Ceph Dashboard ============== Overview -------- The Ceph Dashboard is a built-in web-based Ceph management and monitoring application to administer various aspects and objects of the cluster. It is implemented as a Ceph Manager module. Enabling and Starting the Dashboard ----------------------------------- If you want to start the dashboard from within a development environment, you need to have built Ceph (see the toplevel ``README.md`` file and the `developer documentation `_ for details on how to accomplish this. If you use the ``vstart.sh`` script to start up your development cluster, it will configure and enable the dashboard automatically. The URL and login credentials are displayed when the script finishes. Please see the `Ceph Dashboard documentation `_ for details on how to enable and configure the dashboard manually and how to configure other settings, e.g. access to the Ceph object gateway. Working on the Dashboard Code ----------------------------- If you're interested in helping with the development of the dashboard, please see ``/doc/dev/dev_guide/dash_devel.rst`` or the `online version `_ for details on how to set up a development environment and other development-related topics.