import logging import json import socket from enum import Enum from functools import wraps from typing import Optional, Callable, TypeVar, List, NewType, TYPE_CHECKING, Any, NamedTuple from orchestrator import OrchestratorError if TYPE_CHECKING: from cephadm import CephadmOrchestrator T = TypeVar('T') logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ConfEntity = NewType('ConfEntity', str) class CephadmNoImage(Enum): token = 1 # ceph daemon types that use the ceph container image. # NOTE: order important here as these are used for upgrade order CEPH_TYPES = ['mgr', 'mon', 'crash', 'osd', 'mds', 'rgw', 'rbd-mirror', 'cephfs-mirror', 'ceph-exporter'] GATEWAY_TYPES = ['iscsi', 'nfs', 'nvmeof'] MONITORING_STACK_TYPES = ['node-exporter', 'prometheus', 'alertmanager', 'grafana', 'loki', 'promtail'] RESCHEDULE_FROM_OFFLINE_HOSTS_TYPES = ['haproxy', 'nfs'] CEPH_UPGRADE_ORDER = CEPH_TYPES + GATEWAY_TYPES + MONITORING_STACK_TYPES # these daemon types use the ceph container image CEPH_IMAGE_TYPES = CEPH_TYPES + ['iscsi', 'nfs', 'node-proxy'] # these daemons do not use the ceph image. There are other daemons # that also don't use the ceph image, but we only care about those # that are part of the upgrade order here NON_CEPH_IMAGE_TYPES = MONITORING_STACK_TYPES + ['nvmeof'] # Used for _run_cephadm used for check-host etc that don't require an --image parameter cephadmNoImage = CephadmNoImage.token class ContainerInspectInfo(NamedTuple): image_id: str ceph_version: Optional[str] repo_digests: Optional[List[str]] class SpecialHostLabels(str, Enum): ADMIN: str = '_admin' NO_MEMORY_AUTOTUNE: str = '_no_autotune_memory' DRAIN_DAEMONS: str = '_no_schedule' DRAIN_CONF_KEYRING: str = '_no_conf_keyring' def to_json(self) -> str: return self.value def name_to_config_section(name: str) -> ConfEntity: """ Map from daemon names to ceph entity names (as seen in config) """ daemon_type = name.split('.', 1)[0] if daemon_type in ['rgw', 'rbd-mirror', 'nfs', 'crash', 'iscsi', 'ceph-exporter', 'nvmeof']: return ConfEntity('client.' + name) elif daemon_type in ['mon', 'osd', 'mds', 'mgr', 'client']: return ConfEntity(name) else: return ConfEntity('mon') def forall_hosts(f: Callable[..., T]) -> Callable[..., List[T]]: @wraps(f) def forall_hosts_wrapper(*args: Any) -> List[T]: from cephadm.module import CephadmOrchestrator # Some weird logic to make calling functions with multiple arguments work. if len(args) == 1: vals = args[0] self = None elif len(args) == 2: self, vals = args else: assert 'either f([...]) or self.f([...])' def do_work(arg: Any) -> T: if not isinstance(arg, tuple): arg = (arg, ) try: if self: return f(self, *arg) return f(*arg) except Exception: logger.exception(f'executing {f.__name__}({args}) failed.') raise assert CephadmOrchestrator.instance is not None return, vals) return forall_hosts_wrapper def get_cluster_health(mgr: 'CephadmOrchestrator') -> str: # check cluster health ret, out, err = mgr.check_mon_command({ 'prefix': 'health', 'format': 'json', }) try: j = json.loads(out) except ValueError: msg = 'Failed to parse health status: Cannot decode JSON' logger.exception('%s: \'%s\'' % (msg, out)) raise OrchestratorError('failed to parse health status') return j['status'] def is_repo_digest(image_name: str) -> bool: """ repo digest are something like "ceph/ceph@sha256:blablabla" """ return '@' in image_name def resolve_ip(hostname: str) -> str: try: r = socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, None, flags=socket.AI_CANONNAME, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM) # pick first v4 IP, if present for a in r: if a[0] == socket.AF_INET: return a[4][0] return r[0][4][0] except socket.gaierror as e: raise OrchestratorError(f"Cannot resolve ip for host {hostname}: {e}") def ceph_release_to_major(release: str) -> int: return ord(release[0]) - ord('a') + 1 def file_mode_to_str(mode: int) -> str: r = '' for shift in range(0, 9, 3): r = ( f'{"r" if (mode >> shift) & 4 else "-"}' f'{"w" if (mode >> shift) & 2 else "-"}' f'{"x" if (mode >> shift) & 1 else "-"}' ) + r return r