key = f'{spec.service_name()}/keepalived_password' password = self.mgr.get_store(pw_key) if password is None: if not spec.keepalived_password: password = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(self.MAX_KEEPALIVED_PASS_LEN)) self.mgr.set_store(pw_key, password) else: if spec.keepalived_password: self.mgr.set_store(pw_key, None) if spec.keepalived_password: password = spec.keepalived_password daemons = self.mgr.cache.get_daemons_by_service(spec.service_name()) if not daemons and not spec.keepalive_only: raise OrchestratorError( f'Failed to generate keepalived.conf: No daemons deployed for {spec.service_name()}') deps = sorted([ for d in daemons if d.daemon_type == 'haproxy']) host = hosts = sorted(list(set([host] + [str(d.hostname) for d in daemons]))) def _get_valid_interface_and_ip(vip: str, host: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: # interface bare_ip = ipaddress.ip_interface(vip).ip host_ip = '' interface = None for subnet, ifaces in self.mgr.cache.networks.get(host, {}).items(): if ifaces and ipaddress.ip_address(bare_ip) in ipaddress.ip_network(subnet): interface = list(ifaces.keys())[0] host_ip = ifaces[interface][0] f'{bare_ip} is in {subnet} on {host} interface {interface}' ) break # try to find interface by matching spec.virtual_interface_networks if not interface and spec.virtual_interface_networks: for subnet, ifaces in self.mgr.cache.networks.get(host, {}).items(): if subnet in spec.virtual_interface_networks: interface = list(ifaces.keys())[0] host_ip = ifaces[interface][0] f'{spec.virtual_ip} will be configured on {host} interface ' f'{interface} (which is in subnet {subnet})' ) break if not interface: raise OrchestratorError( f"Unable to identify interface for {spec.virtual_ip} on {host}" ) return interface, host_ip # script to monitor health script = '/usr/bin/false' for d in daemons: if d.hostname == host: if d.daemon_type == 'haproxy': assert d.ports port = d.ports[1] # monitoring port host_ip = d.ip or self.mgr.inventory.get_addr(d.hostname) script = f'/usr/bin/curl {build_url(scheme="http", host=host_ip, port=port)}/health' assert script states = [] priorities = [] virtual_ips = [] # Set state and priority. Have one master for each VIP. Or at least the first one as master if only one VIP. if spec.virtual_ip: virtual_ips.append(spec.virtual_ip) if hosts[0] == host: states.append('MASTER') priorities.append(100) else: states.append('BACKUP') priorities.append(90) elif spec.virtual_ips_list: virtual_ips = spec.virtual_ips_list if len(virtual_ips) > len(hosts): raise OrchestratorError( "Number of virtual IPs for ingress is greater than number of available hosts" ) for x in range(len(virtual_ips)): if hosts[x] == host: states.append('MASTER') priorities.append(100) else: states.append('BACKUP') priorities.append(90) # remove host, daemon is being deployed on from hosts list for # other_ips in conf file and converter to ips if host in hosts: hosts.remove(host) host_ips: List[str] = [] other_ips: List[List[str]] = [] interfaces: List[str] = [] for vip in virtual_ips: interface, ip = _get_valid_interface_and_ip(vip, host) host_ips.append(ip) interfaces.append(interface) ips: List[str] = [] for h in hosts: _, ip = _get_valid_interface_and_ip(vip, h) ips.append(ip) other_ips.append(ips) # Use interface as vrrp_interface for vrrp traffic if vrrp_interface_network not set on the spec vrrp_interfaces: List[str] = [] if not spec.vrrp_interface_network: vrrp_interfaces = interfaces else: for subnet, ifaces in self.mgr.cache.networks.get(host, {}).items(): if subnet == spec.vrrp_interface_network: vrrp_interface = [list(ifaces.keys())[0]] * len(interfaces) f'vrrp will be configured on {host} interface ' f'{vrrp_interface} (which is in subnet {subnet})' ) break else: raise OrchestratorError( f"Unable to identify vrrp interface for {spec.vrrp_interface_network} on {host}" ) keepalived_conf = self.mgr.template.render( 'services/ingress/keepalived.conf.j2', { 'spec': spec, 'script': script, 'password': password, 'interfaces': interfaces, 'vrrp_interfaces': vrrp_interfaces, 'virtual_ips': virtual_ips, 'first_virtual_router_id': spec.first_virtual_router_id, 'states': states, 'priorities': priorities, 'other_ips': other_ips, 'host_ips': host_ips, } ) config_file = { 'files': { "keepalived.conf": keepalived_conf, } } return config_file, deps